How to: Model a basic 3D Sword in 3Ds Max- (FAST AND EASY)

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welcome in this video I'm going to teach you how to box model a sword from scratch first step I usually like to do when box modeling a sword is well obviously you want to start off with a box it doesn't really matter what size of shape but if this is really your first time making a sword or box modeling a sword for that matter let's just stick with a simple shape like this um let's move its to zero zero zero that just helps it for when we go and use symmetry it'll be easier to make sure that the mirror isn't off let's give two length segments to width segments and three height segments now we well I liked you have to have it on edge faces obviously not but you know that I like to mess on clay we're not doing in a very complicated modelling so clay is nice for this it's easy to see shadows and whatnot and by this point we can easily put it in edible poly first step we want to do is to move these rings here pow right there bring this one about right here now this is going to be a very simple sword it's not going to be very complicated as this is intended to be a simpler tutorial and um next step we're going to make the edges the blade sharp and to do that we're going to want to target well these vertices to the center here it's very straightforward very simple okay now next step we want to highlight these I usually just use slice plane for this step but I actually can't want to try using connect and let's see how that works yeah that worked perfectly so we need to make another segment and we can place it round right here that works perfectly and we're going to go back into our target weld and we're going to want to target weld everything on top to the center vertice and that's what's going to give us a nice pointed shape now you might be thinking well this is 2.8 well that's fine if that's too pointy for you we can easily go into slice plane or whatever cutting method you prefer and I do prefer to do this step as well I do think it's too pointy and slice it no I uh I also do think that this is too high up so let's bring this down a little bit bring this down a little bit that's too much there you go office perfect all right now obviously this is too thick for sword so let's try and skew this down a little bit all right it's much nicer now I don't usually do this step and this is optional but I like to do this with some of my swords here we're going to make the groove I don't know what exactly what it's called but I'm pretty sure swords have them to make them wider there's some rumors that they are made so that when you doused someone force a blood comes out of them easier but it's ready to make the sword lighter we're going to grab these two vertices right here and make another connect now if these are too far apart for your groove that's fine you can place them closer together but for our purposes this is fine and we're going to want to grab these two new polygons and bubblies inward so start by making a zero makes working is a little bit easier and just push it in a little bit you want to go in too far or else a might collide with the other one and that's how we get that groove I think it looks really nice for a video game I'm not really sure I mean it it doesn't add too many more Poly's but you want to be careful but this looks fine usually good texture artists can give a sword this effect without adding the polygons but since we want our models to look nice we'll add it in anyways and if you would like you can bring these ones down to alright so that's a blade we got the blade super easy I'm not going to worry about the backside um okay let's raise this just a matched edge flow there we go alright so next step is to make the guard which is it can be a little tricky it's a box modeling method by it works just fine we're going to start off by beveling this two edge pieces right here should be under the two triangles if you don't have this shape then right here then you forgot line segment at the beginning but that's fine I'm gonna grab these two box pieces right here and we're going to bevel these okay well obviously it's gonna have to be local number not local normal because I okay why is it doing this Oh duh sorry about that um yeah you can make this shape whatever you want but I'm gonna go with a curved shape there you go and that looks fine bring that in a little bit rotate this a little bit forward so if you can hear my music by the way I'm not gonna turn it off alright that looks fine next up is also optional but since we want this to look nice I'll go ahead and do this anyways I'm not sure if this will work with kynect but let's give it a shot but you said it once yeah yeah yeah it worked but we're going to want to yeah here this is just purely optional this you don't want this what we're going to do is make this curve in it'll look really nice so now that we have it it has a very nice little curve at the bottom it's fairly simple still haven't used any other pieces now if you want to like have spikes or something then you probably should go and start using other shapes but for our basic sort shape we can do this purely with box modelling now at this point we can use symmetry because using the grip one thing I would say that box modeling method for swords lacks is making the grip is kind of tricky and I'll omit that even I myself haven't found the best method for it and yes I like to just use one viewport so deal with it now I say it's tricky just because you end up getting these odd shapes here at the at the grip and sometimes these shapes are a little undesirable I think that'll work yeah well you find uh so we're going to bevel this again except not what that happen actually that does look a little skinny okay it looks that looks that's fine except we don't want to drop all the way down we'll have um one here now okay if you want this keep this no Polly just don't add any polygons to the grip but again for our purposes since we want this to look kind of nice we'll add them anyways so there now that's a fairly balanced grip now to make this round whether or not you want to be round I like them to be round oops I was holding my macro key we're just going to grab all these vertices right here bring it outwards up hold up except this one and I want that one maybe see like I said I have not found the perfect method for making a grip yet so I'm here um should we cut another one I don't know sure let's let's bring this one up well be using more polygons and it'll still look fine now obviously for a game we would want this to be as low poly as possible so we probably would not ever add grooves to the grip unless the sword was a display per say of the actual sword that will be used by a character like something you would see floating in an inventory selection screen or something then you might just make it look nice because you know you use a pause you don't want there if it's just a menu screen we're going to do the same to the front ones if you want a actually I'm just going to leave those now now you I'll use them I will use them let's bring these out a little bit so as you can see that that's rounded somewhat sit right perfectly no but at this point we do want to add in our symmetry layer and hopefully you know how to do this if you don't it's fine just go to our modifier list scroll all the way down symmetry right there let's start with the x-axis make sure that the mirror is on zero zero it is and since we can see that it's perfect we can collapse all go down symmetry again let's go to Y claps all again now you can put it in both symmetries at the same time and collapse at the same time but it doesn't really matter whichever way you prefer so there we go that is a very nice grip in my opinion now for the grooves yes Alan's forgot now I only have two right here but so we can only have one now you can cut in as many groups as you want but I mean you really don't need them it just makes a sword look a little bit more shape full I guess more organic or wherever you might call it there we have it now for the pummel the final last last thing we're going to be making on our sword the puddle now the pummel can take up more polygons and we may desire but I usually like to have a round shape and it it's fairly simple we're just going to bubble this outwards make this zero always I just like starting on zero makes it easier let's give it a nice round shape cylindrical shape here mmm there we had how let's just stretch us out a little bit yeah that that this definitely works as a pummel it's not a very fancy pummel but you know it's fine so there we have it a very simple sword it's not too complicated simple it works now if this were textured it could look very nice now of course we could continue to bevel in and add our own shapes if you want it's untextured right now of course but you understand the point now this would probably be fairly acceptable as far as I know I'm not a professional if you can't tell I'm just a kid learning 3d modeling and I decided to share what I know so do not take me as a professional if you want to learn as I learned I would recommend going to game institute comm and buying just our cheapest course which is just 50 dollars and you can learn a lot all right you can learn a lot like seriously I'm talking entire like years of college information all right in front of you you can learn programming unit III modeling story character modeling you can learn so much and in my opinion is the best way to learn so there we have it a two-handed sword very simple you can keep modeling yours if you desire but this will do thanks for watching
Channel: BMR Williams
Views: 80,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk 3ds Max (Award-Winning Work), Three Dimensions, Midevil Sword, How to make a sword, 3ds max tutorial, Sword Tutorial, Box modeling Tutorial, How to make a sword in 3ds max, low polly sword
Id: DzBTcDY3_Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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