Battle Sword | Blender Beginners Tutorial | Part 1

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so welcome to part one of making this epic sword in blender we're gonna be using blender 2.91 and i'm going to be going step by step so part one which is this one we're going to be going through the whole modeling process i'm going to be explaining it as clearly as i can and then in part two i'll actually do the materials and we'll set up the lighting i'll show you where you can get some of these cool free textures online and um just go for that whole process so if you think this is something that you would like keep watching and if it's helped you please like and also subscribe i do appreciate that and i am making these models available on my patreon as well so that's enough said let's get started with part one open up a new scene in blender we'll go ahead and select all the default objects in the scene hit x and delete so let's start by going to our front orthographic view you can do that by hitting one on your number pad but i'm going to go shift a to bring up our add options here we're going to go to the mesh drop down and we're gonna go down and add in a cylinder to get started so go to the mesh cylinder with the cylinder here selected we're gonna tab into edit mode by hitting the tab key we're still in the front of graphic view and with all of this geometry selected if it's not just double tap a or to deselect or select it and then you can go r x 9 0 and hit enter so we've now rotated it 90 degrees on at the x axis so get back into your front orthographic view and what we're going to do now is we're going to go to the modifiers tab we're going to go to add modifier and we're going to give this a mirror modifier now what we want to do is we actually want to think about what access we want to mirror this on so in this case we don't want to be mirroring on the x we're going to be mirroring on the y so let's come over here to the mirror we're going to take the x here and disable it and enable the y axis we're now going to go g and y and we're going to move this forward in fact if you hit free to go into your right orthographic view so hit free go to right off the graphic view and if you go g y you can see you're moving it under y so we're moving it this way towards our left and they want to come here and enable clipping and then we're going to go g y and move them together so they clip together so now if we hit ga we move this you can see they're fused together so move them in about this much and then what we're going to do is we're going to hit z to go into wireframe deselect everything and then click here and just drag and select all of these back vertices to select that face hit x and delete that face so now that face is gone so now we're gonna just do some basic modeling so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to our face select option click on it then select this face over here then we're gonna hit i to insert it so hit i and we're going to insert it to about here then we're going to hit e to extrude and we're going to extrude it in then we're going to hit i again to insert it then we're going to hit e to extrude out to here and then s to scale it down like that and then hit i to insert it in a little bit move it to about here and then e to extrude it in like that and then s to scale that face while it's still active so just like that they're going to go to our edge select option and we're going to go shift alt hold those two in and then click on the edge here and it's going to loop select this edge then if we go ctrl b or command b we can actually create a bevel so we're going to bevel it like that just like that and now we're going to tab out of edit mode into object mode and what we need to do also is go to our modifiers and smooth this out but if we were to actually give this a subdivision surface modifier it's going to smooth everything out like this in a way we don't want so what we're going to do is first of all on top of this mirror here or underneath it i should say we're going to come and add a bevel modifier so you can see underneath the mirror there's a bevel we need to come here to the limit method and make it angle and now if we control this amount over here we can control the bevel size so this is completely up to you but i'm going to go with a bevel size of 0.015 and i'm going to come here to segment and increase that so just to make this a little bit tighter on the edges a little bit more rounded out and you can mess around with this angle but freddy should be okay and then on top of that we're gonna add a subdivision surface modifier go to object mode and enable shades move so now that kind of fixes that issue for us so now we have these three nicely lined up so this bottom part is now done we're now going to start making the actual handle that you hold on to so in our front of graphic view we're going to go shift a we're going to add in a cylinder and with a cylinder here we're going to tap into edit mode and you can see this little orange dot there that's your origin point so we're going to go g z and move all of this up onto that tilt that bottom face is resting on that little orange dot it doesn't have to be exact then we're going to tab out of edit mode and we're going to go g z and move this up till it's sitting about there you can hit c go into wireframe if it helps then you're going to go s to scale this down to about that much then you're going to go hit free you're going to write orthographic view and then you're going to go s y and scale it in on the y like that so just like that you can see what we're doing go back into edit mode go to your face select and select this top face go into your front orthographic view again and then you're going to go g z and move it up to about here it can really um vary depending on what you're going for i'm just going to go up to about here and then i'm going to hold s just to scale it up a little bit so just s to scale it up a bit with that face still selected i'm going to hit x and delete that face and i'm going to wireframe select this bottom face here hit x and delete that face so now we have this over here what we might also have to do is just go back to the edge select shift alt click on the edge here to loop selected and then go s y and just flatten this a little bit more in the y just like that so now we have that done we can actually get into making the handle part here order the bar at the top here so just tab out of edit mode and also just give this guy while it's selected this handle just go to object mode and enable shades move so now we're gonna go shift a we're going to add in a cube g z roughly move it to the top here so go ahead and click on your modifiers here go to add modifier and give this guy a mirror modifier and then we're going to tab into edit mode with all of the selected we're going to go g x and move it over to the side that is still in our front orthographic view enable clipping and then just make sure to select face mode select the face in here hit x delete that face a to select everything and then g x move them together until they fuse and then we'll go s z to flatten it like this so just for now with a thickness like that go to your front your right orthographic view by hitting three on your number pad and then go s y and scale it down onto y like that so now we have to start up our handle here so what we need to do is select this face here and i'm going to go s y and scale it down under y and then back in our front office graphic view hit one to go into front of graphic view that face there still selected or active we're gonna go e to extrude and we're gonna go r to rotate that face and then g to move it up to about there and then we're gonna maybe just rotate it like this maybe yeah just like that and then we're gonna go e to extrude one more time and then we're gonna go s z and scalar down under z like that and then you can go ctrl plus to go to selection so we only have this selected and in your find orthographic you can move this around and try some different approaches to this so you can try bringing this up a bit it really just depends on what theme or what style you like maybe you like a little bit sharper looking a little bit shorter a little bit more up i don't know just try whatever works for you so i'm going to go something just like that and then once i'm done i'm going to select this face over here enable proportional editing and then if i go s y and i scale this down into y and i roll my middle mouse button i can control the fall off so i'm going to just scale that down and you can see the rest of it goes along so i'm going to scale down until it's a bit more pointy then i'm going to disable it so you can see this is what we have but at the moment we want to clean up some of the sharpness so go to edge select shift alt and click on this edge to loop selected and then go ctrl b to bevel so ctrl b to create a bevel and then roll your middle mouse button to add in more segments just like that and you can select this edge here if you want loop selected ctrl b and just bevel that as well so that's looking pretty cool so now we're going to tab out of edit mode this is looking way too sharp so let's go to our modifiers and on top of the mirror here we're going to add in a bevel and i'm going to come here to the limit method once again make it angle so it's just looking at the angle here where it's going to apply it and you can mess around with this amount so i'm going to just decrease the bevel size a little bit just like that maybe a bit smaller just experiment and increase the segment count to round that out as you can see and then go to object mode and enable shades move so now we can see it doesn't look sharp on edges it looks nice and smooth and polished and that's exactly what we want and we don't actually have to add a subdivision surface modifier on top of this you can just keep it as it is that should be fine so that's looking really cool so what we're going to do now is we're going to make the actual blade so to make the blade can be a little bit tricky but it's not really so just follow along and you kind of see what i'm getting at so what we're going to do once again is work with a cube and we're going to mirror it so let's go shift a let's just add in a cube and we're going to go g z and just move it up till it's sitting on top of the blade there and we're going to go um s in fact let's just go into edit mode first so in edit mode we're gonna go s y to flatten it a bit like this and we're gonna go g z and just move it up until the bottom is kind of sitting on there like that so nothing too complicated let's give this a mirror modifier and let's go g x and move it over on the x grab this face over here so go to face select select this face hit x and delete face enable clipping which is going to allow these edges to merge hit a to select them and then go g x and move them in and they're going to merge together we're going to move it into about this much now this also really depends on the blade you're going for you can customize this a little bit you might want a little bit of a wider sword but just try and be realistic with it i'm going to go to something that's just a little bit wider than the base of the handle here then we're going to get this top face here and this is where it's getting interesting so we're going to go e to extrude that up and the length of your sword is up to you so i'm going to go with something like that and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go g x and i'm going to move that top face in until it's a bit pointier about that much not too much and then i'm going to go e to extrude one more time up to about here and i'm going to go g x and move that face in like that let's make it a bit point here but at the moment the sword is way too thick so what we're going to do is with that face still selected we're going to hold in shift select this face and this face and this way so these faces are all selected and then we're going to go s and we're going to go y i'm going to scale them down on the y to flatten them so s y and keep going s y just until they're really really sharp and then we're going to go deselect everything and i'm going to hover over one of these corners here with these edges so just zoom in and just hover over one of these edges here of your cursor and go control r you can see a yellow line appearing so control r double click to add in a cut or an edge and then with that edge still active you can see it's active all along here you're going to go alt s and scale that out along the normal so alt s not s but alt s and just bring that out to sharpen it make it look like a really sharp edge and now we're going to hit free to go into the right orthographic view go to vertex select and select this vertex here holding and shift select this one so just these two here like that and i'm going to go s just to scale them down until the sword is much flatter and that's how you make a sword just like that so that's how you make the actual blade part to tab out of edit mode and with this one here we're not even going to give it a smooth shading or anything we're going to leave it as it is but what you might want to do is come to the top here in edit mode just grab the very top vertex and go g z and just bring it up like this just to sharpen it out a bit so now you have a nice sharp sword with the appropriate profile and you can see it here so that's a nice blade to your sword there but what we want to do as well is add just a little thing around here that you sometimes see on swords just to hold it in the source we're going to select the blade just go to edit mode go to your face select here and then holding and shift and alt click on the edge here so just an edge and that's going to loop select these faces down here you're going to go shift d to duplicate them right click to let go and then alt s and you're going to scale that out along the normals so alt s so just like that and then you can go s z to scale it down into z about this much and then g z bring that all down and then we're going to hit p with that still selected we're going to separate by selection hit tab to go into object mode again and then select this as a new object so it's now its own object and let's give that a subdivision surface modifier and bump up the levels in the viewport go to object mode and enable shades move so just like that tab into edit mode go to your face edge select shift alt click on edge here e to extrude and then s to scale in just a little bit and then e to extrude again and then s to scale all the way in like that then i want to come over here to an edge control r you can see a yellow line double click double g and just slide that up to tighten that edge up so now we have this part here done so now there's one more thing we can make to really well two more things we're going to get second thing so we're going to make a little decorative part down here you don't have to do this it's optional but i like doing it so all we need to do is simply just go shift a add in a cube g z bring it down a bit and then tab into edit mode go into wireframe and then scale it down just bring it down like this hit free to go into right orthographic view and then go s y and just flatten it on the y a bit go back into your front view and just select these bottom vertices here and then go s x and scale them along the x and you can kind of just bring the whole thing down this is really kind of one of those things that um it doesn't have to be exactly like i'm doing it but just experiment with some different styles but it's just a little bit like this at the bottom which is just simply made out of a cube and what you can do once you're happy with the shape you can actually just simply add in some decoration so let's go to our face select option here and we're going to select this face here holding shift we're going to select the face of the back then we're going to hit i to insert it so hit the i key and they're both going to insert a little bit and with them both still selected we're going to hit e to extrude right click to let go and then we're going to go alt s and we're going to just scale them in it'll happen to both of them at the same time so alt s and just bring it in like that you can see it happens on the other side as well alt s both at the same time tab out of edit mode and let's give this a bevel modifier make the limit method angle and then come to the amount here and just mess around over till it's right and bevel size you're looking for just move it out just give it some more segments go to object mode and make sure it enables shades move so there you have the bottom part done just deselect it and our sword is almost done we're really getting close to finishing but there's one more thing we can add that's really going to make this look cool that's kind of like the lever strapping here now you could weave it which should be a bit complicated but i come up with a simple way to kind of make it look like lever strapping but it's not really so let's select the handle here tab into edit mode and we're going to do is come to our edge select hover over one of these edges and go ctrl r you can see a yellow line appearing double click double g to slide it down to the bottom and if that edge still selected we're going to go control b to bevel roll your middle mouse button down to make sure you don't have any cuts in the middle so just like this so about that size and then once it's done you're going to go shift d to duplicate it right click to let's go and if that's still active you're going to go alt s and you're going to scale it out along the normals just a little bit like that and now we're going to make it its own object so we're going to hit p and we're going to separate by selection tab out of edit mode in object mode we're going to now select this new object tab into edit mode of that guy and what we're going to do now is we're going to go with our edge select still enabled we're going to go shift alt click on this top edge to loop selected i'm going to s to scale it down a bit and i'm going to hit a to select everything here i'm going to go g z and bring it down to about here and then we're going to hit z to go into wireframe deselect everything and then we're going to go to our vertex select option i'm going to click here and just drag and select these four vertices like this enable the proportional editing hit g and then z and just move that up to bend it and you can roll your middle mouse button down to decrease the fall off so bringing that up to about there just like that and that should be enough for now and what we're going to do now is we're going to deselect this the proportional falloff we're going to hit a to select all of this and we're going to go shift d to duplicate and z and we're going to move it up to about here and then we're going to see what it looks like when we go to our right view that all looks okay and let's do that again shift d z and move it up shift d z and move it up in fact once you do that you make that operation you can actually hit shift r to repeat that action so i'm just going to do that i'm going to hit shift r a few times to repeat that action all the way to the top only downside is when we get to the top here it starts intersecting here on the sides because the handle gets wider so all we simply have to do to fix that is select the very top loop of vertices here or edges enable proportional editing again then go s x and scale it along the x and just roll the proportional editing up to make it a bit bigger and then go to your right orthographic view and go s y and scale it on the y just a little bit and that's it now we have that part done but to make it look really cool we can go and give it a solidify modifier and then bring this thickness up or down whatever you need to to make it look thicker so you can see it gives it some solidity so just something like this and then on top of that we're going to give it a bevel modifier make the limit method angle and bump the segment count up to 2 or free and then on top of that we're going to add a subdivision surface modifier go to object mode and enable shades move so now we have this looks like really cool lever strapping it just really is a nice decorative kind of looking um feature to the sword instead of just having like a plain boring handle so that's how i made that part so here we have it now a finished sword and you can add all sorts of little embellishments and details if you wish but i'm going to leave it at this for now it's the modeling done so what we're going to do now in part 2 is we're going to start adding in our materials and textures doing some really special kind of lighting messing around a bit until we get a really beautiful sword render that you can be proud to show to anybody so that's going to be part two check it out on my channel
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 37,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9, Blender 2.91, Blender 2.92, Blender tutorials for beginners, Blender Guru, Blender art, Blender Animations, Blender software, Epic sword in blender, Blender sword, how to make a sword in Blender 2.91, Blender swords, Make a sword in Blender, Blender sword tutorial
Id: 7UK-g9j3S0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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