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good afternoon guys and welcome to episode 4 of the beginner welding series in this week's episode we're going to do some MIG welding welcome back guys and for those of you that are new to the channel and have maybe haven't been following along with this series I'll put a link up above so you guys can catch up to speed but for now let's get to welding alright so with our machine plugged in to a dedicated outlet the next thing we're going to do is turn on the gas bottles and what you want to do with these this is c25 gas and with these tanks you want to open the tank up all the way and I set the CFH to 20 with the machine trigger pulled so in other words when I pull the trigger and gas is flowing through the mid gun this will drop down and that'll be at 20 so now with all our safety gear we've got our helmet glasses respirator some gloves and we got a couple test pieces so we got to set up the welder next so we got to figure out what we're working with from material so great thing about this this is an awesome little tool this is a gauge to tell you the material thickness that you're working with so that way you'll know what to set the Machine up at so this right here is 8-inch angle and we'll go to the eighth inch scale and there it is so that confirms that we're going to be welded on Ethan's material or 125 thousandths so we'll go over the welder pop up our nice lid we go to steel we are using C 25 gasps I've got thirty thousand wiring up and ate them do you see it keep going and keep going keep going so it's going to be between 10 and 12 gauge because you've got 105 five thousands in 1/35 so we know the first setting is going to be four and it's going to be between 40 and 50 so four and forty five so set it for four we'll go to forty five that's gonna get us real close in the range where we need to be are you guys so now we've got a welder all set up now this leads me to the next step and that's going to be welding well I thought back to what did I struggle with when I first started welding you know what is what are the things that really confused me or what are the learning curves that I had to deal with so the easiest way for me to explain this to you about how to weld properly is probably how to not work properly and the great thing about MIG welding is is that you can almost tell by the sound of what you're doing whether it's right or wrong so you you have the sound combined with the results and that'll tell you kind of what if you're doing it right so what we're going to do is is we're gonna start out welding and we're gonna have our wire feed speed set to fast so we've already got the welder set up within the range that we think it should be or according to the chart and that was for in 45 for the 8 inch material that we're working with so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start out with a wire feed speed that is way fast then I will bring you in and I'll show you what that bead profile looks like and then we'll go to the opposite end of the spectrum and show you what it looks like and what it sounds like when the bead when the wire feed speed is too slow then I'll bring in and show you what that looks like so the happy medium between those two too fast or too slow would be just right and then you'll be able to see what a bead that is done just right looks like so without being said we've got our respirator our gloves our safety glasses our welding mask we've got our coffee that's probably almost the most important thing we can have is the coffee you got to have that and so let's get going alright guys so that I can talk to you I'm gonna risk my health and not wear my mask that's right you guys are causing me to risk my health No I should be wearing a mask but I'm just gonna do some quick welds here so and I want to be able to talk to you I like to wear my safety glasses underneath my welding hood that way if I need to transfer from welding to grinding I can just easily flip my hood up and I've already got my protection on so and I was thinking good idea to do that but that's that's just my personal opinion so to recap this is going to be wire feed speed to fast Wow so did you guys hear that like popping it's called stubbing it's me bringing in so that was a really fast wire speed so it was just putting out way too much wire you guys could hear it popping and it's called stubbing basically the wire is coming out through the MIG gun faster than it can apply itself to the material and just look at the weld there's nothing that looks right about that you see how it's all globby and it just doesn't look good this is gonna be slow wire feed speed and another thing you should get into is always trimming back your wire in between weld passes yourself a set of MIG pliers super handy that you can use them to take the tip off the gun and turn the wire back and mix better now we have the complete opposite that's a real slow wire feed speed you see how the bead is very like bulbous looking it's thin and it's splotchy that's because there is not enough wire feed speed it's not putting down the material evenly or fast enough all right this is going to be the recommended travel speed for the wire now be listening to the difference between what we started out with too fast and then what it sounds like too slow and what it's gonna sound like now and it should sound like frying bacon is what it's often described as that's the correct wire speed feet or recommended settings that's when we were welding it with a to slow wire feed speed and the back side is the to fast wire speed feed so now that we've got a general idea of what it sounds like and what it looks like when you're traveling out the proper wire feed speed and the proper amperage the next thing comes to mind is is how do I hold it you know how do I hold the actual torch itself do I drag it do I push it what's the tilt angle and what is the action that you do those are all learning curves that that you got to kind of overcome and it does take practice to figure this out let's talk about dragging meaning you're going in this direction or pushing which means you're going in that direction so dragging your you know this is a way that I find it easy to explain it or when I was learning of how it worked so think of the wire that comes out of this gun is water so it's squirting water out of it okay so if you're working with Flex core meaning that you don't have any gas it the the flux is in the wire flux core produces slag well a saying is that if it produces slag then you drag so meaning you would be facing the torch away from where you're welding so you'd be dragging the torch along this way and the theory behind that is is the simple reason so you don't trap you are slag inside of your weld and it creates porosity so but that's all you really need to know so just picture that water is coming out of the if it has slag you drag that's not to say that you can't drag when you're using c25 gas I probably do it equally I probably drag as much as I push and there's just in there's no rhyme nor reason I honestly I can't explain why I would do one over the other I would obviously always drag if it has slag but I don't I don't know it's usually just kind of positioning where I'm at yeah it might if it's easier for me to to see and for me to go in this way then I will if it's if I'm in a tight spot and it's easier for me to go this way and push forward I will maybe I dragged a little bit more than I push but so tour tangle let's talk about that let me bring the camera down so it's a little bit closer and you guys can see it from maybe like two points of view because that can be kind of confusing all right so let's say I wanted to join these two pieces together okay so we'll slide those together like that that's what I stole that's still hot hey guys when you weld on metal it gets hot just FYI okay so we want to weld that so this direction okay you are gonna be right in between you're gonna be right in between both pieces okay you're not gonna be think of it again as water spraying out you're not gonna spray the water more on that piece then you would spray it on that piece you're gonna spray it evenly down the middle of that joint okay there's also a little technique we're gonna do but let's first things first so side to side tipping it for this joint you're not gonna go that way more then you're gonna go that way you're gonna go right down the center of that joint okay so now that we know this angle now we got to talk about this angle okay so now I'm gonna bring you 90 degrees of where you are right now now we go to determine this angle okay do we need to be like that like that we've already determined that angle okay so if this is perfectly up-and-down okay if that's perfectly straight I'd say maybe that's about 15 degrees that's that's the angle that I would well that right there about 15 degrees right here okay let me get you above me and I'll show you the action or the movement that I would make to weld this alright do you guys remember back in the stick welding episode where I talked about the weapon pause technique with 6011 rod well those skills that you build into that kind of play into a little bit to this okay so so now that we know our our angles this way in this way okay you don't just squirt it right down the center there's a little bit of an action and it's kind of a whip and pause okay so you're gonna hold a little bit of heat on this side jump it over to the other side come on I'm gonna exaggerate this I'm gonna exaggerate my movements up you see how I'm going ahead a little bit but I'm going back I'm going ahead a little bit and going back going ahead a little bit and going back going ahead a little bit and when I cause I'm pausing on the outsides of the corners I'm pausing on this plate and I'm pausing on this okay okay so now that you guys are familiar with holding the torch at the proper angle now what we got to do is talk about stick what's called stick out so that is how far away the metal wire is sticking out at the end of the MIG gun and how far you're holding that away so I say for me that works best I hold it probably not much more than a quarter of an inch away ever so for me probably the maximum that I would hold it away is probably something like that and if you're holding it out here hold it out here you're gonna hear it because it's gonna do the same thing as a fast wire feed it's gonna start stubbing it's gonna make that dip that that sound so hold it about a quarter of an inch away that's a good rule of thumb and you'll hear it if you hold it too close it's gonna sound sputtering if you hold it too far away it's gonna sound sputtering it's one of those things that you're gonna be able to hear it and you're just gonna say oh that sounds like it's running really smooth at that distance I am away and that's what you want to run it you see it's not it's not globule the nice smooth bead it's not dug in too deep to the sides in it's not too proud so it looks like it has good-good fusion alright so one of the things that I do while the welder is still hot and warm is I like to cut the little BB off the end of the MIG wire right there so I cut that off and I cut that off flush to the nozzle then I pull the nozzle off exposing just the tip and I wipe that all off get that all cleaned up any spatter or anything that's on that I like to get rid of that then I take a rag and I push it down through the end of the nozzle and clean out any crap that might be in there put it back on your MIG gun and say it's still warm give it a that's how I do it give it a dunk in your nozzle jelly and off you go now you're all ready to use it next time around and it's all clean you won't have to do anything there won't be any spatter in there and it'll be all ready to go and when you're done coil everything up make sure you shut your bottle off don't forget about that be ashamed for you to come down the next day into the workshop and see that your gauge is on zero because all your argon or your C 25 drained oh that would be terrible eighty-five dollars right atmosphere so guys those are just a few tips but nothing is really gonna substitute you going out there and putting your hands on this stuff in just actually getting time in the seed of welding that's really what it takes if you could get the fundamentals down in the basics like I've explained to you today just go out there and weld you'll know what looks kind of strange and what doesn't and as you're doing it the the more you do it the just like with anything the better you're gonna get so I hope you enjoyed this time it was a lot of fun to do if you have any questions leave them down in the comments thank you guys for watching have a good day until the next one see ya oh and I'll leave a link down below of all the stuff amusing see ya [Music]
Channel: Brandon Lund
Views: 703,436
Rating: 4.7691779 out of 5
Keywords: welding, fabricating, MIG, TIG, stick, flux cored arc welding, flux core welding, GMAW, GTAW, SMAW, FCAW, cutting torch, flame, torch, wire feeder, welder, weld, cut, metalwork, metal, steel, shop, tutorial, how to weld, how to MIG weld, how to wire weld, learn, education, diy, how to, procedures, procedure, mig welding, mig welder, learn to weld, flux core welder, flux core welding for beginners, fcaw, hobart welder, mig welding tips, learn to mig weld, how to mig weld, do it yourself
Id: G8HZHg7NIk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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