How to measure and cut angles for baseboard, crown moulding, etc

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welcome to sawdust and wood my name is Chris today I'm going to teach you how to find inside and outside angles and how to transfer that to cut baseboards or crown molding or any other trim material you need to cut you I want to walk y'all over to the miter saw and show y'all exactly what I'm doing when I say let's say for instance I have a 90 degree angle it's acute and I know I need to 45 degree cuts so right here is right on the zero that's a perfect right angle so when I want to cut a 90 degree corner I need two 45s so I just rotate over so I get to 45 and it locks in I take my boy down on my cut hold it tight against the back right here really tight if you don't hold it tight and flush and to push it down your minors are not gonna be good and tight if you got any bit of play out with the wood at the woods leaning like this your minors are not gonna match up good so if you have any issues check these two things I'll make one 45 on this side and I would swing all the way back over at the 45 degree here this is our first practice piece we can pretend this is a wall corner and we need to cut trim to go around around it so I have my angle finder zeroed out hold it straight and now we read zero now I come around to angle I'm gonna show you what it's reading 90.1 all right so I know my angle is 90 points one the point ruling is insignificant so we'll call a ninety degree angle and that's what all your wall corners should be sometimes they're off a little bit business so ninety ninety degrees so any angle 90 degrees or less is an acute angle not a to make the cuts for that you just divide that number by two and set your soul on that so for ninety it would be a forty five cut and another forty five cut degrees so set my soul to 45 degrees and I'm gonna make one cut then swing it over to my other 45 degrees so what idea was I cut two 45-degree cuts to make it 90 alright so I have my two cuts let's see how accurate it was so this would be your baseboard you would line up you would line it up just like this get out the light so you can see and there you go that's a 90 degree angle split about 245 degrees all right so let's recap what we just did we had we measured our angle there's 90.1 you can take that point one off and you got a 90 degree angle 90 degrees divided by two equals 45 any angle 90 degrees or less is an acute angle all right all we go to our next angle now let's do the inside let's do the inside corner here's your wall running here and you need to put some trim on the inside so I got my angle finder already laid out on there and it is reading 110 degrees on that angle so in just two ways now this is an obtuse angle because it's 90 degrees or more I'm gonna show you two ways to figure out your cuts on a tus angle 110 divided by 2 equals 55 90 minus 55 equals 35 35 degrees on your miter saw there's another way to do it two angles 110 you put 180 divided about 110 equals 70 70 divided by 2 equals 35 now depending on who you talk to who you watch one person may do they use this way to do the math and one person may use this way to do the math but they all come up to the same so 110 degree angle is obtuse and the angle is obtuse you can use either one of these two math formulas to figure it out let's go over alright so over on the miter saw we determine it we need to 35 degree cuts for the 110 degree angle so I'm gonna move my saw over to 35 degrees get it here lock it in place 135-degree cut now I'm just gonna cut it in half and moving on so 35 degrees again on the other side now this should fit our angle to 35 degree cuts let's go check it out all right we're back to our angle now I got a to 35 degree cuts I'll put one in place the other one in place and as you can see it's a perfect fit all right let's come over to our third angle and it's another two sangil and out of the four angles we're gonna cut today I picked three of them to be obtuse just because people normally struggle and have a lot more questions without two singles so let's see what we reading on our angle find I've already got it there we are reading 135 degrees so now remember there's two ways to do the math five to sango's here is the first way 180 minus 135 equals 45 45 divided by 2 equals 22.5 or 135 divided by 2 equals 60 7.5 90-60 7.5 equals 22.5 let's go over and cut this alright so we determine we had 135 degree angle we did the math we know that 135 is obtuse we know we need to 22.5 degree miter cuts to make that work they're gonna be inside cuts by the way because we're doing inside corners I forgot to mention that in the previous step to the second miter we cut so 22.5 on my saw and I said this in my other video if you watched before it at 22.5 is a common setting to 22.5 cuts let's go to see how it works all right back at all make fort in wall right here I'll take my first piece 22.5 get it right in place take my other piece 22.5 and we will fit it in place and they fit perfect you can't get both hands on it cuz I'm holding the camera one am but matters too perfect miters to complete that angle here's the math again both ways that I come up with that cut all right we all until a final angle a fourth angle and I'm sure y'all know how to cut obtuse and acute angles at this point let's do one more angle just to make sure y'all got it got my angle finder on this angle and this is an inside angle 125 degrees so I already did the math for us let's go over to math remember there's two ways to do it here is the first way 125 degrees divided by two equals sixty two point five 90 minus sixty two point five equals twenty-seven point five that's your cutter you might have saw twenty seven point five the way is 180 minus 125 equals 55 55 divided by two equals twenty seven point five same cut on the miter saw now let's go make those cuts so we had a hundred [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just cut the piece in half I'm gonna go to the other side twenty seven point five degrees to twenty seven point five degree cuts let's go see how it measures up all right we're back to wall make for ten wall ankle take the first twenty seven point five degree cut put it in take the second one man comes out perfect you thanks for watching today I hope everyone learn how to cut up juice and acute angles on a miter saw now you ready to lay baseboards crown molding anything with angles that you need to do remember for acute angles 2/2 and it'll give you your cut on a miter saw for example if it's an 80 degree angle divide that by 2 it's 40 degrees to 40 degree cuts when you might have saw on our 2 sangil's use the 2 math formulas I showed y'all and there's nothing to it just remember something you could do this get out there get some wood in your hand get your saw and let's cut some angles thanks for watching please subscribe and drop a like [Music]
Channel: Sawdust and Wood
Views: 1,478,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inside angles, outside angles, acute angles, obtuse angles, miter saw, angle finder
Id: zoDNKneoM3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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