How to MASTER Tileable Terrain Textures in UE5

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today I show you how to get your landscape to the next level with styleable textures this very powerful Shader works with as little as one texture but there's almost no repetition visible to the player so let's get started so let's hop right into it as you can see that's my little Twain ignore the shiny part but if you fly over it we can see texture reputation that's normal even if I'm using a tidable texture this one over here normal Crystal Mega scans texture at some point you will see the tiling that's normal there isn't much you can do about it that's how tile will textures work in this case it's this little white I guess leaf or dot or no it's it's a leaf so that looks really annoying and yeah just not good but there is a way to fix this well there are multiple ways you could do a Vertex paint you can mix multiple textures but if for some reason you only want to use one texture you could blend it with noise and some offsets and I'll show you how you can do this so let's switch the material and right now we have the same material but if we zoom out let me fly up a little bit you can see all these dark patches and brighter patches and that's basically Some Noise which will help us blend the texture it if you look really closely you still can see some tiling but if we are at this height and play our game it's really hard to see and I show you how you can set up a Shader like this so here we can control everything it's distance placed if you wanted to you don't have to but if I enter like a 1000 here let's search for a spot like so and let's maybe make it 100 so if we change the numbers you can see at the little which here the blending is working and here you can change to far amount the tiling you can also just change the micro tiling so the macro tiling is this little green stuff here let's put it on one or let's put it on 0.01 to make it really big obviously it's a little bit too big and you have a lot of other stuff to play around with so you can change the color let's put it on wet and if we now look in the distance everything in the distance will be tinted wet let's revert this we can also obviously change the color of the micro detail itself let's make it um blue and now we have some blue micro variation so that's a really powerful Shader and let's open the Shader I show you how to construct it it looks complicated but as always I give you the Shader in the description you just need to copy paste it change the textures and then you can use it so here we have the Shader it's basically macro variation some near some near distance some color variation in it some far distance and then we have the pixel offsets which is going into a loop and this Loop is combining the far at near and in the end everything will end up in a multiply which will go into the base color obviously you can use this with more than one texture you will need to rearrange it a little bit and change some values but this will work no problem so here we have detiling texture coordinates and this is the macro variation I'm using for for the offset that texture is included in Underwood engine you can use everything you want you just need a really random looking texture because in the end we want something if we zoom out again real quick we want something to break up the tiring and the more random this is the better it works so here we have our texture in different sizes on different scales this will go into the noise contrast so you can change the contrast if you want if we change the contrast in the Shader so if we change the contrast to 0.01 obviously is it's really contrasty which can look good if you want it but I would put mine to 0.5 or maybe 0.6 or 0.7 to just give it some really slight change maybe put eight five maybe something like this and that's where you can control the contrast from the noise if needed so let's go back in the Shader that's the first thing you need that will be multiplied with the um with the near and far distance control and here we have the micro tiling so you have your Albedo texture a tint texture so that's the one we can change here which will go into the loop here we have color variation so a different color to have some wake up then that's the blend note which is using the same macro variation and under far we have our Albedo again same for here and we also have the tint and the variation tint and again the blend for the um for the offset or not for the offset 4D for the variation here we have the macro texture again and then we have the distance control so at which point the texture blend will appear or disappear and that gets locked together so multiply multiply and the wet channel into a loop same here and both Loops go into another loop and this one goes into multiply or where we feed the love from the noise contrast in and when everything is locked and multiplied together we put it in the base color here I have the normal map and the ordb map so occlusion roughness and displacement which is set up like this and that's the whole Shader so I give it to you you just need to let me show it how it works you just need it and then you copy the code open the Shader graph Ctrl V and there you will have your Shader you just need to change the video texture the normal and the ordp map and then you can use it because this one doesn't need to be changed if you're using starter content this is included in your engine so this Shader will give you to win a little bit more realistic look I would suggest use more than one texture use two or three normally you get the best blend with about three textures two will work I mean even one works as you can see and if you want some nice looking two way like not this hand-painted stuff maybe some proper realistic height map you can just import into unhool engine and get some really nice looking terrain you really should check out this video where I'll show you how you can download and import height Maps into unwill engine to have some really good bass for your to wane
Channel: The Triangle Forge
Views: 5,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine, unreal engine 5.3, unreal engine 5.3 graphics, unity, unity developers, ue5, unit problems, unreal engine 5 demo, unreal engine 5.1, ue5 next gen, unreal engine 5 lumen, unreal engine 5 nanite, unreal engine 5 new features, unreal engine 5 next-gen, unreal engine 5 beginner, ue5 tutorial, nanite, game development, unreal engine 5 graphics, unreal engine 5 beginner game, unreal engine 5 simple beginner tutorial, 3d modeling, rendering, ue5.2, quixel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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