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without this tool you're wasting your time in unhe engine I'm not joking stick around and I'll show you the best time-saving tool you can get and it doesn't matter if you are new to un engine or a professional you always want to save time so welcome to my empty test scene I don't have anything in here the only thing I will add is ultra dnamic sky on the blueprints I just Dr and drop it give it a second to load and same for the weather system and that's everything I'm doing I put weather on clear and let's just zero them out all real quick I want to create just a little um not really a forest environment but um some Forest ground with some closeup shots maybe a hero asset just to show you while Dash is such a time saer and to start Dash I just click the little a in the top left corner um right off the select mode just hit it and we get this fancy looking interface you could use Dash and full screen mode by hitting f11 and you don't need to touch your outliner I think for maybe just some project settings um but you don't really need it you can use it in full screen mode I leave it like that for the moment um first of all we need some kind of terrain so we could use our normal um landscape tool created to way you can use a plane whatever you want to use and the cool thing is we can just create a Terrain by typing it into Dash so if you type to Twain and hit enter we now have a Twain awesome easy thanks for watching see you next time and then we have our Terin generator so we can change whatever we want in this Terin if we go to vof frame mode and just maybe dou subdivisions we now have six subdivisions but I think I think three is fine for the moment and we can change the scale of the terrain if we put that on 10 that thing gets really large you can also let me make it a little bit smaller again and go back into our normal normal view we can curve it more so the edges that could be really helpful if we want to let's say we have some lower angle shots and we want to to hide the infinite um yeah had the infinite Sky Box um I don't really care about it right now so I think one is fine for me but we can add some turbulence in the terrain like so and we can say how high they should be like so but that's a little bit a little bit much and you can control the midpoint and change the seat of the toin all of that cool and fancy stuff but right now it's pretty empty and let me close the to generator we want to add some some color to it and for that we just just go into the um content editor I make sure mine is on Mega scans mode Mega scan mode and hit the little folder go to surface and let's just look for forest and let's use this texture okay that was a bit quick so so we have high quality and highest quality these are the little buttons you can switch to Quality levels and I use ties quality and you just can drop it on the terrain and then boom it's that easy for scale let's just quick create a cube and put it on the ground maybe scale it up a little bit and if I look from here I would change the tiling and that's the really cool stuff you don't need to play want with a material instance with a material you just let's say this window isn't here just click your Terin click the color pallet and now you're in the edit material you just go under tiling and my feeling says five would be right let's see five and that looks way better I would say maybe even six or seven but let's leave it on six and now you can still play around with the normal map make it make it stronger um turn it off completely if you want for Mega scans I normally use 8 or .9 because they are quite strong you can change to roughness I put that on 7.8 and brightness saturation if you want to be blind after creating a Terin you put that on five if you hate color completely you put that on zero you can do whatever you want and it's so much faster than using um instances materials the normal unhee engine stuff I'm convinced this is the future of working with unhee it's it's really fast and you can also enable a completely separate dirt layer just to break up the tiling because right now obviously we have only one material I'm pretty sure you can just blend multiple together but right now we don't need that and you can just enable dirt you can enable snow and I don't need any snow or dirt so I'm fine with that and let's delete our Cube and right now our scene is a little bit empty so I said we go for something Forest like and I would say we need some assets for that and for that I just go into the content manager again plans and then we have different plants or these are the plant I downloaded if you starting out with Dash and you did didn't download anything you just hit these three points open quixel bridge and then well what a Wonder Bridge Bridges opening and if we go in Bridge and look for foliage um 3D plants and let's say just some ground cover maybe no not a crowberry let's use this one this looks generic looks like a good filler asset highest quality download so now it's downloaded and before we had 18 now we have 19 so which is sending that stuff over or let's say Dash is looking for it and now we have our little plant here to put it in our scene we can just drag and drop it obviously we want more than one plant and we just hold control and drag and drop it and then hit skatter here and give it a second to do its magic and look at that we have a lot of plants and now we have some nice looking foliage beautiful and I need to be a little bit careful here because obviously I'm also recording and um let me make the terrain a little bit smaller yeah like so on one that should be fine I don't need so much space because I'm just creating a small scene and if I click the foliage and click click the one two button I come back into my um settings so here we have the scale Minimax scale if we compare it to the ground it is a little bit off I would put that on0 2 and that on let's say 0.5 but then we want a lot more of them and then we have a ton more settings noise scale that is a really nice one if you have over it you also get some um tool tips if the value is bigger than zero switch randomly scaling to Simplex noise Bas scaling so you have a noise effect which is um helping with the scale with the random scale of the foliage which is super useful you have a surface align you have a sync you have random sync and let's put that on one so they are just a little bit in the ground you can again change the seat to whatever you want and get a completely different result and then we have future masking future masking rotation properties you have so much stuff noise mask so if we go into the noise mask yeah like so 4.3 we can create some um nice breakup so it's not so even on the terrain and then you can also adjust the the scale of the breakup the um noise scale parameters all of that cool stuff and object masking and proximity mask we will cover in a second because that's really cool so first let's create a camera and for that we don't need to go like here and then cinematics and Cinema actor la la la la la la la we just go in our bar Hit camera done boom and here we also have a ton of options so let's go a little bit longer I think I will have the final angle like this somewhere um but I want to go for let's say 80 mm let's go a little bit back apure 2.8 um should be fine let's see where our focus is yeah it's coming okay the only thing I'm missing in this system is um if you create a c un engine we have a dwar debug plane so that's a little purple plane you can enable this option and it shows you where your focus is that would be a nice to have like just a debug plane so you know where the focus is and I know I want to go for something for for that angle I know aperture of 2.8 um is good so I have some nice um blur in the background and in the foreground and even even in here we can just play around with postprocessing color correction you can even use gradients adjust how much of the gradient you want you can add film grain you can add so much stuff I leave it like this for the moment and right now I want to change the time of day so I just go for let's say let's say two roughly 2 in the afternoon or I can just um see what looks nice that is a interesting shot something like this could be interesting and I think we need to place a hero asset here and maybe use a little bit more foliage on the ground so let me exit the camera and dock it real quick so I have I still have the oh where is it I still have the preview what the camera sees I could open um a new view for that but there is no need because you guys can't see it and I just leave it like that and right now let's think what we could use as a hero asset I'm a fan of jery can I have no idea why I just like to use them and I'm pretty sure we have some or we had some at at epic games let's see Joey can yeah it's a little a it's a little bit boring um let's download it let's see what we also can use we could and then we want some I don't know I want something industrial so I think these wet barrels could work let's download them and see how they perform in our little test scene and as always Dash also uh Dash already have everything imported so let's oh let's close forest and search for was so I have my Jerry can H let's try it out let's drag it in the scene give it a second to compile the textures by the way I didn't really cover how to move stuff if you just hit quick help uh the arrow you get a real nice instruction on how to interact rotate scale all of that stuff and now I need to reenable the game mode so I can find my camera and it's about here let me look through the camera right click pilot okay so we are getting somewhere let's put that guy down however um this scale is not really wi at the moment let's put it on two but it's just a test scene so it should be fine I mean it's something let's try out the r barrels so I just just hop out of the camera again just drag and drop them so let's place our barrel and hop back into the camera let's hit G real quick so we can get rid of the grid I feel that one oops I feel that one should be laying and I think we need to scale down the plants a little bit so let's go back into the plants Min scale let's use 01 [Music] Max scale. three but let's generate more that's a little bit too much 0.9 yeah that could work so right now I just want to change the angle of the Sun or let's say the time of day I like that one so I feel that time of day and let's put that one here that time of day and that angle could work really good let's click on my camera and go back in the settings because obviously we are not really focused make it like this let's see what gradients we have I feel where is it that one is quite interesting let's put it on 2 3 like so I mentioned a mask before so a huge problem with foliage interacting with objects is I hope you can see stuff like this here foliage clipping into the asset well it makes sense because that's how the footage system works but Dash has a really smart way around that so we just click on the foliage enter our settings and so a smart way to get withth of foliage close or inside our mesh is use the proximity mask you can also use object masking um but uh let's try that one first so I just hit the object I want to include hit the plus and as you can see the foliage inside the Jerry can is now gone and here we can control the distance so how close can the foliage get as you can see if I put it on zero it's again inside how close can folage grow to the object and uh here you can use the sampling weight so how precise this um distance is and then you also have object masking which um can be also inverted so if you want to have something in the basket like foliage growing in a basket you can for instance invert uh not invert um keep inside so it's inverting the um the effect but for our use proximity mask works perfect let's do the same here I'm still in the in a foliage mode so here you always can see um the name on what you're working common hemp nettle and I just go proximity mask and add this object and now the foliage between these two is gone if I move my object for instance it's updating so that's why um it's taking a second to move it but then it's um updating the radius around the objects I think I leave it like that just want to play around a little bit with the light sometimes yeah evening shots look really good maybe something like that and if I go back into the camera I could um go under postprocessing and un is always lacking a little bit of sharpening so I put that on one and it's look at that I mean it looks awesome how Cris build is it's so good maybe a little bit of a film grain and I don't want any Bloom color correction that's also nice so we can play a little bit with the contrast so let's say you want to save the shot how pretty easy you just click the little three bars on top high resolution screenshot um normally I use a multiplier of two try to stay under six because then you get quite intense images capture and here we have um yeah some screenshots I did before that one was from the test environment and that one we just built and keep in mind that was really slow because I was explaining a lot of stuff to you you can pump that stuff out and maybe 5 minutes so Dash is so powerful and if if you are getting into environment art try it out I think there is even a free trial version and check out this video where I explain how the physics tool Works in dash because that is really useful if you want to simulate realistic wobble piles stuff like that so give it a look and I'll see you guys in the next video take care bye-bye
Channel: The Triangle Forge
Views: 3,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d artist, 3d artist portfolio, megascans, best websites for materials and textures, best websites for textures, withpoly, poliigon, polyhaven,, ambientcg, cgbookcase, quixel, free pbr,, quixel mixer, quixel megascans, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, epic games, unreal, ue5, game dev, game development, game engine, unreal engine 5.3, unreal engine 5.2, unreal engine 5 games, unreal engine 5 graphics, unreal engine 5 tutorial, 3d artist career
Id: cEESx5x3Czg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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