In Depth Understanding Biga % For Pizza Dough

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now it's time to make the [Music] Biga  in the past Biga was only for bread and then some people from Naples start to  put it on the pizzas it actually work out why using biga biga is to give a nice  Aroma nice flavor nice texture on the pizza [Music] hello guys from I'm super excited  today I mean take a look I'm very very excited take a look this is 100% pizza dough with Biga  but like the title say I cannot mess it up here we have 100% versus 20% of pizza dough with  biga mean the pizzas are cooking in electric oven take a look give it a little shout out but make sure  you watch until the end to see the difference and make sure to smash the like subscribe and  share this video this is going to be in deep understanding why and how much bigger we need to  put in the door and for what we going to how much biga are we going to put what is that ? for why would we put 100% watch this video Until the End and but that's it go ahead and let's start  from the beginning and now it's time to make the bigger and explain you in deep what's biga biga  is like the Polish a prefermented dough and it's to make the fermentation or laminant process  but why using biga biga is to give a nice Aroma nice flavor nice texture on the pizza is not to  make the pizza nice puffy it's to make the pizza more fragrant because you're giving more times it  becomes more strong that's why people use the Biga in the past Biga was only for bread and then some  people from Naples start to put it on the pizza start to test it on the pizza it actually work out  because it gives more flavor it gives more Aroma gives more color it's a series of things if you  want a Neapolitan pizza nice with a puffy cross that's the way to go this is what you need to make  the big up 2 kilos of z z flour or zero flour 10 G of dry yeast go ahead and put it in the flour VOA  mix the yeast the dry yeast and the flour and now one liter of cold water that's all you need to  make the bigger little by little put the water and one end you mix guys pay attention we don't  want to create the gluten so we don't want to mix the do one end you're just going to do this  this movement up and down up and down until all the flour will be integrated with everything we  don't want to see any flour around remember one thing we have to calculate the water one lit water  10 pizzas 2 L water 20 pizzas so what I'm doing here is I'm lifting it up and then I'm pressing it  I'm lifting it up and pressing it you can go ahead and use two ends it's much easier you want to make  sure you don't want to have all this little flow so the goal is to make this that's the texture we  want for the bigger the big is ready let me show you how it looks like there's the bigger now put  all in one piece and let's see what we got to do so now let's go ahead grab a plastic wrap close  it make sure you seal it okay now pay attention you know this is the biggest perfect look at this  it's very very important the timing so we keep the door 1 hour at room temperature and then we leave  it in the fridge 24 to 48 hours I always suggest 48 hours in the fridge two days if you're new and  you're watching this video go ahead and check out my other 600 videos everything about the pizza I  want to be focused on the pizza no secret let put this baby asleep and here we go guys 48 Hours is pass by and it's been like a few days for real not not a joke let me show you first the biger like you can  see didn't grow that much but you can see from the bottom there is a full of air let's start with  the 20% 20% of Biga is we have to take out from here 600 G so which is 200 mL of water 400 G of  flour 3 G of dry yeast and then we put it in the fridge and that's the amount of uh the bigger  that we going to use keep in mind the water to make 20% we have to make 1 lit of water so let's  go ahead let's add 600 G perfect this 600 G of Vega now let's get back in the mat here 200 mL of  water 400 G of flour and 3 gam of yeast that's it that's what's inside here we're going to add 800  mL of water three extra gam of dry yeast 1 kilo of flour and 30 G of salt usually this is best  to do do in the Dough machine because by hands it's going to it's it's tough but we're going to make  it so let's add the 800 mL of water three extra gam of dry yeast the flour a little bit not too  much let's do the best to melt this uh piece of Biga that is inside here it's going to take about  10 minutes so take your time try to melt it with your hands like that just press and mix everything  okay so at this point there is like whole liquid but we still have couple of pieces because we are  not going to melt it by hands this it's going to be tough let's go ahead and let's add 20 Grams  of salt mix just a few second and now one end we go ahead and put the the the flour the rest of  the flour and the other end you mix everything up so guys now get ready because we have to work  this dough by hands and here we are doing a 70 75% of hydration and don't worry about because  I'm going to show you side by side how the dough will look like so work the dough for about maybe  5 minutes or so so once it's all together here let's go ahead and let's start to work the door  by hands on top of the counter so try to break the gluten this way because we have the biger  that is in pieces we want to mix it up really well with the other ingredients okay so guys I've  been working the door for about 5 minutes I don't feel the bigger basically in inside so that means  that the the door it's ready I did the same thing in deep with the Polish so make sure to check  out the other video because it's really amazing the door it's sticky and put this on the side but  you see it's clean on the bottom that means that the dough is ready so let's put this on the side  right now really quick this way we can make the other 100% little bit of olive oil and now we rest  for about 15 to 20 minutes in the meantime let's go ahead and let's talk about the 100% of Biga  let me wash my hands so here we have 800 Millers of water 1 kilo 600 gram of flour 8 grams of  yeast 48 hours in the fridge and that's what we have this is a total of 2 kilos and 400 G of  Biga to make 100% we just going to add water so we're going to add 350 mL of water 30 G of salt  and 1 G of dry East extra to have a 70 to 75% of hydration and this is going to beit tough to make  it because we don't have any any D machine right now but coming soon something new coming soon so  let's go ahead let's set the one g of yeast inside the water melt the yeast and now let's add the 350  Grams of water the goal is to integrate the water in this biger let's go ahead and let's start to make  the dough this is going to be tough so it's going to take about 10 minutes after about 5 minutes  uh everything is integrated but it's still super liquid that means that we still going to work the  door really hard so let's go ahead and let's work the dough on top of the counter like you can see  here it's very very very liquid again this dough if you want to make 100% by hands is really super  tough so let's go ahead I'm going to continue to work this dough on the counter until is all one  piece not liquid mix the dough for about I want to say 10 minutes so let's go ahead let's put a  little bit of uh olive oil and now pay attention let's get a spatula graub everything all over  on your hands and try try to grab one one shot now make the ball here we go so the door is nice  and smooth so what I'm going to do here right now is I'm going to go ahead and place the dough on  this counter remember 100% versus let's get this do the same thing here and now let's place this  one right here and this is 20% so 100% versus 20% so I'm going to put this one the clear one  remember 100% versus 20% so we're going to wait 1 hour and see how they grow I want to show you  the 20% of course is going to grow a little bit less I'll see you after this uh 1 hour okay guys  1 hour is best bu like you saw on the time lap they grow exactly in the same way let's go see  how they look like exactly so I want to show you okay one two voila I can see a little bit of  different here this is like a regular dough and this is more wet little bit more sticky 100% of  course grow faster than that so now we're going to make the ball but without changing the hydration  so allive oil on your hands let's get the 100% we going to get it okay one shot okay boom 100%  make sure open it up versus the 20% keep always the top part on top now let's go ahead and let's  make the dough this one is strong and it's full of air I'm making the ball about 2 180 g yeah  I can really tell that this really full of air and it's ready now let's make this one texture  is definitely different this is looks like a little bit more heavy and uh it didn't grow like  that when I feel in my hands there is a really big difference on the air inside the dough we  have exactly the same amount of dough balls look the 100% and look the 20% it's two different  things because this one grow much faster than 20% I find a couple of uh clear balls this way I  can really show you how they look like get the 20% in the middle right there let's get the 100% boom right here one and two this one with  the little plastic is 100% and this one is 20% 100% versus 20% let's put it right and let's  see how they grow together and voila we have the time lap right there let's see let's wait 1  hour and then we are going to make the pizza and see the difference between the two one and  uh finally guys like you can see 1 hour is best by and this is the dough we can see the  differ in between 100% versus 20% let's see let's see the difference look at this you can  tell double up the side we learned today that 20% needs more time so again it's similar  to the bullish the more bigger you put the faster will grow so this one 1 hour was enough  this one 20% it needs more time but now we have to see at the end of this video if this will  really change the look and the flavor and the texture but now it's time to go ahead and make  actually I want to show you here maybe you can see better so the top is 100% And The Bottom is  20% boom look at this we got 100% versus uh 20% here we go so now we're going to go ahead and  make it Both together flour voila I'm going to make it this way you guys can see want to put  it together side by side everything side by side and oo o can tell is much more lighter  see the air inside this is much more we learned today that 20% needs more time so  again it's similar to the Poolish the more bigger you put the faster will grow so  so let's go ahead and let's stretch to 100% and now the 20% it's much more on the feeling is  much more harder and this way we remember that this is 100% tomato sauce tomato sauce paresan  cheese put a little bit of Base so we're going to make it nice those two pizzas magita and  now fresh cheese on top here we go let's grub it make it bigger because the peel is 14 in but we're  going to make a 13 in Pizza let's go 100% in the oven and then 20% in the oven  definitely let me tell you something we cook until the mozzarella starts  to Bubbly 20% was much easy to stretch much stronger than 100% but that's because the timing  process of course if you wait 4 hours on the 20% is going to be the same texture of the 100%  after we make this I'm going to wait this one let's do this I'm Going to make it serious  this video hopefully you guys share so this one 20% I'm going to go ahead and let it rest  for another 3 hours and then we're going to go ahead and see how the this one the 20% of  the 4 hours how it looks like if it looks the same whoa okay hold on a sec we have a little  bit of different here boom we got the 20% the 100% is not ready yet I'm surprised we cooking  in the same time waaah that's a really insane Pizza look at this sh my God that's crunchy that's  crunchy and soft in the same time let's get this uh this Crunch and now three two one  yeah it's ready oo what that wow I mean oh it's slightly different here let's see o oo oh my  God that's really different that's really crunchy so let's put a little bit of a baso to finish up  this pizza and now those are the pizzas okay now guys it's time to see the inside of the crust and  the different you know because everybody wants to see the inside we're going to show the inside  no problem so this is the 20% it's a little bit more soft and this is the 100% definitely  guys if I put those next to let me do this if I put this you can really tell the difference  right I mean now that the pizza cooled down a little bit I can see this is a little bit  more Crunch and this is a little bit more soft so definitely it is a a big different  but this is because we waited only the same time 1 hour let me see on the tasting on The  Taste actually this just a cross in between here this smell and tastes really good now this little bit more salty compared to this  let's wait another 3 hours and let's see the 20% will look like the 100% here we go let's  see in 3 hours how the door looks like ready boom I have say now it looks like the same one  that 100% so let's get the dough and let's make this pizza really quick really fast I don't  want to steal your valuable time oh yeah now it's very soft let's go ah let's stretch press  press press of course the 100% now let me show you how it looks like so this is the 100% see  it's already too difficult to work see boom this is over proof at this point you have two  option or you reball it and you use it or you throw it away I never throw it away I make bread  parmesan cheese little bit to basil and we'll finish up with with fresh mozzarella little bit of  olive oil and let's see let's finish up the cook in the oven we cook until the mozzarella  starts to bubbling here we go guys let's get the pizza okay that's the the final Pizza  20% bigger with is soft and crunchy the texture is the same of the other one like  you see put it put it on the side side by side and then you can tell they are look  about the same same textures M slider and this is the pizza okay guys after this  thank you so much for watching and I see you every week with new video go ahead  share and subscribe thank you so much ciao
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 202,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, biga, biga pizza dough, how to calculate biga, biga pizza napoletana, biga vito, best pizza with biga, how to make biga, how to make biga dough
Id: HJhteFmrU5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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