How to Manage Tasks & Plans using Microsoft Loop (2024)

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when it comes to using Microsoft Loop did you know that you've got multiple ways you can manage tasks inside of loop yes I know it can be pretty confusing so I'm going to be showing you the three key ways you can manage tasks inside of loop whether that's the brand new Canan capability that's just been released in Microsoft Loop or creating a task list that synchronizes into Microsoft panel or to-do or even bringing your tasks from Trello I'm going to show you each of those options and how they work work so you can get set up quickly and create a task list to simplify the way you and your team work and get the right outcomes but before we dive into those exciting capabilities in Microsoft Loop I've got a quick favor to ask did you know that nearly 87% of viewers of our last video were not subscribed to this Channel and I'd love it if you hit that subscribe button it's one click for you and means a whole lot more for us it also means that you can keep up to date with our latest tutorials make making you more productive with the tools that you have so now you hit that subscribe button let's dive into Microsoft Loop and check out these great new capabilities for managing tasks for you and your team so here we are inside the Microsoft Loop and we're going to be checking out the latest cband capabilities available today in Microsoft Loop now here we have a small project going to be involved in a website redesign I like to get a cban to throw some IDE on and get the team working on it now can we use planner well of course we can but there is as you mentioned new capability inside of loop to create a new Canan board however this is not connected to Microsoft planner or Microsoft to-do yes as we'll see when we allocate tasks to people we can certainly note them as task owners but those tasks are not synchronized into Microsoft planner and TOD do and rather a notification is issued on email to alert them that they've been tagged in content they can update let's go and check it out by creating this brand new cand board all we need to do is click on the forward slash men to open up the action menu inside of loop then we can scroll down to the new component type and that's called cam board go ahead and left click that you'll then see a number of these columns appear here grouped by labels it gives you a way to work straight away equally you might want to change that so what I could do I could easily go into any of these columns select the free dot menu and I could rename the group by changing it here equally well I could go in and then delete one of these groups by clicking the fre dot menu and once again selecting a delete group button however as it's Associated to our label we need to be careful when using it elsewhere and accidentally delete any content but we're not on our Loop page here so let's go ahead and update the table and create some columns that make more sense to us with that done we can begin adding tasks inside of our actual cam board now as you probably guessed it's pretty easy we click on add a card under any of our groups or buckets here and begin adding content much like we do in apps like Microsoft planner we can very easily add a description into here such as updating our branding guidelines and then we can also add a work owner yes these are also people you work within your organization so Megan's going to help me out of our branding guidelines now as you can see once we add Megan in while she has no access to this Loop pain in the content so much like the standard Behavior inside of loop you need to click on the plus button to share and notify that to Megan she'll receive an email notification instantly with content shown in that email we're then also going to go ahead and select a date this is going to be due on let's go ahead and select the calendar icon and then we'll mark it for next Thursday with that done well you might think that's pretty basic because there's not a lot of content in that card well what we can easily do is again left click into that card card and add more content much like we do on other apps like Trello as well now in here we could again update the title of this task add more owners change your dates and also the stage we can also add checklists yes much like microsof planner if this task has multiple things to actually get done you can go ahead and add a checklist and check off those items as they get completed so with have a checklist added I'm going to go ahead and check off the first task to design a new brand but how can we share it with others I've got a new image of the brands we want to use can we also add that to our cban and yes we can now in apps slate planner this can be difficult when we click into notes normally it's only a small line of text however inside of loop by clicking the forward slash button here we'll be able to open up this Loop action menu and as you can see a range of different components now become available to insert into this task and at the bottom we have the ability to all also upload an image or go ahead and select image and here I'll browse to the image on my local computer and I'm going to insert The Branding guidelines we're going be working with here I can then go ahead and enclose this task down and we've added our first task into our cban board I'm going to add a few more tasks here to build our Canan to show what else we can do with it now with our camand looking a little more busier how can we update the tasks into different buckets and groups inside of our cand all we need to do is literally drag them across in this action here I'm dragging something in our review bucket and I'm going to put it in our completed bucket here the task has now been updated visibly inside of our cand board so it's really easy to add also tasks and then also group them and regroup them where required but also can we export this data and we can indeed do that these cand boards are much like Loop tables in the way they're created so the ability is we can click on this menu button to the left hand side and select export to excel Loop will then export the contents directly into an Excel file in your one drive and as you can see preformat it in the format of a table it's really easy then to go to the share button in the right hand side and you could easily click on a share to create a sharing link to someone else who might necessarily not have access to that Loop content and share it with others but how can we also share the cam wider we cre to always great content we need to share it well much like anything in Loop we can create a loop component and share it with others all we need to do is highlight the relevant content click on the left hand side menu button we're going to go ahead and create a brand new Loop component and with our link copied well we can easily insert it into email or even Microsoft teams and the benefit is well the content can be edited in place yes maybe another task has been marked as completed well inside of Outlook I can just left click and drag it into the new bucket and that syns right back into Microsoft Loop so using a new cand capability provides much similar capability to Loop tables importantly though as you mentioned earlier this content such as tasks are not synced into planner and to do so if you need that capability don't worry we're going to cover that next but before we all get looped out I thought I'd just quickly share with you something that we've got available you can take advantage of today yes over at our website at your free 65 coach we've got an amazing Microsoft 365 ebook packed with tips and tricks to get using the tools in the right way you can access it completely free by checking out the link below and if you also need more help on Microsoft 365 Services getting set up or struggling or needing a bit of training feel free to reach out to us we can certainly help you on that journey and give you and your team the skills that you need to succeed so let's dive back into Microsoft Loop and check out more capability around tasks so when you also need a new task Lisk maybe the caman isn't going to meet your requirements because you want automated notifications and a way to manage those tasks in a better way well we can use planner to achieve that but how can we do that inside a Microsoft Loop and have a new plan created that we can maintain inside of loop well in that way what we can go and do is click on the forward SL action menu we can scroll down here and we're going to look for a task Lisk under our templates for Loop go ahead and select a new task Lisk now in here we have tasks assigned to Du dates and buckets I'm going add a few tasks in and also set some information to see how it works with some tasks added and some people also owning those tasks we can also now consider we need to give access to the actual plan and also allocate these tasks correctly as you can see I'm logged in in an account of Alex and by assigning them to me well they automatically assign and I'll see those in my Microsoft Todo list as well as a shared planner however we have Miriam and Megan and they both have a plus icon next to them what we need to do is provide access to those individuals we'll go ahead and left click and also share and notify that'll Now Grant access to that shared plan and those tasks will be allocated to both of those individuals now you may also wonder well where is the planner capability is this a simple task Lisk actually as I mentioned this is used in planner going to the right hand side and selecting open in planner and you'll see where your plan lives you'll see the loop icon with the page name of called social Buzz we also see it's a link plan inside of one of our Loop pages and in here while I could go in and add a new bucket just like we do in planner let's add an in program ress bucket here and we can simply drag and drop some of the Tas over into the new bucket and does that then become available inside of loop maybe your question let's go back into Loop and check it out and as we can see that change is now synced to the loop Tas Lisk the task that we dragged across in the impr progress bucket while it appears here likewise I could also select the booket inside of Loop and select a new option for in progress or I could even create a brand new bucket inside of our Loop task Lisk by adding a new Option and also marking here as something completed which will sync straight back into our shared Microsoft planner Tas Lisk and that is what's powering the loop capability here and creating it in this way we're creating a shared Microsoft plan using planner having assignment notifications and more but equally remembering that when you've tag people against these tasks using the planner and to- do capability we can all also open the task list into too we be able to get a view of any of our tasks that are upcoming that have been assigned to me and here we are the two tasks assigned Alex now appear right at the top marked the social buzz and there's even a link to click on the open for the loop link when I select the link inside it to do it'll take me back to the loop table inside of my Loop page bringing it all back together so if you need a task Lisk that also uses planner and TOD do capabilities you can synchronize from your Loop page and content back into those apps why not check out a task list can do exactly that but what if you and your team have already created a Microsoft planner yes you don't want to be recreating it inside of loop if you've already got all your content created in a plan can we bring that into Microsoft Loop and keep it up to date we absolutely we can here is one of our Microsoft planners we've created for project winter we have our access set as we can see in the top right with all of the members we got a number of tasks that have all been allocated so we're going to go and copy the URL from the address bar to the plan itself and then we'll head back into Microsoft Loop and all we need to do is paste it into our Loop page and as you can see the plan has now been inserted even better we can go in and open any of these tasks just like we did inside a Microsoft planner that sync straight back into the plan but of course we should always remember the security of the plan is maintained separately just because we added into Loop doesn't provide wider access so if you do go ahead and create a new task and assign it to someone who doesn't have access to the plan it will just like planner add them into the plan and any Associated content that's inside of that group or team we can also see once again under the members dialogue here we can add or remove others directly through the loop experience but remembering the security of your plan is always controlled within the planner itself but it's a great way here to bring in one of your Microsoft planners that you already have shared with your team and maintain it in place and let's not forget that some people may be using Trello to also manage some of their tasks in a board view can we bring that into Microsoft Loop and we certainly can here is a board I've created inside of Trello with these tasks that have been added in originally I'd like to get this into Microsoft Loop and synchronized so we can maintain it in Loop and have this sync straight back into Trello but how can I achieve that well here is as I mentioned our board all we do need to do is go into the loop app when we've done that we can create a new page for our project zero planning and in here I'm going to go ahead and click on the forward slash button to open up this Loop menu we're going to go scroll down all the way to the Trello option when I select Trello at this point it will try and authenticate to the Trello app and then provide any boards that you have access to now here I have my task list the board I just shown you a little earlier I can import it and bring it straight into our Microsoft Loop page now as you can see here the yellow dialogue that appears actually mentions you can edit the members duud dat and move cards across different lists inside of your board for example maybe this is actually moving from scoping into a design phase well I can easily left click and drag it into the relevant group or bucket I can also left click and open one of these tasks which is very similar to what we saw inside of the cam board inside of Loop and they all sync back however as we can see here there's no easy way to create a new task you would need to use a trell app to do so to sync it and make edits and then further changes this is a great way to sync any task you've got inside a Trello bring it into Loop and then build more content around it for you and your team so there we have it Microsoft Loop task management now I'd love to know in the comments what you think of the task management capabilities in Microsoft Loop and not only that don't forget you've got access that free Microsoft 365 ebook at our website that you can take advantage j and download for free today otherwise if you like this video please hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe to find more great content like this and I'll be seeing you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 22,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft 365, microsoft loop, microsoft teams, microsoft planner, how to use microsoft loop, loop components, project management, office 365, to do, microsoft to do, microsoft loop tutorial, kanban, loop kanban board, manage tasks in microsoft loop, how to manage tasks in microsoft loop, task management in microsoft loop, task management in loop, trello, microsoft loop and trello, microsoft planner and loop, your365coach, Your 365 Coach, Tutorial, 2024, how to, office
Id: N5pcEHvlHyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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