How To Create Custom Front End WordPress Dashboard For Your Website Clients

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so working with clients can be quite a stressful situation especially if they go in and nobody know what they're doing and they end up breaking things you have to sort it out and sometimes you're doing that for absolutely no money so what we have better solution for this how about taking a look at creating a fully customized WordPress dashboard where you get the control exactly what they can and can't do and what they can access well today's video I'm going to show you how you can do just that with a couple of different tools so if you're interested join me as I jump onto the dashboard of WordPress and we take a look at what tools we need to achieve this customized user dashboard for WordPress so before we start building things let's take a quick look at what we're actually going to build so once you've gone to the process of logging in like you normally would if you're an editor you'll automatically be redirected to your own custom dashboard so as you can see we've got a welcome message that will welcome you based upon your user name you've got your profile image if you set one and then we've got a range of different options so things like adding posts editing posts we've got some custom post types that's the ad vehicle and edit vehicle to scroll down you can see I've also got site options and your profile now manage users and comments is just part of the template so you can effectively ignore that it's more a case of once I demonstrate how you do these things and how you can use the tools we're going to take a look at you can basically expand this in lots of different ways so let me just show you what I'm talking about if I want to edit my profile I can simply click on the edit profile option that'll take me into my profile at which point I can now go through and do things like change my password my email address my first name my surname and a biographical information if I come back out of that we'll just leave this and I come into site options these are global site options that you can change things like the logo site name site tagline and so on now we'll cover this in its own dedicated video which I will link in the description below so you can check this out and see exactly what I'm talking about and how you can harness the power of this I'll just briefly go over it in this video on how we set things up we come back at and go into something like the Edit vehicle and click on me will open that up and you can see I'll have any vehicles that are listed to me as the person that actually created the post so anybody else's posts I won't see I will only see my own specific posts at which point when I find the one that I want I can click on edit vehicle and I will open up a pop-up at which point I can then go through and edit the normal information is part of a post the title the content the featured image but if we scroll down you can see I've also got all the extra information that's part of this custom post type so things like the price the manufacturer the vehicle color and so on so we've got a very very versatile way of being able to create a custom user dashboard or set up to remove any access then to the dashboard of WordPress itself plus it also looks a lot better so let me just take you through how we're going to go through and build this entire dashboard so first things let's take a look at the plugins that we need to be able to achieve this now before we move on and take a look at these in any real detail I want to say that we're going to be editing the functions.php felt as part of this particular tutorial if you don't want to do that there are plenty of plugins out there that allow you to do what we're gonna cover in that functions.php edit so things like setting where people can access redirects and things along those lines so if you want to take a look at those by all means take a look at those if you want some suggestions let me know in the comment section below and I'll take a quick look and pull up some options that I think we'll do the same kind of thing but let's take a look at those plugins first okay so we've got elemental an element or pro installed we're going to use elemental pro because we want to use the functions we have inside the theme editor so that's very useful elemental custom skin or le custom skin allows us to create templates for custom loop items and we're going to use this then for the listings where we take a look at our posts and our custom post types inside this dashboard like I just showed you now it's worth mentioning while I won't be going into tons of detail with each of the different plugins we'll be using I have covered most of them in their own dedicated tutorials so things like Elementor custom skin ACF front-end form element these have been covered in their own dedicated tutorials and I'll put links in the description below so you can take a look at those if you want to learn more about these great tools okay so we've got elemental custom skin like we just said classic editor just because I prefer that to the guttenberg editor but it's in Tallin to you which you work with we're not really using that in this tutorial anyway advanced custom feels pro we've got that set up in there because we want to take advantage of the things the options pages and finally we've got ACF front-end element Pro now this is the pro version I've previously covered the free version which has an absolute ton of options available and you don't necessarily need to use the pro version if you don't want to do things like tap into the options and things along those lines the free version will give you probably most of what we need to cover in this tutorial however the pro version does give you that extra functionality that is definitely worth taking a look at and I will be covering this pro version in its own dedicated tutorial later on down the line so if you want to learn more but not I will be covering the pro version as well and the final plug-in I need to show you is advanced post queries this is by the same developer as a CF front-end form element Pro and what this allows us to do is filter and lock away content based upon the currently logged in user this is a vital part this entire tutorial so we're going to use that in this as well so they are all of the tools were going to be using the next thing I'm going to do is jump over and take a look at how we can edit this functions.php file now there are a number of ways in which you can edit the functions.php file for the easiest way to do it the safest way to do it is not through the dashboard of WordPress however if you want to you can do that and I quickly show you how you can do that but then i show you my preferred way of working if you want to you can come over to the appearance section and come down to the theme editor if it's your first time accessing this you will get a warning notification to say that you can potentially break your site and then what you need to do is to take a look on the right-hand side click on theme functions and that'll open up the functions dot PHP file at which point you can now edit this information if you wanted to the easier and probably safer route for doing this is taking a look at how to do it through the file manager this part of your hosting account so I'm using site grown for this example as you can see I've got all my sites on the left hand side I've opened up the site would take a look out opened up the public underscore HTML file folder and we're now looking at the root of this particular site so these will show you all the folders and all the files inside this particular web site what I need to do is come down to WP content and open that up inside they were looking for the themes folder and inside there that'll show us all of the themes we can we have installed now I'm using hello but I've also got the theme in storm which means that if I make changes to this and there's an update to the holo theme in the future then I could update it knowing that I'm not gonna break any changes I've made to the functions PHP file or the CSS file or a multitude of other files we may want to add in for various different reasons so if you use in hello or using any other kind of theme always install the child theme version of that alongside the main theme and then make any edits to the child theme that way you save yourself from having problems later on down the line when you need to update your theme so with that said we need to open up the hello theme a child master and inside there you can see we've got the functions.php file so now I can click on that if I want to I can right click and I can edit this if I want to so in a click on edit and that will now show us all of the data inside that particular file now this is a very stripped-down version and the way that a child theme basically works is anything you place inside the functions PHP file or the styles.css file that information will be added on top of the normal functions dot PHP file all the Styles dot CSS files that you've got as part of the parent theme don't worry if this doesn't make a lot of sense it's more a case of making sure that what changed you make add unto the child version that way you just save yourself from problems so the first thing we want to put in is just make a little bit of space for this and we're just going to drop this simple little function in and what this does is it technically just says make an options page inside the dashboard of WordPress and then I can do things with it there's nothing more than create a blank options page so with that in place if we save this now so you come up and click on save we come back into our dashboard and we'll just refresh this take a look at the bottom you can see there's nothing there that says options once you refresh this we now have a new section called options if we click the open now that you can see it basically says there's nothing here you'll need to go and create your first custom field group and put some data inside there so we created that that's the first thing let's come back into the file manager we're going to add one more piece of information underneath this and this is the important one this is the one that redirects our editors to a specified location so I'm going to paste this in and we're gonna take a quick look at it now don't worry if this makes no sense as long as you know what to edit that's all you really need to do and I'll put links to this code for both of these different code blocks into the description below so you can copy and paste making sure you don't have any problems so let's quickly take a look at what this is doing it's basically saying to set a function for my login redirect and then it tells us we want the arguments of URL request and user in other words what's the URL we want to redirect to what's the request and what type of user do we want to push over today if we take a look underneath now you can see it says an administrator user an author so it's basically say it if you're an administrator or an author then be redirected if you're not then you just carry on go into the normal location so you can see it says home URL is dashboard so if your administrator or an author you're going to be redirected to the dashboard so what we need to do is quickly change this from be an author and we want to set this to be editor so all we do is click inside there and replace author with editor come up and hit save and that's now set everything up inside there for us and we come back over and over to our dashboard and refresh that nothing's really gonna happen because we've set something up that has to be triggered when a user logs in ok so that's the first part done we've now gone through and set up the functions PHP file so let's quickly make sure this is all working the way we'd expect it to let's go to the pages section we're gonna add a new page which we're going to call dashboard we'll click on publish but a little bit of extra security we're gonna change the visibility from public you can edit that and we're gonna say this is private and we click on OK and click on update and what does private do it basically restricts who can access this particular page now is it bulletproof not really no I mean if you want to get into security side of things this is a pretty weak way of doing it because this dashboard is kind of tied into the user that logs in then it's not really too much of already but if you want to go above and put some more security in there there's tons of plugins they can restrict access to content based upon user levels and so on we're gonna keep mega say this fairly straightforward just so I can demonstrate but what that will do is it means if you're an administrator an editor or an author you'll be able to access this page if you're a subscriber or a non logged in user you be able to access it at all so it gives a little bit of security in there from that aspect of things so once we've done that we don't need to worry too much about put anything in you will just drop in this is my dashboard just so we can see there's something on there now let's quickly create another user that's going to be set up as an editor so we can use that as a good example then of testing things out so we'll just create a username and we'll drop in an email doesn't really matter what we're gonna use in there and we're gonna drop in a password so I'll say show password and we'll do is we'll just copy a bit of that and we'll set those to be an editor and we'll remove that from thee ok we'll quickly add that user to create the new user role and we've done that now so we've got an editor so now when we can check this we can try logging in and we should then automatically get redirected through to know our new dashboard page ok so we call to the WP dash admin page we're gonna log in we should find now there we go we're taken through to our dashboard now it tells us this is private so we can see at the top we're in a private section of our site and we can see it's in the dashboard and what we just set up and created so we know that the redirect for any editor is going through to the relevant location so now we can go through and start building out all the different things that we want inside this dashboard area so the first thing to do is start working with the options page now the options are basically a way we can set global values that we want to use inside different templates in different parts of our site so you may want to put things like opening hours contact details and things like that you may also want to reference things like the site title you might want to do things like the logo well you can use ACF to do that and use that with the meta fields but a CF front-end form Pro has recently been updated and these have been added into the options section or this cite section so you don't need to put these in it you can reference and use the tools built into the plug-in it's up to you if you want to go down that route or if you'd like to have complete control and do it through ACS or just use a combination of the two we're gonna do this up the last one a combination of the two so we're gonna do its come over into custom fields and say add new from there we're just gonna call this options and then we're going to set up where we want to reference this now by default you can see it says under location post type is equal to post what we need to do is change this and just come down and find the option and there we go at the bottom of the list we've got options page and you can see it says options page is equal to options now options is just the name of the options page and there's a lot of options I know that we've created and because we only want one this is perfectly fine and it's gonna work further out of the box you then got the things like the settings which we don't really need to change anything inside there we can effectively leave that exactly as it is all we need to do is come in and start adding in the custom fields that we want so let's add our first field in and from there we're just gonna call this opening hours you can see that's fine text we're gonna change that and we want to put a text area inside there everything else could be left as is it come down from there and we're gonna add another field and we'll just say email address and we'll change that to email and finally we'll add one more in and we'll just call this telephone there we go and we'll set that to be a number so we've basically created three simple repeatable kinds of pieces of information that might be used in various different parts of our site inside the templates like I said I'm not gonna show you how to build those templates to start linking this data through I've already covered that its own video which is linked below that's gonna be a much better thing to follow along than we trying to shoehorn everything into this particular video so once you've seen this video check that one out as well hit publish and once we've done that I'm gonna come into the options section and you see now we have three new fields the opening hours email address and telephone so we now have some basic information inside there but you'll notice we don't have those fields I talked about this part of ACF front-end form Pro they are controlled inside the plug-in itself so we'll take a look at those when we start building at the dashboard page but they go there's our options all set up ready now inside our options page the next thing I want to do is start setting up the dashboard itself we've created the blank page but we've got nothing really on it so to make life easy I've already created a template and if you want access to this I'll probably in the description below so you can grab this yourself and use this as the basis of building yours out or just see how I've set things up now to do this is very very easy we're going to come into the template section and from there we're gonna come into saves templates we do then come up and say import templates and we now just need to simply drag and drop in the JSON file so I say I'll drag and drop that into there and import that once that's done that'll go through you can see we've now got dashboard template instances none so it's not being used anywhere on the site at the moment so what we need to do now to be able to start using this is come back into our pages section and go to all pages there's our dashboard page we created earlier on let's just come in now and edit this once you've done that we're gonna get rid of this text at the top so we got a blank document to work with and we're gonna say edit with elemental once we've done that we can just simply load in that template so first of all let's just click on this template option and in sight they're gonna cut to my templates and you see this our dashboard template can insert that they say yes to that and then we took up a seconds there's our dashboard template all set up if you wanted to you could get rid of the header and footer section of this so you've got a completely unique area and for this example we're gonna do just that I'm gonna come in and we're gonna say we want to work with the element or canvas so I don't have any headers or footers to distract anything we're doing now let me just show you some of the things that I've got set up on here you can basically ignore all these different entries these icons because we going to change those this is from a completely different type of site anyway so we can change everything inside you and it's all incredibly easy it's all just made up of normal element or widgets at the top you can see we've got the profile picture and we've also got the name that I'm logged in under how do we do that well that's very easy so let's just get rid of this just delete that from there and I show you exactly how to do it gonna come in and we're gonna just choose an image we're going to drag and drop that image into they will click on the little dynamic tags option click it open that up and you can see this now gives us a ton of different options on where we can pull this particular image from so we're gonna say use a profile picture gonna click on that you can see that pulls in my profile picture we're set that to be centered and then all I need to do is come into style for example and I can come in you and I can do whatever styling that I want so if I want to I can simply put in things like a borders because they're solid border was set that border to be white once we've done that we're gonna set the border to be five pixels I'm gonna set a border radius of a hundred and I gives us a nice circular picture and we can drag and put a little box shadow in there so super it's super easy you want to make that link to something you could do that as well as we're fundamentally the same way then on this particular section all I've done click on me is I put in heading we've used the user title which again is just another one of those fields so let's just get rid of that all we can do is we can click on the little dynamic tags option we can come down and we can find exactly what we want which is if we scroll right the way down you can see you've got user info we've also got author so it's up to us we can simply come in and say user info click on there and we can say choose the info we want to use so we can pull in the display name the user name first name last name whatever you want but obviously if you use things like the first name or last name this could end up being empty because not everybody fills in and updates that data where is their display name or the user name they will do so let's just say display name and once you've done that we can come into advanced we can put in whatever we want to before and whatever we want to after so we just put something like hey your name what would you like to do today so we've got a nice little user message on there that's linked through to the actual user name the name they want to use of the display name and everything just looks pretty cool so super simple way of being able to reference dynamic data of the logged in user and make this a nicer place to be because you make it a little bit more personalized from the get-go okay so the final thing we do before we start creating all the pages it's just tidy things up so we're gonna change this from manage your recipes because obviously it makes no sense and we'll just say content ok so let's update that and we've got the basics of our template now are all in place so we're gonna do next is create all the blank pages which will hold all the data for the different things that we want to do so let's exit out of this section and once you've done that we can now come into the all pages and we start adding new pages in for us I just wanted to pause the video here and just say that if you're enjoying what we're covering in this video please consider subscribing a smash in the bell icon below to become part of them to be crew I've been notified every time I release more content like this anyway let's crack on on the rest of the video okay so let's start off just by creating this blank pages so gonna add a new page in and this one is first of all going to be called options we'll set this again to private okay that an update so we're gonna set all of these different pages that are part of our dashboard every one of those going to be private next page we need is just to simply come in and we're gonna say we want to add in list posts again just set that to private okay publish so I'm gonna quickly run through now all the different pages we need to add into this and then we'll come back and take a look at what about it in there we go we've got our five different sections set up now we will take a look at adding in some advanced custom fields based custom post types a little later on but that'll be towards the end of the video once we've covered the basics of doing the things that everybody that might want to set up a custom dashboard is going to need to do not everyone's going to be using custom post types so we've got edit posts list posts options and profile so let's start off with our options let's just come in and edit this now once we're inside you we're gonna just quickly open up elemental edit without a mentor and from there we can now just pull in and start doing what you want so the first thing we'll do is come up to the settings and we're gonna come in and say to hide the title we don't want that inside there next we're gonna come over and we're just gonna come on search for front-end there we go there's our front-end forms we don't drag and drop that over into there so we can do now is we can go in and style this any way we want we need to go through and set this up to configure it to tell it exactly what we want to start editing and what we want to start working with now what we currently have is just basically the placeholder information with just a set of basic parameters set up they're not specific to what we are looking to do so we need to change that at the moment is telling us we're going to edit a post well we're not really gonna edit a post now first things first on the left hand side we've got multi-step so if you've got something that has a lot of different content to update you may want to put this into a logical step-by-step order but for what we're doing here we don't need to worry about that let's open up the action section inside you can see it currently says edit post we're not working with post we're working with options so if we click to open this up you can see we have the option at the bottom that says edit options and this is where the pro version is required the free version doesn't allow you to edit options but it does allow you to do things like edit posts new posts and users and so on so options we can click on then you can see that now pulls in the default site name site title or tag title tagline on the site logo so we pulled in those default entries it's up to us now if you want to tag on if you want to take any of those off we may not want people to control all these different things it's up to us how we want to deal with it then I will submit action so you can see we've got things like email so for example if you had an editor that you wanted to give access to the ability to edit things like these sort of like options throughout the site you may want to be notified via email that someone has made a change this is where you can do that so once this action is it's sort of taken once that submit button is clicked emails are going to be sent and you see that automatically opens up an option towards the bottom called email we don't want to worry about that for this example we don't want any submit action then you've got redirect after submit so you can see we've got reload the current page or post a custom URL or a new post URL it's up to you normally with something like this you probably want to reload the same page because people gonna come back maybe continue edit in whatever so again like I said the options are there you can do whichever you want we're gonna set this to reload the current page you can also put in a custom message when this is actually submitted we're gonna leave that as it is fields we're going to come down to there and we can take a look at now we can do you can see we've got edit post is set for the forum title which is what you can see at the top there we don't want that we're going to get rid of that with a chrome custom title in there so gonna get rid of that take it out it just removes it from the actual layout itself so that's pretty cool few groups you can see we can set that or we can choose individual fields if we want to specify specific fields from any particular location in this example the options custom fields we've set up however we're going to set this to all fields for the field group and then we can say what's the field group we want to use we'll click and any of the ACF meta fields that we've created will be listed here options is the only one we currently have so we can choose that and you see that immediately pulls in now all the extra data for that particular field group so we haven't had to go through the process of adding these in one at a time it literally just as all of them in then we've got the submit button text we're just gonna save this to save options and you can see that now updates the button at the bottom then we going to come down to the options and take a quick look in there so this is where we've got the first three entries the site name tagline and site logo you can see it just maps those to the default locations that are part of the core of WordPress however you could if you wanted to set them to be not used at all by set them to none or you could set a custom so if you'd set up your own custom fields for things like the logo and so on because maybe you want to add extra options inside there you could do that set it to custom and then reference that custom ACF field and all the extra information all the extra settings you've applied to that ACF field will be used instead of the normal WordPress core functionality okay well that makes sense and we've got the same option then for each of these for the site title tagline and logo field so you can mix and match as you need to you've then got permission so now this is the important step you can see it says who can see this so even if we've set someone as someone's access to this particular part of our site the dashboard that shouldn't be in there we can still lock it down further to when they click on something and come over to this particular part to edit things like the website options or add new posts and so on we can still limit who can actually use it so we say who can see this only logged in users only logged out or all users obviously we want this to be only logged in users we can add another level on top of that now because we know we're only allowing people that are either an administrator or an editor we can select by role on top so let's do just that we click inside select by role and we're just gonna click on editor so now we've got this that only people that are logged in they're either an administrator on editor be able to see this you can also get really fine and say exactly what users are allowed to view this as well now you can see by default it's just pulling me in as the maenad illustrator for the site however I'm gonna get rid of that because I want all users that match the other criteria can see this information we also have dynamic selection if we click to expand that out we click in your CSS Post author now because we're dealing with global site options so nobody actually authors this everybody that has access to this section could see this and use it because the options are a global option we wouldn't want to put the author inside there but when we take a look at creating the other pages this is another one those things that's very useful because it means that only the authors posts will actually be available to edit so anybody else's posts won't be when you get rid of that for this example because I could say this is an option section we then have the WP uploader do we want to use the normal word press upload for the file fields or just a basic input it's up to you how you want to deal with that now because we're only dealing with the logo and it's a global thing I would probably say use the uploader because then anybody can access that logo you've also then got options for the media privacy so I'd recommend taking a quick look at that to see exactly what options are available and see if there's things that you want to set up inside there as well limiting submit so this allows us to put restrictions on who can submit or how many times something can be submitted we don't need to worry about that because this is not something we want to restrict in this particular example and finally we have display options so you can see we've got show in modal which we'll take a look at in one of the other stages show field labels which is where you can see opening our site logo and so on so if you wanted to hide those you could hide those completely and put your own in if you wanted to or you could enable those and specify whether they're above or whether they're in line so you can see you've got styling options available there and also to show the required mark so if you've got something's a required field it makes sense to put something on there normally the little red aspects just to denote that that is a required field and then if you used instructions where do you want those instructions to be placed whether above the field or below the field so up to you so that's the basics that's the function side of things all set up and configured what you can do is you can come into the Styles option now this is again something that you need the pro version of this plugin because you want to style these forms and you want to do it directly inside the plugin all those options are there for the labels instructions fields and so on so you can style and configure how this all looks to make it perfect in keeping with your particular site so that's how we go about setting up the options page no obviously there's no styling I think on here so I'm gonna go quickly behind the scenes and I'll start it so everything is in keeping there's no point of me showing you this because if you follow this tutorial I'm pretty sure where you're gonna know how to go in and start starting things that's part of Elementor it's pretty simple straightforward stuff okay so there we go there's with a little bit of styling added so we're gonna do now is quickly jump back over to the site and take a look at this on the dashboard itself and how we start to link things through together so first of all we need to do is go back into our dashboard let's exit out of this come back into our pages section and from there we got to come into our dashboard we say edit with elemental and we can now just link this up from our dashboard template through to that actual page to scroll down to an options section now click on the button at the bottom and from there we're gonna come up we're gonna say we want to link this so we need this page option so what we need to do is click and we're gonna put in options and we're gonna put a slash at the end of it so this basically says doesn't matter what the domain is we just want the options page now if you're wondering why it isn't automatically popping up but probably because we're dealing with a private page so it's not necessarily available to everybody however if you're kind of wondering well what exactly is them think you want to use if my page is set to private and I can't see it through this come back over to your pages and you can see if you come in and quick edit the slug that's all you'd need to grab hold of so with that in place we're gonna hit on update I will now have that link set up on them anywhere else you've got this link like the icon at the top or the options title you could make sure you've got the same link applied on there just to make sure that everything links through the way you want it to I'm gonna worry about that right now I'll update that behind the scenes so hop back over into the dashboard now our custom dashboard let's scroll down to our options section and let's click to open that up and you see there's our new options page we've got our site title our site tagline no logo image upload at the moment we can fill in our opening hours email address and telephone number so let's do just that let's add something in this let's just say no at I will say the telephone number there we go add an image which use the logo we want to use and say select everyone topics um open hours we can and we're just gonna change this and we're gonna call this one custom dashboard now provided everything is linked up and working okay when we hit save options we shall get a notification to say your post has been updated and you can see all the data now that we've updated has been reflected inside this section if you want to make sure this all works if I just pull this down a little bit and we can see the tags at the top you can see now we have a custom dashboard which is the custom site name and we've just set up inside our options panel so you can see everything is working as it should be and anyway we've got the logo referenced anyway we've got the email reference to the telephone number referenced they will all be updated accordingly throughout our template and everything else we've said that to use them so that's the options pages and like I said if you want to find out a lot more about how you can use this all this kind of functionality how you can link this through to your templates and all those kinds of things check out the video that I've linked in the description below because it'll go into a lot more detail on how this specific function works inside this particular plugin but that's our options page is set up next let's take a look at how we can work with the actual content in other words our posts now when we're working with the posts inside our custom dashboard we've got two different sections we've got the ability to enlist our post to which point we could then edit them or we could delete them and we've also got a section where we can go in and add new posts so the first thing we to do is go to concert on the add new post then we'll take a look at the different stages we need to list and edit the post is a little more sort of like a little bit more detailed go on in there okay so let's come in and add posts and we're just gonna come in to edit that and as well before we're gonna click on edit with Elementor once we're inside there we're gonna quickly just come down get rid of this title section and now we're gonna come in and add a widgets in and again we want front end so we drag and drop that into there and once we're inside they we now just need to go through and configure exactly what that's going to do so again you can see by default it's set up to be an edit post section which obviously we don't want to do that we want to add a new post so underneath the actions we're gonna change this from edit post to new post submit actions we're gonna drop in there we're gonna say emails so what's gonna happen is whenever a new post is added to the site by an editor then automatic error ate an email and we will get a copy of that then coming through redirect that to submit well will reload the current page that's perfectly fine so then we can carry on editing so we need to and then we can drop in a new submit message so at the moment your posts mean updated doesn't make a lot of sense will drop in something that does make a little more sense just let them know that their post has been submitted and once it's approved it'll be available on the website so what we're doing here is we're telling them that it's not gonna be automatically added it's going to be approved first and we could set that up in a moment next you want to do is come up to the field section and inside sure we've got edit post which we need to change that and we're just going to get rid that completely two of our own custom title at the top of this later on field groups is perfectly fine then we can just ignore all the rest the information there but we can change this where it says submit post for approval we're gonna change from update so you can see now that changes the button and currently all we have is title set up in here now if you're wondering why we're saying like the ACF fields underneath this field section we'll just say in field groups and then putting nothing in the field groups it's because well we're not using ACF for this particular section so we can close that down and we can come down into our post section I'm from Europe we can come in and we can configure all the different things we want people to do first of all we got new post type and you can see we can click on there and we can say a post we can if we want to as well create pages however I would probably recommend staying away from doing that and keeping your editors to just creating posts but if you want to that option is available to you we leave that set as posts then we've got new post terms we can click on there and you can see now there's a little bit graphical glitch this doesn't always open up the way you expect it to we have current term and we also have select term now we're not gonna worry about this at all we're going to set that to be absolutely nothing's we're gonna leave that blank from the delete that and you've got the options there for saying shows a draft selection so if we will lie with them to save a draft we could save that on there I say save draft save as draft option so it's up to us if we want to allow drafts to be used as part of this setup if you do want to let the create drafts then you can just enable this option it's up to you I know leave those turned off for now then the post status what this basically means is when they submit this what's going to happen we can set it to be a draft we can set it to be private set it's a pending review or we can publish it directly now for me I would recommend we're gonna put this into pending review so that basically means that the administrator of the site will get an email saying there's been a new post submitted they will come through they'll see is pending they can review it make sure that happy with all the content once they're happy then they can make it published obviously it's up to you then we've got the post fields and these just map through to the normal default WordPress core functions fields in other words the post title the post content featured image and so on so post title field is fine well change all of these to be their default values so we're going to change every single one of them to be default now if you don't want to use the post excerpt which I'm not going to I'm gonna leave that set to none the post category we can set that to default and post tags if you want to use tags inside there you can set that to default as well so if we take a look on the right-hand side now you can see you've got title content featured image categories and tags these are normal things you'd expect to see as part of a typical post inside WordPress but again you do have the option if you want to map these through to custom ACF fields you could do just that they say I'm just gonna keep this so it just links through to the normal things you'd expect open up the email option and you can see now we can do is we can say email short codes and we can say emails so currently it's not set up to send an email to anybody if we click on add an item you can see we can now come in a configure this whatever we want we can give this a name we can set any to CC and BCC values inside there so you can see this will come through to what is the default administrator's email address for the website itself but you can set this up to anything else you want like I say cc's and be CCS for copies and carbon copies you can set the from the reply to the subject and the message and you can see is going to use short codes inside there I think we've got a normal metadata you'd expect to see as part of the normal email contact form kind of thing inside Elementor pro itself so I take off the credit the remote IP and the user agent and just leave things like the date and time there what you've done that you can set up additional ones if you want this you could easily set this at the send different types of emails to different people very very easily inside here I'm not going to worry too much about that obviously you could configure that to be exactly what you would want then we've got the commission permissions option again so we're gonna do exactly the same inside year as we did on the previous one we're gonna set this to be administrator and editor for only logged in users and we're gonna get rid of select by user and dynamic selection well because we put a new one in we don't want to select this and filter it by the actual author we can leave that as is and then if you want to even set the WP uploader the limit submit and the display option so it's up to you how you want to set these up it's entirely up to you and then you can go through and style it and everything so I'll do just that I'll quickly style this off-camera and then we'll take a look at this in action okay so there's almost styling and everything is all now in place so the final thing we need to do is just quickly hop back over and link this through you know a dashboard so we can simply come up exit out of a dashboard exit back to all pages and we can take a look so this is called add post so if we quick edit this we can see there's the slug that we want so going to copy that from there come back into our pages into a dashboard and we're gonna edit this with elemental but from there we're simply gonna come in now choose this add recipe and change the details on there to make sense so we say add post same for the button at the bottom so we'll just change that to add post and then we just need to link all these up together so I'm gonna change that I'm going to drop in for slash add posts for slash just we've got the link as we need it so copy that again from there change this now for the title and change this for the button to make sure it everything is exactly as we need it to be I'll see you can come in and change the icon on there so we can just come in and find an icon that we think it's going to be relevant Mississippi choose this pan option so it looks like we're right in something of a thick insert so that makes a bit more sense now we'll hit update on me providing everything is the way we expect it to let's come back over into a dashboard and refresh this so you've got the latest version and you see there's our ad post let's click to go over to that and you see this I will submit our new post everything is all set up and style the way you want the nice thing is we've also got our academies listed in there if we use in tags we can add tags in we've got the nice of WYSIWYG editor we'd expect to see inside WordPress itself and everything looks nice and tidy and in keeping with everything we're setting up inside this particular dashboard so that's how easy it is to create a new submit new post section and working with editing and working with your old posts that's a little bit more sort of full-featured should we say so let's take a look at doing that next now to create the option to allow us to see all the posts that we've added in and the ability then to go through and select the one we can edit it and do different things to it we need to create a custom loop this because we really want to get in there and control exactly what's going to be displayed as part of our listings so let me just show you what it do back in the dashboard and we're going to do is we're gonna come over to the templates section and we're gonna come down with the theme builder and from there we've got a new option this part of elements or custom skin called loop gonna click to open that up and you can see we can now add in a new loop then click add new loop and we're just gonna call this list posts create template once we've done that we come into the normal library we can close that that we don't want to use that and we're now into element two itself let's make this a little easier let's just set everything up so the page layer is using the elemental canvas so you've got no headers and footers to get in our way and what we're gonna do is we're gonna create an individual item a loop item that will display the featured image the title a brief information about the actual post itself and if we were dealing with custom post types we could also put in some custom ACF data for this example we don't need to worry with that but I will show you that later on when we take a look at eating our own custom post type section for this dashboard okay so what do we need to do first things first let's just get the basics all set up for ourselves go come over we're going to drag in an intersection this just allows us to create a nice layout so we're going to have our featured image on the left hand side and then we'll have all the data we want including the edit button on the right hand side so let's just make this a little smaller about 20% would be worth fine I'm gonna way too much about that and then we can just drop in the different things that we want so we're gonna come over and we're gonna say that we want to use the featured image the drag and drop that inside there so that'll pull a featured image in and you can see that pulls the first one in for me next step we can come through now and start adding the extra data in so all we need to do is just come in and do things like add the post title thought that in there let that pull that data in we'll come over back over and this time we're gonna say we want to have a little bit of text so we drop the normal text option inside there and the reason for you one of the extra things we have as part of Elementor custom skin is the ability to just pull in a summary taken from the normal body text this just means it's just a lot easier to work with and how just some info on there click on the little dynamic tags icon well from there we've got post summary but this is a new entry this part like I say of Elementor custom skin click on that and if you want to then you can click on the little wrench icon and control exactly what information the number of words are going to be used the advanced anything you want but before after and fallback we'll leave that set with default values that's fine and finally we just need to put in the button that allows us to edit this particular post so all we need to do is come over like we've done before come into the option for front-end now drag and drop that over on to this section now even though you can see all this data inside there and when we're working with it will do just that we will set this up to open up his own modal window which means we get a much nicer more streamlined way of viewing our posts and then we can quickly edit those in the super simple fashion so first things first let's come through and just set up all the values that we need to get this working first of all underneath the actions we're gonna say edit post in this example is perfectly fine submit actions well we're gonna leave that as is we're not gonna worry because someone's editing their post we don't need to have an email to let us know that something's happened we can just leave that as it is we know the current page again is perfectly fine the fields we're going to come down in today now because we're dealing with a post we don't need to worry because we're only dealing with core WordPress files so we can ignore the field section come in to posts and like we did in the previous one we were adding a new post we now go through a configure various different options and most of these are the default values that are part of the core post function on the inside WordPress itself so opposed to edit current post post status we'll leave that set as published delete post option do we want to allow them to have the ability to delete a post yes we do delete button so we'll just change that to delete post then we've got a message to confirm that just so you can't accidentally click on it and then delete something without the ability to confirm first once we've done that we're gonna come through now and map these fields so post content will set that's a default featured image set to default excerpt we're not using the categories we are and the tags we asked was set those so you see now everything is being pulled in the way you'd expect it to we've got elite post update and all those kinds of things next up we've got the permissions and this like I say is where we set everything up to make sure that everything is working the way you'd expect so we're gonna change this logged in users is perfectly fine we want to set this to include editors like we said before we don't want to select by user next step we're gonna jump over to the display options so we've got the form all set up now obviously we could style this if we wanted to as well which I would pretty much recommend that you do do but what we're gonna do is say show in modal and once we select that you'll find that this will now disappear and just show us the button so we want to change that to edit post you see the button now updates accordingly so now we can go to the process of setting any of these field values and so on and also going through and styling everything so as before I'll quickly style behind the scenes and then we'll move on to the next stage they'll tell a little bit of basic styling we're ready to publish this they're gonna click on publish now because we've created a template the first thing is going to do is say what conditions do you want to set to this template we don't want to set any we're just going to use this to create the layout we don't need to set any conditions so we say save and close once we've done that we can exit out of this and we're now ready to start building out the page that's actually gonna list our posts so let's come back into the pages section and come into all pages and from there we're gonna open up our list posts option open that up and click Edit with Elementor and once you've done that we can now come in and choose exactly what we want to show so let's just get rid of the page title on there that's pretty cool I like that that's the good so what we no need to do is drop in the list that we want to work with so I'm going to come back over into our widgets we have to choose the post option is part of elemental pro drag and drop that in and by default that's gonna pull in both the template that's the normal classic template and we're gonna just pull in basically all the posts so we need to do is change this skin from classic I'm gonna come down to custom and from there we're gonna choose I will list posts which is our custom template once you've done that you can see that now pulls that in and shows the site that sort of styling we set up we need to change a few other things inside you that let's just scroll down to the columns we're gonna set that to be one six per page is perfectly fine and now under the query section this is where we need to configure things now this is where that other plugin which is the ability to filter data is really really useful so we're gonna do is we're gonna say we're gonna set up an advanced query so first thing to do is click on there and we're gonna say that we want to use a dynamic user once we've done that we can choose what user we're talking about so we're gonna open this up I'm gonna say author is current user click on that and what that's going to do is that's gonna filter these down now to only show the results that match that currently logged-in user or author which should be you so with that in mind even though we're gonna see everything on here because I'm set up currently to a book posted all these we'll take a look at this in a moment when I assign some of these over to a different user so that's the basics of that we want to put some pagination in there because we probably gonna have more than six posts so we can just say we want to put numbers and previous you see nothing is showing up at the bottom in the world because we don't have that many posts so if we come back at all layout and we change this over to something like post or page 3 you'll see now we start to get the pagination options inside there so we can very quickly and easily start styling those out and I'll put that to 5 though I think so that'll look nice and neat and tidy so there's our listings if we want to we can fine-tune and configure the way this all looks to make it all nice and neat tidy and I'll go through and do that in a moment and then we'll jump over and take a look at how this looks and how everything operates inside our custom dashboard as before we're just going to quickly come into our dashboard edit that with Elementor we're gonna link things up take a suit in the right section so this time we want to change this from all recipes and just say all posts change this to all posts as well and we can change the link on the just to make sure it goes through to the right location so we'll do the same now for the title for the icon and we'll hit update on the and we'll come back over into our dashboard now and take a little look so let's refresh our dashboard there's all our posts so we click to go into that that'll take us through now if use all the posts that we've got associated with us if we click on edit post you can see that now opens up a modal window with all the data inside there our delete post updates tags categories featured image everything is all set up and say they just waiting to be styled to make sure everything looks nice and neat and tidy now just to prove what I'm talking about I'm gonna change some of the owners of these particular posts so we'll see how that changes the number of posts we'll see inside this particular section in the dashboard so quickly changed the ownership now for posts one two and three to the different owner so different author so you can see now all I have access to is posts 4 5 and 6 so it's very easy when you log in you're only going to see the data that's associated with you you're logged in user so that's how we can go through the process of now creating these edit post options and like I say if you want to you can come in and you can delete the post it'll ask you you sure you want to delete it so you can't accidentally do that we can cancel that we can change things that we want to apply a tag so we can just say dogs for example hit the little plus then on the right hand side to add that in so we can just say dogs inside there add that we've now added a new tag in so you see that's been tagged with that will update our post once that's updated we open that post back up again to edit you'll see dogs that was been associated with that so it's very very easy to work with these kinds of things we've now got a nice simple way of another go through and view all the different posts associated with your account and edit them update them or delete them so that's how we deal with the whole post side of things next up we're gonna take a look at the user profile details and how we can manage that and then finally we'll move on and take a look at how we can set things up with ACF and how we can then use that and link everything through and how easy it is to create very complex rich dashboard options for the end user okay so let's take a look now at those user options next that what our to-do list is our profile now already gone ahead and to set things up ready to go all we need to do now is go through the process of putting the form in and setting everything up and linking in everything I said then you've already seen me do in the last couple of videos so we need to do is come in and search for that front-end form so let's just search for that drag and drop that into our design and there we go everything is now in place so as we've done before we need to come into the actions change this from the default edit post we're gonna come down and say edit user from there we're gonna make sure that we've got any things we want to set that like submit actions well we don't need to set an email every time someone updates their profile so we can leave that as it is we'll change the message because that doesn't make a lot of sense in there then the next thing we can do is we can map any custom fields if you've got those in there and we could also change the form title so we'll get rid of that we're not using it nee any ACF fields but obviously if you wanted to expand the user profile by adding in some custom advanced custom fields sort of fields you could do exactly that however we're gonna keep this simple but if you needed to you could add that in there I will show you in the next stage how we reference these ACF fields where we take a look at that particular step next up we've got the use a tag in there we can come in and we can set up all the things we need seeing says user to edit his current user but if you want to we could select the user obviously that wouldn't make a lot of sense this point in time so current user is perfectly fine username field is read-only now this is something I would suggest you leave in place because it's one of those things that when you're inside WordPress itself you can't update your user name that's something that can't be changed but if you needed to have that option where it could be changed you can't enable this if you want to password field you can see we can enable or disable that if we don't want anyone to update their password again this is a personal choice it's entirely up to you which way you'd like to go with it then we've got the main fields we can map the email field the first name last name biography and the role field so we're gonna do is we can see the name field is already set in place we'll just set everything else up then to be their default values as opposed to none or custom the only one we won't put in is the role field because we don't want a user to be able to change their role you don't want them to be able to serve ourselves as an administrator or something along those lines okay with that in place we could then just check everything else is as it should be so the permission side of things again what we need to do is set this up so it's only administrator and editor only logged in users will remove the specific user and we'll leave everything basically as it is inside their limit submit well it's only editing the profile so it doesn't really matter and inside the display we can configure anything we want in there to make sure everything looks the way you want it to so that's the basics of being able to edit your profile other than styling that's pretty much all there is to it so I'll do is my usual go ahead style this and then I'll show you this in action inside the dashboard we just created so by now you should be able to see that working with this particular plugin and set and things that is pretty straightforward is literally a case of setting the parameters mapping the fields you want to edit making the ones you don't want to edit and available and basically that's it but it does open up a ton of possibilities so let's just scroll down to the profile area we'll edit our profile and you see this is now our profile area we can't click inside to change the user name we can change the password email first name last name and biographical information if you want to and simply hit update profile when everything is invested so that really is all there is to the profile the next stage is we will take a look at how will you start using advanced custom fields and tie in that into this particular form and how we can customize things in there so let's take a look at that next now for this step we're gonna add one more plugin in because we're gonna create a custom post type so it's simply gonna install custom post type UI and that allows me to create my custom post types create that custom post set things that a map in the ACF fields that we want into it so I activate that I'm not gonna take it to the process of creating a custom post type and adding in sort of meta fields and so on I've covered this in their own dedicated video so if you're at this point and you don't really know how to do this I would suggest checking out that video I will put a link in the description below so you can take a look at that and get up to speed on how you use both ACF and custom post type UI to create your own WordPress custom posts well that being said I'm quickly gonna go in set everything up and then come back and show you how we can start mapping this out to our dashboard so with all our ACF fields set up a custom post type setup the next thing we need to do is just create the new page ready to take this information inside our dashboard so we're gonna come in click add new and from there we're gonna say add vehicle will come up and set that visibility to be private ok and publish that once you've done that edit with Elementor to open the editor up we can start working so we'll do the usual get rid of the bits that we don't want I've copied the basic design so we're going to paste that in there is our basic layout and then we're gonna come back over to our widgets and we're going to search for that front-end so we're gonna drag and drop that into place and I'll just simply go through and set everything up so let's check out the action section we will change this to new post redirect that's perfectly fine we'll set the message you want to use once someone has submitted a vehicle there we go next up we're now gonna come into the field section and this is where we can go through now and start setting things up that are specific to an ACF and custom post type setup so the more you see says edit post we're gonna change that and get rid of it if you were title at the top anyway field groups is fine like I say we've got two options in their field groups allows us to pull in an entire field group whereas fields allows us to choose which fields we want to use from all available custom fields and normal kinds of fields so if you have a custom post type with a ton of fields that you don't want to use all of them then you'd need to use the fields option and then you can click underneath and just go through and find out which fields you want and you see everything is in brackets after which just tells you what ACF group they come from however we want to pull in all the fields from the field groups we will select that click underneath we now have options which is the previous one we said that for the site options and we now have vehicle details choose vehicle details and you can see that immediately pulls in all the relevant fields all the way through including things like repeater regions so we've got a lot of flexibility built into this now again this is a very very simple thing to setup but taking your time to do it is the most important thing so we've changed this now to add new and we come to the post you can see we've got things like post status we've got all the different things on there including the normal fields you'd have as part of WordPress now if we scroll back at the top you'll see we've got title in name because if we take a look at these post fields title is set up and that's fine but we don't have post content featured image and so on so we need to reference those as well if you're using them we're gonna do first of all though is we can see title doesn't make a lot of sense so let's just change that to a vehicle name so that now makes a lot more sense of their vehicle price is fine we want to put in the default post content field again we can change this content label so we could say a description so these are just little things that make the whole process a lot easier referencing these but where they don't necessarily make sense using the normal default title as part of WordPress we can customize those featured image we'll say that's perfectly fine featured image is also great we're not using a post excerpt we're not using post cut the reason we're not using tags in this example reason being we've got manufacturer which their own taxonomy and we've also got things like I say like you know repeater regions and so on permissions we come in today we need to set this up like we've done every other time set that to who has permissions so we get administer administrator and editor and only logged in users that's all perfectly fine so like we saw back at the beginning when we took a look at the options you limit submit so if you want to restrict the number of times and things like that we can apply limiting rules I'm not gonna bother with that because we don't really need it but you can see we can easily come in set the rules out what did it allow them to do how many times they can do it we can also set it based upon the actual role so we may say that editors are only allowed to upload five entries well we could set that up inside the limiting options so if you do want to limit things you can do now while I'm recording this I just want to say that at the moment there's no option for charging people to submit information this is something that I know is coming in either the next version or one or two after that it's going to start off with stripes but I understand it's also gonna expand out to PayPal so if you use in this or you think you'd like to use this but you really need to have that ability to charge for listings that is coming in a very near future so keep an eye on the channel because I will be covering the pro version this in an own dedicated video so you'll be able to see all of that but I'm gonna wait for those sort of payment options to come up because I think for a lot of people that's gonna be an integral part of it okay so we've got everything we need in place the only thing we need to do now is really go through and style things I've already saved that styling out so it's gonna paste in the style and everything is now looking pretty cool so all I need to do now is go back into the dashboard index set the links up and then we can take a look at this before we move on and do the final stage which is setting up the custom listing with some custom data from ACF we're going to use that same loop kind of technology that we used earlier on we took a look at the posts we could select what post you want to edit we're gonna expand upon that a little bit we can pull in and reference a CF data so stick with me we've got one more main part coming up and then we are gonna wrap up so a quick look we're back in the dashboard let's add our vehicle that'll take us over and there's our nicely styled new vehicle options everything set out the way we wanted to I could say including things like repeater reagent so you get some advanced tools and technologies that integrate directly into this and you can see it's super simple to work with so that's how we add vehicles in now let's take a look at how we can edit and delete vehicles so for this section we need to come back into the theme builder as part of elemental Pro and specifically into the loop section so we're gonna do the same kind of things we did originally with the listing posts where we could choose what we wanted to edit there but like I say with this time we've got some advanced custom fields information we can put in should we want to so let's do just that let's add a new item we're gonna call this vehicle loop and we'll say create template like we did last time all we need to do is close this down and we're gonna come in and we're just gonna add in an intersection which we're gonna break up into two parts I'm gonna put the image on the left hand side and we're gonna put the details on the right hand side along with the edit button so we can just come back in and we can just come in and choose all the different bits and pieces that we want so we'll start off with the featured image we'll drag and drop that into there now you see this is not pulling in the right data and that's because it's by default just gonna pull in the data for the posts the normal wordpress posts we can change that if we come to the settings into the preview settings option and change this to choose our custom post type which is vehicle and then we want to we can just choose a specific ones we'll go for the mini I will say Mini Cooper apply and preview and that should then refresh update and show us the details for that particular vehicle so we know we are working with the right data knowing exactly what's going on so we can do the same thing which we do before will drop the post title in there we're gonna come up and we're gonna just drop in some text so we're gonna come down we say the text editor drop that underneath the title for this choose the little dynamic tags and we're gonna use that elemental custom skins widget the post summary option inside there set any values we want 25 is perfectly fine so all those things are exactly the same as we did last time however if we want to put in additional data which would be useful especially when you work in with advanced custom fields you may want to check out things like prices colors all those extra details we can do just that and we're going to show you one example but this is the same process repeated just changing the data source so let's just come over and just pick the heading will drop the heading underneath there and we'll just choose the price for this example we'll set this to something like heading 5 so it's not particularly important we're gonna do is we're gonna cut a little dynamic tags and click on the scroll right the way to the bottom so we see ACF feels click to open that up and then click on the little wrench icon and change this over now so we're gonna do is going to come down vehicle price you see after a second or two that will pull the price in for us now we can use these Advanced Options and we can just put in some additional information so we can save price and we'll put pound sign and then a space so they update and that now makes a little bit more sense I'll just get rid of that and put the we'll call the other side there because that makes a little bit more sense so we've created the basic layer we can style that like we did last time so that's the basics we can repeat that as many times as we want we now just want to go ahead and drop in that front and form so the same thing again search for a front-end form drop that underneath and we're going to use the modal option for this but we'll do that like we did before right at the end once everything is all set up and configured so we don't have to worry we can just see everything that's going on so actions we're gonna come into their edit post is perfectly fine we're gonna say reload at the current page we're just gonna say your post a bit of tape that's fine fields we can come into there if we want to and we can choose what fields we want so again we're going to repeat the same kind of thing as we did earlier on we were adding posts we'll take out the post title we're gonna use field groups we're gonna click underneath and choose vehicle details update that's perfectly fine we can or we can put update vehicle if you want to edit vehicle whatever you kind of want to put in there and the post we're gonna do the same thing there as well so gonna come in default post title is fine we're gonna change that from title to a vehicle vehicle name we're gonna change the post content field that we're gonna use the default one there and just change that to description featured image same as before set that the featured image and now you can see all the data that we need is now setup inside there and again including the repeater regions and everything is prefilled out for this particular vehicle so we can see everything is in place there all we need to do now is map any additional fields that we want or we can then come down to the option for permissions we can set everything up inside there to make sure this allows us to do exactly we want so set that to editor as well remove the Select by user from there everything else is looking good display options again we can do everything we want inside there the only thing we need to change though is just change this to show modal and there we go that's now created the modal link for us so other than styling that should have pretty much everything in place for this part of it the next thing we need to do go through set the page up set the filtering up and then use this as the template so let's click on publish as before we don't want to set any conditions because we're just using this as an internal template in something else save and close and we are done so let's move on to the next stage so the first thing we need to do just hop back over into our pages view all our pages and we want to come down and add a new page so I say add new we're going to say edit vehicle set that like we've done before to be private and we'll publish that now we'll just open up edit with Elementor close down anything that may be open clean up the page to make sure the things in place and then just basically paste in the basic layout okay with that in place all we need to do is come back our widgets we're going to search for post and we want to drag in the posts option like we did previously so gonna drop that where we need it to be put underneath there you can see like before it just pulls in everything which we just need to change so let's scroll down to our query change that from the change this though - vehicles as the source so that's the first part of it done next thing we need to do now is just set up the query to make sure that everything is working fine again this is where we're gonna use that advanced query option so we're gonna click on there and we're gonna say author is current user so say dynamic user author is current user so that will filter it out you can see out of the three of vehicles that I currently have inserted into this particular website two of those are associated with me a third one is associated with a different author which means that I can only see the ones that are associated with me now what we can either do is come back up to our layout and we can just fine-tune this to get exactly what we need change from classic to the skin and we're gonna come down to custom then we're gonna come down underneath and we're gonna say vehicle loop and you see that now paws in the design that we've created all we need to do is come down and set things up so columns is gonna be set to one post per page is set to five and we're just gonna enable pagination like we did before so other than styling everything else is now pretty much in place so we're going to do is we're gonna save this page I'll make a few little fine edits to it to make sure everything looks good then we're gonna hop over to the dashboard we've created and we'll see exactly how this all works well back into the dashboard and it vehicle is all set up I've linked everything so let's click on edit vehicle that will then take us over like we can see and we can see all the edits that I can make to the vehicles that are associated with my particular account click on edit and you can see we get exactly the same as we did before open it up we can style this which I haven't done but everything is all in place if I close out of this one and come back and choose the Ford Focus we'll edit that and as you can see that takes us through we can edit any of the details we want inside here add anything new change anything whatever we want to do so now what we have is pretty much a fully customized dashboard that restricts who can access things redirects automatically based upon being an editor it just gives you a really good way of keeping people out of the dashboard of WordPress itself is it infallible obviously not there's still a few other things that you could do to make sure that security is in place you restrict access completely to the dashboard to only your admin users that's something that's beyond what I need to do in this tutorial this is more a case of showing you the basic way you can do it then you can expand this into whatever you want with it take it as far as you want well I think you'll agree that's a great way of really able to create custom dashboards to keep your clients out of the normal WordPress dashboard limit their availability to the different tools you have an option and give you complete control over what you'd like them to do the best thing is I love the fact you can tie this in with advanced custom fields as well as the normal WordPress features and also some theme design options but what do you think of this video is it something you could see yourself using has it opened your eyes to some of the opportunities on what you could do with WordPress advanced custom feels an elemental pro alongside some of the other tools featured in this video if you have let me know in the comment section below because I'd love to get your feedback on what you thought of this video the topic covered and what you'd like to see in future videos as always all the applicable links including timestamps are all down in that description below so if you want to follow along jump back or whatever you want to do all that option is available for you they some of those links are affiliate links but they cost you no more money whatsoever but it does help support the channel moving forward as always - Paul see this is wptouch until next time take care
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 103,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress frontend dashboard, wordpress user dashboard in frontend, wordpress frontend dashboard theme, advanced custom fields pro wordpress, advanced custom fields pro options page, advanced custom fields pro elementor, frontend posting wordpress plugin, wordpress frontend posting, wptuts acf, wptuts, wordpress dashboard, creating a custom wordpress dashboard for your clients, custom wordpress dashboard, custom wordpress dashboard for users
Id: 06owBb23UiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 15sec (4275 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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