How To Create Custom Post Types & Custom Fields WordPress Tutorial

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in this video I'm going to show you how to create custom post types custom fields and then make them look awesome on the front end of your website have you ever looked at WordPress and said I want to have some type of content that doesn't really fit in a post it doesn't really fit in a page I want it to be separate and this is creating custom content containers for your website this is a way of doing this with WordPress now if you're a website developer it's gonna open up the possibilities what you can do with a wordpress based website and if you're a developer and developing websites for clients you're not going to be able to take on more complex projects but I have some great news for you even if you're not a website developer just follow what I'm going to show you in this tutorial and you're gonna see how easy it is and your mind will just explode with all of the different things that you can use WordPress for that you might not have realized before so let's just go ahead and get started but before we get started hi my name is Adam from WP crafter comm where I make wordpress tutorial videos for non-techies if you're new here consider clicking on the subscribe button then click on that notification bell to get notified when I upload new videos just like this okay so this videos gonna be kind of two-part in the beginning is just gonna be a little presentation so I'll explain a few things and then that will set us up for jumping on into a WordPress website and doing all of this cool stuff so first I just wanted to go over what you can expect in this video and you probably already know that we are gonna go over how to create custom post types and we're gonna learn a little bit about that in a moment then we're going to go over how to create custom fields we're gonna explain what that is I'm gonna show you how easy it is to accomplish that then we're going to create a template and this is where we're gonna make this new custom post type in these different custom fields look great on the front end of your site so first let's talk about what our custom post types now the acronym for that is CPT's if you ever see that related to WordPress just know we're saying custom post types and essentially what they are is just a separate container for content on your website so right now we have pages by default we have posts by default but you might want other types of content that doesn't quite fit in a page and doesn't quite fit in a post but just think of it as a content container and what's crazy about this is you're actually already most likely using custom post types on your website you might not be realizing it some of the plugins that you use are going to add these and also some themes it's best when it's done with the plugin already do this so a great example of this is WooCommerce WooCommerce adds a product custom post type where you would go and you'd put your products because obviously you would want that separate from posts and pages and there's an assortment of plugins that do this I use a learning management system on my website it creates a separate custom post type for courses and for lessons and much more than that but you can do this all yourself so some of the most common custom post types are if you wanted to create a real estate website and list those houses for sell well that doesn't fit in a post that doesn't fit in a page you would create a custom post type just like we're gonna do in this video maybe a portfolio actually I'll just let you know now we're gonna create a portfolio in this video we're gonna create a custom post type for that and the custom fields for that another common custom post type is events you're gonna want that separate and any type of listing there's a lot of listing WordPress themes while all they're doing is adding custom post types and you can create your own listing website if you wanted to okay so let's talk about what custom fields are so we are talking about custom post types are these separate content containers well custom fields are more like data containers within those individual custom post types so the the main point of that is to have separation of data so when we're making the custom post type look beautiful on the front end so think of a real estate listing custom post type well you would create a custom field for all the little data points for each home and then when we're making it look great on the front end we have this separation of the data I can put the price here I could put the square foot here I could do whatever I want to do with it because the data is separated into these custom fields and I can style it differently I can do pretty much whatever I want and you're actually already using custom fields you might not realize it so there's different field types when you create custom fields because we have different type of data that we would want to store in them so you're gonna have the most common which is gonna be a text based a field type and that can accept any type of text there's a number field type and that would limit it to you just putting a number in there and you can even put some rules on the size of that number as far as characters decimal points and all that kind of stuff a image container a URL container and that's gonna be important if you want to link out to anywhere which we're gonna do in this portfolio we're gonna create and a date there's actually many different field types these are just some of the most common ones but I wanted to highlight these so that you understand that in these custom fields we would assign a field type okay so let's talk about some of the best tools to create custom post types and custom fields so you have these all-in-one solutions and the two biggest names in the all-in-one solutions are pods I've actually made a video specifically on pods before and so an all-in-one solution is going to allow you to do everything in the one tool so it's gonna allow you to create the custom post type and custom fields all in one tool so that's pods pods is a free you can go to plugins add new just search for pods it's going to be right there and then the other one is a paid solution called tool set now tool set actually takes it a lot further than pods does you're gonna be able to do more with the visual way that you interact with the custom fields and there's some secret sauce to what tool set has when it comes to looking at the different data that you have in your custom post types so for searching and having some search parameters and stuff like that it does that does that amazingly it's something that they call views I will have a video soon on tool set I've been waiting on them to build some things and they've actually just recently started building those so tool set is the paid solution for it I don't remember the cost off the top of my head right now because they've changed it a bunch over the past 12 months or so and then there are just separate individual tools so you can have a separate tool to make the custom post types and that's what we're gonna do in this video we're gonna use a free tool for that and then you would use a separate tool to add those custom fields and that's what we're gonna do in this video we're gonna use AC F which is the acronym it stands for advanced custom fields if you do search for that in the WordPress plug-in directory you'll see that this is being used on over a million websites this by far is probably the most most widely used custom field solution for WordPress they have a free version and a paid version this video we're just going to be using the free version of this so let's move forward so if custom post types are so easy to add like I'm saying and custom fields are so easy to create then why are you just hearing about this now or why doesn't everyone use this and do this and the answer that question is because traditionally it's been very hard for a non coder non designer and non coder to actually make this data look good on the front end of your website it's been very hard you have to do lots of hard coding PHP and all this kind of stuff you're letting your knowledge has to be way beyond just someone that uses WordPress with the great tools that we have now to make easy make beautiful websites very easily with minimal learning curve that was not possible before they're very very hard to style very hard to make it look good for the average person just like mean just like you this is a channel for non-techies which kind of means we want to get from point A to point B as fast as possible but thank goodness we live in the era of page builders for WordPress and there's even a new twist on it called theme builders and what a theme builder is is it allows you to create a design template that gets applied to all of your your data in a particular custom post type so what that means is if you're making that real estate listing custom post type and you want it to look good you can now use your theme builder to make that look good and we're gonna do that in this video so theme builders really started to gain steam in 2017 we're almost done with 2018 today and this has become a popular feature in page builders so for this video we're going to use element or pro now you have to use the paid version of any page builder and that has a theme building solution because there aren't any free theme building solutions out there to make these custom post types look good so everything in this video is accessible to everybody but when it comes time to making it look good on the front end you're gonna need to use a page builder with a theme builder built into it this video we're gonna use element or pro but I will also make mention that if you're a beaver builder user you could purchase beaver themer and you can do the same thing I have a video on that but also Divi is adding these capabilities as well I don't expect to see those till 2009 team and lastly let me give an honorable mention to Breezy which has this already in their paid version of breezy ok so let's go ahead and just jump on in and get started ok so this is the plugin we're going to use for our custom fields it's right here advanced custom fields and you can see it has over a million active installations and by far it is the most well-known tool for adding custom fields and then we're going to use this plug-in right here and it's also very well-known and very popular it's called custom post type UI C ptui and this is used on 600,000 websites now if you don't have Elementor i have a link down below you can visit WP crafter calm slash Elementor and it will take you on over to elementor's websites so you can check that out it's the most affordable page builder that includes a theme builder ok and so here's the particular page here for their theme builder I'll also link in the video description box down below some of their recent blog posts related to their theme builder creating custom post types and custom fields ok so let's move forward so here I go I've got this website right here all ready to go and right here's what it looks like on the front end just a basic install with a Astra theme on there and Elementor so I'm gonna first install those two plugins by going to plugins add new and then I'll do a search for advanced custom fields there it is I'll just go ahead and install and activate it and then what we'll do after this is put in custom post type UI now both of these are going to add a menu item here I will say you always have to keep advanced custom fields installed but custom post type UI you don't have to keep that if you don't want to ok now that that's installed I'll go to add new we will do our search for custom post type UI there it is just type CPT UI I'll do my install great now I have both of those installed so we've got CPT UI right here and then for advanced custom fields you're just gonna see it's a custom fields right here so let's go ahead and create a portfolio custom post type and then we will add some custom fields we'll fill in that data and then we'll make it look great on the front end of the website so I'm first going to click right here it says add edit post types and then what we're going to do is really we just need to fill out this information right here so the first thing it asks is the post type a slug then the plural label how would we refer to this in a plural sense and how would we refer to this in a singular sense and that's just so like right here it says posts that's plural and then right here it says add new and then it'll say post that is singular so it's just wants to know the plural and the singular way so on the visual aspects of it it'll all just make sense so for the post type slug I'm going to name this portfolio now for the plural label I'm going to name this portfolio but for the singular layout label this is actually a more difficult one right because it wouldn't be there's the singular of portfolio would probably be portfolio items but instead I'm gonna call this projects so for the plural label here I'm gonna say portfolio and the singular I will say projects actually I said that wrong project so I will add projects to my portfolio then it's going to automatically generate all of these various labels right here and when we scroll down we have a few more options right down here we're not going to use any of them except one of them right here we are gonna want to create an archive page and so it's listed right here where it says has archive I'm gonna turn this to true and right here I don't need to put anything in because what we're gonna do is we're also gonna create an archive page so someone could go to website URL slash portfolio see a list of the items click on an individual item and actually go in and see the single item okay so I'm gonna scroll down to the bottom now right here where it says supports this allows you to choose which elements you want in when you're creating a new portfolio item so by default you're gonna need the title the editor the featured image but if we want an excerpt we can have it and all of these other options right here I'm gonna leave those as is and scroll down and click on add post type so what's going to happen is now we have a post type right here that says portfolio so if I click on edit post types it's gonna take me back in now what you can do optionally is you can change this little icon here you can change a lot of the different aspects of this you can change where it is on this list and all those options are gonna be found right here underneath settings but we're not going to do that in this video I think just creating the post type is fine now we also want to do something called creating a taxonomy and a taxonomy just as I hate using that word actually just think of categories you know when you're creating a blog post and you can put them in categories or gonna do that for our blog posts so let's just go ahead and do that now so we're gonna choose right here it says add edit taxonomy x' and we are going to call this portfolio categories or you can name it project categories so right here I'm gonna put project category portfolio categories and then for the plural label I'm going to say or folio categories and then for singular portfolio category and then I'm gonna check on this box portfolio this is saying I want this new category organization system I only want it in this type of content in portfolio I don't want it to show on posts or pages so I'll go ahead and fill this out right now okay so you can see I named it right here portfolio categories portfolio category I signed it to the port phone there's one additional setting that I want to make specific to this and when we scroll all the way down here to settings there's this option right here it says hierarchical just change this to true if it's on false when you're in portfolio it's gonna be like adding a tag where you can just add whatever tag multiple tags and all that I like or I much more prefer the way categories are added where you could just use a checkbox and put it in an existing category that you've created so by default when this is false it's gonna be like a tag when you switch it to true it's gonna be like a category what you would expect right there okay so I'm gonna go ahead and click on add taxonomy and we're pretty much done so now if I go to portfolio you can see right here I lists my portfolio categories I can add new if I click here to all portfolios obviously we don't have a portfolio item I can click on add new and we're gonna see that we have the option just for a title some content and here it is portfolio categories and that's the only place you're going to see this so now what we need to do is add some custom fields right here that would be appropriate for a portfolio maybe it would be the client name I'll probably use the client name for the project title but maybe you might want the URL to them their address or their phone number or maybe some particulars about the project but before that I just want to give you a couple tips so on custom post type UI you can go right here where it says tools now if you didn't want to keep this plug-in installed and active on your website if you disabled it right now you're gonna lose your custom post type but if you didn't want this plug-in there any longer all you have to do is come here click on get code and here is a snippet of code for you well here's a snippet of code then for the post type here's a snippet of code for the taxonomy here's some code so all these little snippets of code you're gonna need to copy and paste those into your child themes function file or if you're using a plug-in called code snippets you'll just copy and paste it in there for me I think it's easier just to leave the plugin installed so you can go in and easily make edits or adjustments later on okay so that's done now let's go ahead and create some custom fields so I'll click in custom fields in the way custom fields work is you create a field group so they're all kind of grouped and keep together you can add custom fields to posts if you want as well so I'll go ahead and click on add new and let's just go ahead and name this group portfolio okay now that we've named the group we need to assign it to where we want these groups of fields to actually be available so right here underneath rules were a location and then rules we're gonna choose post type is equal to and we're gonna change this from post and make it say project that's how we do it you also wanted these to show someplace else you can easily click on Add rule group and add it there as well now there are some additional settings here what we're going to do right now is we're gonna click on add field and then we're gonna add each field one by one so what you do here is you give your field a label then there's a field name field name is going to have no spaces it will have underscores instead of spaces and here's what I was telling you about the field type so when I go on the drop-down you can see obviously there's a lot more field types and I listed in the presentation but you can see them all right here and you can get comfortable with the various field types but we're mostly going to stick to URL and we're gonna stick to text in this video then right here you could choose to make it required or not have a default value some placeholder text you can have some data before it or at the end of it you can limit how many characters can go into it and you can also have some conditional logic and what this means is only make this field available if a prior field has a certain answer so if you're gonna have like 30 questions and for that real estate example you've got these questions and you have different types of single-family home or a commercial property well you might not want the single-family home Fiat custom fields to show if you're entering data for a commercial property and so that what these conditional logic options are right there so I'm gonna go ahead and create a few custom fields right now and then we'll go see how they look in the portfolio okay so I went ahead and created just these three fields here we're keeping it basic today and it's the company URL and you can see right here the field type as a URL we have the project brief and we have the company address now what's nice is you can change the order of these and this is how it will appear when you're actually inputting the data so I might want the address on underneath the or above the URL like that you can see you could just drag and drop and rearrange these very easily so after that I'll just click on update and we should be pretty much good to go here so let me go in to portfolio click on add new and let's just see how it's looking so right here I'm gonna put my client name right here I'll put information about the project right here is now where I can see these custom fields so right here I will put the address right here up with the URL and you can see how nice it is there's that little URL kind of icon right there and then here I can enter some project brief information this might have been better to have be more than one line these are all options within advanced custom fields if I wanted to do that and that is pretty much the all there is to creating a custom post type in creating these custom fields you can make it as complex or as basic as you want it so now what I need to do is go ahead and fill this out with some information so I'm gonna fill out maybe three or four of these and I'm gonna add the image what I'm gonna do instead of having an image field for in advanced custom fields I'm gonna use the featured image right here to add the image of the project and so in this case it's gonna be just a couple website designs I'll add that image right there so I'm gonna go ahead and do that right now okay I am back and what I did is I created these of five portfolio entries here these projects these five different projects I've added here and filled them out and added all that information that I said it was gonna add now what we could do right here is I'm gonna go ahead and click on View actually here let me open that in a new tab and this is what it looks like so you're gonna say it does not look fantastic but it works so here we go we've got this right here this is my featured image then we have the name right here of the project and then we have some alarmed in some text now you can see it's not showing any of my custom fields I'm not getting the URL in here I'm not getting the company address in here either or that little short brief okay so that is what we need to do now so everything we've done up until now is open to anyone I've used free tools and that nothing costs anything and this step I'm going to shift gears and start using element or pro like I said you can visit WP crafter comm slash Elementor and the link will be in the video description box down below if you don't already have it ok so what I need to do is I'm gonna go to element tour and I'm gonna click on my templates and this is where we would create various templates so what we're gonna do is create one and assign it to portfolio items all right so I'm gonna go ahead and click on add new template right here under select I'm gonna see right here where it says single and then right here it says select post type and this is where I'm going to see project which is that post type we've created and so for you whatever you name the post type that's where you're gonna see it in that list and I'll go ahead and give this a title so I've decided to name this portfolio item template like that I'll go ahead and click on create template and it's gonna take us right on into element or for the first time now once we're in element or we first need to tell it that this is going to be for a portfolio item and select a specific portfolio item so I'm gonna go ahead and close this because we'll just start from scratch I guess so what we need to do here is go right here it says settings click on that and then right here it says preview settings click right there as well now it says right here for project and now it's already chosen one which is local business but you could enter in any of the ones that you wanted to that we've already created that one works fine for me I'll click on apply and a preview we haven't obviously created anything with Elementor yet so there's not really much to preview all right so I'm gonna go back here and let's go ahead and we will add our host title so right here where it says the list of the elements these are ones that are going to be specific to the bits and pieces of information in the portfolio that we've assigned this to so if I drag and drop this right here it should say local business which is the title of the portfolio item that we're previewing so this is what the title would look like on the individual portfolio items as people look at them so let's go ahead and style this up just a little bit so I'm gonna go ahead and Center it so I'm not gonna do too much in this video so I'm gonna go ahead and center it I'm gonna go right here into the section properties and let's go ahead and add a little bit of minimum height to this let's go something like that and then what I'll do for the style I'll click here I'll go on typography and I'm going to change the typography to make it white so now that's white and then for the background I'll go ahead and put a background color in so let's just go ahead and choose a classic and I'll choose a color right here and you can see now the title I'll just go something like that we're just keep it real basic you can style this however you want you can even use that featured image as a background by clicking on dynamic but we're going to do this here so we've got that done and now right here I'm gonna go ahead and click on the plus and I'm gonna do two like that so now we have these two columns right here let's go back to our elements and I'm gonna go ahead and drag and drop the featured image right there and we know the featured image is that thumbnail item right there okay so we've got that and let's go ahead and add some info here on the right so I'm gonna go back here as well so let's go ahead and add the post content right here that's going to be some lorem dim some text there it is now what I also want to do is go here and I'm gonna choose where it says text editor and I'll drag that to the top and instead of the text right here I'm gonna click where it says dynamic and then I'm gonna scroll down to ACF so this is where we're now able to pull in the data in those custom fields for that data separation I'll click right here it says ACF field and then what you do is you click on it again right here it says key you do a drop down and it's going to show you the different custom fields where the type the data type of that custom field is appropriate to go in this element so for here I wanted to show that project brief just like that and you can see it right there however I'm gonna style it a little differently so I think I'm gonna leave it aligned the way that it is I'm gonna just change my typography a little bit I'm gonna make it let's just make it a little bit larger so it's different and styled differently and then I'm gonna go ahead and make it bold so I'm gonna add a little bit of weight to it maybe something like that so this would be kind of the the just a short brief of the project and then right here I'm gonna have my post content okay so let's pretty this up just a little bit I'm gonna add some padding and spacing so things aren't all kind of next to each other so first I'm going to go to my section settings right here and then I'm gonna click on advanced and I'll add a little bit of margin to the top and the bottom just to push it away from the top and the bottom so let's go ahead and put in a 50 right there so that's fine it's just pushing it away a little bit that's it and then for the image I'll click on the image I'm gonna go to advanced right here and I'm gonna go ahead and add a bit of padding on this image so that's not as big there we go we have that right there and then what I like to do is for this column it's obviously not going to take the same height as the image here so what I'm going to do is Center this with the image so what you do is you click right here on the column and then right here you would choose the content position and we could choose middle and so there we have it so we'll have our image here for each of the templates and then our content would be like this right here so now I just need to add those other two custom fields which was the address of the client and then I will add the URL maybe a button to the website or something like that so let's just go ahead and do the button right now so I'm going to scroll down to button I'll add that right here and we're gonna do the same thing with that dynamic content so right here is for the link I'll click right here for dynamic scroll to the bottom click on a CF URL field right here and then I will click on it again just like this and then for the key I'm gonna choose the company URL so now on someone clicks here it's gonna go to that URL so let's just change the text to visit project website now I'm not going to spend the time to style the actual button but it's very simple to do with Elementor so now we just need to add that address so I'm gonna do the same thing that I did for right here I'm gonna go ahead and add the text editor like this and actually here I don't know where the best place is let's just put it underneath right here whatever I'll click on dynamic again scroll down to the bottom click on a CF field then click it again and then for the key this time I'm going to choose company address and then there's going to be the company address but you know it I might want to put above the company address the the title again because that's going to be the name of the business for me so I'm gonna go ahead and drag another one of those out so I'm gonna go right here to post title I'm gonna put it above like that but see it's putting it and it with an H tag that's why it's so stinkin big like this so what I can do is go here and change it to pee to make it like that and then play around with my spacing a little bit to make them not be so far apart like that another way of doing this actually is I can right-click and delete it I could have done the same thing that I did right here so I could go right here to actually here I'm gonna right click duplicate and then on the top one I'm gonna click on it I'm gonna click right here for the ACF field and just change this by clicking on the X to clear that out click on dynamic and then choose right here where it says post title there we go and that's another way of doing it and then playing around with that a little bit so this looks kind of nice to me so I'm going to go ahead and click on publish and it's going to allow me to choose where I want to assign this I'm gonna do a portfolio again for all the portfolio items I'll click on publish so now what's gonna happen I'm gonna get out of Elementor and we'll take a look and see how this looks now that I've applied it to each portfolio item so I'm going to click right here on the hamburger click on exit to dashboard this is how it used to look now let me go into my portfolio and let's go ahead I'm going to open this in a new tab so this is the old style and this right here is the new style it already looks a lot better and obviously I haven't spent a whole lot of time but let's just go ahead and see how some of these other items right here look ok so here was the local business you can see now I'm just looking at the finance one this has changed everything is different this I put the same text in each one of them that's why it's the same and you can see right there life-coach restaurant it looks beautiful all of it and then we've got this kindergarten one here for the URL I made it go to my website so let's click on that and there it is it's works it goes straight on over to my website so this is without a theme builder and this right here is with a theme builder so now what we need to do is create an archetype page and so we set that to be the URL of the site slash portfolio so right here is what it looks like here it is the URL portfolio and you can see it's using the default style for listing out blog posts or an archive page so what is nice with Elementor we can create something different for this as well so let's just go ahead and jump on into that I'm gonna do the same thing go to element or my templates and then I'm gonna click on add new and this time I'm gonna choose right here where it says archive so I'm gonna go ahead and name this I just named it portfolio archive I'll click on create template and then we'll jump on in and do the same thing where we assign it and then we could preview it as we go actually I could use one of these pre-designed archives to make life a little faster and easier but we don't have to we can go all custom here so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the settings I'm gonna click on preview settings and I'm gonna change this archive down here to portfolio I archive just like that click on apply in preview like I said it's probably not going to show anything because we don't have anything here so let's go ahead and click on the dialpad in Elementor and now it knows we're creating an archive so it offers us these various archive options and right here is archived posts and when I drag and drop it right here it's automatically knows we're creating this for the portfolio so it's gonna go ahead and show us those portfolio options I personally prefer the card skin so let's go ahead and apply the card skin and then we can tweak it however we want I know for me I usually don't like to show comments or dates so we can go ahead and remove those I don't like showing the excerpt like that and for this we might want to Center the style here so we can go ahead and tweak that as well if we wanted let's go to style and Center there it is we could do that and we might even want to remove the avatar right there so I would scroll down here and turn off avatar sorry if I'm going quick some of you guys are already super familiar with Elementor alright so you can do anything else that you want to this page I like to add just a little bit of margin pushed things away so I'm gonna go ahead and put a value of 50 in go ahead and click on publish and this is where we add our condition I'll click add condition and instead of all archives I'm gonna scroll down to where it says portfolio archive I don't want this applying to my blog post I just want it on the portfolio I'll click on portfolio archive click on publish and then I'm gonna go ahead and exit out I'll click on the hamburger click on exit to dashboard and now I'm out of there okay so here is what it looked like and this is just default styling from the theme I obviously didn't put enough effort in but this is what it looks like right now and it's showing each of these I probably would have made this image look a little different in the preview here but you get the point you can tweak this to your heart's content I can customize every aspect of it because I'm using a theme builder so in this video we use the Elementor theme builder right here and we created this beautiful portfolio website or we added a portfolio to an existing website and you saw how simple that was now you can add this for making event listings you can make any type of listing that you want portfolio items the the options of what you can do are literally limitless to your imagination and I can't wait to see what you come up with now I know I went a little fast in this video we have a comment section down below or you can go down there and ask me any questions about this I'll do my best to answer them in a timely fashion if you have found some video a value in this video please consider giving it a thumbs up to support me and remember to subscribe click on the notification bell if you want to know when I've uploaded new videos just like this one so hey remember if you don't have Elementor Pro I've got a link in the video description box when you click on that and purchase it I give you access to a free training course well it's not a free training course I give you free access to a paid training course Elementor essentials I give it to you for free when you purchase Elementor through the other informations on my website you could just go check that out if that interests you and you don't have element or hey I want to thank you for taking your time to learn how to do more with WordPress and spending this time with me on this video other than that I will see you in the next video
Channel: WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 120,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elementor tutorial, elementor pro tutorial, how to create custom post types in wordpress, wordpress custom post types and custom fields, advanced custom fields wordpress, wordpress custom post types, wordpress custom post types and taxonomies, custom post types ui and advanced custom fields, elementor tutorial for beginners, elementor tutorial wordpress, elementor tutorial videos, advance custom field wordpress plugin, wpcrafter
Id: LcYT8U10EzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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