Manage and control all your WordPress sites with MainWP

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what's up everyone my name is George and this is sass master today we're gonna check out main WP which is a wordpress plugin that lets you manage all your WordPress sites in one single place now give me a second to explain you in easy terms what maindou EP does so like I said before it lets you add all your sites but you have a single dashboard where you can control all of these sites and you can log in from there instead of adding instead of using every single time the username and password to log in to each individual site you can update your plugins your themes and you can do a whole lot more with main WP so let's just check it out this is my main WP dashboard that I have installed and one of the first recommendations I do is that you install this in a fresh WordPress site so that means you're gonna use this only for your dashboard now don't be worried or scared you gotta pay for another domain no just create a subdomain in your C panel and install WordPress there so you don't have to buy another domain you don't have to buy another hosting plan or anything like that so like I said just add it in an add-on domain like a sub domain so this is my dashboard and I recommend that you use this if you have more than three sites now you're gonna be amazed of how much you're gonna get with the free plan but I'm in the pro plan so some of the things are gonna see right here are based on pro plan before I show you how many of you Pete works let me show you that they have a bunch of extensions and you can check out the link in the description where I have a deal going on you can click on the main WP extensions right here in this link and you can check out what's available for free and what's available in the pro plan so most of it is available for free plan so for example if you already have WP pivot like I do which is a wordpress plugin that backs up your site well it also integrates so it's using the third plug-in to use main WP right here so I can do a backup from main WP instead of heading them to my side and doing it hope I get that right and I'm not mixing you guys up so you get a custom dashboard which is free both settings manager gives them the pro version so that's not free you got an advanced uptime monitor you get uptime honor that's twice article uploader that's in the pro back up WordPress that's free backed up up which is free and I'm not gonna look through all of them because the video of this this is for showing you how it actually works so it's super easy to add your sites all you have to do is head over to each individual site for the first time so you add a plug-in that's main WP but it's the child so when you install your dashboard its main WP of main WP dashboard but here is the main WP child so you can stall this one at every single site that you want to control in your dashboard it's easy trust me and you just add the site easy-peasy all right so this is my dashboard and like I said imma show you why you need this if you have more than three sites so let me click on my site and click on manage sites and you're gonna see a list of all the sites that I have added the sites that I own personally sites that I have for my clients and sites that I do for donation people that I will charge and them anything but I managed them so you can see imagine keeping track of all of these and doing each individual update log it into those sites now you're gonna say you know what why would I want to update from here if I could do it automatically over there right just put automatic and just update everything that is not recommended if you're an agency please don't do that because plugins might mess up your site when they update so what you want to do and you want to be able to is I update manually and I know that I can check the site in this moment when I update it so that means that everything is ok and it's working perfectly you might have issues with the plug-in or the theme that has PHP issues and compatibility issues that the plug-in just brings your site or just anything right so you want to do it manually and you want to have the time to actually check your site when you're updating so it's not recommended that you have automatic updates so right here I look at my updates and I know that the yellow ones need updating green is perfect right yellow means that there's plugins that really need to be updated like they have a lot of time and I haven't done the update on this one because I wanted to make the video and show you how it's going to look right so like I said green yellow and red you can see the updates that are available so it's not a wordpress update it's a plug-in update and it's not a theme update in this case right so in this one we have yes WordPress needs to be updated plugins need to have be updated and also the theme needs to be updated so in this sense you can see what's going on you can the last sink you've got the PHP that you're using for that individual site so you can see my PHP varies a lot because I'm using different hosting plans depending on the site i might lower the PHP because it's not compatible with the newest PHP so it kind of gets a little thing right but the good thing is that you have this available this part is free you can check all this out if I wanted to log in to the admin panel of any one of these sites I just played right here I hover over right here and it's gonna log in I just click on it it's gotta log in why because it's already having my credentials right here and the main WP dashboard that I installed so it has access to it you have the last post information you've got your nose you got the uptime status in this case I'm only doing uptime status for two sites that I care that they did I know their uptime because I'm using the free plan at the uptime so it's kind of limited so I've only added the sites that I feel that are important you have this score on desktops for mobile vulnerabilities if you find any there's two right here you if I have word for this the word fence installed on that site I got information so it's pretty cool that you have all this and it's really good information that you can view now if I'm gonna go back to the overview I just want to show you that I have a bunch of sites and it's hard to keep track and that's what main WP is good for so the overview is where it shows you what's going on obviously in the overview so you've got any updates overview you got 36 updates that I have to do I can just boom update everything with one single click I got the updates right here I want to do just the WordPress updates just a plugin updates so on and so forth recent posts recent pages security issues that I have to fix so some of them they fix automatically and some of them you have to do manually so one of the recommendations that I get is that hey don't use admin as a username so that's one of the fixes that I have to do that one won't be - will be done automatically but there's a lot of them that it will do you got the monitors like I said the up to monitors PageSpeed if I add the widget and I can also use that now this overview is customized so if you click right here on this little icon screen options I can disable unwanted widgets so that means I can have a cleaner interface and I could just see what I really want so maybe I just don't want to see my reason to post and honestly I don't I don't want you my recent pages I want to focus more on the better things and more important things and I'll just save it and it's gonna update my overview right here see that right there how just updated so you can do all that all right so like I said we have our sites we can add your sites we can import sites we can we can create groups for these sites we can go into post and we can manage posts so in this case I think this is only available on the pro version I could select the site and I can show the post for that site and I can see what's going on with our SEO score author and all that good stuff for example oh so like one post status so I want to check the status to published and show so I selected one of the domains and it's gonna show me the post for that domain let's wait for that to load I think it's gonna load a whole bunch of them because I select 50 yeah there we go alright so we got the post right here from that side the author category the tags that are on that post you got to date the status links link SEO score readability score and the site that is going to so I can check that out right there next thing we have is pages same thing as apposed but you manage pages select the domain and you check back alright themes you can manage themes right here also so let's right-click right there we can select the domain again we're gonna show inactive themes I'm not sure if I have some let me select all the sites right here and now I'm gonna do inactive themes alright so in these sites right here I have inactive themes so I'm gonna click these which I think they're junk because I'm not using them and I'm going to delete them alright so from main WP I selected all of these themes that I'm not using the dark are inactive and I can clean it it's gonna help because maybe I have a limited hosting plan and you don't have a lot of space for it sticking up file counts the ions so you can delete them from here in one single click for that to load and done see how cool that was you can install themes right here same deal but around right you're not gonna take away themes you're gonna add themes so for example I can upload my zip file right here or I can install from so how cool is it that you can buy for example you know what I just bought a theme and I want to use it everywhere on all my sites I upload this zip and I click on the sex that I want to install it and I click complete install and overwrite existing version if there's a previous version to that one that is really awesome trust me guys and the same deal goes with plugins same thing you can upload plug-in to the other sides you can see what plugins are inactive you can activate deactivate and do a whole bunch of things right here so the domain and a show obviously you've got these filters available right here even search options and you can do all that maybe you have some auto updated once you have some ignored updates of you have all that available but it see right here we have an auto so I don't have anything right there activate show plugins alright so these right here are plugins that I use and their status is active but there's trust status is not trusted what does this mean if I make them trust it that means are gonna auto update every single time so if you feel an update is super strong and the team is just really out there and and the developers do a really good job and you feel that they're trusted and they can auto update you just click them to auto update so you take away they're not trust it but in this case I want to do it manually I don't want it done automatically the only plugin is gonna be auto updated is the main WP child 1 because that one I do want to keep it updated also you have the option to remove it right next thing you can do is obviously manage users from here I don't want to show you a little bit that that's a little bit more security issues but you can manage users at new ones import use and admin passwords right here from main WP also we have the the settings for main WP right here which of the global options Advanced Options and main WP tools that one of the coolest parts right here is the extensions part Bremer I showed you over here the extensions that are available free ones and pro ones this is where you would install them so I have all these extensions installed which is a advanced uptime monitor my Brandon extension my clean and lock my client reports you can have the option to create reports for your clients right here from a WP you've got custom dashboards file uploader I think security page speeds WP compressed wordfriends some of these are based on third-party plugins but the cool thing is that you can manage them inside of the main WP like I told you about WP pivot well same thing goes with I themes with PageSpeed the word France wordfence WP compress where you installed it on the side also and you get the option to modify it from here pull ability Bowl ability checker Earl extractor WordPress SEO then we give it back up like I said I'm using that right there you have the options for each one right here when you start adding them so you've got the extensions over here and depending on the extensions you get more options over here so you have to be in this case the advance of time monitor and you can see what's going on make their way you can see right here type uptime it's been 100 percent no downtime on these sites and you can edit what's going on you can pause it or you can add more sites right here so you create a brand new monitor if you plan to add more sites you have the branding option I think this one is in the pro version see yeah it's in the pro version so these things you get more advanced see you can keep branding if shell is disconnected or branding options so in this case I got my marketing agency and it's branded to right here so instead of showing the child themes brand like WP WP main that mean people it's gonna show like it is you can also remove and disable these options so disable Themis ready and disable theme plugins change we're gonna paint WP settings all these options are available WordPress options for right here got my logos installed so each site has the same logo when they want to instead of having the WordPress logo right you got the support form options you got all this available also you have to clean a lock for some security settings right here so you can enable I peace are disabled like that obviously I'm gonna blur my IP client reports that's a really good one if you if you're using this for clients now let me see if this is on the pro version client reports the ads on the pro version so if you're interested on that you have to pay for the pro version like I said check out the link in the description custom dashboard file uploader you can do file uploads from here and send them to your sites I think security and the status right here from server across schedules error locks WP config file HTTP access you can just check everything in maintenance so I think it's a really awesome tool that everyone should be using that has at least three sites and over so you can manage all your sites in one single place instead of going to each individual one because trust me you're gonna forget what size you have when I added all my sites right here I had to log into my hosting plan and check the domains which sites I had because there's so many that I even forgot which ones I had so once I had on here that problem was over so guys recommended at least get the free version but if you really need this that the plugins that it has the extra ones the extensions go for the pro version the link will be in the description if you guys want to buy this deal it's an affiliate link it won't cost you a single step more it just helps me out to buy these deals and make these videos for you guys so you can check it out if it's actually worth it or not thank you for watching my name is jorge and this is a sass master
Channel: SaaS Master
Views: 2,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mainwp, wpmain, mainwp child, manage multiple websites, mainwp tutorial, managewp review, wordpress management, mainwp extensions, manage wp, free wordpress management, mainwp dashboard, wordpress plugins, how to manage multiple wordpress websites, how to manage multiple wordpress sites, wordpress management system, saas master, lifetime deal, mainwp coupon code
Id: B8-1NwdioeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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