Call Out TITLES After Effects + AUTO Motion Tracking

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[Music] hey everybody Nathaniel Dodson from Tuck vidcom coming at you today with an After Effects tutorial and this might be the longest After Effects tutorial I have done to this date we're gonna be talking about creating a custom call-out title because Carl titles are kind of all the rage and they're super useful and they're super cool and they're just they're awesome what else can you say about them so we're gonna create this cool call-out title and we'll talk a little bit about a little bit about Auto tracking it in your video as well I think it'll be really neat if you do enjoy the tutorial well make sure you subscribe to my channel so you never miss any Premiere Pro video editing After Effects type tutorials in the past present or future without further ado let's jump into this thing and check this effect out alright so here we are in Adobe After Effects I'm gonna go ahead and create a new composition and I'm gonna keep it simple you can go with whatever size composition you want I'm just gonna keep it small here we're gonna go standard HD regular ol HD the little guy 1080p so 1920 by 1080 frame rate of 30 is fine a background color of white totally cool we're gonna name our composition call outdoor something like that I'm gonna hit OK now I think the way we're going to do this is build the entire call-out title and then we'll worry about the animation after kind of all the graphics are in place and we have the sizes and everything kind of locked in so I'm gonna come over here and grab my ellipse tool and I'm gonna draw out just a nice little circle just you know something kind of like that that's fine we can even zoom in on it a little bit if you like and I want to focus over here in the layer contents area I want to open up ellipse and then further ellipse path 1 and I want to change the size here it will bump it up to like 100 we'll see what that looks like in fact I'm gonna go back to 100% view so I can see I'll know pretty quickly if it's too big if it's too small I'm gonna grab my move tool I'm just gonna drag it down right around here cuz this is about where the call-out title will begin and an arm will come up and across I actually think I kind of like that size that's pretty cool let's go ahead and select this ellipse path and just hit command or ctrl D to duplicate it and I'm gonna come down to ellipse path I'm gonna change the size here to like let's make this 175 I think that'll make a nice ring that's the idea is we're looking to make like a white ring down there what I'll do is I'll come up with my little ad flyout menu I'm gonna add a merge paths here and I'm gonna pop down merge pounds I'm gonna choose to use the subtract mode you can see what that's doing it's just punching a hole and giving us a nice doughnut shape nice and beautiful nice and easy just like that I'm gonna collapse a lips path one ellipse path two and merge paths all of that is contained within our original ellipse I'm gonna collapse this overall ellipse I'm gonna select ellipse one hit commander control D to duplicate it I'm gonna select ellipse a1 right click on it and just choose to rename it will name this outer ring something like that what well we need to learn how to spell outer ring there we go now here under ellipse 2 I'm gonna pop that open we're going to get rid of ellipse path 2 and merge paths ones I'm gonna select them and just delete them so we've got this fully lips I'm gonna open this up we just want to change the size here maybe I'll knock it down to like 30 let's see what that looks like set a nice dot in the center that might actually be a little bit too big so I'm gonna change it to like 20 I think that might be a little bit better yeah nice just a nice little you know a dot that's that's right there in the center looking good about the same thickness as our overall path I think I kind of like it and maybe we'll make it a little thicker why do I always second-guess myself there we go 25 for the the size of that inner dot is perfect and what we can do is we can select ellipse number 2 right click rename this and we'll name this guy inner ring I'm gonna right click and rename this overall shape layer I'm gonna call it a ring and dot really I guess that's the inner dot not an inner ring and I'm gonna come up here to after-effects and go to preferences now if you're not using the Mac your preferences are probably under your edit menu somewhere down around here I'm gonna go edit after-effects I'm sorry after effects the Preferences excuse me grids and guide and what I want to do is choose a pretty bright color for my guides so let me think what will kind of show up maybe like a dark pink will probably show up pretty easily and then this is kind of important a grid line every 100 pixels with one subdivision I'm gonna hit OK and I want to come up here to view and I'm gonna choose show the grid all right so get this nice big old grid here and we're also gonna go to view and make sure we have snap to grid turned on all right let's grab our ring and dot layer we're gonna drag it down here this I don't really care if it snaps to the grid but maybe just having it lined up like that isn't so bad after all now I want to grab the pen tool and draw the arm that would come out of the center dot so important here I want to just make sure I deselect ring and dot grab the pen tool and we're gonna drop a little point kind of as close to that grid point as we can and then we'll bring up the arm somewhere right around there and then we'll probably bring it out to here now this path has a stroke applied to it a 20 pixel white stroke which is about perfect really if it does have a feel you can just hit the word fill of course and just use that little slash to to dump the fill I want to zoom in here somebody hit the letter Z to grab my zoom tool I want to make sure that the arm is kind of aligned with that dot as best as possible you can see it's kind of not quite as perfect as we would like it so what I'll do is I'll grab my pen tool well grab my selection tool first select that arm and then grab my pen tool and I can select that anchor point I can move it around until I get it just right I think that's perfect because it snaps right to that Center graph line which i think is where it should be so we can zoom out at this point and we can see we have this nice perfect arm flowing from this dot hey everybody just a quick break from this tutorial if you enjoy creative stuff and graphical stuff and camera and video and live show stuff make sure you're following me over on Instagram my Instagram handle is at Tut vid and of course like all Instagram profiles it's totally free to follow me so you know why aren't you head over there to Instagram check it out maybe you'll like it if you like it give it a follow if not don't worry about it this tutorials totally free and we're getting ready to jump back in and finish this thing off right now in fact we'll go ahead and we'll just rename this layer we'll name it arm so we know hey the arms there and like we've done before let's grab the move tool will deselect this arm and we're going to create a new rectangle shape layer so we'll grab the rectangle tool and what we'll do is we'll drag out a rectangle between our grids that is one grid cell hi so it's a hundred pixels tall and is exactly as long as our arms so this is where the value of having that grid set up the way we set it up is now we don't want this box to have the stroke so we're gonna go stroke kill the stroke okay and we're gonna give this box a fill let's go with we can go with a white fill we'll make the whole thing white here and we'll hit OK in fact because we're making this white let's go composition composition settings and we'll make our background just just a little darker maybe it'll make it easier to see exactly what we're doing and hit okay there we go look at that beautiful all right we can take the shape and we can nudge it downward a little bit I can nudge it down until it's you know pretty close to the pretty close to the the arm maybe I'll lift it off a little bit so we're gonna have a little bit of a border kind of swirl and circle around this I think that looks pretty good let's go ahead and name this shape layer we're gonna name this one top title so we can keep track of all this stuff when it comes time to animate let's call that one top title and we're going to duplicate this shape layer command or control D and what we'll do is drag this new duplicated down beneath our arm just kind of like that and I think I want to set the the width to be about 60% of the original shapes of width so it's gonna we're going to cut it down a little bit so we're gonna hit the letter S that's gonna bring up our scaling options we're gonna unlink the proportions so we can just work with the width now part of the problem is you can see it's kind of like scaling down toward the middle so I'm gonna undo that commander control Z what we want to do is get this the center anchor point back up into place and then move it over to the left side so we're gonna grab our pan behind tool the Anchor Point tool and we can click and drag that anchor point and we're just gonna place it right there on the far left side having the snap to grid on really is gonna help our cause here and now when we reduce the width throughout 60% in fact I can just type it in manually and just get it exactly perfect there we go we now have that in place all right I'm gonna rename this layer I'm gonna right click I'm gonna name this just bottom title just like so I can collapse that and we're gonna duplicate this entire layer command or control D and I'm gonna rename this right off the bat I'm gonna name this bottom title small and what we'll do is we'll drag this down we need to make sure we're not using the Pan behind tool but rather the regular selection tool we'll just drag it straight down I'm holding shift and the the grid is kind of snapping me in place I'm gonna bump this up a little bit and just nudge it kind of until it looks right and you can see we have our anchor points still in the same place what I'm gonna do with this I'm gonna hit the letter s again to bring up scaling and I'm gonna set the width here to like 45% and you know what now that I'm thinking about it let's select this shape here let's make this kind of not quite as tall as well so I hit the letter s again to bring up scaling for that and we're gonna set the height here let's set that to 60 as well so we'll make the whole thing a bit smaller and then I'm gonna nudge it upward kind of like that yeah that's probably a good place and then the bottom shape here we're gonna nudge up until it just until it looks about right so I think this will be kind of our call-out title the general shape of it so we have our main title and then a few areas for just some like auxiliary extra supplemental text so let's collapse both these layers and what I'm gonna do is shut off the grid so we're gonna go view uncheck snap to grid we don't we don't need that anymore and we also don't need to show the grid we'll just clean that up we've got our shapes we kind of have everything lined up sort of how we want it let's begin animating I'm gonna begin with the ring and dot down here in fact I'll zoom in on it so we can really see what's going on and this will be the very first animation that happens for a call-out title the dot appears let's open up contents let's work with the outer ring first and what we're most interested in here is this this parameter here transform outer ring so we're gonna open that up and within transform outer ring we have the scaling so what I'll do is I will first activate the animation by adding the adding a keyframe hitting that little time stamp and I'll move ahead maybe to like 1 second or so and what we'll do here is we'll add another keyframe emitting the add new keyframe button and then we'll just go back to the previous keyframe biting the back arrow and we'll set our scaling to zero so over the course of that one one second boom it's going to scale up just like that we're gonna select both keyframes right-click we're gonna choose keyframe assistant and choose easy ease in all right so now if we preview this we can see we have this beautiful little animation that's just kind of rocks into place and we can adjust the timing and all of that later as we kind of build this animation out one of the things I want to do here is with both of these keyframes selected go to the graph editor right here and we're gonna adjust the way that the easing works so grab your move tool here and what we can do is we can grab a piece of this and we're just gonna drag it up a little bit to pass you can see how we kind of are adding this little hump to the ease that's gonna kind of give us this kind of like won't slide in and pop into place effect it's kind of a cool little effect just like that just to slide that into place a little bit more nicely alright let's get out of transform for the outer ring we're basically gonna do the same thing for the inner ring except we're not going to do that kind of easing bump thing alright so what we'll do is we'll come back to 0 0 and the frames that is will turn on animation for the scaling we'll come out to about a second and we're gonna add another keyframe we'll go back to the first keyframe and just set that to 0 once more we'll select both these keyframes and you got it right click keyframe assistant and we'll go easy ease in just the same now we can play through and you can see we're gonna have a dot in the on the outside and a dot in the middle now what we need to play with here is probably I want to go ahead and add or make the first dot excuse me I want the first dot to show up first so I'm actually gonna drag that keyframe where it completes and it's at 100% it's going to complete before the outer ring does and then what I'll do is I'll go back to the outer ring and I'll just start the outer ring just a little bit later so we'll open up transform outer ring and we'll drag that starting keyframe just ahead a little bit so now what you're gonna have is the middle dot come out and then the outer ring is going to spring into place just like that so again all this timing stuff you can play with this as much or as little as you want and get just that perfect establishing point for your call-out title but that's how we animate that starting ring and dot now we need to go ahead and animate the arm the idea for the arm is obviously going to be the arm is going to begin at the dot and it's gonna just slide out and then slide right across the screen before the information fills into these boxes this is actually easier than it sounds we're gonna hit the drop down here we're gonna go into the contents and we have this shape now what we're gonna do is we're gonna use our little add menu and we're going to add this trim of paths effect now we're going to drag the trim paths down below stroke one and what this trim paths will do here you can see if I change the start point it's going to sort of like suck the the path back in but if I reduce the end point it's gonna pull the path right back so if we begin the animation here and then we end it here we're gonna get just a perfectly drawn line so I'm gonna start end at zero what we'll do is we'll bring this back see here comes the dot the dots gonna be just about finished right there so this is where this path can begin coming out so we're gonna go ahead and hit the add keyframe button to turn on our animation and then we're gonna slide the path out again we can play with the timing later let's go ahead and set this to 100% and then we'll go ahead and select both keyframes right click keyframe assistant easy ease in and let's play through this one more time and see what we've got very cool I'm gonna go ahead here and collapse arm let's begin animating the top title so I'm gonna open that up I'm actually gonna select it straight up I'm gonna open up contents here and the first thing we'll do is animate this rectangle so it just kind of shoots out from the left-hand side but before I place any animation here on rectangle one I'm gonna duplicate it just it throw a rectangle two in there and I'm gonna hide it we'll come back to that in a moment I'm going to open up rectangle one here and I'm most interested in the trim probably the transformation here will just scale it this way you can see our horizontal arm still has not finished completely in fact I'll probably begin this animation right about here when the arm has just kind of turned to the corner and what we'll do is we will scale this I'm gonna turn on or toggle the animation for scaling I'm going to unlink the proportions and I'm going to well before I even begin resizing horizontal notice that we have our little anchor points stuck in the middle there so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go back to view I'm gonna snap to grid again while I'm just got to deselect this view show grid view snap to grid because this will help us just get that little anchor point exactly in the right place so we can go ahead and select our top title again we need to grab our little Anchor Point tool to Pan behind tool once more I can select rectangle one here make sure I have that Pan behind tool there's my anchor point I can drag it right over and it'll just snap right on to that grid line or close enough that it'll it'll it'll work well for us and I can go back to my move tool at this point we can go view and get rid of the grid and now when I size this down so we'll just set this to zero it gets rid of it all together and then somewhere right around just kind of right after the horizontal part of the arm finishes we're gonna set this back to 100% just like that and then of course we'll grab both of those keyframes right click keyframe assistant easy ease those bad boys in and we can see what that looks like just like that now what we may do is that maybe should almost take a little bit longer so I can just grab the final keyframe stretch it out a little bit more maybe even a little bit more than that and I want to select both these keyframes and go back to the graph editor and once again I want to do that whole kind of like where we kind of over we over ease to over animate it a little bit and give it kind of that bump and slide effect all right you can see there we go boom snaps it right back into place very cool and I think I may just move the starting point back just just a little bit more and drag it out and give it a little bit more time to finish we'll double-check here on the graph editor maybe we won't make it such a drastic bump will kind of we'll let it float in and ease it a little bit more there we go it's all about the timing just got to get the timing right to make it look really nice all right so we're gonna collapse the transform rectangle and in fact we're gonna collapse rectangle one let's turn rectangle two back on here and I'm gonna move this down I want to hide the fill for this you can see it makes it go away the path is still there and we're gonna turn the stroke on now the strokes a little excessive it's probably that 20 pixel stroke right we can see stroke with 20 that's a bit much we're gonna set that to 3 a really really thin stroke but that's not good enough we need to go up here to add and we need to add in offset paths so this offset paths here and we can drag up in either stroke it really doesn't matter I guess we'll open up offset paths we can probably just keep it here at the default of 10 maybe we'll bump it up to 15 to check it out now I think I'll just leave it at 10 I think 10 is good enough 10 will get the job done for us I'm gonna collapse offset paths will try to keep the whole area down here as clean and simple as possible now we want to add one more thing we want to add a trim paths here because the trim paths is basically to allow us to animate this stroke floating or flowing or zipping around our fill right just like it did before so you've got this nice stroke that would appear and float right around so what I'm gonna do is basically as soon as the the inner fill for our title holder and the horizontal bar shooting across the screen we're ready to begin animating the movement of our stroke so I'm gonna set the end here back to zero and then I'm gonna toggle animation using the spot stopwatch see we drop the keyframe and then I'm going to move up to a bounce probably about here and I'm going to go ahead and set it to 100 we're gonna have to tweak and adjust this but what we're also going to do is right after this begins animating maybe just a couple frames we're going to toggle the animation for the start portion and right after it finishes the start portion is gonna zoom to 100 so what this is going to give the illusion of is just this kind of line as shooting around you see how that happens that's a pretty cool little effect and I think it's got to go for a little bit longer so let's just stretch this out a little bit more let's see how what this looks like here there we go maybe we needed to go a little bit further I think it'd be cool fit it completed just as the fill kind of slides itself back into place oh we're so close try just a little bit more voila just like that isn't that cool so we'll select all these now we'll right-click and we'll just do a simple easy ease in for these as well just to give them some easing make the animation look a little bit more beautiful boom just like that very nice so now we're going to collapse here the trim paths and a rectangle tool too because in fact we're gonna duplicate rectangle 2 by selecting it hitting commander control D and that gives us rectangle 3 I'm gonna open up a rectangle 3 here and we're not gonna change a whole lot all we're gonna do is come down to trim paths and we're gonna change the offset we're gonna set it to 120 degrees and while we're at it you know let's make the stroke a little bit thicker just to offset it a little bit more maybe like 5 5 for the stroke width that will look good let's see what this looks like now we can see now we have two of these little lines chasing each other around and you can mess around with the positioning and the thickness or whatever you like but we can see here if we just quickly preview this here's our call-out title boom just like that pretty cool little effect so we can collapse top title now we did that animation let's open up the bottom title here and we're gonna animate this so it kind of bounces out just like the top title does this is gonna be relatively simple we're gonna open up the contents here we're gonna go to that rectangle and once more we'll go to the transform rectangle and I want to check out the playhead here cuz pretty much as the top is wrapping up business these are going to begin animating into place so we'll begin with the first bottom title and then we'll go to kind of the the larger of the bottom titles which by the way we call it bottom titles small just for the sake of making sure this is named properly let's name it bottom title big because it's kind of the fat title let's go to bottom side all the smaller of the two and what we'll do here is we will turn on scaling because we're just gonna do a horizontal scale let's grab the Pan behind tool and not going to turn the grid back on I'm just gonna try to freehand it we're gonna move it right over to about there and I'm going to set the scale to zero and now we'll move out to right about there when when that animation up top is wrapping up and we'll set the scale back to 100 now we'll select both these keyframes we will right-click we'll go keyframe assistant we'll go with another easy ease in once again we'll go back to the graph editor and I'm just gonna pop this guy up just to give it a little bit of a bounce itty bounce there at the end let's see what this looks like boom just like that I'm gonna take another look at that cuz it doesn't look like it animated quite correctly well of course because I didn't I did not animate it correctly here's we're gonna get out of the graph editor let's go back here let's hit this go to next keyframe so we can begin exactly on the first keyframe we're going to uncheck that link because of course we only want the width of the scaling to change so we're gonna set this to 100 because the height is going to remain the same and then we'll come right across to the last keyframe and once more that will also be at 100 you can see here when we do this we still get this like weird effect so probably the best thing to do honestly let's just delete these two let's learn a little lesson here let's delete those two keyframes and what we'll do is make sure that we don't have it linked to begin with toggle the animation great just like that we'll move over to Ray to bounce whereas the top animation wrapping up kind of right about there and we'll scale this up to 100% just like that and let's check it out there we go see just a nice a nice flow out as it should be right click keyframe assistant easy ease in go back to the graph editor give it a little bumpity-bump there we go just like that close the graph editor let's check it out there we go looking good all right so we did that animation let's collapse all that stuff let's go up to the bottom title big and we will basically do the same thing here so we'll open up the contents we'll go down to rectangle and we'll go down to the transform rectangle and again I'm gonna wait when when this this middle call out title frame is kind of like just getting started that's where this animation will begin so we'll toggle the animation for scale we will shut off the constrain proportions we've learned our lesson right we got to move that little anchor point over so I've got my my pan behind tool if you don't recall it's this little guy right up here drag that anchor point over and then set the width to 0% and we'll drag over and then kind of just as that just as that top little piece of the call-out title is finishing this guy will be getting himself into place at 100% width we can just see kind of what that will look like boom boom maybe it should be a little bit further downstream we'll drag it down a little bit kind of like that maybe it's a little bit too far we'll know in a second right click keyframe assistant I give this guy an easy he's in and of course graph editor give it that little bump D bump as well maybe doesn't have to be as drastic close the graph editor let's check to see what it looks like here 1 2 yeah that works pretty well maybe we need to give it a little bit more of a stretch on the graph editor there let's open the graph editor back up and pull this guy up pull it up a little bit more drastically kind of something like that all right let's play through that one more time see what it looks like there we go something just like that looks good so let's collapse this and at this point we're going to start changing some colors because we have our animation set we have all of our shapes it's looking good I'm gonna go to the ring dot area here and I'm gonna open up outer ring first I'm gonna open up the fill and here within the fill I've got the color so I'm gonna select the color and a color I'm gonna give it here is f9d c5c it's kind of this kind of bland yellow color I'm going to close outer ring I'm gonna go to the inner ring once more we're gonna go fill and here we're gonna give this the same exact color I'm gonna collapse the inner ring and the contents and ring dot I'm gonna open up the arm now remember this is a stroke so we're gonna open up the stroke and we're gonna give this the same exact yellow color this whole thing should kind of look like it's one big piece it's all yellow great we're gonna collapse arm we're gonna go to the top title and remember rectangle one is actually the fill so we're gonna open up the fill here and we're gonna change the color of this and that's gonna be the same exact yellow now these two bottom call out title text holders they're gonna be a different color they're gonna be more of this pink color so I'm gonna open up bottom title let's go to contents rectangle and we've got our fill of course we're gonna select the color swatch and this is going to be e D 25 4e and that's this kind of hot to pink almost great let's open up bottom title big once more of course we're gonna go into contents not the transform but the fill and change the color voila there we go we've got kind of that hot pink alright let's collapse that so now we've got our shapes it's colored it's looking good we need to add some text and of course we're gonna do that with the text tool right up here grab that text tool and I'm just gonna type out some text I'm gonna say Statue of Liberty there we go and the font i'm using is bebas new a bold 70 pixels for the size and the color i'm gonna give it is gonna be the same pink of the bottom so i'm gonna select the fill color here and i'm gonna paste that color in place i just have a copy to my they the hex code copied to my clipboard edie 25 for e great now I'm gonna grab my move tool we're gonna slide this guy up into place so we can kind of align it as best we can get it into place we're gonna be adding a mask to it that animates along with the rectangle above just so it just so it doesn't overshoot the rectangle we're gonna duplicate this text though before we add any masks so commander ctrl C and then commander ctrl V to paste it right there we're gonna drag it straight down I'm holding down shift probably the first thing I should do is change the color so we can see what's going on so I'm gonna come over here to fill select that and the fill I'm looking to add is f9 d C 5 C and that's that same yellow color that we used for everything else I'm gonna change the size from 70 pixels to 50 pixels and I'm gonna double click and I'm gonna change the text here to September 1875 I believe that was the year either the Statue of Liberty was constructed or delivered to America I'm gonna grab my move arrow and I'm just gonna nudge this text upward a little until it's about properly centered in that little call-out tag holder great now let's hit command or control V again it's gonna paste our Statue of Liberty text yet again I'm gonna drag this all the way down and once more we'll just change the color right off the bats that was f9d C 5 C if I recall correctly we'll hit OK and here I'm gonna change this text just to say New York the sort of final home of the Statue of Liberty and I'm just gonna nudge that up just a little bit I think that's about right maybe it should move down one pixel just use my arrow keys there we go that looks pretty good so now we have to animate some masks for this text to kind of keep it within these rectangles now you might be thinking oh man we have to do all this animation again not really we can select for instance this top rectangle and just duplicate it commander controlled D and I'll just name this well I'm gonna right-click and choose rename and I'll just rename it top title mask like that and I'm gonna drag it right up above Statue of Liberty and it's gonna cover the text but don't worry we're gonna open this up I'm gonna open up contents I'm gonna get rid of rectangles 2 and 3 those are those strokes that kind of spin around we don't need them we only need the shape and it's animation which we have there that's great and what we'll do at this point is use our track map this guy right here and we will set the track map of the Statue of Liberty text layer to that animated mask now if you don't see the track map drop down menus look down here at the bottom of your layers panel you got toggle switches and modes if you hit that button it gets everything you need so we're gonna select that and you can see it's just going to alpha matte with top title mask which is exactly what we want we're going to hit that and top title is now a mask on top of the Statue of Liberty text so we're utilizing all that animation that we already built so now if I back this up you're gonna see that Statue of Liberty text floats out with our shape now that is kind of problematic I want to take the mask I actually want it to happen or begin moving after the after the top title begins animating out so I'm just gonna bump this out a little bit like that and now we'll be able to see that we have this nice delay right there's a nice delay where the Statue of Liberty text comes well after that title appears look at that nice and professional-looking so now what I'll do is I will duplicate that same technique I'll speed it up for the two little text boxes below so you don't need to sit through it and I'll be back in just a moment and there we go I think that about does it for the call-out title now we still have to do the little auto tracking thing I'm gonna show you how to do that it's really cool but this is it now you can come in here obviously and play around with the timing mess with that as much as you want maybe you could go in and change the color of the stroke on those two rectangles give it that same yellow or maybe give it that hot pink that might be a little thing you want to do I'm gonna leave it white just just for time purposes here but what I am gonna do is drag some video in here and let's look at actually using this call-out title and tracking it in a real video so here we go I've dragged in this video clip I'm gonna right click on it and choose to create a new comp from selection you can see there we go we've got this video in a composition and at this point what we'll do is we'll drag our call-out title from our project bin up here call-out we're gonna drag it down and drop it above the woman and you can see if I scroll ahead in my timeline yeah there we go it's showing up it's animating into place what we need to do though is we need to make the dot portion of it we need to appear on her head and also track her head as the camera pans so we're gonna use the auto tracking here in After Effects I'm going to hide the call-out title and I'm going to select the woman dot MOV layer here next we're gonna go animation track motion and you can see your After Effects give me this gives me this little nifty tracker point or track point I'm gonna click and hold in the middle of it and move a little bit you can see I get this nice like loop well I'm gonna drag this loop up and I'm gonna target kind of the highlight on the back of her head coming out of her ponytail there and then I'm going to drag the outer box for the track point out around like the whole bit of context her entire head the top of her shoulders the top of her backpack the whole thing and just let aftereffects examine that area and track the whole thing once I do that I'm gonna come down here to the analyse right we've got this tracker a panel that's gonna open under analyze we're gonna hit the right arrow key not that not to sort of analyze one frame at a time this just analyzed the whole thing you're gonna see After Effects is gonna work through it and just make sure that we're following her head and it's getting all the information it needs to make a perfect animation for us here as it just flies through this little tracking process so there we go it looks actually a little bit like a question mark doesn't it but those are all the points that After Effects has laid down and if we can somehow attach those points to our call-out title well to call outside will track her head just about perfectly in order to do this we need to add a new null object so we're gonna right click down here in the layers area choose new and we're gonna choose null object I'm gonna leave it right there in between the call-out and the woman video that's perfect and we're gonna come over here to the tracker panel and choose edit targets and here we're gonna change the layer from call-out to null one I'm gonna hit OK and then we're going to go ahead and hit the apply button again in the tracker panel and After Effects is gonna say what would you like to apply we're just gonna say look apply the X and the y and hit okay and you can see now all these dots and things they've changed to the color red but if you notice red is also the color associated with our null object so that means it's it's now been applied to that null object now before we link the call-out title to this null object we're gonna do a couple things to call out title I'm gonna select that call out title I'm gonna turn it back on I'm gonna move to the point well I can see the whole thing here what I'm going to do is with this selected I want to move you see that anchor point right there in the middle I want to move this down to the dot because I'm gonna have to scale this down and I want that to be the point from which everything happens so I'm gonna once more grab my pan behind or my anchor Anchor Point tool grab that anchor point and just drop it roughly in the middle of our starting dot now we're gonna grab a regular move tool we'll hit the letter S which is gonna open up the scaling for the entire call-out title and we'll just scale this guy down a little bit scale it down kind of like that that's cool and what I'll do is select and move this guy up so the dot is right here on her head just kind of you know kind of like that I know it's kind of covering up most of her head but we're just gonna kind of roll with you know maybe actually we can move it down to like her shoulder we can try something like that and now that we have this well we can collapse the scaling so we don't need that anymore we're gonna use this little twirly thing called a pick whip and we're gonna click and pull it and link this call out lay this call out composition to that null layer that has all that animation information in it so now that we've done that as we play through this you can see that our call out title will do its best to stick with the shoulder there of that girl as the camera pans and moves around it may be a little jittery maybe for my taste but you can see After Effects has done all this work for us and it's really really cool so that's some auto tracking there in After Effects as well as of course building out an entire call-out title from scratch all by yourself in Adobe After Effects guys I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial hopefully it wasn't too much and you've picked up a thing or two along the way if you have enjoyed it again make sure you subscribe to the channel so you never miss any video tutorials like this in the future and for using after effects to create call-out titles and working with animation and easing EBIT easy ease in and easy ease out and just regular easy ease as while we're at it and all kinds of other things that we cover along the way guys that's it got it good but then yo Dodson vidcom I'll catch you in the next one and before you go make sure you subscribe to my channel for more great tutorials every day also by my course it helps us do what we do and this channel is supported by viewers just like you you can also just click the thumbnail and watch another video from this channel see you next time guys
Channel: tutvid
Views: 120,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, call out title, call out titles, how to make call outs, how to, call out titles after effects tutorial, call out titles after effects free, after effects animation, after effects text animation, after effects logo animation, AE
Id: lmhjqu97elo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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