3 Best Ways To Promote Your Music In 2021

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finding that you have fantastic music but no one's actually listening you're not alone here are the three best ways to promote your music in 2021 you want 2021 to be your year you want to be able to get streams you want to be able to get followers you want to be able to get engaged fans who are waiting for every single release that you have and in this video i'm going to teach you exactly how to do that these three promotional tips i'm going to be talking about are specific to 2021 they're specific to the current trends the statistics the listening habits of people now and if you actually implement these tips you start doing them you'll see the results but you'll also be ahead of all these other artists that are fighting to get heard if you're not subscribed to this channel you might be thinking who the hell are you tell me how to promote my music well we are bursimo a music marketing agency that are working directly in the music industry with independent artists but major labels as well every single day the three things i'm going to tell you today we use every single day to get artists the results that they need so these tips aren't just me making them up or they aren't from a failed artist they are from people that are working with artists every single day breaking them so let's jump straight in but i've also got to prepare you at the end of this video i've got a bonus tip this bonus tip is not just my opinion not just the opinion of someone working in the music industry it's also something that's based on things that major label executives have told us managers have told us booking agencies have told us successful artists have even told us and it's something that we're seeing blowing up this year but also it's going to be the thing that breaks majority of artists so stick around to the end to hear that little bonus tip let's start with number one the first thing you can be doing to promote your music in 2021 is tick tock if you told me this time last year that i'd still be talking about tick tock i don't think i would have believed you i think we all saw tick tock as being quite short-lived we saw it getting a few viral hits maybe getting a few memes to go viral but that's about it none of us expected it to stick around for it to impact the music industry as much as it has tiktok now basically controls the charts it's creating artists it's developing artists it's developing fan bases overnight so how can you make sure that you're promoting your music on tik tok effectively in 2021 well there's actually a few ways that you can be doing this the first way is actually getting people to use your song so if you think 15 seconds to a minute of your track can be used on tick tock for a trend jump on it you can pay influencers to actually bring that trend to life or you can even try and do it yourself make that trend on tick tock upload it and see if other people jump on it don't just try it once try a few times because you might not be successful that first time getting on that for you page of course not every track can go viral on tick tock however you can also grow an audience on tik tok just the other day i sent a tick tock strategy to an artist she implemented that strategy within a week and within a week she hit 10 000 followers and one of her videos got 430 000 views that's how quick tiktok works it grabs a piece of content and chucks out to thousands of people there's no other platform like it there's no platform that can make you go viral that quickly and also that easily you literally have to upload a 15 second to one minute video and boom you've got fans so create a tick tock account put content on there and it can stay on brand you can literally perform songs if you want to it doesn't have to be cringey it doesn't have to be a dance acrylic content that's on brand for you 2021 is your year ticktock grew last year and it's only gonna get bigger so if you don't jump on it now you're gonna be too late tip number two the second thing that you can be doing to promote your music in 2021 is getting on playlists spotify has 40 000 tracks uploaded to it every day and that stat actually was from 2020 it wasn't from 2021 so that number's probably gonna be bigger now so you as an artist right now if you uploaded your song you're competing with 40 000 others just today so to ensure that you're getting streams and spotify is pushing you out to a larger audience you need to a get on editorial playlists and b get on those user curated playlists because those things are going to get the algorithmic playlist i've said playlists quite a few times so let's start with this editorial playlist these are the gold every artist wants to go on an editorial playlist these playlists are the ones that spotify own and they actually have a system where you can submit to them yourselves which most other streaming platforms don't have so this is fantastic you upload your track with your distributor pre-release you then go to spotify for artists from here you fill in a form and that pitches the song to the editors at spotify we've done a full video on this so i'll make sure to link that one below these playlists are absolutely amazing but you can actually get on these playlists by capturing spotify's attention by all the other playlists i'm going to be speaking about the second one user curated playlist these playlists are now in more demand than ever the playlist with 500 000 streams are getting contacted every single day but what people don't realize is you don't always have to go for the big ones to trigger the algorithm you need to show spotify what your genre is and how you do this is being placed alongside artists that are similar to you similar style of music similar listeners similar tempo all those things spotify are looking at so if you're a rock artist and you got put on tons and tons and tons of small rock playlists that will trigger the algorithm so don't worry just about those huge ones you can also go for the small ones the more you get the better so the best way to get on this user curated playlist is to contact the curators and we recently released the tool called playlist hunter which is fantastic for this it literally finds playlists when you search a keyword so you type in your keyword which might be rock it scans spotify in real time to find every single playlist which is rock related and finds the curator's details you send them a simple email or instagram dm as it has both those contact details and boom you're in so make sure to check that one out you may find it useful if you're trying to pitch the playlist finally those algorithmic playlists and the only way you can actually get on these is by what i've said getting on those user curated ones getting those streams but another small thing that you can be doing to get on those algorithmic ones is getting followers on spotify when someone follows you on spotify you're immediately put onto their release radar so try to get people to follow you as well i know it's super hard but your engaged audience definitely will if you've given them enough and by giving them enough i don't mean a present i mean that value haven't you given them enough good music have you given them enough content have you engaged with them enough and if you have they will follow tip number three the third way that you can be promoting your music in 2021 is social media ads if you follow this channel you'll know that we are big fans of social media advertising which i don't think enough people in the music industry are actually talking about if you look at platforms like facebook and instagram where most artists are they're losing their organic reach facebook pages have as little as two percent breach now and instagram is following their feed is no longer chronological so if your content isn't good enough and doesn't get engagement it's not going to reach your audience so of course make good content we have a few videos on our channel talking about how you can do this but another thing you can be doing is promoting these social media ads can get the target audience that you want cheaply there's no better way to spend the money because a you're reaching your target audience who eventually going to stream your song and become a fan b you've got that data forever so say you spent 100 pounds on one campaign and didn't have enough money to invest again you can then invest in another year and you've got all that data to retarget those people and see it's guaranteed results what other music promotional strategy can you do that's gonna get you immediate results gonna get you guaranteed results the ads that you run really depend on what your aims are as an artist and going into 2021 i would definitely suggest focusing on two things engagement and streams the reason i say streams is because it's people actually listening to your music and the reason i say engagement is because that's how people are going to fall in love with you as an artist if they're engaging with you and you're engaging back they're more likely to be really really invested be a super fan come to your gigs buy merchandise those are the lifelong fans that you need so for this you're gonna have to actually run different style of ads definitely don't run an ad which is creative with the aim to get multiple things for streaming you're to want to look at story ads we found these to be super super effective because people listen to stories rather than the feed where they don't always have the sound on people are 70 more likely to have the sound on in story so that's why having a promo video having some sort of ad on story is more likely to get results so swipe up story ads can be very effective for this for engagement you're going to be wanting to look at the feed because people are more likely to comment and interact with a feed post than they are a story ad so be creative with this what can people engage with is it a short snippet from your music video is it a skit is it a cover is it one of your tick tock ideas use something that people can interact with one suggestion i always have for those kind of ads is think carefully think what could someone possibly comment on this and often you'll find that that's very difficult if it's just a screenshot of your artwork what could someone possibly comment so create engagement ads with the aim of someone commenting sharing it and then story ones are perfect for streams if you've got this far into the video well played 2021 is gonna be your year let me know you've got this far comment down below comment 2021 is gonna be my year you guys the lucky ones you're gonna hear this bonus tip this bonus tip is probably one of my favorite things to happen in late 2020 but also this 2021 year we're only a few months in but this is already impacting the music industry massively and after speaking to other industry professionals they all agree this bonus tip is have a narrative seems pretty vague right you probably think what's a narrative and how can i incorporate that into my music strategy but a narrative is usually created quite naturally you as an artist have a narrative without realizing and once you know what that narrative is once you've vocalized it written it down whatever you need to do then you can actually think about using that to your advantage one artist that's done this very successfully at the beginning of 2021 and i'm sure we're going to look back at this in a couple of months and they're still smashing it it's olivia rodrigo olivia rodrigo recently released driver's license and this track has blown up across the internet it's charting it's got millions of streams it's gone viral on tick tock and twitter is going crazy for it the reason the track has done so well is because it has such a strong narrative the song has a narrative which people are obsessed with it's something relatable there are tick tocks where people are talking about this narrative people are also making it relatable to their lives on twitter if you search it people are talking about it non-stop people make montage videos on youtube of who they think the song is about this narrative people are obsessed with and they're now obsessed with her personal narrative where she's come from what's created the narrative of the song and you can do exactly the same you have your own personal narrative all your songs also have a narrative they have a story to tell so tell it whether this is through a music video through a piece of content on social media maybe you tell the narrative to an influencer and let them make that narrative their own through a tick tock get your story out there and people will engage with it in 2020 people were struggling there was a global pandemic and people were needing any source of entertainment any source of human interaction and that's why in 2021 this narrative strategy is going to work because people are gripping onto these sort of things they want to engage with people they want to have things that are relatable and if you can give them that if you can create that's create that sense of community through that story do it this is going to be the year this is going to be the year that you get those streams get those followers get those fans by using those three tips if you found them useful at all make sure to drop a comment and subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Burstimo
Views: 204,711
Rating: 4.9619241 out of 5
Keywords: music marketing, music promotion, 2021 music marketing, 2021 music tips, tiktok strategy, go viral on tiktok, Spotify promotion, get more streams, get on spotify playlists, editorial playlists, user curated playlists, social media ads for musicians, social media music promotion, get more fans
Id: _a4pE0zedoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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