How To Make Your First Million Dollars (This Year) ft. Nehemiah Davis | #TheDept Ep. 19

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today's department is the entrepreneur Department I have my friend Neo Davis who is a8f fig entrepreneur has a about a million followers across social media running the city of Atlanta and honored that I can call you friend and homie and I appreciate you I appreciate you bro this idea of making a million is such a entrepreneur's first goal do a workshop every single week what this is going to do is going to make you become a better speaker made me become a better marketer and reason why you got to become a better marketer because you're doing the same thing every single week and you got to get new people to show up so your content got to get better you got to come up with new marketing strategies for people to show up to this event right you don't need a million people you don't need a thousand people it's unlikely that most people are going to get and speak in front of a thousand people on the stage I think people want the stage to create your own stage no one will put me on the stage turn on your phone on Instagram go live and you on stage my biggest mistake in business is not sticking with continuity you should focus so much energy on getting people to pay you a monthly recurrent payment this one thing has done more for me than anything else thank you for being on the department hey I'm excited bro you always fresh bro I'm have to tell you that you always stylish bro do I try yeah you know BR I give it does matter yeah it's brand but shout out to Kanye growing up I just I was wearing popped cers and everything I did the whole thing but dude you are somebody who people look at when they think about starting businesses you've even helped people become Millionaires and that's kind of like the season you're in and so a lot of people this idea of making a million is such a entrepreneur's first goal yeah and in all honesty I've been a part of making millions of dollars uh I personally haven't hit that last year was was awesome I probably did close to 500 you going to do it this year I see I saw the I see the path all I promise you I promise you yeah but you said something um and I'll talk about it if we talk about making a million at some point but I think it's better to be a part of someone else doing it cuz you're able to do it a little bit easier because you got a framework now you got a a blueprint versus just having to come figure it out from scratch yeah do you remember that first year you did a million yeah I do I think my first year that I did was I I want to say I did a webinar every week like straight and wow just stuck with it and that was the first year I'm like oh okay this works but I heard Russell Brunson say it and I just stuck with it man and I don't know how many years this a long time ago I just doubled down on it see what did you what what price point did you sell during that webinar so at that time I'm I'm starting to think now that I say that I wonder was it was $1,000 yeah $1,000 wow y that's really cool so you you just sold a thousand of a thousand thousand of them yeah okay so you know you did talk about this blueprint and like you've seen it now multiple times and what I wanted to really talk about because I feel like you can have it was a mix too cuz I was selling digital products I think I was doing a little bit a bunch of things okay cool like Lo TI yeah dude fire so yeah what what would you say is that like Bas level blueprint somebody is listening or watching this and they're like I want to make a million dollars like what the heck do I do am I able to share two or dude because I feel like it's two different things that I would do my very first thing I would do this is I don't need brand I don't need money like I don't need any of those things my very first thing that I would do is I'm going to learn sales I'm going to learn as much as I can about sales I'm going to go study YouTube I may listen to hosi aot myself like Grant Cardon like I'm going to go commit to learning as much as I can about sales then I'm going to go find Omar I'm going to go find the Nehemiah I'm going to go find somebody and literally and and I'm only telling you this I physically did this for one of our business partners I'm like bro you got this amazing thing he was doing um and this just I've never told this story and I don't even know if I can tell it but I'll just kind of give you so he used to do this thing called a Ride Along he'll put like two three people in his car he's great at real estate and just ride around it's like $100 or something I'm like bro you're what you're doing is incredible like you are crushing it do you mind me selling it for you right I'm like what do you make with the three people said I will make $500 I'm like do you mind me selling this for you he's like sure give it a shot I start I post something on the social I I um took a sales call for him right and I sold it for a thousand oh dang the same thing the same thing then I did it again and again and again and I said bro and the dope thing is you still get what you're getting right but you don't have it's not from three people this now from one person and I said now we just split it 50/50 we're partners and that been ever since so I say all that to say first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to find an entrepreneur business owner it don't even got to be a entrepreneur that does coaching anybody that's selling a product I'm going to see how I can make the product better improve the product and then increase the cost of the product where if it it was a no-brainer for him to let me sell the product if he can make D I'm he's making double what he was making off the product after I still get half I love that you serve more people he was serving two three people now we can serve 30 40 50 people in one day yeah right and sell this service and we split it so I'm GNA go find a entrepreneur I'm going to figure out how to add the most value to them and I'm going to help them create a product that's a, $5,000 product and I'm gonna start getting on the phones and selling it now most of them probably won't give you 50% yeah but I'm going to work the negotiate 20% so for example and this is a Shameless plug for you really sorry it's your platform so like you come set up people office whatever it costs like the experience is A1 it's the best experience like the look like I'm telling people all the time like yo you need to deal with this guy he'll set that office up it's going to look crispy let's say it's 10,000 I'm throwing numbers out and it's cheap for somebody listening I'm like oh let's figure out how the way to make this 15 cuz big Brands can afford it makes sense but I want to get 20% of that yeah if you were selling it for under that number you're still going to make more you're still going to make more by giving me 20% and you do less cuz I'm gonna sell it on your behalf that's good so if we're at 15K I'm making this up and we going to give me 20% I'm going to take 3% I'm G to take 3,000 of that you're still getting more than what you were making at the price point that it was selling at I'm now making 3,000 now this is probably harder at scale because you're physically going to go do it so we could we could it could also it could be just a coaching program for 15K as well but let's say it's a coaching program all right at 15K if I'm making 3,000 it's a million divided by 3,000 let's see what that is um are you looking to take your content more serious this year in your business or your brand or maybe you're looking to figure out better ways that you can monetize the content that you're putting out to convert your viewers into customers and all those various things well I'm excited to announce my next challenge is coming up the content to cash challenge we're going to be breaking down everything you need to know to make sure that you crush content this year no more uploading videos and crossing your fingers that's not a strategy and I'm going to be giving you the mindset the tool set and the skill set needed to kill it this year both on YouTube and on vertical platforms like Instagram Tik talk and things like that so I would encourage you to jump into the challenge and if you get a VIP ticket I'm going to be doing live Q&A every single day of the challenge so I'll get your personalized questions answered on these Zoom calls and I'd love to see you there jump in the link is in the description and in the show notes let's get back into the combo dude I love that though I think I think the entrepreneur the person who already has the business it's like get your s skills your sales skills intact which has been invaluable I've been walking through that the last year and a half or so but for somebody like maybe doesn't have anything you're a W2 you're saying value and I love that D you actually live this still even at your level like if people don't know this like Neo has called me and has said what are you doing like I just saw that you did this thing like how do you know it like you you embody literally what you're saying so I just I just want to commend that yeah and just to give you numbers oh so that's $3,000 I'll make everyone I sell uh in order for you to make a million we got to sell 333 of if you divide that by it's pretty much almost one a day yeah it's not impossible you going to have to you going to have to rumble to do it you got to put some effort in right but it's possible okay I can sell three a day I mean uh one a day all right let's cut this number and a half increase the price point just got it's just a numbers game you just got to get in front of more people it's fun I saw you do a post the other day about uh setting up somebody recipe yeah thousand plus comments if I'm a person I'm hitting I'm banging every one of them Instagram me like I'm I'm hitting everyone that commented although I'm sure you got some sort of automation set up but hey Omar got something special going on with this setting about would you let's talk about it I'm getting you on a phone call now but now here's the thing I'm gonna do that for Omar I'm gonna do it for somebody else I'm gonna do it for somebody else I'm G to do it for I'm going to go get me five clients like that that's a million dollars so that is my model if I have no brand you don't need a brand I know you talk about building a brand but what's the quickest way learn sales and you come message me hey bro I want to come do sales for you I only make money if I close a deal I don't need no you ain't paying me nothing else this is 100% commission most people are not going to say no to you right here's the list of leads have your way at it so that's one of my first ways I'm going to generate income if I have no brand if W2 9 W2 however you want to do it my second way is I probably would do a workshop every week and webinar so I would identify what am I extremely good at doing am I good at sales am I good at content marketing am I good and I will put together a workshop and I would do a virtual Workshop a 90minut workshop every week for a year straight and what this is going to do for you this says this one thing has done more for me than anything else because a lot of people like bro you're good at speaking I'm I'm some people say I'm really good at speaking I was not I was horrible you know Marcus W roer yeah what I used to do with Marcus W Roser is I think I told you I might have told the story at my iron event maybe but I was so bad at speaking people were booking me to speak because of brand because of the charity giving back and making a difference they was booking me to speak and every time I get a book and I call him bro I got a book to speak I want to split it with you some free some paid we were getting like a grand 1,500 it wasn't a bunch right and but I had this uh I had this concept I'll have him go speak first I mean I'll go speak first cuz I was so bad I knew I was going to mess it up and then had he's so good yeah he'll come clean it up and they'll forget about me messing it up that is being resourceful so other thing for these entrepreneurs let you got to get resourceful like I could have said no to all of them jobs I said yes and got better you get better practicing so what a workshop does you doing it every week that's 52 reps reps I think people want the stage to but that that's create your own stage 100 yeah I'm waiting no one will put me on the stage you get on your own turn on your phone on Instagram go live and you on stage yeah go on Facebook you on a stage you don't need a million people you don't need a thousand people it's unlikely that most people are going to get and speak in front of a thousand people on a stage yeah it's much more likely cuz it's a budget it's a huge it's a lot of people you need Instagram you could get on a virtual Workshop get 500 to show up 300 a thousand two you could get a whole bunch of people to show up that's good so I say all that to say um I feel like I'm doing a lot of talking I hope I feel like talk I think you're I'm I'm I'm listening all I just doing a lot of talking right now so so I sell this to say um do a workshop every single week what this is going to do is going to make you become a better speaker what it did for me it made me become a better marketer and reason why you got to become a better marketer because you're doing the same thing every single week and you got to get new people to show up so your content got to get better you got to come up with new content you got to come up with new marketing strategies for people to show up to this event right you got to get good at faceb Facebook ads if you're not meaning you going to learn to run these yourself or you going to get someone else to run them you got to get good at Instagram marketing you either got to get good at content that get people to comment and post where you can send them your link um and ultimately you're going to get good at selles you're going to learn cell psychology you're going to learn what to say what not to say you're going to learn what what's working and what's not working during these presentation so you can adjust them so I would do that in in order for you to do 52 week of presentations would you really quickly M 52 weeks of web classes or 12 3-day challenges yeah or 12 yeah 12 yeah or 12 3day challenges or 12 five days I I like five a little bit better personally for me um but let's go for me it's the more immersion more conversion yeah okay I took one of my clients and let's say they made a Million last year we did it in a month so what you did in a year we were able to do in the month following this model but more emerging equals conversion I tell people all the time the more time someone spend with you the more money they'll spend with you that's really good you know what I mean how do you balance more immersion versus overwhelming people though overwhelming yeah that's a good question so there there's a mix between um sometimes overwhelm is good in the time that you have like I want you to feel as though while you with me I'm getting so so much game and I'm getting so much done with the time that I'm spending with you that I never want it to end so if I'm having you do a 5day virtual event and I got you doing two three four pieces of homework a day right yeah and after the end of the week let's say three times five is 15 pieces of action steps that you had to do go live Post in a group work on your plan work on your content you got them doing all of these in five days that's good after that time and that experience you're like if I did this much in a week I don't want this to stop because I feel I feel accomplished like imagine coming through what you got going on at the end of the week they might got a camera setup done they they got a post up on social their lighting is right like they they got some things your Brand Story might be together like you got whoa I don't want this the end so I think sometimes overwhelm with game and homework is nice because it's like they didn't fluff me they become a fan of like yo oh he got great content it's fire all right you were going to do some math 52 weeks oh yeah so 52 weeks let's do 52 weeks yes sure so we got 52 million I'm not the greatest math person but divided by [Music] 52 is that right you got to do $199,000 per thing so it's 52 CL class is time 19,000 yeah that's about right so that's 19 so let's say if you were selling $1,000 product you have to sell 20 of them every single week MH to make that happen and if you're going to sell 20 of them every week no just like four or five a week yeah no I'm saying if you were going to do uh 52 weeks okay at $1,000 I not the be Mas so I make a million I did a million do I did a million dollar divided by 52 weeks that's what I did that terms the 19,000 so that's each each week you want to hit 19 yeah you want to sell $19 $1,000 products or cut it in half if you want to double that price the numb you or you could do 10 of them at 2,000 or you could do four of them at 5,000 yeah so you got to choose on what option you want but if I'm going to do 5,000 at the end into that Workshop I'm having them book a call with me so we could sell you the product over the phone good even if they buy it at $1,000 I'm still having them a book a call with me to sell them a higher product I tell people all the time is a buyer is a buyer a buyer if they buy what you once they'll buy with you again and the best time to sell somebody something is that they already bought something that's good so more of that is like do that every single week you're not going to sell 19 of them in week one you're probably not going to sell 19 of them for four five months get but then you're going to get so good at it that it'll be like printing money at some point you have a system in a process now what uh what are some good tactics to get people to a web class or Workshop yeah uh so several one is thing right now that that what's working right now for a lot of people is giving real game so giving real gaming 30 seconds or less ideal because people attention span is short or a minute or less where you literally like all right three it's three ways for you to get your event space you can find it fun in and automated step number one is fine you want to go on websites like C or loopnet you're looking for 1,000 or 3,000 squ foot commercial space step number two is fund it um one of the ways to fund is use OPM which stands for other people's money one of the banks I recommend you guys use is Key Bank they give a $50,000 no documentation loan um with minimum interest for you to get started step number three in the process is called automate how you a virtual assistance on and list the event spaces on pspace uh gigster verbo if you guys interested in learning my full blueprint comment the word this so now what you just done was you showed that individual that I I know what I'm talking about and I gave that to you in under 60 seconds but if you want everything I got comment the word class XY link whatever and I'm going to teach you the full break down method yeah but now you do that every day you trying to post one of them every single day until one of them hits like your recipe one thing hit I'm going to do that one again in another formula and do it again and again and again until you almost got a formula to do one or two of them a week that goes viral that can get you a 100 registrants that could get you 200 registrants that could get you 500 registrants um that's good so that would be one of the ways I would say like content creation right now cuz now it's we're at a spot where you got to earn people's trust yep so I've been doing value content forever and been preaching it go give away your best stuff for free like everything you got give it away and they like I'm going to come see you second thing is one of my things that I think people are underutilizing especially if you got an audience people aren't going live enough like you should be going live and I don't you don't need to go live give an hour class go live 10 15 minutes give them quick game have your mini chat bot set up or mobile monkey that's comment the word live and they're registering fast for the class like do that every day five 10 minutes it don't got to be long just quick in and outs you got to do what you and then the next thing of course is just Facebook ads but some people sometimes don't have a budget so when we were get when we were running heavy webinars when we were running heavy webinars one I I don't run the ads myself I'm not a Facebook ad expert right so either you learn yourself which I believe you could you can learn yourself and get extremely good at it or you got to pay somebody but most people don't generally have a budget for it so because we didn't have a budget or the reason why we had to good good on social and good good on Instagram and because we weren't profitable with the cold traffic so you got to get good on the the warm traffic in the social so it can at least even out um so no I love that you just made it super accessible I think we a lot of people don't do the live thing because they want it to be perfect like the heavy edited thing I have I have people that signed up for my coaching because of an IG life 100% because it just the human connection and then it all people need to do is like okay this person knows what they're talking about yeah I'm in 100% dude I love that and I dude something I think I think people look at your life now and it looks so um you know it looks it looks so desirable you know uh you're a lifestyle entrepreneur but if you really peel back the layers you know you started you really made it selling this like program on how to get in event space yeah which this idea is not sexy it's not a like sexy idea and I I just love how like you stuck with the niche like you didn't you didn't diversify yet and and I start actually I started with bro I tell people all the time like all you ever have to do is see it like I want to say I had this guy kendle who I was met here shout out Kendall in excuse me in Atlanta probably like eight nine years ago time is going by so fast I don't know how long time been anymore but time is but more of the story this guy was reaching out like because I had my event space Maybe seven eight years now maybe so my first one so he was reaching out like I want to use your space to to host my event and you know you know I need that money so I just was kind of ignoring them and I was like matter of fact Let Me Go Ahad and let you use the space and I happen to be in town because I was building my brand for years on just having networking events and getting myself out there and and this dude came to my event and he did this whole presentation at the end he said it's just a community where we connect you with this this and this we had calls I'm like wait I've been doing this for free forever wow making connect like I would go connect you let's say you I connect you with Tai y'all go make money right and I make nothing out of it it's just I've been just doing that forever wait I'm tell wait wait you got a community where they get in your community they give you $50 a month they still get to do their connections make their money but I get paid now because they giving me a monthly payment wow so I saw him do it and when he got done I said bro I need to do that I called him the next day you mind telling me how you did it like what I need to do do I need a website no do I need this no we use this software Zoho for recurring payments use a Facebook group and get you a flyer that was my first and I took that thing to like 13,000 a month and and and I want anybody listen to my biggest mistake in business biggest well I got a couple I won't share the second one but the first one is not sticking with continuity continuity like is everything like you should focus so much energy on getting people to pay you a monthly recurrent payment okay that's the game like that's you should focus on it so like better than a 12K program just sell it's 1,000 bucks a month is what you're saying or I think you should have both okay I think you should have I think it all depends on your model because you got to start factoring different things you got churn you got I rather have 12,000 up front versus $1,000 a month because three four months you might opt out of that for so I it depends on the model but after I get the 12 I still want to put you in some sort of kind of think about that after community and you buy a program so I'll give people game people ain't on this like instead of making your course yeah this game instead of making your course lifetime it it's annual so instead of it being a TH or 2,000 one time it recur it re it re next year it's a th000 or 2,000 again yeah big mistake I I lost a lot of money not doing think about in the year because when they're not going to not buy it now cuz we're not saying lifetime guys you get access to our program for a year that's what you need to get to the next level and next year you get to keep it as well but it's going to be kind of it recurs that's really good so imagine you go put a thousand people in your program in a given year what if 200 of them stay next year you didn't even have to do anything we talking about $200,000 that you got over five years that's a million bucks that you weren't even going to get at all right that's that's good yeah I hope they continuity continuity so that's one of my big so more of story I watched the guy do that and I just got in the continuity business and I was just running that for a long time it was called circle of greatness uh and then that's when I stumbled Up when somebody said yo you should teach people about event spaces and then that's when I got into it that's dope but I made my first multiple six figures all through continuity that's dope and I was like oh yeah this is it but I didn't and at the time another mistake me and my guy Matt uh they got Queen Warriors it was fit with Fabby at the time he went to kind of new as well but we Ain know about no upsells no down we a know about nothing we're running thousands of people through our trials with no upsells no nothing man so it was like that's why it's so cool that I get to help people and show people now I'm like bro I made so many mistakes and lost so much money so when I'm telling people to do certain things it's not these aren't guesses that I'm telling people to do this crap works and people are skipping out on the time wasted to figure out something that they would have otherwise something I noticed like that your your event space the way you Market it is like a business in a box and it made me think of like dang if you could take anything you teach and just turn it into a business in a box I think I I learned even David David Omari he he he's taking YouTube and he's selling it as a business in a box and I even you know with the studio stuff I never thought of it that way but as soon as I say set up a space that you're not using put a couple cameras up and then start a Ken Lee and and just start charging people to use it you use it for your content you know I was like dang I could sell the whole thing as a business in a box that's whole another angle to make money from GE yeah that's crazy but speaking of like price variation like you say the thousand dollar we're talking $1,000 doll to get to a a million a thousand but we can just up the price yeah 100% can you talk about the mindset of upping the price like how what justifies somebody being able to charge $1,000 for something and then just being like you know what I'm going to charge five for it I think two things I think value the value that you're giving somebody in the payoff so you know like for me if I help people you know make hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars I can't charge you $1,000 dolls for that don't make sense well I could I can but it doesn't make you you should pay pay with us if my Mastermind when we were doing my Mastermind heavy um it was $55,000 or something but if you go make a million two million $3 million I still get to the short end of the stick in that equation so it you should base your price on what they're getting out of it like even my event space it's still cheap for you get in in just the course for $2,000 I got people Tanisha Madison her she hit her first $100,000 month with physical event space buildings that's wild like and she got in a program using PayPal credit didn't have it snap so it's really worth that's alone worth 5 to 10 because of once you get in the game you can make 5 to 10,000 a month so it's all based on on payoff so the reason why colleges probably charge you 40 60 70 80,000 a year because they're thinking about you're you're learning this information cuz this is going to pay for your career yeah so it's going to cost you a lot but the idea is that yo you may have be in 100 and 150,000 in debt but they're thinking well you got the next 45 years to pay this off because you're learning this whatever they're teaching now in college you know what I'm saying no I went to college so I ain't I ain't messing on college but now you can go on YouTube and on the internet if you're not a doctor lawyer accountant you can learn everything with like rapid speed yeah pay all that money or pay a coach or still pay a lot but you got the information forever yeah that's really good you don't lose the info you're going to make money from it next year the year after the year after the year after the year after yeah so yeah I mean so much of the foundational part of you know making your first million and just you know doing business right is getting these skills and I know you've talked about multiple times how you've invested you invest so much into yourself into your learning close to half a million dollars a year yeah more than that well to in the last year year and a half or about almost 18 month I'll say uh 450,000 like that concept it took me a while to break that you know like and and like I guess people would say why would you why would you spend 450k to invest in yourself why is coaching important yeah for me it's a few reasons one I mean my mom can't teach me this my dad in jail I mean he died in jail for murder like he can't teach me this people I grew up with can't teach me the information so I got to go out and get the information from people BR I beat myself up daily right now about mistakes I made over just the last couple years with me investing myself I'm like I wish I would have had this information wish I had more information on m&a like when I start like think about this I what's m&a mergers and Acquisitions buying business that's just things that I'm studying and focus on now right but Russell Brunson has been an entrepreneur probably 20 years or whatever him and I started at the same time I'm around the same time I started a fruit truck he started digital marketing he makes a 100 million a year we make eight figures a year but it's a he got the right information a lot sooner like he got the right information seven eight nine 10 more years sooner than me cuz he had access to the right people whether it was a coach whether it was his parent I don't know who he got the initial information from but he might have paid for it yeah I didn't even know that was a thing that you can pay somebody I was getting Mentor ship I started a fruit truck because I was taking my grandma to go get fresh fruits every week on a fruit truck but I learned that from that person who was running a fruit truck he wasn't making real M like real money is relative he was making money yeah but you know but I'm like wait you could make a thousand in a day I didn't know that was a fruit truck you make 50 100 good day 200 but you still the cost of the fruit right Russell was online selling digital products or or right but he had access to the right information so my biggest thing what if I was getting coaching in earlier if I was I was reading I read back in when I was younger I read the 4-Hour Work week but I didn't really understand and grasp the idea go hire your virtual assistant then start a business let them manage the whole business and I just only knew physical gr yeah just grinded out grind like yeah I'm talking about how hard I'm working with my junk removal I was literally breaking my body down while someone else is learning online stuff so I pay a coach so I can get there faster so I could get access to the information that they know because I would be much further on if I would have started with the right information if I would have knew about the things I KN if I knew about buying businesses if I would have KN known about Equity if I would have known about real estate if I would have known about depreciation if I would have known about cost segregation studies if I would have known about t all these things that I'm learning about these things from bumping my head experience or paying somebody right now yeah so I tell people like you and some people don't need a mentor you go figure all of this out on your own but for me it'll just take you longer though yeah I'll just like trying to go right to the source and and getting it and they say like you know the most expensive thing we'll ever pay is not taxes it's not our house it's you don't know it's what we don't know yeah I'm going to a I'm going to fly in Switzerland uh in a couple days I'm going to a summit 250 billionaires GNA be there that's wild I I don't even know what I'm doing in there but I'll be there but it's like I'm G to I'm I'm gonna pick something up that may accelerate where I got to go it's costing a lot of money to be a part of this be there but how much is going to cost me if I don't when else can I get around 250 billionaires in one room yeah billionaires with a B you know what I'm fire no that's big so it's like that's what I'm that's what I'm on yeah and I think that's important like to get yourself in these uncomfortable situations like I don't know you think when when was the last time you were uncomfortable because four people yeah were just at a different level and um and yeah like thank you for like even pushing me in it I know I was in a moment literally at at myn's event and I was like dang I've never done I've actually never invested in coaching and my first thing was like 55k but um when people say like dude was it worth it I mean the next month I made double the price just from one thing I got from a call that's it like and so and that's the key what what happens is when you start paying cuz you go on YouTube and get a lot of stuff I remember my man he paid Jason flatland Jason's like my homie now but he's the he's he he is the webinar guy he paid him like 30k at the time write his webinar all this like I don't know how many years six years ago or something maybe seven years I don't know long time ago but write the webinar do but it came with like two coaching sessions it's like one of my great friends and he's like H bro I I paid this guy huh here's the recording you think I ever listened to the recording to this day I didn't it didn't cost me when you don't pay you don't pay attention but these things that cost me I'm executing on them so fast and even now my friend do that I would listen but I just I didn't it wasn't a priority for me to hurry up and listen to it cuz it didn't cost me anything like you probably went and ran plays you might have heard plays before but when you when you departed from that money you yeah let me let me go ahead and put this in motion a lot quicker so tell people a lot of times it's it's it forces you into action yeah and that's why you're not investing into that individual you're investing into yourself yeah people like yo I just investing it with you you you might invested with me but you invested for you right and I noticed like I ain't giving no I'm investing for me that's good dude that that's fire I I I love the community that you guys have in Atlanta something I've just never seen before in my life and I'm just always what I talk about with art like I feel like I got adopted into this community like bro Omar came through and he's you know and gets invited to all these things and people even ask me like how the heck and I say I mean it was that special trip we took I took with Sean with that's when I met David for the first time and that's when we start building right there power bro you started breaking down this Challenge from I don't know if you remember and I said hey can I record you and you're like don't share this and I was like bet but you can record me I was like all right and you just broke it down I was like dude I'm I'm around something that I know I need to stick around and so no like how has your community like even just your friends in your circle um how has that played a role in your entrepreneurial Journey have you ever wondered to yourself or asked yourself the question when you watch my content how the heck does Omar's quality of video look and sound so dang crispy it's literally the number one question I get asked whether it's privately in the DMS or people commenting on my videos on Instagram or even on YouTube the reality is I believe the quality of videos that I've been able to produce has been the recipe to my success online and I want to give you access to my live document where I've listed out everything I use both for the podcast I create to the YouTube videos I make as well as to what I use for my smartphone to make it look and sound amazing the reason I put it on a live Doc is cuz I keep this document updated in real time with everything that I'm using so just head over to the for/ Krispy or just click the link down in the show notes let's get back to the conversation just the right community the community everything man I focus I hosts now just I just put people the like we building together just I don't get nothing out of just on to I I feel good about helping people get to another level right and I just like being around good people man and I I know iron sharpens iron we had a group where we would meet every week on Zoom here's what you did here's what work for me and we were just sharpening each other saw I think everybody should create one of them groups on their own like it's a free pair group where y'all just meet once a week two to 10 people and just what's working for you what's not working for you and if people in there going crazy doing better you can't show up with nothing to the table you ain't got to do what they doing but now you like all right let me go let me get better let me you yo I just ran this play I just did this I just did that so it's just it got people in motion that's fire so I think it's um support man just getting around how much like what's because like you've made a lot of money like at at this point what's your outlook now like I feel like you you could probably filter the ways you've made money and now you're like no this is the way I kind of want to go yeah um I mean for me I I want to get into buying businesses that's what I want to get into I want to get into that I also want to get into some things that you know don't require like your personal brand like how you make money without a brand like without you personally so selling to the government like I I'm learning through it all now like I'm just studying like what are some things that people are doing that's working like I was just in Africa and I was like talking to this billionaire what is what a sentence right yeah this dude man it's so ironic I'm in a this dude took us home took us to the hotel was me Amy the lawyer she's amazing and we were leaving this afro future conference and he just took us to the spot he like bro you could bump your head in Africa in in Nigeria and make a million dollars a month and it's just now I'm opening my mind and just opportunity like yo Africa's up next like it's just I'm always looking for what is the next thing like still doing everything we're doing now doubling down on that but what's the next thing and I think having equity in various businesses is going to be something that I want to focus on I see that trend from people like that are in their later 30s they're like okay like there are especially the wave of businesses that are going to die regardless of who running them and stuff yeah a lot going to die a lot of businesses won't ever sell yeah yeah so dude you're really good at I your family your marriage and prioritizing that and even you know I could be better at that though we all can but but even just you know putting it out there like opening yourself up you give back so much to the community um I don't know it seems like my observation even from a just straight up friend observation is that you haven't let the success get to you yeah I don't think I'm successful yet you know what I'm saying so for me I got this concept so when I remember I was telling you I had my continuity program went to I went from eight well 10 grand 11 Grand 12 Grand 13 Grand then it went to 12 11 10 n 8 7 it went all way down to nothing and what happened was I stopped doing what I did to get me there that's what most people do you hit a Target and you stop doing the thing so I said God if you ever get me back here I'm gonna always work hard I ain't G so I just haven't ever took my foot off the gas since then keeping that promise but the second thing is I got a concept called No scoreboard watching and with no scoreboard watching is as soon as you hit the shot or hit the game you got to get right back to work like it never happened you celebrate for a day that's good I just just say I just finished speaking right on a big stage clickfunnels the biggest stage stage to date it was over the next day bro I crushed it was one of my best speeches ever but it was next yeah buy new house next buy a new car next crush your event next that's just me it's just ingrained to me what's next you should always be looking forward because I can't yo 21 was up like I don't want to be a hasb been I don't never want to be y' I remember like oldheads back in the day your son we was out here we was doing what you doing today so I'm just at a spot where and I don't look at me as successful I feel like I got a lot more work to do to be successful but success is all relative right to someone else I would be successful but I keep myself as I got to get better I finished speaking today I'm like yeah that was garbage crowd they like that Jo good I'm like that was like a four to me I'm like that was one of the that was hard I feel I felt bad about it all these people coming up that was the best I ever heard I'm like you you didn't see nothing yet then for me cuz that was garbage for me but that's what I'm holding myself to like how do we become better like I ain't people get too comfortable where they at I ain't getting comfortable that's good what would you say is your definition of wealth wealth uh that's a good question I think well if if financially I mean I think holistically you're a holistic definition of it oh holistic well holistic mean you're not relating it to money just yeah you're all-encompassing idea like or I guess another word would could be success like if you were to Divine it oh success I I think success is not even much I think success is being able to do what you want when you want and living life on your terms that's success to me so success is if you you you yearned to be a doctor and you are now a pediatrician you loving on kids you doing what you want to do you you family man like and that's success to you that's what success is success is to me success was when I had my fruit truck I got fired from 10 jobs and I finally got started I was making it work for me I wasn't really making no money I was still giving back at the time that was success for me so I think success is relative to a person's definition but for me it's success is doing what you love that's what cuz I don't do nothing if I don't love it it ain't even about money if this don't if I don't got a joy in it I would not do it at all I love how you say that that's honestly theme cuz I asked that question you know often on the podcast and people are saying it's that it's um I I have been the the word that I've been dwelling on is Obsession yeah if you get paid to do the thing that you're obsessed about right it's it it's so natural and and and and it's when that's why the burnout wouldn't happen and um but dude that's so good so much Insight dude I actually enjoyed this EP not when I say actually like I wouldn't but it's this is one of my favorite it seemed real relaxed like it's not like you you know a lot of times we go and drop game like it's like I'm teaching but I felt like I'm giving game teaching talking have a this was I mean I think the growth of the podcast is because of the conversational aspect I actually did a podcast a couple days ago with a couple guys and I texted him after and I said hey you left our conversation to just direct game into the camera and the reason why the podcast is doing well is because it's just an authentic conversation yeah and and YouTube can identify that but I didn't preface it you know that so you're saying it's better to have not just all right guys let me give you these steps right now yeah no it don't and if you're going to do it like don't leave this yeah and I think that's probably why you enjoyed it I interviewed a guy that I looked up to his name is Chris doe that podcast has like 130,000 views right now I se him and I saw him speak at I think uh Neil P oh yeah know they're connected yeah but he even was like dude we even had an awkward moment you know I was talking he was talking about the tithe or whatever and I was like you know whatever long story short I left it in and I think that's why you know so I say all that to say uh I think that more people who's doing podcast they should just just have the conversation and just throw it up but dude I appreciate it I know your time's valuable appr I know you're going to get out of here I'm glad we were able to do it in person yeah me too I will in person you do it virtually no oh doing that's why I waited for you to get on you got to do it in person but like because of the success of this thing I've been really thinking about this year and that I really do want to do these like almost tours I'll just go to a city and they'll like we'll we'll find a dope spot and just cook and um Atlanta's going to be one of those so we can smack a part two yeah well you know I'm down bro I appreciate it bro in Buckhead yeah Buck at the spot man come shoot at the house go ahead and plug away uh all the things whatever how how do people connect with you oh yeah uh I forgot about that yeah uh Instagram at Neil deiso YouTube neamiah Davis if you guys looking to work with us partner with um Mastermind just follow me on any social media website would love to be able to help you guys um your businesses why do you put the O at the end of Davis so when I was in college somebody somebody named me uh deiso she's I started a t-shirt brand okay and we wanted to to sound expensive so it was it was Neo deiso and that's funny it was Neil deiso and um yeah we just stuck with it because I tried to get I got to talk to the Instagram guy Tai see if he can help me but I want my first name just nemiah on Instagram so if I can't get my name I'll just I'll drop the whole Neo deiso brand if I could just get my first name that' be fire yeah dude love you appreciate your friendship and everything thank you so much for let's go
Channel: Omar Eltakrori
Views: 147,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bzI4-w4Xy10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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