How to Make Window Sills & Apron | Woodworking

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Window "stool" and apron.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sumerian29 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

When he's measuring the length of the horn at about 3:20 and says "I've got 3-3/4" (from the edge of the jamb extension)," I don't follow what that means. Couldn't he just make it whatever length he wants? I don't follow where he gets the 3-3/4" from.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dimplesmccree πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm just a DIYer, and I can't remember where I picked up my techniques, but have created what he's after here, but with these differences in process that I think makes it easier:

  1. To create that cove on the sill, I used an ogee router bit with the router base running against the edge of the board. It was easy enough to clamp the board to my workbench so that the edge was flush with the top of the bench and run the router down it. There was no need for elbow grease to remove the sharper edge from the table saw.
  2. For the "returns" on the apron, I cut them to length (thickness of the board/.75 inches) on my miter saw. I was doing many more windows than this and cut a lot of them at one time and glue them on and put two finishing nails through it to reinforce it (pre drilling holes). But, no need for that awkward cutting on the table saw.
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/roonerspize πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hi I'm Skye I design build and repair woodworking pieces I'm opening up the doors to my shop to help you become a better woodworker [Music] I want to give you the big picture for this next project this is a renovation where we've stripped the popcorn ceiling we've installed pot lights and built a brand new fireplace mantel now the windows the seals have gone and there's a lot of division in the glass which is preventing light from coming in the house so I'm going to replace the windows but this project I want to focus on trimming out those windows and really focus on building in a windowsill this is a room that doesn't have window sills and I think with the detail on the fireplace that's now been introduced the window sills will be the right detail to balance out the room the key step in making sure you can put in a window sill is checking for the spacing I've already loosened off this trim and looked underneath I've got enough room in the framing here to add a thicker sill this is about 3/4 of an inch I'm adding a board that is an inch and a quarter so I've got space here to do that so now I'm going to go to the lumberyard and buy five quarter which is inch and a quarter for the window cells and three quarter inch for the sides and by the time I replace the windows I'll be ready to go with the trim I've installed the new windows and insulated them I've cut back to spray foam and now I'm ready to fit this sill so I've got it marked out here what I'm doing is just cutting this back here so that I can create a horn and I've taken the depth here and made it a little bit shallower so that I can get this board in here and then I can scribe it to fit [Music] little bit [Music] Oh I put the seal in and shimmed it up so I've got an even quarter-inch space in the back now I just need to set my dividers and to describe the line [Music] the next step is to make sure that this window jamb is in the right spot so what I've done is I've measured 3/16 all the way around and then that marked here so what I'm going to do now is install the jamb extensions and that will give me the dimension from here pass the trim to be able to figure out how long the horn needs to be it'll cut that off now that have the jamb extension in it gives me a fixed point that I can now measure the length of the horn pipe guts from this edge here three and three-quarter inches so that's one two three and three-quarter inches so I'm gonna cut the horn off here and I also want to change the depth of this I'm going to bring it out about six and a half inches so I'm also going to shorten this up here so I've got a good fit I've got the horns trim to what they need to be and I've got the right depth so the last piece is to work on the dimensions here and what I'm looking for is a slight curve on top with a bit of an OG underneath so I'm going to go in the shop now that I'm happy with this and shape the edge I reached out to some woodworking friends on Instagram I was looking at these three different profiles and trying to figure out what look best turns out the overwhelming response would be so that's what I want with a roundover now on the windowsill the profile looks like this but I need to get it to look like this so to put a Cove on I turn the board this way and run it to the table saw this should not be done by anyone who has not been trained on this this is a very dangerous operation [Music] this is the profile off the saw now it just takes a bunch of elbow grease to round that profile I find all the pieces and put them together I've got the windowsill here the window jamb extension here and I just installed these by putting screws through the windows cell into the jamb extension now I have to put the trim on and put an apron on I went to design out the workshop so I'll show you that next [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that I've cut the angles on all the apron pieces here what I'm going to do is move them together so this gives me a nice profile on the edge of that apron instead of just having something like this which is square well gluing up small letters like this I like to use an existing box it just helps me clamp these pieces together and then get a nice tight miter when I'm done here what I'm going to do is trim this off so this leaves me with a nice apron and a clean edge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that the backspin trim plush you can see what the profile looks like with a return on it's not looking the way I expected it's a lot more ornate than when I'm looking for so what I decided to do is cut off right here now that's much better if you're interested in taking a job like this here are the keys to success scribe the windowsill horns to the wall for an accurate fit experiment when creating with new edge profiles to find out what's going to work best for you adding returns to the end of an apron can increase the quality of the job and use a box as a jig to glue up miners with small parts [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] if you enjoyed watching this today please subscribe the more subscribers we get the more word courage should produce so share it with your family and friends thanks for watching and thank you for your support [Music] you
Channel: Home Improvement Woodworking
Views: 652,100
Rating: 4.819941 out of 5
Keywords: window sill, windowsill, window stool, window sill apron, custom window sill, custom widowsill, custom window stool, apron, window apron, window trim, woodworking, how to, renovation, home improvement
Id: SveIrINSDwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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