How to Install Interior Window Trim | Ask This Old House

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all right ann this is the material we're going to use to trim your window this is actually primed pine and it's one by four which means it's three quarters of an inch thick and three and a half inches wide okay all right now let me tell you a little bit about the parts of the window first on the outside of the window at the bottom is called a window sill on the inside of the window the part that goes across the bottom is called a window stool really i did not know that well a lot of people don't on the side it's called a casing on the header it's called a header and underneath the window stool is an apron and we use the same wood for all of those we're going to use the same wood for all of it now to get started i've actually cut a scrap piece of the one by four so i can get the length of my window stool okay okay now i have to position this where i want it in this case i'm going to position it right against this edge of this wood right here which is called a stop so i hold it even on the edge and i mark the outside of it on the plaster wall mark it on that side i take it down here again i hold it on the edge of the windows stop make sure it's flush and i mark the edge right here okay now i measure between these two marks and that will give me the length almost of my window stool okay all right so in this case it measures 35 and a quarter i want to have a reveal on each end of the stool which is going to be 3 8 of an inch that's three quarters of an inch in total so that's going to give me my length of 36 inches 36 i'm glad you did that math tommy all right so now i'm going to mark 36 inches i'm going to make it square and i'm going to cut the length all right now that we have the length of the window stool cut i'm going to position it on the wall against the window 3 8 of an inch away from my line now i have to establish the width of the window stool to do that i'm going to take my scrap piece of one by i'm going to hold it on the wall like that and i want to make sure that i have the 3 8 on the end and on the front so to get that measurement i'm going to measure from the window out past the casing that's inch and 5 8 plus 3 8 is 2 inches so i have to rip our window stool 2 inches all right now when i'm ripping i want to try to keep my shoulder over the saw what i mean by that is if i keep my shoulder in too far the saw will tilt this way if i stand back too far the saw will tilt this way by keeping it over the saw i will get a square cut now i'm following the line if you notice i'm keeping just a fraction of that line on there okay now what i want to do is i want to smooth up that edge with my plane so we're using all hand tools today well ann it is an old house it is all right we have ripped our window stool down to the right width the next thing i want to do is i want to notch around the window stop and the wall so it'll fit tight to the window so to do that i'm going to hold it in the position that i want it to be allowing for my 3 8 of an inch overhang i'm holding it tight to the window stop now i have to move it in that width right there so i'm going to take my scribes tommy that looks like the compass i used in geometry class well it sure is just a simple compass i set it to that width right there i take that and i bring it over hold it against the wall and i mark here i'm going to mark my length right here on the inside of the stop i'm going to do the same thing on this side follow the wall and make a measurement right here and that gives me the length of the window stool inside the stops and then we have to cut out those little notches exactly all right let's see how it fits looks great perfect okay now the next thing i want to do is i want to ease over our edges and what are we going to use for that i'm actually going to use my hand plane and some sandpaper but i first want to put a reference line on where i want to ease it to i'm going to line down this end down the front and this end now i got to get down the other end and i'm going to mark the edge at the bottom of the top at the bottom and i'm going to run right across the face now i have to do the bottom of the face and one underneath at the end on the front to round over the edge with my block plane i just keep changing the angle all right now i'm just going to fine tune it with some sandpaper tommy i'm pretty impressed with all that all right i think we're all set now the next step is i'm going to nail it to the window okay i'm going to nail it right through the center of the nosing so eight penny finished nails two and a half inches long should be perfect i want to get it started on my sawhorses we want it to stay so we're gonna glue it and nail it okay so now i'm going to position it where i want it on the window i'm going to drive a nail in now i want to set those nails in now to get the length of my side casing i could measure it or i can just take the piece hold it into position against my window stool and against my side stop and mark the length right there now first thing i want to do is run some glue down the edge on the wood or the drywall right on the wood across the stool all right and now i'm going to nail it in place now to fasten it i'm going to use some six penny finish knits now on the outside of the casing i have to use a longer nail i'm going to use an eight penny finish nail because i have to go through the drywall to get to the stud okay now i'm going to take one more a penny nail i'm going to drive it right through the underside of the stool into the side casing now ready to mark for the head casing to do that i'm going to hold it flush on one end i don't want any overhang at the top and i'm going to mark the other end even with the casing now i'm going to cut it now i want to glue across the top of the side casing across the top and the side casing good fit okay now the last thing we have to install and cut to length is the apron that goes underneath the stool now i don't want it to be flush with the edge of the stool i want it even with the outside edge of the casing to get that length i'm going to hold it even on this end here and mark this side right here i'm running a bead of glue right across the top edge of the apron this will glue it to the stool make sure i line up on each end which i do and now i'll nail it all right and all you have to do is putty up the hole put a couple coats of paint on there and you're in business
Channel: This Old House
Views: 1,221,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Old House, Ask This Old House, DIY, Home Improvement, DIY Ideas, Renovation, Renovation Ideas, How To Fix, How To Install, How To Build, Window (Industry), Interior Design (Industry), Construction, Installation, Repair, Do It Yourself (Hobby), DIY (Website Category)(Interest), Home Repair (Interest) (TV Program), Tom Silva (TV Personality), roger cook, kevin o'connor, Richard Trethewey (TV Personality)
Id: iBfUbQSmMrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2015
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