The Best Tuna Salad | A Fridge Must Have | Quarantine Cooking Week 3

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hi guys this is Kenya welcome back to caster for corner and today is week three in our quarantine cooking collaboration and so we are making the best tuna salad and I'm using Starkist tuna this is an 8 pack that I picked up I think that Costco and I always get the tuna in water the chunk light tuna in water it is the best and so these are the items that we'll use to make our tuna we have four eggs about 1/3 cup of chopped red onions and then we have some mayo I like to use the one with olive oil but you can use whatever kind you like we have sweet pickle relish I prefer the dill Dixie brand just because and then we have sea salt you can use regular table salt if you like and then we have tony satter ease creole seasoning some black pepper and we're also going to add in a little bit of mustard alrighty guys so those are all of our ingredients that we'll use let's get this salad going so here I'm just opening up the tuna and you know you guys know how to do that but I thought I'd just show you real quick that I go all the way around the rim so that I can press the lid down to squeeze out all of the water so that's what I'm just showing you guys there now that we have all the water out you can see the tuna is pretty dry as I am dishing it into the bowl and you want it to be dry like that chunky and dry and so I'm just showing you guys here how the lid is pushed all the way into the can so that we squeezed all the water out so I just have to use a fork to kind of pop the lid up to get it out and you can see how compact the tuna is there in the can so we'll just now finish putting it in the bowl and for this one I am using three cans of tuna and this should last us about five days and we eat off of it you know maybe not even five days maybe like three or four days but it will it's a nice something to have in the fridge all the time so for your family when you need a snack and you don't know really what you want or easy lunch so I just like to keep tuna meat in our refrigerator so here I'm just showing you guys that I'm going to chop up the eggs and I'm just doing it on the same plate as the onions because we're going to put them all in the tuna in just a minute now we're putting everything in the tuna the onions and the eggs and honestly guys I'm like hmm wondering if this bowl is going to be large enough I not sure because I need enough room to be able to stir everything in this will be the perfect bowl to store the tuna in once it's completed but I think I'm going to go ahead and switch out to a larger bowl here and place everything into the larger bowl just so that we'll have enough room to mix everything all together and then I'll keep that smaller bowl out because I will store it in that later and it also has a lid that goes along with it so I like to keep the tuna airtight so that it will last so now we're just adding in the remainder of the eggs I like to use four eggs because I like to have kind of a lot of eggs in my tuna but if you want to just use three that's totally fine and we're just gonna sprinkle in a little bit of black pepper and also we're going to add in a little bit of sea salt and so we'll just stir this in mix it in well I like to go ahead and season the tuna and the eggs beforehand so that it will just be easier to season the whole dish is if we season as we go at least that's how I like to do it so now I'll just mix up the salt and pepper with the eggs in the tuna then we'll prepare to add the other ingredients you as I'm stirring this all together I'm also breaking up any larger chunks of tuna because I don't want that I want them to be all about equally sized and now we're going to add in our mayo and we're going to start out with 3 large teaspoons of mayo now I like to start out with a little and then add in more if I need to because I don't want it to be overly wet that's what you do not want me do tuna and I think that's where a lot of people fail is that they make their tuna way too wet so we're going to start with 1 teaspoon of sweet relish and we're going to just mix those two together so that I can see the consistency and then decide if I need to add more you now I've decided that I'm going to add one more small teaspoon of mayo because it's pretty wet but there's a couple of dry spots and so you do want to have all of your tuna coated with Mayo and so I'm also going to add now a small teaspoon of relish just to even everything out so we'll mix that all together but I'm going to go ahead and add in a little bit more sea salt now that we're adding that we've added in our condiments and I would say guys season to taste but as you can see I didn't put too too much because I am going to add in the tony satter ease Creole seasoning so that has salt in it but it has a nice flavor to a little kick to your tuna that's how we like it so now I'll mix all of that in together you okay guys here I'm showing you the consistency of the tuna is not wet but it's all well coated that's how I like the tuna this is the best way to make tuna because it will last longer and it's just so much better than having it overly wet so yeah so we got it all mixed in together and now we're going to add in just one teaspoon of mustard and that also just adds a little extra tang to your tuna a little extra kick is totally optional if you don't want to add mustard then that's fine my sister does not like mustard but she does not know that I add it to my tuna and she likes my - the jizz perfectly fine so you don't really even notice the tuna I mean the mustard in the tuna it just adds a nice little extra flavor but it doesn't taste like mustard so now that everything is all mixed together this is our tuna all complete and I have to say guys like I said I love having tuna or just a dish like this in the refrigerator because it's just something easy to grab when you're ready for lunch and so today this is going to be Edison's lunch so I have him little tuna sliders here with some chips and so the sliders are on Hawaiian rolls you can use regular sandwich bread if you want to or if you're like me I like to eat my tuna with crackers it's totally up to you but this will be a lunch today and then there's plenty as you can see left over to go in the refrigerator for the rest of the week so yeah we'll have tuna for lunch and yeah we're going to enjoy it and here's a quick view of Addison enjoying his lunch he wanted to be in the video so here's a quick snapshot hmm also guys here you can add a little bit of paprika on top of your tuna just to add a little color so just a dash of paprika and I'm also going to add a few flakes of parsley now if I have fresh parsley I would use that but I only have the dried parsley so that's totally fine you can just add a few sprinkles right on top all right guys I hope that you all have enjoyed this video please be sure to give it a thumbs up also this is a reminder this video is a part of the quarantine cooking collaboration hosted by myself Denise Jordan and this sister circle so be sure to check my description box below for the playlist and be sure to check out all the participants let them know that sent you by and if you're new here welcome thank you so much for stopping by I hope that you will go ahead and click the subscribe button and also be sure to hit the notification bell to receive alerts as to when I upload new videos for my faithful family members you guys know I love you love you love you so very much and I look forward to seeing all of you next week on week 4 much love and many blessings bye bye [Music]
Channel: Kenya's Decor Corner
Views: 96,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make Tuna Salad, The Best Tuna Salad, A Fridge Must Have, Easy Lunch Ideas, Easy Meal Ideas, No Cooking Meal Ideas, #quarantinecooking, Quarantine Cooking Week 3, #quarantinecookingathomewithme3, How To Make The Best Tuna and Egg Salad, Quarantine Kitchen Meal Ideas, Quarantine Meals At Home, #athomewithme, #cookwithme, #stayhome, The Easy & Best Tuna Recipe, Easy & Tasy Snack Ideas, Cooking with Kenya, Kenya's Decor Corner, #inthekitchenwithme, #tunasalad, Quick & Easy Meals
Id: 9QPBqAyTsf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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