Delicious Pepper Steak Recipe Better Than Takeout

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hello looks like the first person I can see is Renee how are you Renee welcome back in Hello everybody welcome welcome as you come in make sure you give a thumbs up to the live if you look up and you realize you didn't give a thumbs up make sure to give a thumbs up Ashton bull how you doing Lynette Nicole stucco welcome back in hello hi everybody and happy Wednesday I can be more excited to see you all today we're gonna have a good time today good good clean fun here at the Young's house Miss B welcome Lynette welcome on the Move hello aloha aloha Ron how are you Glinda Deanna Sonja welcome Brenda Willis welcome Miss B Maddie Sherry Hinton hello Terrell unknown welcome Ursula welcome is it your name let me see yeah Ursula how are you Mildred welcome back Karen loins hello Martine Martine is it Martine or Martini welcome in Vanessa hello Nancy Denise Billups and crockpot is in here Angela and Saj welcome welcome how are you Gabriel is that right J April I could be totally wrong if I'm wrong I apologize hello happy happy Wednesday to everybody y'all I love each and every one of you thank you for coming in and joining today Deku welcome back Alyssa Wooten how are you Karen and Miss B Glenda hello everybody great Renee thank you I hope you all are excited Eula hello Penny hello Debbie Gibson welcome back Donna Oliver uh hold up Donna let me see that name I think I said that wrong Donna Oliver I think I may have said that name right charade Tripp and Sandra welcome welcome how's everybody doing pepper steak is on the menu it is pepper steak is on the menu it's a quick easy delicious recipe and then we're going to chit chat for the rest of the evening we're gonna have a lot of fun Alyssa Wooten welcome welcome Patricia Tapley Lois hello ebony Sheila and Derek eats welcome welcome back Donna hello hello Lois Jackson Antoinette hello Valerie Allen yes how's everybody doing oh it's okay it's rainy welcome Renny I love making pepper steak okay great Donald welcome back how are you okay this is great everybody Gwen Riley good afternoon Gina and all the recipes oh you said all of the recipe family hello I want seafood platter I'm about to order one oh my goodness that sounds great yes it does Ashton how you doing today Shaquita hello hello Debbie Gibson Gina would you send the finished steak to me sure sure and I tell you what if you stay on here until the recipe is cooked I'm gonna sit down and I'm gonna taste it I'm gonna give y'all a bite so you'll get to taste some right that's even better you're gonna get to taste it through the fall or through your device Antoine is it Antoine or Antoinette let's see Antoine Antoine Anderson hello thank you Sue H hello Karen Somerville welcome welcome welcome I am happy y'all yes Mildred says Derek is glad you're glad to see Derek back absolutely we're glad to see Derek yes Miss B says the weather there today is 92. oh my goodness wow Marilyn hello Loretta Glover Barbara Taylor Shakira Sutton I I don't want to eat my dice let's see what are you saying you don't want to eat okay so Shakira says I don't want to eat my dice I want to be there to eat hello I can eat pepper steak by itself me too Donald me too and I tell you what I have an amazing recipe set up for you all so now even if you're not cooking with me today make sure to take notes because this recipe is going to turn your taste if you got taste buds this recipe is going to turn your taste buds out and it's so easy to make and I I I just have to step in and say this it tastes so authentic when you taste this recipe I'm not kidding I'm not just saying it just because it's my recipe I'm saying it because I have paired this recipe up against um you know Chinese food pepper steak and I feel like mine's is better I feel like mine's is better and you only way you can find out is if you make it yourself take notes if you're not cooking today is there anybody that's going to be cooking with me today if you're cooking give me a red heart so I have an idea who's cooking with me how you doing such Valencia welcome welcome back some more welcome okay so somebody says Gwen says I haven't had a good pepper steak since my dad passed oh my goodness God bless us so okay well I tell you what you're gonna have some good pepper steak once you try this recipe easy peasy recipe so what we're gonna do I'm literally just gonna give it like seven minutes for a few more people to come into the chat and then I also okay I'm seeing some people in here cooking with me I'm happy about that all right Miss Tracy welcome from Philly oh beef neck bones and gravy okay so what we're gonna do um I am gonna give some people about seven minutes to get into the chat meanwhile I need you all to bring the thumbs up up let's make the thumbs up match with you all that are in here I see everybody that's in here and I can I see who's giving a thumbs up only a hundred of you giving a thumbs up let's bring that thumbs up make it match because I'm here to show you all a good day the least you could do give me a thumbs up I'm taking notes okay Dimitri what's your name let me see duh let me see that how do I say your name um then trick you're ha you have to tell me how to pronounce your name Lulu welcome welcome welcome hello Special K Darlene Williams thank you Glenda Shelly Bailey or let's see Shelly Shelly Holloman welcome welcome welcome if there is any by chance that you're new Iris hello or Lois hello if you're new let me know that you're new just by saying I'm new and I would love to welcome you in such a way but if at any time I miss anybody's name I totally apologize it's so hard to be one person and really get to every single message in here okay I see I'm new here there you go I see it loyalty command thank you for coming in and joining but if there's any chance that you say I'm new and I miss it the people in the background would love to welcome you so still let us know if you're in a chat and you're new if there's anybody that's messaging me during this live and I happen to miss your message maybe you can put up like a red stop sign and it'll pull my attention but sometimes I have to take my eyes off of the um the messages otherwise I'll be like this try trying to read the messages you know sometimes I gotta take my eyes away so my eyes can rest all right it's like hours of just trying to read messages that are going like this okay I don't want to go nuts on the live nobody wants to see Gina go nuts on the lot okay so let's get started can you use chicken instead of a steak absolutely you can what a great question so now if you decide yes that's great oh no it's put better than takeout put better in a takeout um if you decide that you want to use chicken I would suggest you're going to use a thin chicken breast let's just say you don't like chicken breasts boneless skinless thin chicken breast you could even use a boneless skinless chicken thighs both would be delicious and guess what else you can use in this recipe shrimp if you wanted to absolutely okay it's a whistle sound on your phone Gina okay it's a whistle sound I I I are you are you are you pulling my legs oh oh that's my notification going off because my husband left out my husband left out the garage and that was a notification let me know somebody is in your driveway I was like wait a minute what Shakira Sutton I love your channel just want to pay it for thank you so much I greatly appreciate it thank you thank you we're going to have a good time today I'm on my way says latika latika welcome in Wendell Wendell Johnson welcome hello can this be made in a crock pot ah I I have to tell you I have to tell you I wouldn't put it in a crock pot guess what because we're going to be making a gravy this isn't something that you just want to Stew for hours do you see what I'm saying the way we're gonna make this beef is going to quickly become nice and soft and tender the gravy takes three minutes to make it'll thicken up in the pan in three minutes okay so this recipe comes together quickly it's not a recipe like a beef stew that you want to Stew for hours in a crock pot okay let's get to cooking Gina okay Donald Hey There Brother Christopher Williams says Derek Derek how you doing today I hope you're having a good day today at to see ya all right the microphone is on you're my go-to teacher from Arkansas well welcome what's your name a Powell welcome in let's get this microphone on let's rock and roll I'm gonna pull this down a little bit so I can see my shirt put the microphone on this way and then see if you if you hide my shirt and leave that part out let's try it a little different and see if y'all can hear me better when I leave the whole device out and if you can let me know I'd love to know Christopher welcome welcome all right let's get my apron on get your hands nice and clean go ahead and grab all your ingredients out before I put my apron on I'll tell you what ingredients I'm using today I'm gonna be using beef now in the um um in the community section I'd like to tell you all to get the beef stewed meat it comes in Cubes but you don't have to you can use a steak if you wanted to okay any kind of steak you could use whatever type steak you have around your house okay but for this recipe I like to use the beef stew meat because it it's always nice and tender you're gonna need some rice if you want to serve it with rice you're going to need bell peppers and what I like to do I like to use different color bell peppers red green yellow orange whatever color you want or you could just do red and green and we're going to use onions tomatoes is optional uh we're going to be using some cornstarch to thicken up our gravy beef stock beef broth okay any kind of broth really if you have any kind of broth at your house it'll work okay we're gonna be using fish sauce is optional if you can find it oyster sauce soy sauce and sugar that's going to be our sauce the spices we're using garlic powder salt and pepper onion powder that's it let's get to apron on let's rock and roll I'm going to Houston for my sister's birthday eight days I'm taking Eugena and your recipes okay Gwen well thank you hey take me along that's right tell the whole world tell the whole world purple love welcome in all right let's get the apron on I can't I can't even see my stomach yo to put the apron on all right I will make them I will I will not make them what what I didn't get to see that message Sonya how you doing today Ron Wilson how are you Mildred how you doing today welcome welcome welcome let's flip this camera over hello Jared could you use turkey chop with this recipe if wanted to sure you can but we are making pepper steak it's just the option to throw out there okay all right you ready I need my computer Christy Fowler welcome back could you use chicken livers ain't no way ain't no way I knew he didn't say Chicken Lovers Thank You Bridget I hate listen listen listen listen listen thank you but there are days that my stomach is swollen but they told me once I figured out if I'm allergic to something then that swelling in the top of my stomach will subside so we'll just see all right I'm gonna need my computer we're gonna wash our hands getting ready to get started let me get my beef out guess what when he left out he let a fly-in he let a flop the color you got to get this fly Nicole you gotta get the slide like right now before I go nuts all right I'm gonna wash my hands there's the fly swatter you know where it's at you might have to come back here oh y'all it's a fly in here I don't know how I'm gonna do it I don't know how I'm gonna do it your dad let the fly in through the garage let's put that right on all right I'm getting my hands nice and clean go ahead you you can lie what you can do turn the light on over there maybe it'll go over there oh there there is oh my Lord y'all I know he know he said fly we need to land hold on hold on I'll close the trash can and maybe he'll stay away from theirs I don't know where he went but I think I hit him oh yeah okay that's okay hey we're gonna get that fly though this might I hope this isn't alive where I'm cooking and I'm swatting the fly all right make sure I'm around the camera all right my hands are impeccably clean so now one of the first things that we need to do I need my computer one of the first things that we need to do grab our meat I'm gonna rinse my meat off I have just one pound of the stewed beef okay I'm gonna rinse it off just with cold water I'm not using lemon or lime juice or anything like that just gonna rinse it off with some cold water and then we're gonna take a sharp knife and because the beef is in big cubes what I want to do is slice it down to slices or even smaller cubes whatever you want to do okay then the first thing I'm going to do I'm not gonna do anything special but just rinse it off with cold water okay so let's get that part done Shakira Sutton dang you know when she felt to throw a whole computer in that dish it's gonna be good I tried to read the message I think that's what she said well thank you Lord you said I'm looking around telling my daughter to get the fly there isn't a fly in here at all [Applause] yo he got the fly but you know what the code is good it's good for telling me he caught the fly he really did it's right there okay okay he said it's really there so I'm a trustee I'm a trust him on this one y'all all right I'm just rinsing my needle so Sonya do you feel like you have a fly now did you think you've seen one that can happen it can rub off on you so where you think you gotta fly in your house now you're gonna have to lift that trash can up for me okay so here's my meat just rinsed it off foreign take these pieces now if the camera can come in really close because I'd like for you all to see what I'm gonna do with these cute Pieces of Me Okay so come on in real quick and let's let me show it so if you got a piece like this and they're all different sizes different shapes and sizes this is what I like to do just like that nothing fancy okay but break it down just like so that way you'll have like kind of like beef strips right we're gonna do that with each piece this is only a pound you may find some pieces that's already broken down small enough that you don't even have to cut okay see that there now every once in a while I will chime in and I'll look at the messages see how everybody's doing I'll see if you got a serious question if you're cooking along with me you got a serious question put a stop sign in in the chat and I will know or somebody will scream at me and so I answer your question okay if you happen to see some fat discard of it if you want to you can keep it if you like it all right so let's break the meat down in such a manner I want to move some of my ingredients aside so I don't feel too crowded I feel like everything's really close to me there we go now I feel like I got some wiggle room and I can kind of move a little bit I hope y'all are having a great day today and if you're not hopefully I can help you to have a great day when we sit down and talk we talk about everything under the Sun so listen y'all if you have a great topic that you would like to talk about um write it down so you remember when I come around to talk to you all and we can talk about it that way we can keep great conversation going one thing I love is great conversation I live for a great topic a great conversation right so if you think of something while we're cooking write it down so you don't forget okay okay okay Sonia says put the stop sign okay great that's it I'm frozen Gina are you putting fresh garlic clothing no no garlic but I do let me tell you this you can use garlic absolutely you can I don't believe when I've made pepper steak I've ever put fresh garlic in but you can you can and it will be delicious okay so now I am using something called oyster sauce and fish sauce and I know a lot of you right now let's have a coffee everyone oh it's morning there my goodness um so I I know when I mentioned fish sauce some people kind of quench like oh that sounds kind of disgusting uh let's talk about it really quickly sauce is put in a lot of Asian recipes Chinese food when you go and pick it up for your from your local um Chinese restaurant a lot of times it has this in it this right here is Umami mommy means yes oh mommy is delicious right does it make anything taste like fish I'm gonna go ahead and answer that right now nope and I can swear and promise you it don't taste like fish okay so just keep that in mind if you ever hear me using um the fish sauce it has a great taste it's used in Chinese foods okay okay oyster sauce and fish sauce yes okay so Christopher says I believe that oh absolutely I'm gonna stare anybody wrong y'all thank you jessalyn thank you so much but I do have to say this excuse me I it took several years for me to be able to let me cough real quick hold on and then I'll wash my hands let me wash my hands it took me several years to be able to know how to talk in front of the camera or or not so much how to talk because how I talk is how I talk you know uh but to get the confidence to do it that's the scary part right what are they going to think about you what are they gonna say about you you know because before I got on camera they talked about me like a dog like a dirty dog they did but I just had to work up Gina can you please State what you what meat you're using yes the meat that I'm using is a beef stew meat s-t-e-w meat beef stew meat it's in the ingredient yeah so I I just had to work up the confidence to tell myself I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and I will do all things through Christ who strengthens make and those people that try to bring me down because there's going to be people that tries to bring you down uh you just you know gotta move on you know say the heck with them the heck with what you gotta say and then you move forward and you never look back right so so once you build up that confidence it is smooth selling from there and as long as you've got God on your side listen you can conquer anything you hear me absolutely you can uh this will make me know the strategy of cooking okay well that's great okay so look what we got here all our meat nice and chopped so now what I want to do let me grab something I'm gonna show you all how I like to season the meat and marinate the meat where it's gonna be nice and tender we're gonna do something called Velveteen the meat okay we're gonna put soy sauce we're gonna put sugar and a tiny bit of cornstarch okay soy sauce a little bit of sugar and a tiny bit of cornstarch Okay so so let me wash my hands anytime you're touching raw meats you always wash your hands so you don't transfer bacteria to the next thing that you're getting ready to touch and the next thing that I'm getting ready to touch is my spices okay Miss Gina she wants to know if you're allergic to shellfish can you still use oyster sauce um let me look and see let me look and see let me wash my hands first great question great question and definitely that's definitely let's just say I am unable to answer it you definitely can look on Google you Google it okay I don't want to give nobody the wrong information okay let's see if I can read it okay so it does have oyster Oyster Water okay so my answer would be know that you can't but what I would definitely like for you to do I'm saying no and no you know in oh I don't want anybody to get me wrong I would say no that you can't but if that's the situation and you can't use shellfish you're just gonna use the soy sauce okay the corn starch you're also going to be able to use the sugar and it'll be delicious as well and I'll have you season yours with garlic and onion powder okay so if you have a selfish allergy um you're just going to use soy sauce okay and make sure that you can have soy sauce um sugar garlic and onion powder and cornstarch okay Worcestershire has oh Ron I didn't know that he says Worcestershire sauce has uh anchovies I think it's delicious I would crush my mother to cook like what you cook okay okay that's great if there will be leftovers ever when you need help eating The Leftovers let me know oh I'll let you know thank you Dad Dirk says give a thumbs up thank you I appreciate that all right so watch how much I decide to put of the cornstarch the cornstarch have you ever been let me let's talk about this real quick have you ever been to your local Chinese restaurant and you ever wonder like why is the meat like so tender I mean it's like tender velvety meat it's because they do a velveting technique okay and it consists of cornstarch okay we're gonna put some sugar on not a lot Just A Pinch just to make sure we're covering all the meat that's it okay and then we're gonna put some soy sauce on here and we want for this to set for hey let's just say 10 minutes okay how much soy sauce come in and I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you right now okay just to wetten it up and then we're gonna go in I'm taking my bling off real quick and I want you to mix in the sugar the corn starch and the soy sauce great flavor right there the soy sauce is going to bring you a salty flavor to the meat the cornstarch is going to help to make it nice and tender and the sugar is going to give it a great texture while it's cooking and make it a little just a teeny bit sweet okay so great let's set this for 10 minutes set it and forget it okay so just set that aside I'm going to wash my hands okay everybody okay let's see I'm going to take my meal now we'll continue to watch okay okay so I got some cornstarch everywhere I just want to clean up my area as you're cooking anytime you're cooking you clean up your area it's really going to help you in the long run to be not stressed out cleaning up as you go I can now I can hear oh okay did you have to turn your volume up so now what we want to do you want to turn some water on and get started making up your rice okay so I got my water going okay let's cut up some bell peppers some onions and if you want to use tomatoes in this recipe you're also going to cut up Tomatoes but I do know that there's a lot of people that don't like tomatoes and if you're that person by all means you don't have to use it okay so please keep that in mind let's cut some bell peppers and I have an interesting way that I'm going to be cutting them is everybody doing okay before we move on hello Capricorn welcome in thank you for coming in okay so around says Christopher I never knew till I married Kathy her mom always used Worcester sauce in the cookie she hates fish oh okay you have to read the bottle is that something it is very interesting Christopher yes it is because I didn't know that Ron okay so watch how I'm gonna cut my bell peppers for this here recipe and listen I just have to say this real quick um if you turn around and you only want to use one type of bell pepper you know like maybe just green absolutely that's fine my purpose for using a different color is because I'm on camera and I want to make it fancy right I just have to be honest I want it to look pretty but if I'm just at home and I'm not on camera I'm just using a green bell pepper okay so I just want to throw that out there okay all right so watch I'm gonna cut down on that bell pepper just like so I'm Gonna Keep moving it so I get all sides of the bell pepper how easy right easy peasy and then the next thing that we're going to do is we want to chop it just like so so now what we have little tiny squares that's how it would be at your local Chinese restaurant the little squares okay so we're gonna do this with every bell pepper trying our hardest to make it all the same size but for some reason if it's not the same size don't freak out about it I promise you it's okay okay so is everybody doing okay Dina can you use grape tomatoes yes it's actually a great idea to use um grape or cherry tomatoes the little ones and what I would do Derek um is you can actually put them in hole if you want to yeah you can or you can just slice them in half and throw them in okay I love a good cherry tomato uh can you use okay yep I answered Derek peppers and onions OMG yes that's Christy Fowler Christy how are you today okay so let's cut the peppers once again same thing same technique all right and like I said I just want to reiterate that again you don't have to use all the different fancy colors it's just to make it pretty on TV just because I'm on TV like I said I'll just say it again if I was just cooking this uh just for my family and not on TV I'd just be using a green bell pepper trust me okay hey you know because when you're on camera you got to do what you can to make things real pretty right especially for that picture that you put out there to the world right okay so there we go we got peppers and you use as much or as least Peppers as you would like to use you don't have to use a whole bunch okay hold on y'all I'm gonna put these bell peppers in a little freezer bag and tomorrow maybe I'll make an omelette or some fried potatoes or something like that Hunter said are you making the vegetables with the beef at the same time am I making different times and that's actually a great question so um well first thing we're going to do is get our meat going and then at some point we're going to take the meat out the pan and then we're gonna cook our veggies and then we're gonna make our gravy and everything comes back together in that one pan but you'll see promise you it's gonna be easy if anybody has a a question while you're cooking put that stop sign up uh yeah the pepper does Miss B it always gives great flavor how's your weather Miss Gina um the weather I'd like to say it was maybe like 82 today I'm guessing it was nice in the backyard and right now if I'm looking out the dining room window it's cloudy it looks like it might get cold really quickly so it was nice when we went out this morning to have coffee okay somebody got a question Gina you talk beautifully and professionally I love it and you are very clear in explaining yourself thank you um the weather let me get back to that and then I'll I'll respond to what you're saying um the weather right now looks like it just may rain tonight but when I woke up woke up nice enough that we could go outside in our pajamas without a jacket and drink coffee and really enjoy the Sun so that's what it was like this morning so now um [Music] um my dad I I this is what I feel like because I I a lot of people will tell me yeah you you talk Valley you know and um when I grew up I had to hear that a lot Gina you talked valid but I accept the way that I talk and I appreciate the way that I talk so my dad he uh when my dad raised us he raised us to walk like you know you you gonna do the right thing you ain't gonna be out here acting a total fool talking crazy and walking crazy with your pants hanging down to your knees you know he he raised us to speak in such a way you know and I'm pretty sure that's where that came from uh that's just how I speak I had my sister I feel like my sister speaks the same way and my brothers and so uh when he when he used to tell me when I was younger when people used to say you talk badly I would say I talk proper right I would correct them and say that I took proper is what it is it's not dolly but I also was born and raised in Columbus Ohio so I'm not from you know uh where I would have a deep accent you know that sounds good it's burning up open up your food okay hey y'all it's my holy king in here where's my Hello Kitty [Music] oh it's it's that hot okay you said I I'm from Jersey and people tell me I talked Crawford I still to this day don't know what that means yeah yeah I I know I I know what they mean when they say that I know not yet Gina says Sue oh he's not in here okay so I happen to love a good tomato and gravy so I'm gonna put some tomatoes in my um pepper steak and I just like to quarter it in such a manner okay if you're that person there's a lot of people that don't like cooked Tomatoes or they don't want tomatoes in the recipe you don't have to use it okay now the tomatoes in with the peppers and onions this tomato goes in at a last afterthought as an afterthought like when we're getting ready to turn the dish off that's when you put the tomatoes in because you don't want to cook Tomatoes until they turn too much you just really have to heat them up and the heat from the sauce will heat up the tomatoes okay so but if you don't want to use the tomatoes yours will be just as delicious without the tomatoes okay and I can promise you that all right so now that I have that done did y'all know that a tomato is a looply I'm saying that oh that's Terrell unknown Gina the weather I know I don't know what the heck's going on with the weather like I said it looks like it's cloudy I don't know if it's gonna rain it towed us it told us that it was gonna rain yesterday and it didn't rain oh you made your pepper steak yesterday you need not to get offended but it's what it is their opinion yeah it's their opinion uh you know As I Grew Older um I understand you you know why I talk like I talk and it doesn't it when some people say it you know but yeah that's that's the subject for another day all right here's what we're gonna do take a look in my pan I want to show you all that I got a teeny tiny bit of oil just enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan okay that's all it is it's not a whole lot we're not trying to deep fry this beef we do want to get our pan nice and hot so at this time we'll go ahead and turn your pan up to a medium-high heat or medium heat if you are in fear of burning your meat turn on medium or medium high we're gonna put this meat in and when you get your meat into the pan make sure that it's not piled on top of each other if your pan isn't big enough your meat will steam versus getting a nice Char onto it okay so we want the meat to cook separately versus setting on top of each other so even if you have to go in and take one piece and put it in the pan next to each other that's fine just don't have it on top of each other okay oh the poor air quality my goodness sometimes people say I sound like I'm from New Orleans oh is that right okay so I'm gonna wait make sure your Pan's nice and hot so it's going to take my pan probably a good two minutes to get hot once we get the meat into the pan I want you all to grab a bowl or a measuring cup and I want to uh show you how to make the sauce we're gonna mix up the sauce right in here okay and then once everything's done we're gonna pour the sauce in there and voila it's gonna thicken up right before your own eyes you're done so I'm gonna eat that and what I want to do is I want to turn my rice on hello Nancy I have a very Southern country accent and people assume I'm not oh my goodness I'm scared runs it we're still 100 behind us yell Canada wildfires New York looks like a tour movie is that right with the orange smoke for weeks oh my goodness Karen some people I know Sonia absolutely I agree with you Sonya I'm so late I'm missing everything welcome Andrew you're not late you're not late if you ain't cooking with us you're never too late don't worry about it all right so now my pan is getting nice and hot let's go ahead and put our meat into our pan okay you just throw it all in right there and once it gets in the pan you separate it so that it's not on top of each other okay this recipe you're gonna see how quickly this recipe comes together so quickly all right so you can see me separating the meat pieces and I might we'll see all depend on how I'm feeling I might turn around and take this pan and put it behind me on that burner behind me because the burner is bigger than this one here this burner is teeny tiny um I'm probably old enough to be your grandmother Shakira said and I've heard the same thing many actors reporters went and had their jobs oh I see I didn't get to read your message I was reading it but it went up too fast I wish we could have a cool breeze every now and then the heat is terrible says Denise oh my goodness okay so Derek says it's been real Smoky and hazy here too in Illinois hello Drew okay so Angela says I need to try Gina's stuffed bell peppers I tell you what you would really enjoy it try the recipe where I use the Rice-A-Roni the Rice-A-Roni mixed with the meat and then you uh fill the peppers up it's delicious it's easy quick and simple absolutely so now that we have to meet it I have decided that I want to I do want to cook this meat over this way and now what we're going to do is we're going to get started making up our sauce I'm gonna look and read some messages and if you all are ready for me to show you how to put this delicious easy peasy sauce together say we're ready and I'll get started showing you sure I need the thing Tina I make stuffed bell peppers last night turned out so good and well learned from the best Gina okay Derek that's right Derek I love it I love it yes tell the people in the background Derek it's great it makes me so happy when you all try my recipes and you love it you know I love to hear when you try something and you enjoy it hi Mimsy how are you hi Tina it's Gail from Chicago making pepper steak cool yes welcome in Gail I can't oh my goodness Rue I know you I know you're lying I know you're lying bro okay so I'm just taking I'm taking my pan a little bit I have the pan up a medium high I will come back in and show you all how everything's doing here in a few minutes and then we're going to get started on the sauce meanwhile make sure you have your rice going okay you don't want to have your meat turned down too low because it'll sting you don't want to have it yanked up on high because it'll burn so between medium high and medium you're going to get that Char that we're looking for okay I made stuffed bell peppers last week and the only emojis I can come up with is okay okay [Music] uh nothing better than cake better than anything okay okay and it was amazing that's great Dina can you use frozen bell peppers okay that's a great question now listen here you can't you can't okay but keep in mind that your Frozen bell peppers because they're frozen you're gonna let off a lot of water Frozen peppers and onions they let off a whole lot out of water versus these bell peppers and onions but you can okay just know that yours might be a little bit watery but I tell you what I can promise you that's going to be delicious okay so you can okay so gooses I love pepper steak and I'm right on time Ruthie hello when you put in the veggies in okay great question the veggies will go in the same we're going to use the same pan for everything the veggies will go in the same pan that the meat is cooking in after the meat comes out of that pan so we'll eventually take the meat out of that pan set it onto a plate okay so I don't overcook and then we're going to put our bell peppers and onions in that same pan saute them up and then the sauce goes on top of that and then everything goes back in that same pan okay when you order Papa John's Pizza you get green bell peppers in the pizza box oh my goodness welcome in uh the frozen ones it's okay and I totally understand a lot of people like to get the Frozen bell peppers and onions because you don't have to cut it and I understand that it's okay to use it it's not gonna mess up your recipe so I'm going in with the beef stock or any kind of chicken broth that you have okay so let's get two cups of your broth okay just two cups of your broth I want to stir my meat around if the cameraman can come over here I want to stir the meat around real quick and then we'll get back to our sauce the sauce is easy peas with the leaf what it smells like in here right now come on Gina just a flick of the wrist come on y'all and making sure that your meat is not uh on top of each other okay here we go there we go all right looking good and that's how yours should be looking now when we take this out of the pan you might have some pink pieces of meat it's gonna be okay and just trust me when I tell you that it will be okay because the meat will eventually get put back into the dish and it will continue to cook but what we want to do we're basically putting a um sear onto the meat and then as we get a sear on we'll take the meat out of the pan but it'll get reiterated back into the dish okay make sure your rice is cooking up gorgeous we'll get back to that sauce here in just a few minutes okay all right let me look at everybody see how everybody's doing all right let me look in the chat sorry to hear that Drew ah Shakira I'm what's the matter with Drew I hope he's okay what cut of meat would you says when yes two cups of broth thank you Sonya I used um beef stew meat s-t-e-w meat okay we got two cups of broth we are going let me get the measuring cup so you know how much to use they said can it be cooked medium rare huh I I didn't hear you they said do you have to fully cook it because you're about to use the gravy you don't have to fully we'll go back to the pan and it will continue to cook a little later okay so don't worry if your meat is pink when I take it out you take yours out okay because what we're trying to do is not overcook it right now but when it goes back into that gravy it will continue to cook until it's fully cooked I promise you okay so now we're gonna measure out one fourth of a cup of our soy sauce okay so one fourth of a cup of soy sauce goes in with two cups of beef broth or any kind of broth that you have there's my 1 4 of a cup of soy sauce easy peasy right one fourth of a cup of soy sauce we're gonna add 1 4 of a cup of oyster sauce if you cannot use it if you have a shellfish allergy don't use the oyster sauce okay or the fish sauce if you have a seafood allergy you enjoy the brewed soy sauce oh my goodness that sounds great okay so keep in mind that this can be a little stub on it it's really nice and thick okay we need one fourth of a cup and you may have to tap it a little bit to get it out of the jar I'm going to use this here let's see let me grab some if I can get something to fit down in there okay there we go I'm using a butter knife to get it out because it comes out slow and thick oh we're making a mess but I tell you what we can always clean it up when we're done okay there we go one fourth of a cup of oyster sauce I'm gonna put it in there so I can get all that lovely goodness out so if you use 1 4 of a cup of soy sauce 1 4 of a cup oyster sauce and then with our fish sauce we just used just a couple of drops okay not a whole lot just a couple drops now go ahead and turn your meat off turn your meat off all right I'm gonna clean my mess up and then we're going to continue with what we're doing but right now I want you to turn your meat off okay I want nobody to burn up their meats or overcook it right now so what I'm going to do I turn my meat off I'm going to take it out of the pan and I'm gonna put it onto a platter and then I'm going to bring my meat over so you can see it okay my rice is just about done I'm going to show you all my beef come on in oh wait Gina look at that piece where's the beef that's right there where is the beef that's where it's at that's where it's been all along right here on this counter look at that gorgeous okay so we're gonna set that aside okay let me see what sign I think it's Sonya let's see somebody has missed it oh okay Sonia is saying the measurements of the ingredients so now you're going to put fish sauce in now my fist sauce needs to be open so I'm gonna take my time to get it open you only put just a couple of a dashes in okay how many well let me show you I'm gonna show you in 1.2 seconds and then we're gonna put sugar in sugar helps to balance out you you want it to have a little sweetness to the sauce you do now for those of you that like to use a Splenda absolutely you can okay it's not going to harm it's not going to mess up anything okay it can be Angela we can talk about course I don't know much about cars but the cars that we have but whatever you guys want to talk about absolutely we can we're gonna have a good time okay so come on in camera really closely so that people can see we're gonna do one dash two dash three [Music] four and five okay that's all you need that's all you need but now we do have garlic get you some in there onion and black pepper just put yourself in like your seasoning something up okay it's not a certain amount okay and then we're gonna use two tablespoons of sugar okay two tablespoons two tablespoons absolutely that's what I need you to put in there's one and there's two I want you to think about how salty the soy sauce is so the saltiness from the soy sauce will balance out that sweetness like I promised you we're not making a sweet sauce here all of that saltiness of the soy sauce and the beef broth it's balanced out when you put that sugar in just trust me on this okay you got me let's Stir It Up just like so and then you see how mine's is almost overflowing I'm gonna tell you all make sure you get look at the bottom we want to really get all that mixed in okay oh yeah I need to take my rice out and then we're gonna get our vegetables to cook it okay is everybody doing okay Dina are you a mechanic no I don't know nothing about any cars bro no oh I know I I don't I don't know much about cars at all [Music] the type of rice that I use is the boil in a bag rice so I'm just draining it and then I'm gonna open the bags up and put my rice into My Pan so I can do that right here open up my bags of rice there perfectly cooked okay I'm not gonna put butter on them because it doesn't need it when you have a gravy you really don't need butter on your rice right perfect my rice is done the beef is done okay I want to clean this counter off or this you want to clean this off real quick hold on y'all welcome in if you're just now coming in if you happen to look up and you notice that you did not give a thumbs up make sure you give a thumbs up absolutely okay we're on a roll we're doing good okay so now what we can do did we put our sugar in we put our two tablespoons of sugar in it let's set our sauce aside we're gonna bring our pan back into the equation with all of these lovely bits even though it has those bits in it it's okay here's what I want you to do go ahead put the bell peppers and onions right into the pan and we're going to saute them up we're now going to saute these peppers and onions until they lose its vibrant Cola and we don't want to saute them until they turn to Mush either right so you'll know how will I know Gina well the onions will begin to get translucent which is clear in color and you're going to say oh yeah right and you'll see that the peppers have begun to get a little bit softer you want them to have a little crunch but you want them just to be a little bit soft but not too crunchy right so I'm going to turn the burner on I'm gonna put a tiny bit of oil in the pan because right now I don't have any oil in that pan even though I have all the good lovely bits in there you're going to need about maybe a tablespoon and a half of oil okay that's it just to cook up the veggies all right so let me see how everybody's doing if you have a serious question and you're cooking with me today um go ahead and ask your question and I'm here to answer just imagine if Gina could fix cars look at that that's true [Music] oh Drew Paul said Derek you got jokey jokeys today OMG Mildred is picking up all of her Flintstone car to go see Gina you love pepper steak your name is raw rah-rah 65 welcome in you love some pepper steak says Dolores Dolores how are you okay so listen let's talk about the things that we've done so far and the things that we've done is we've cut our bell peppers and onions the bell peppers and onions should be sauteing up on a medium-high heat with a little bit of oil in the bottom of the pan we've already cooked our meat the meat is ready to it to go back into the pan but not right now we gotta cook the veggies okay if you're using Tomatoes the tomatoes will go in at the last minute you should have rice this done and your beautiful sauce that is right smack dab here okay so that's where we're at how's everybody doing this cooking with me so the person that wanted to know to put the peppers right now to the person who wanted to know when to put the peppers right now okay thank you what'd you say John said if you put a lid on the pan where the vegetables go faster okay if you put that's a great question John if you put a lid on the peppers your peppers will get salty because you will create Steam in the pan but it's okay John it's a great question you'll create steam in the pan and their bedrooms will get cooked really quickly but on the same hand I can say that they'll be kind of soggy uh because you're going to create steam in the pan right so hopefully that makes sense to you hold on you guys I'm coming low [Music] it's it's hot in here it is hot in here y'all I feel like I got a fur coat on right now all right bell peppers I can hear them and we can smell them they smell good and I tell you what y'all I can't resist I can't resist I got I got the taste one of these pieces of beef that I'm gonna taste it right now it's 50 degrees in here I'm hot I'm tasting a piece y'all does somebody want to taste a piece of this beef come on in so they can see it good oh my goodness okay you want a piece it's so soft it's so supple there's so much flavor because we marinated it using the soy sauce the sugar and the cornstarch I promise you you're gonna love this beef it does maybe maybe that happens to me miss Karen because every time I get in this kitchen I start sweating and I always like to say every time Gina gets in this kitchen it gets hot back here but it is it's the heat whether you're using the oven or this cooktop right here it lets off a lot of heat and then also all of these lights that I have I have industrial lights on me right now and they let off a whole lot of heat right so I have extra heat in this kitchen that y'all couldn't even imagine right now Raymond says hi Raymond Raymond says I stared in bell peppers up come on in so that people can see come on in Pizza Hut tearing them bell peppers up looking looking I love bell peppers and onion sauteed especially when you put them on top of a sausage a bratwurst Italian sausage or something like that delicious and you gotta saute them like this you know okay so that they what's your name Hopkins says I'm three years in welcome thank you for coming in and joining Gina is your roof it's hot in there it is it is Mildred Milton how you doing you know how the tea is less Gina with that good cooking hey I'm not trying to tease y'all but I do like to tease a little bit just just just to make you um want to cook the recipe I just want to make you cook the recipe and try it that's all [Music] okay so uh miss Mr Wilson said that's too in my kitchen he said I get hot too because I don't have enough ventilation I got the ventilation on right but like I said with these industrial lights shining on me listen here it's like a different type heat that it ain't funny it's like I'm in a sauna back here but it gives great light to the picture you know it feels like 105 degrees where you live you ordered out today T Smith welcome in please I hope you can stay nice and cool I hope you everybody that's in all of this heat in this crazy weather I hope you all can stay safe I really do so now my peppers and onions are almost about five minutes away from being cooked to Perfection like I said I I I want for these peppers and onions not to be cooked too much when you cook them too much they lose the color when you cook them to Mush that's not the texture I'm looking for because when we go out to our Chinese restaurant they got a little bite to them right they're never mushy so that's what I'm looking for and the onions they're just now beginning to get clear in color let me show you all this one can the camera come in on that one can y'all see how clear that's beginning to get let's see that's what I'm looking for oh so here in about three to five minutes we'll be adding in our meat back into the pan with the veggies now I'm gonna wash my hands um we'll be putting the meat back in the pan with the veggies and then we're gonna put our sauce in and then I'm going to show you all how to make a cornstarch slurry to thicken everything up now I normally wait go ahead and put my cornstarch into here but guess what this is filled to the brim and I ain't got no room to put cornstarch in it if I put cornstarch in it it'll just pop them over so now I do want to tell you how much cornstarch I'm going to use I'm going to be using two tablespoons two tablespoons of cornstarch and it's just the house tables when you can use the measuring spoon if you like two tablespoons of insert um into here if you have room in your bowl to mix it in but since I don't have room to mix it in what I'm going to do I'm going to make a cornstarch slurry in a bowl okay and then we'll pour it in so uh let's see if I can reach this we're getting ready to put the meat in with the veggies okay everybody's been cooking with me are you doing okay is it meant to be spicy it's not but you can spice it up if you want if you want to put some red pepper flakes in absolutely you can maybe some jalapeno but it would not be traditional to make it hot but if you want to you can you know that's the fun about when you're cooking at home you can make it how you like okay so let's measure out our two tablespoons of cornstarch you can do it like I'm doing but if you have room in your broth there you can put this in with your broth okay there's one tablespoon all right there's two tablespoons let's just say you're the person that you turn around and you use the two tablespoons like Gina said but yours for some reason didn't thicken up you wait a few minutes to see if they thickened up but then if it didn't you may add just another half a tablespoon of corn starch and eventually it will thicken up okay I promise you now you can use water you can use broth whatever you want to use to to thin this out so since I have some broth left I'm gonna go ahead and pour it in there look how much I pour it is not a whole heck of a lot okay so now let's thin out the cornstarch you're going to have to really scrape it just like so and we'll pour this in last okay this is our thickener this is called a cornstarch slurry it thickens up it thickens up any type of sauce okay okay so Shakira said I love the thick sauce I can't eat a watery sauce yes so you're gonna see the consistency and if at any time you're not happy with the consistency you'll use a little bit more cornstarch so look at the peppers now and also now we're going to put our meat back in can y'all see that okay get the meat back in just like so now everything comes together very quickly okay do this do that how gorgeous like we could eat that just like that right you bet we could now if you want to use if you ever want to use like there are some people that don't eat rice and maybe they like to replace it with quinoa or brown rice absolutely you can okay okay so come on in and look I I want them to see I want them to see y'all understand what's happened gorgeous okay we're going in with our sauce let's get it Pour it in y'all and then you go in and stir the sugar the spices all that lovely goodness get it nice and stirred we don't want nothing left in that container there okay or your bowl I see there's some sugar left in there I just want to give it a nice swirl around there we go we got it all out okay turn your heat up did I get anything on my shirt I felt I felt was flat okay kind of Derek oh my goodness I'm drooling you should be Derek you should be because it is drool Worthy that's kind of weird some fresh mushrooms maybe Mary Jane absolutely I love that so here's what you need to do we need to bring our broth up to a slight boil once the broth is heated through when you put your cornstarch slurry in whatever sauce you have should be nice and heated and then within the next five to six minutes this cornstarch slurry will thicken up your sauce and we have delicious pepper steak how about it looks so pretty Tina thank you Brenda Brenda welcome in my words here Excellence Renee thank you my goodness thank you thank you so now if you look at it you'll see how thin it is but like I said let's let this broth get nice and warm through after it warms through we're gonna turn around put that cornstarch right in okay so sod says I can't wear it until Dina where her bandana again what what do you say I gotta have one today though does it have to be a bandana I like I like my bandanas I like my bandanas now now let me just tell y'all this just just to tell you all did anybody any nice socks says milk thank you sesame seeds sure do I have some in there or did you throw them away when you clean the cabinets out you throw them away I have some okay sesame seeds if we have some they would be gorgeous right all right I got some yeah I got some okay um I get ready to set oh here's what I was gonna say just saying I like the bandana look okay okay um what I was saying when y'all see me wearing a hat if you see me wearing a scarf or a bandana it's because that day I couldn't do anything with my hair it's because that day I couldn't do anything with my hair sometimes I'll put a hat on to match the shirt but most of the time when I have a hat a bandana or a scarf on it's because my hair wouldn't it just wouldn't do right [Music] I want salmon that looks so good so now I'm seeing a boil I'm seeing a boil a boil you're gonna see little bubbles soon as you see those first couple bubbles the little bubble bubbles let's go ahead and put our cornstarch slurry but you must Stir It Stir It Up vigorously making sure you don't have leftover cornstarch in the bottom now the color will change it'll lighten up a little bit see how I'm doing this I'm rinsing my bowl out I want to make sure I have all that slurry okay let's go ahead and stir it and see if it thickens up if it does it does but if it doesn't then we're going to use a little bit more cornstarch go ahead and turn your heat up and let's see if it thickens how exciting how exciting in about five minutes you can taste this and say how you like it absolutely I wouldn't taste it while you have the fresh cornstarch in there because it'll taste like flour right it'll taste like cornstarch so we'll give it a few minutes and like I said by all means if it doesn't thicken up use a little bit more cornstarch keep always keep it near you all right and this goes in as the afterthought or tomatoes all right we got the rice done this recipe I told y'all it comes together smoked thick and simple I just showed y'all a great recipe I wonder if a blue blackish look I wonder if a blue bats backlash look backsplash maybe in Tina's kitchen are you saying the backsplash okay oh it's thickening up but is it thickening enough enough that's really the question well we'll just have to see we'll give it about three more minutes if it doesn't thicken up to our liking or your liking you're going to use some more cornstarch okay but guess what I want to do I gotta taste good I gotta taste it so if you want to taste your broth right now go ahead and taste it I'm gonna give the people in the background let's cook it's not cooking with me a taste first yum yum yum I'm going in I want to taste this sauce so bad oh I want to yeah I'm not even kidding hmm hey it's good I'm telling you it's good [Applause] Gangsta Boogie Gina y'all so funny y'all are so funny it looks so delicious Ruthie thank you Ruthie and welcome in and the tree skin girl okay so now let's seriously come in on the serious note and look and say is it thick enough to your liking can you see I'm gonna push the steam away can you see how that gravy is just coating the meat encoding those vegetables that's what we're looking for but I do feel like I want to think of mine it's just a little tiny bit more do you know a little bit more just a little bit more well how much you want to use Gina I'm going to use a half I'm gonna use a teaspoon I'm gonna use a teaspoon only not even a tablespoon okay but you would never take cornstarch and put it into heat you take it you put it into something cold and then you mix it into heat okay so that's a great lesson there I love when I'm on here y'all I love teaching you all in detail when I teach in detail I feel like I've done my job I come on here and just throw things into a pan and say and this is how you do it I want to really show you why you would want to do something why you wouldn't want to do something I really want to teach the world why things are done in the kitchen and I love when I went to culinary arts school in high school I went I have to only had two subjects in high school and then the rest of my day I went to culinary arts school but um they the two teachers culinary art school they taught us in detail so people could understand and I don't know about you all but that's what I need when I'm trying to learn something I bet your cookies that's all I can understand and know why I would want to do something you know so you can see I just put in that teaspoon and guess what we have gravy look how quick it happens it happens so quickly oh you're gonna be excited Grandmom's excited Uncle Bobo's excited oh wait that uncle Ron is excited I'm putting tomatoes just because I love it okay so let me do this okay now now I got to tease y'all a little bit come on in you can turn the burner down to low at this point look at that can somebody see can somebody anybody see how thick thick gorgeous and tasty that's for me thick gorgeous and tasty sounds good free recipe it does all right you don't have to use Tomatoes if you don't like them I always like to say that because a lot of people don't like a cooked tomato all right so come in one more time and our meal is basically done all we're doing right now is we're just heating up our tomatoes look at that Sonia look at that Mildred Ron Derek Raymond look at this bro look at it Valencia oh absolutely I know some names YULA look at this fudge look at this we're on the roll so now while our tomato uh warms up the recipe is done and if you cook with me today and you understood everything I did and you had a great time and let me know in the comment section how your recipe is turning out have you tasted this sauce does it taste good tell me something tell me something so I know okay let me see what's happened I will cut that on noodles or rice oh absolutely so I said we looking Gina that's beautiful okay I love tomatoes but never had it and my pepper steak but I would try it only fresh tomatoes oh yeah oh yeah okay number it sounds good says crispy okay what does mildra saying because Sonya is cracking up Dina you be getting down in that kitchen I ain't lying hey well thank you I'm trying y'all and listen it's for you all it's for you all I promise this is for you all anytime I get in this kitchen it's for you all this gift was meant for me to share my gift with the world that God has given me and I'm gonna share it any recipe that I have I'm going to share it with you all so now for the people in the background come on in so the people can see one more time I'm gonna be Fanning can you use pork Natasha sure Natasha what a great question but it wouldn't be called pepper steak okay did you show them very well um you can use pork but what you're gonna do you've got to cook that pork fully done and for the people that was worried about the beef not being fully cooked when we took it out the pan No Worries guess what because right now it's simmering in that broth it's getting fully cooked it's getting nice and tender we're gonna cook this baby for maybe you're good uh let's just say 10 minutes dinner is served how about we say a nice prayer right now and when we eat I'm coming around here we're gonna chit chat it up write down some great conversations of things we could talk about we're gonna have a fun time tonight okay so what am I going to put this song I think I think I mean where's the white one the long white one I need the long white let me say let me see hold on guys [Music] okay [Music] uh where is it no where's my long white one I need it you're gonna tell me just use something else [Music] it's in the microwave what do I have on it it's what I okay okay well I'm gonna I'm gonna need that Gina and everybody Welcome Susan Asanda you said I'm coming over there right now Gina Asanda that's so funny oh it's so funny Gina I'm coming right now I'll have you watched this okay I'll have you washed that for me so I can use it I need more Skillets I only have one oh Thomas get yourself and just start off with with sheep you know just go to Hey listen go to your local Walmart pick up just maybe two or three different skillets and you're good don't don't go to try to find the most expensive kind um you can get stainless steel and or you can get like something that has um the um non-stick to it and um you're gonna be okay get a small one for scrambled eggs get a medium sized one maybe one like this where you can make a stew or some type of stir fry or something and you're good because you can use this pan right here for like a steak fried potatoes whatever sandwich hamburger oh my goodness that sounds good Tina can I use pork stewed beef can you use pork stewed meat instead of beef a question you can use pork stewed meat if you want to make sure you cook it fully and don't call it pepper steak don't call it pepper steak teeth out is Affordable and yeah and they have sex and that's what Sonya will tell you uh that's what I use I use the teeth back you said that's a big yes okay y'all so my dish right here is done and I couldn't be more happy let's go ahead and say a quick prayer Heavenly Father Lord Jesus I want to thank you right now for this Fellowship this Fellowship that we do three times a week uh it helps me and I feel like it helps others and I Want to Thank You Lord that I'm able to do this thank you for the gift that you have given me to share with this world and I tell you what Laura I'm going to keep on sharing it thank you Father for your mercy your love time and your understanding please bless over all of us in Jesus Christ's name let no weapons formed against us prosper in the name of Jesus we bind the devil and all his evil friends away from us in Jesus Christ's name let that devil know he stands no chance devil you have Authority in Jesus Christ's name Heavenly Father you hold the hearts of all Kings and authorities over our life you hold their heart in your hand and you turn in like a Watercourse blessed be the name of the good Lord Jesus please forgive us for our sins in the name of Jesus Come into our hearts we make you our Lord and savior heavenly father when we see him just let us be able to recognize when we sin so that we can hopefully fix it move on and try to do better the next time Lord I love you I believe in you and I have faith in you and everything that I do in my life will always be with you right on my side I know I can't and I will do all things through Christ who strengthens me thank you for this meal today in the Rocco bar head in Jesus Christ's name we pray amen amen amen thank you all for saying amen come on in and take a look we're getting ready to get down down to the dirty downtown down down boogie down oh my goodness we are we are all right so here's how I like to serve it let me just show you how I like to serve it my rice is still nice and hot so I have this platter here I'm going to put half the rice so so we have three in our household and I like to put it on this nice platter you can use um uh like a big plate if you want or even a cookie sheet a cookie sheet will hold this okay so watch this I'm gonna put the rice on one half excuse me just like so and we're going to take our beautiful I need a bigger spoon I like that this is how I serve it my family and friends can just come and dig right from here and make their plate and then I like to leave some sauce in the pan and if anyone wants extra sauce they can come right into this pan and grab some extra sauce I know there's so many of you that like extra gravy extra sauce that's what you're going to be able to do with this hair recipe look in the pan you're gonna see how much sauce is available to you you see that y'all I'm excited and you should be too oh my my Neo my oh okay we're getting Ariel we are getting their Bon Appetit Bon appetitas right so now I don't remember who it was was it drew was it side was it Raymond one of the three requested sesame seeds I don't remember who it was was it one of you all who was it but it's a great idea a great addition especially if you're making Asian come on and look at it now look how pretty it's not really for a taste although sesame seeds will give a great taste to anything it gives like a Nutty flavor but um more than anything it's for garnish I'm gonna put some parsley flakes onto my rice just to make everything nice and pretty and dinner is served let me ask you all a question G Hugh just welcome in when you cut it wasn't too fat okay somebody said it I thought somebody said sesame seeds um when you coming over when's everybody Cup come on over dinner sir dinner is served ain't nobody here come on y'all come on over to Dina's get in and no one's gonna pick you up Miller's picking a ton of you up to come over and eat with me look at this amen once again to my beautiful prayer thank you for the hearts going up thank you so much I appreciate the hearts going up it does something that lets YouTube know that you're enjoying the chat so thank you for all of those hearts going up I love it okay so Sandra makes a great point she said Gina I want more meat less veggies yes you can so now think about me I use one pound of meat okay so when you make your son you get two pounds of meat two pounds of beef stew meat and then you slice it you're gonna have a ton of meat let's make up a plate you all are gonna get that first bite write down conversations you want to talk about we can chit chat for the rest of the night let's have a good fun time here at the yellow house let's have pepper steak you are gonna get my first bite before I even take a bite if I'm strong enough to do that I might have to I might have to taste it before y'all taste it so I'm gonna get the scoop and I'm gonna get a fork because I want to get um the sauce I want that sauce with my spoon I'm not kidding a whole lot because I don't need a whole lot I'm gonna heat my rice up that little bit of rice is good enough for me I'm not allowed to have a whole lot of rice right can you make me some ice water please in my cup I want can you rinse that out for me I want um I've spilled all the way up and two waters put in there can you do that for me please thank you you love those plates well thank you thank you oh you know honestly I feel like my husband purchased these plates from Walmart or Kroger it was one or the other he did and they were they were cheap suits but I love them they were cheap in price but when you get them home they're not cheap quality they're great next time I'm taking my private jet all right let's get the meat extra tomatoes for me because I am in love with tomatoes tomatoes and gravy Ron remembers that he said Gina loves tomatoes and gravy all right I'm coming around we can we talk we already have a good time great conversations I don't want to eat too much but I want some because I'm starving starving like Marvin y'all oh I didn't drop my spoon hold on [Music] so Sonya said extra meat for her Tina extra meat for me see I'm a person that doesn't want too much gravy so I make sure that I don't give myself too much gravy all right I'm coming around we're gonna eat together we're gonna talk all night you're gonna be able to get that up for me and I need the puppies to go out okay they need to come out they're in a cage there she is there she is she's back y'all listen so yesterday I was talking to my husband I was talking to my husband about something and I totally forgot that tomorrow which is today I forgot that yesterday was Tuesday and tomorrow which is today is Wednesday I was like oh because he said he said he said so what videos you doing and I said I don't know right and I was thinking of all these videos I was gonna do three videos and I said and something clicked and I said if I said tomorrow's when we telling them what lost all true of the day of the week I don't know how you do that all right here we go here we go here we go somebody wants to try this recipe it's okay because I'm gonna let you try it oh yeah oh yeah you didn't cook with me no worries I'm getting ready to let you try this okay let's pan down a little bit and y'all can see what's happening okay come on oh Gina you have done Gina you oops there goes my socks Derek said I got some naan bread here and you see I got a little bit of rice because I'll need a whole bunch but take a look y'all I'm serious look at that I know you called today the 28th and you said Monday oh Ron yes look at this now look look seriously um when you look at the veggies you can see they didn't turn into mush you can see that the bell peppers still have texture right I'm so serious the bell peppers have texture that onion is still has texture and and and kind of my tomato is still held up on itself and look at the gravy just pulling onto the naan bread there you go and guess what you you can do it anything that Gina Young can do you can do it you can do it too Mimsy you can do it that looks delectable thank you omg dang that looks good to you just thank you thank you y'all informed welcome I see Prince and Polo walking through your floor yes they are did you take on the peepee take them to pee pee because they've been laying down in the cage and I'm pretty sure they got to go okay and then uh we'll introduce the dogs to the people a little later it looks like a five-star dish well thank you so here's the thing here's the thing Sonya I'm pricing Sonya I am pricing this meal this is a regular nine I love naan y'all oh and you gotta heat it up when you heat it up it's like the best thing since sliced bread Sonia I'm pricing this meal oh he said 25. no on a serious no this meal with the naan bread I'm gonna charge I'm gonna charge I'm gonna try let me think about it y'all I want to say it but I need to think about it um thirteen dollars thirteen dollars for this meal fifteen dollars yes it is Nicole stucco it is one more time on my pan down and y'all can see what we got going on here we got some good stuff going on okay come on make yourself Dina I'm bringing everyone to your house Memphis you are so funny all right y'all hell about it how about it you will go on a hole on that one Gina okay okay so so 13 13. I'm trying to have decent prices oops there goes my shoes my socks and my shirt Derek hold on y'all bear with me I'm gonna move the camera around real quick like I'm nuts hold on I want to fix the camera to where I don't have any issues or the camera sliding down when I'm eating okay but I kind of want to show my plate while I'm eating but I don't think I'll be able to show my plate and my face at the same time so every once in a while I'll chime in and just bring my plate up to the camera okay we'll do it that way okay the baby's pee pee outside did they go oh there goes the camera can you fix the camera for me please and turn the fan on me please and thank you I appreciate you I like to be closer to the people so I can read their messages there we go okay y'all let's do the dangling thing you get a bite before I get a bite cause I love y'all just that much okay so Miller says okay Jay says Gina are you opening the restaurant right now I have no wants to open up a restaurant I know it sounds totally nuts when I'm a cook I know but I'm not interested in opening up a restaurant not right now but eventually maybe and I tell you what y'all gonna be the first person to know the name the location and everything okay look at the gravy dripping oh the gr hold on y'all hold on y'all I keep I keep looking my fingers come on and take a bite let me know what you think about this recipe 20 25 for a plate that would be a bargain do you have a video posted or on your page absolutely I do let me see and that is roll roll with it I I have the video how to make this I do I have several videos look at that y'all I gotta do this before I taste I'm going in here's where I'm not kidding the meat is so tender the meat is so tender tender juicy flavy flavorful mmm [Music] I gotta eat that whole tomato do the yummy dance I I gotta think of a dance right now I can't even I can't even think about dancing right now that's so good so now here's what I'm gonna do I want to take my naan bread and I just want to I just want to go I just want to go here let me show you what I want to do I'm gonna show you what I want to do with my bread I'm gonna show you all right come on oh you can't see my plate oh I just want to take this I want to go through I want to go I want to go through there with that you better make yourself oh yeah no I know I know Gina I know it tastes good there it is um that's the dance Anita Baker dance it's the Anita Baker microphone coming off y'all the meat is so tender you might not see me eating a whole bunch of rice on this one I have steak onions gravy and rice take a bite I should um you don't listen this milk can this meal can be sold it's so good it's so good y'all I wish y'all could come over here I'm so serious I'm drooling Derek I am drooling over here look at this I'm going in um you can't tell me nothing right now okay let me have a paper towel please those Tomatoes top it off it does it can be so rare exactly everywhere everywhere I'll get the fly he got the fly already he got the fly I was so glad because it just would have been a horrible live if we could not get that fly it would have been one of the worst things ever I would have been swatting the fly trying to come trying to teach it just would have been a disaster but I think I do think let me ask y'all and tell the truth would y'all think it was funny if be honest would y'all think it was funny if when I was cooking the fly was flying around bothering me what y'all think it was funny oh Christy said yes it would be funny hmm they will they'll eat it all uh Shakira said hell yeah it would be funny cat lover said no it wouldn't be fun thank you cat lover take a bite y'all um listen listen I would have a nervous you would have a nervous breakdown I'm gonna tell you what hitting baby guess what you did when you left out of here you let a horrible huge fly in here one of the horse flies oh they was getting on you they was good get on you they said he did I see I say yes he didn't opened up that garage door and let this huge fly in here I'm selling the tomatoes oh yeah you have to so roll with it he's in the bathroom so roll with it um says what kind of meat the meat is a it is a um beef stew meat s-t-e-w meat and look at it y'all I I like I I'm telling you the truth look look how gorgeous um [Music] oh they sting too is that right I gotta show y'all something look look at the dogs running through here they so happy hold on what you can really see the dog fly through here you're so happy his daddy is home watch him run through here again he running through here like a like a bat out of somewhere he's so happy his daddy is home did you buy it off the counter oh um the tomatoes um I don't know because the Shopper did it for me an instacart Chopper right can you use any type of beef steak yes yes that was what I was explaining earlier they had they lost their mind do you see them um okay so let's talk about the beef you want to taste that real quick just just oh okay okay so let's talk about the beef what kind of beef can you use any type of steak whatever type steak you have you can slice it down and use it for this recipe I like to use the beef stew meat because it's always tender but if you have a great steak a great piece of beef that you like to use use that okay Gina I was hoping you didn't miss it tea love you missed it you missed the cookie but we're still here and we're gonna be chatting for a little while came in late what are you preparing well I'm not preparing anything I um just prepared uh pepper steak look at this bite y'all look at the gravy just snuck in the nook and cranny right there that is gravy oh Galore I'm good Gina to make this recipe healthy what would you do um I would turn around and I would use because for this gravy you need the sugar I would turn around and use a Splenda sugar to put into the recipe it would taste the exact same and I also may use a little bit less corn starch but overall this is um nice and healthy now you also can use a low sodium soy sauce I gotcha I remember that and then also you can use a low sodium beef broth and then you don't have to worry about how much you eat you could turn around and use brown rice instead of white rice right there's a way to make things taste delicious that's healthy and that's what I'm doing over on my other channel proving to the world that healthy recipes can be made delicious did anybody see my recipe over on the other healthy Channel showing you all how to make uh crab stuffed salmon I made crab stuffed salmon and turned my taste buds out yesterday I was running around like the dog was just running around it was that good what was the special green that you used the special bro tell me when um tell me when or tell me for what recipe tell me for what recipe does he have it Tylenol the grain that I use I'm trying to figure out what you're talking about but I'm not sure what recipe the grain that I use I don't know what is naan bread well you may want to look it up in the Indian culture and also in the Greek culture they use non-bread it is soft it is delicious it has somewhat of a yeasty taste it is so good once you taste it but when you're healthy um I'll let you know I'll figure out what grain it was because I gotta figure out what video you're talking about um oh when you have the non-bread you must heat it up you can purchase somewhere they have garlic flavor you can purchase it where whether it's original flavor but you have to heat it up for like 10 seconds when you heat it up it's like a a burst of deliciousness in your mouth oh Mary says during covet you made some of that bread yourself can you use this recipe over noodles or mashed potatoes um sure you can sure you can that's what's great about cooking at home because it don't have to be rice there's a lot of people just don't like rice my husband don't like rice and you could use like a butter noodle or whatever type noodles you like um or mashed potatoes I feel like it would be great with mashed potatoes right good night Valencia thank you for coming in okay so Ron says uh might have been a small pasta um is it a I feel like it's right on the tip of my tongue and I can't think of it um is it a couscous I bet you it's couscous I bet you was couscous I I don't know though I'll have to see oh you said make sure it's homemade mashed potatoes so somebody in the chat says you could stop that up with a biscuit too absolutely you could look at this y'all look at this Spoonful so can you see how the gravy is just glazing over the beef somebody can see that mmm thank you you said awesome cake recipe thank you hmm so good so easy to make I I will make this any day of the week just because it's delicious this is never a hard recipe to make and just to answer to people in the background once again use pork if you want use chicken if you like and and just follow the rest of the recipe you're gonna love it look look at the the graviest outstanding Adam says Gina not seeing it okay let me see I wish I could remember the recipe hmm you said a grain that I use let me look at my healthy Channel it's on the healthy channel for the Fourth of July little bit I'm gonna I might be grilling but I don't know if I'm uh all depending on what day it's going to be that will depend on if I'm gonna do a video for you all let me see healthy recipes with Gina so Ryan let's do this so I did healthy Fried Chicken and creamed spinach I did stuffed salmon with crab meat I did low carb lasagna we did healthy spaghetti we did vegan baked macaroni we did grilled chicken juicy turkey burgers healthy salmon with asparagus and then we did keto friendly uh fajita stuffed chicken and then we did meatloaf um we did smothered chicken thighs and Brussels sprouts we did the flounder and low carb spaghetti using spaghetti squash I I really have to wreck my brain to see what he's talking about I'm not sure you're gonna think of it you won't think of it when it's bedtime you're gonna say that's what it was I'm stuffed I can't eat it anymore Let me show y'all my plate I can't I can't I can't eat another little bit I'm done and you see how I like to do y'all know when I make my rice I know how much I can have and how much I should have so I think out of that rice that I put on my plate I may have ate like two two spoons of rice and I'm happy with that because I'm diabetic and I can't have it but that little two spoons of rice is it's okay it's okay I'm proud of myself that I held back on the rice and I didn't go nuts because if I would have went nuts on that Rice my sugar would be Sky High I Am So Satisfied with that recipe and your family's gonna love you for this recipe I love rice but can't eat a lot yep okay you said Paula Dean can have a restaurant so can you well thank you thanks a lot yo I was thinking about the other night when I went live we had a good time I wasn't on the live long but we chatted we had a good time let me see what you got right there is you're working on it turn it this way Sonya's laughing what happened guys Ron I remember seeing that video but I can't remember the name of it either now I wonder if it's a video from this channel Gina Take a Walk for 30 minutes that'll help digest your stomach oh Adam you bet it will absolutely but I'll tell you what Adam I just have to tell you after doing this live and um doing a video earlier I'm pooped I am pooped I'm tired I am so stinking tired after listen after I get off this live Adam I gotta think about three videos to do tomorrow and then once I think about them I gotta write down the ingredients and then I gotta order the food and do it all over tomorrow but I'll tell you what I wouldn't trade it for nothing I know isn't this something you said you can't believe this year is half over and half of the summer it seemed like and you said hey it seems like um the new year just passed this so the new year just passed and like you said here we are in the middle of the year like how does it go by so fast no because you substituted the this wheat grain may be wheat grain no um substitute it I have to think about it I I can't I can't wreck my brain I have to think about it Gina you be on it you love what you do that is good thank you so much I do I I love it Sonia I really do I love every bit of it I go to sleep and I dream about the next live or or the next recipe that I'm gonna do the next healthy recipe I dream about the recipe and what I'm gonna say to you all when I'm doing the video like it's it's it's it's it's fun to me I was never ever a person that had a uh uh um what's the word that I'm looking for y'all you know how some people have hobbies after I left High School I didn't have a hobby you know what I mean I didn't have something that I like to do like sew in or watching soap operas or something that I like to do just to relax me but cooking has always been instilled in me and cookiness is in me and I just love it till my heart's content but now I can do what I love and it relaxes me even though I get tired at times it relaxes me because I'm doing what I love to do just like if you're a person that likes to sew and you get to come on here and show people how to sew it would be fun for you and it's not like work because that's what you do you could probably sew like this and then you're coming on and you're just teaching people it's like doing it with your hands behind your back and your eyes blindfolded you know it is that's what it's like for me that like I said there is times where I get so stinking tired I was tired the other day y'all I was tired I did a video and I was stumbling my words I was like I couldn't get none of the words right and I was just thinking hey I'm pooped Charlene Bell welcome welcome welcome Susan Finley welcome okay you said I love to sing I want to start a YouTube channel and just sing on there okay so let me tell you Shakira or let me make sure I'm saying your name right Shakira uh Shakira Sutton so here's the thing about singing YouTube don't allow you to sing now uh because of copyright reasons so I don't know how they do videos where they're seeing it unless you turn around and you do a YouTube channel where you're not monetizing it that means you don't get paid for what you're doing right so like I know somebody that has they have two channels one of their channels is monetized the other channel is not monetized because they like to play music and possibly sing on there and but they also know on their other channel monetization and monetize means you're getting paid from YouTube okay so they know on the other channel that they can't play music because YouTube will shut your channel down it's just a rule for everybody so they have this other channel and they can play music so maybe you could do that I'll use this thing what what do you say it so Shake uh chakra I can't I don't know what you're saying so shock Iraq I I don't know what that means I ain't going to sleep until I find that recipe I'll email you when you find it out yeah find it yo you'll figure it out you'll figure it out but like I said and the only way I think you could do that is if you decided that you wanted to do it for fun and just not get paid from YouTube then I think you could do it but I also know that people have reaction if people do reaction videos where they're reacting to the people singing so when they do that and they're playing people singing in there and they're reacting to the people singing maybe they're not monetizing their Channel that's the only thing I can think of he is determined it's okay it okay it is not said like the singer's name oh okay okay hold on there's two of you win them wait a minute okay so this is okay so I got Shakira Seeley Shakira Sutton is not said like the singer's name so I think I got Shakira and Shakira I don't know y'all mixing me up y'all mixing me up oh you're so welcome you're so welcome but you can always look up the YouTube guidelines you know because I I could totally be wrong you know look up the guidelines and see how you could do that and if it's something that you're able to do you gotta be strong you gotta have tough skin and you got to pray over your channel and you gotta put out content off One content often they don't want one video a week because they ain't gonna be happy they're gonna go find somebody else to watch right you got to be available and readily available putting content out you do hey everyone in the chat cat slap welcome back Gina I missed you so much can't slap thank you informed rain says or seeing on your sing your own songs there you go that's a great one but it can't be songs that have ever been made up because if you're seeing somebody else's song they'll get you for copyright reasons for singing their song even if you're not playing music I know I told you Gene I'm gonna be on your front porch Erica Hill just wow that's so funny that's so funny yo my hands why are my hands so dry oh my hands is dry I I don't know if y'all can see on my Knuckles that's dry skin right there I peel the scab on my knuckle so listen for the people that cook today did you enjoy the recipe are you still in here did the recipe turn out delicious was it easy to make let me know what's the recipe easy did you have a great time okay you said um your name is what's your name Terez you said what's up Miss Gina I make my girl watch your videos oh great does she enjoy it I hope she enjoys it and she's able to get something out of it don't make her watch it I hope she enjoys it though no smoke in my area no no the recipe sounded great easy to make don't confuse her anymore with those names cocoa butter works great on crack dry skin Tanya I just got a bottle I just got a bottle of the 100 cocoa butter I'm gonna put it on there can you see that dark mark I'm gonna put it on there I got um three bottles came in a uh package through Amazon and I put the cocoa butter all over so I I really like it I'm gonna put it on my hands Kathy hello Gina how's your gardening going flowers outside they're doing very well they're doing very well I've been so busy I need to get out there and deadhead the flowers and when I say deadhead them I need to take some of the Dead Leaves off some of the Dead flowers and you know put them in a waste basket and then I just give them a nice water so they look great because they look great because we haven't had a whole lot of hot sun so but on days that you have hot sun you got to make sure you want them but they look beautiful I can show you all the ones out back and maybe I I would show you all the ones out front let's see I may just show you the ones out back let me take you I'm taking you with me you're going with me you're going out back you're getting ready to see the flowers come on with me these are the ones that we did last so hold on how do I flip this thing okay there we go here they are y'all remember we did this out back hopefully y'all can see it so look at my marigolds they came along didn't they yeah don't water them before the hot sun they'll bake and then we put some um can y'all see the lights that we put in the ground they look really nice so that's in the backyard we need to clean this area up me and my husband was here last night and we was on that couch last night back there we could have fell asleep it was so nice thank you I'ma show you the front but I gotta keep the camera down towards the ground so y'all don't see my neighborhood all right we're going out front keep in mind I gotta get rid of some of the Dead flowers okay so let me flip this camera did y'all know I had that blue light going down to the basement oh y'all guess what you know how y'all just asked me did uh do we have uh what's it called Falk it's Smoky out here it is I haven't been outside to even see so let me show you all the flowers remember this remember to hosta wasn't that big y'all I said yeah you had the blue light when you fell down the basement steps you see that one see how I gotta get rid of some of those yellow flowers there they are those are just some patients that we put in and that's the geranium see now that right there that flower right there you see where I got a dead head and get rid of that Susan is laughing because I did I fell down the steps y'all let me show you these pink flowers y'all now these come up every year so I didn't plant these okay all right losing connection I went outside I started losing connection I've seen y'all say his boyfriend Gina they look like coneflowers see I don't even know what those are called because I didn't put those in they were there when I moved in oh hold on y'all let me see hold on okay let me look at the flowers Gina have you ever thought about growing your own vegetables I haven't not just yet I don't feel like this is the backyard to grow my own vegetables not yet I wanna I think what we're gonna wind up doing is selling this home possibly um purchasing another home because we're looking for a different backyard we want a different backyard it's going to be bigger that we can put a pool in and we could have enough room for maybe like a um a vegetable garden but this isn't the backyard for it it's just not it's just not we do love this backyard but we would also love another backyard so so yeah and and a lot of HOAs just like he said will not let you put a garden in there on a serious note you might not be able to put a garden in and you have HOA right right HOA is really strict right how will the fish survive moving to a new place I you know what I ain't got I don't have a clue but I think that my husband will do everything in this world to save those fish I do I don't know what he's going to do I don't know how he's going to do it I'm gonna ask him tonight like baby what are we gonna do especially if we move you know like hold on hold on y'all hold on one second I'm looking at my computer one second I ain't going nowhere hold on oh so especially if we move like if we purchase a home and a whole nother City how will the fish survive there might be a way to I'm confused on what we would even do I don't know what we would do but I know he he's got a hundred gallon tank in a basement fish Galore in the basement I don't know how we would transfer those fish but I can tell you this let me tell you this hold on I'm looking at my video making sure oh I can tell you this we have had fish delivered to us before coming from different cities and they last so maybe we'll just send them the way that they send the fish to us when we order them you can order fish on Amazon did you know that you could order fit you can order fish online Amazon you can order fish everywhere and they can they'll send them right to you he'll figure it out I know Susan thank you you would love another fish tank with fish oh cat sweat go to PetSmart or Walmart and ask will they know how to transport them oh well Amazon really yes yes really on Amazon on a serious note fish supply yeah it's so funny look on there look on there thank you Ashton so are we buffering oh Ron I hope we ain't are you kidding you pulling my ankle it's not buffering I don't think it is Miss Gina can you please show us how to make homemade Alfredo sauce absolutely now listen gee Hughes oh you can see me I'm fine no everything's okay G hugees alfredo sauce is made so easy you are going to take parmesan cheese I'm just telling you now because just because I can talk food all day parmesan cheese and I like to use the parmesan cheese that's grated not the kind that shred it so the kind like that comes out the shaker bottle sometimes it's in a bag I'm gonna use parmesan cheese heavy whipping cream and butter and that is Alfredo sauce salt pepper and garlic powder that is how you make it I know it's it's nuts that that's all this to it but I have showed you in the video how how to make it um it's so simple just those few ingredients nope it's not buffering okay what happened Ron he said don't make me hard to I needed this recipe today on alfredo sauce oh man I'll listen listen but let me say something y'all um when I did the video the other day with the spaghetti that I made with the hot dogs in it I poured alfredo sauce in it it was Jarred alfredo sauce that comes out the jar let me just tell you when you can purchase the Alfredo sauce out the jar it is spectacular even though I know how to make the Alfredo sauce I just told you how to make it right mine's a spectacular there's a spectacular so if you get in a bunch and you think I don't want to make it or I don't have time get it in the jar because it's delicious and I promise you it's good okay purple love can you use coconut milk or almond cashew when you're allergic to milk okay can you use coconut milk or almond cashew allergic to regular milk look it up because I'm not sure or ask your doctor I just don't want to relieve you in the right in the wrong direction okay when it comes to people being allergic to stuff I'm kind of iffy about answering those questions I don't want to stare nobody in the wrong direction you know cause I'm not a doctor you know what I mean is Drew still here I don't know I tried those who I tried to those who don't buffer oh oh oh oh oh okay okay okay okay oh he left okay okay Susan said yours tastes better Gina well thank you I appreciate it but like I said it's so simple so so uh G Hughes turn around and take a half a stick of butter um you're gonna use some heavy cream about a cup and a half okay take a nice handful of the parmesan cheese heated up together you have um alfredo sauce salt pepper and garlic powder I know it's that simple right Gina can you or Mr Young eat fish while watching your fish tank I was there at once to eat a burger in front of a cow and couldn't do it what the heck kind of question is that that is a total crazy question let me read it again Trader Joe's is the best naan bread oh is that right okay jihu just says okay all right so uh I got the naan bread at Walmart okay great okay Tina can you or Mr Young eat fish while watching your fish tank I don't know I'm gonna have to ask him can he do it I never even thought of as much as I like this thinking or looking at the fish tank while I'm eating fish but I love some good fried fish right but I always I told them a story on here where my husband likes campers they're they're like sardines and they come in a can and normally what we'll do is uh like you open it up and you pour the oil off they're packed in oil it's just like sardines but they're called kippers and he likes to put mustard hot sauce I eat them with crackers right he's always did ever since we met but since we had a fish tank and we had a number amount of fish die he opened up the kippers one day and he said you know what and I said what he said I couldn't do it I said why he said it looked like all my fish was just laying he did he said it looked like all my fish was just laying in that in that you know how they're in that tin thing he said look like all my dead fish in there he said so I couldn't do it so I don't know if he's ever gonna be able to eat sardines ever again because he's seen so many dead fish it was funny when that happened that's why I never okay what okay why didn't you never eat Alfredo sauce let's say let's see let's see [Laughter] said heck I'll climb in the fish tank and eat it or eat a pork chop in the front of in front of a pig yo that is the craziest question you could ever ask me it's so funny could you eat a hamburger in front of a cow I'm gonna ask my husband he gonna crack up at y'all laughs oh you love the stories that's great y'all I love telling a good story I love if I have a good story for you I love to tell it I do I do Mary Mary says sounds like a cat can I use almond or cashew or even coconut milk but regular milk tears up your stomach oh yeah you would have to ask your doctor or find out because I I can't tell you what milks you can have that won't tear your stomach up because right now I'm trying to figure out what issues I have with my top of my stomach my surgeon had told me it's something that I could possibly be allergic to so very soon I gotta find time to go see a food allergist to see what I'm allergic to so that my stomach doesn't bloat at the top today was a day where my stomach has flat as the Board of Health today but that's today doesn't mean tomorrow at the top of my stomach won't be bloated you know it's so weird too because people like uh you had it you just had a tummy tuck I'm like I know but my stomach exploded at the top but today it's just as flat but so I'm having days where my stomachs go up and down up and down because it's the food so I'm not sure what's making my stomach bloop oh you can use any type of milk it doesn't bother you okay I see what you're saying okay so purple love says I can use any other type of milk and it doesn't bother you oh okay okay lactose-free milk could help says run run is saying that lactose-free milk might help you oh absolutely cat sweat you you like the Lactaid milk okay if you had cats they will be up in the fish tank if you had cats they'll be in a fish tank oh lactose-free is your best friend is that right maybe I just like regular milk be honest I'm saying if it don't taste like regular milk tell me but if it tastes like regular milk I'd love to try it almond milk tastes like almonds to me it just does even if it's the unsweet you know how you can get to sweetened kind even if it's the unsweetened kind it takes almonds and I feel like that's not what I want when I'm having a bowl of cereal you know okay so Thomas says the lactate is lactate lactate free lactose free yeah those lactose taste like regular milk Mary that's what I'm saying so you said Fairlife lactose-free milk tastes like regular milk okay so cat slats said they don't like lactose free [Laughter] Sonya says yes I love the lactose free ice cream okay okay to try it just to be able to say that I've actually tried it you know and whether I liked it or I didn't I want to try it to say that I've tried it and I like it or I don't because you can't knock something until you try it right it has to be the fair life okay Angela yeah and I know what you're talking about because I've seen that name brand oat milk is good ah I've had the oat milk and I wasn't a fan of it I wasn't a fan of the oat milk skim milk my grandma used to drink skim milk Derrick the kind with the light blue lid to it Gina is fair life any good I I don't know I'm gonna try it okay Gina onions contain a soluble fiber known as fructan I don't know how to read it which can wreck havoc on your digestive tract and some Dairy so Dairy soda this is what may be causing your stomach Oh Nicole okay it could be okay okay have you tried cheesecake ice cream I I think I've had it I think I've had it and I enjoyed cheesecake ice cream it was like the best thing right it was no goat milk for me anybody won't be your lawyer y'all are funny okay so Sonya said the fair life you brought Wegmans bread almond milk and it only has three ingredients it's expensive and that's something how things it's good for you or things that you know it's just healthy for you are expensive think about fruits and vegetables fruits and vegetables can sometimes be absolutely so astonishingly is that a word can be unbelievably expensive the Parker welcome hello thank you for coming in here just says rod and Derek are funny oh Fair life makes a really good chocolate milk it's always like that the best things the best thing is healthier for you it costs the most very expensive and it's sad y'all listen the prices that everything is going up up the prices of eggs the prices of bread the prices of milk and cheese I can't believe the prices of things I can't I mean talk about high prices if y'all want to talk about high prices let's talk about food prices it's ridiculous if I ever seen it bread so expensive I I know I know you'll send me some Gina what foods are good for bone health issues oh I don't I don't I don't know I I don't know you have to ask your doctor I'm so sorry the price is Miss Karen says the prices are ridiculous you bet they are okay so Patricia welcome in everybody Welcome Patricia Burnett and you say hi Gina I'm kind of new been a subscriber for a couple of months now just wanted to say hi not cooking with you tonight but we'll be taking notes Patricia welcome welcome in and thank you for coming in and joining us so we've already cooked we cook when we first come into the live and then we've already cooked we said an amazing prayer we ate and now we're chit chatting but thank you for coming in if you would like to join me on Saturday I'm gonna be live again and I'm gonna be cooking at 4 P.M Eastern Standard Time this Saturday Okay so it'll be Monday and Wednesday at 6 p.m Eastern Standard Time and Saturday at 4 P.M but thank you for coming in and joining we appreciate having you here oh you said gas is going back up too oh okay so Derek says I thought I heard inflation was supposed to go down within a few months oh it would be big it has yet but it will be oh Susan says in California the gas is so expensive I could imagine the price of living in California is absolutely ridiculous wow well I wouldn't want I wouldn't want to live in California y'all I'm kicking it with Donna yes Gina the food prices is high okay so cat slat says Mildred did I say hi to you so here's what I was visit let's see you said visit but not live visit but not lie visit but not live I'm trying I'm trying to figure that out have you ever tried Korean ice cream Korean ice cream rolls I haven't oh you said why I was born California uh no no I I just heard that it's it's not really um like the price of living is really high and and then I've heard some other things and I thought I you know because because years ago everybody used to say I'd love to go live in California but me not so much after hearing certain things and knowing that the prices of Sky High that's why I have to say that I'm like man I wouldn't want you know y'all I had mosquitoes eating me up last night when I was outside in the backyard a cat sled said we all need a Flintstone car Flintstone vitamins [Laughter] Korean ice cream bro uh uh Ron don't you dare run don't you even [Laughter] Ron needs one of them why y'all messing with each other it's like brothers on here messing with each other I will buy you'll buy Derek how funny how funny how funny so listen let's talk about what's going to happen on Saturday and this is definitely going to happen this Saturday on Saturday I decided to go ahead and make the beef stroganoff it's written in stone it's written in stone the recipe will not be changed to anything else I'm gonna do the beef stroganoff on Saturday 4 P.M Eastern Standard Time it's gonna be a delicious recipe and the beef will be made very similar to how we cook the beef today to make sure that it's nice and tender we're gonna have an amazing gravy to it we're going to fold in a little bit of sour cream okay but it's going to be so much fun we're gonna have a lot of fun on Saturday so beef stroganoff is what we are doing this Saturday coming up 4 P.M Eastern Standard Time so make sure y'all show up we're gonna have a lot of fun if there's some people in this chat and I know there's somebody some people in here that would love to see beef stroganoff I'm making it for you I'm Gonna Be Right In the Flesh showing you all how easy it is to make okay yes yes yes and for those people I'm not kidding you I'm not kidding you I'm telling the truth I'm telling the truth we are having it Saturday okay it's not gonna be switched up now there may be some people in the back oh goody there may be some people in the back that um want to make it but you want to use chicken go ahead and purchase chicken and I'll be talking to you in the background telling you what you need to do to your chicken okay and you can use it for the beef stroganoff recipe but I'm using beef okay aha Nicole that's great yes that's great I absolutely absolutely hahaha yo I never was a person to ever like the color yellow I just never liked it but I must say I think I like yellow when I wear it but I don't like the color yellow at all but when I put it on I I kind of like the way it it it it is up up against my skin so I guess maybe maybe not a person that hates yellow I think I hate red more than I hate yellow I don't like orange you can't get me to like orange for nothing I don't like orange orange and red just says I can't want you rock going to the store tomorrow what kind of beef do I need you can turn around and get the same kind get the beef stew meat but if you're a person everybody's a person but if you're a person in there that out here that you have some beef in your in your freezer or something you just want to take it out you can use it okay let's just say you got some steaks or something you want to use them go ahead all right but I'm using the beef stew meat sometimes it's called stew beef meat and it's in the little chunks just like we used today okay beef stew meat is what we're going to be using okay and I'm gonna be using um you can for the stroganoff you can put stroganoff over noodles over egg noodles or over homemade potatoes okay I'm gonna do both and then that way for the people that would like to see it be put over top of potatoes I'll show you a plate like that or the people that want to see it be put over top of some egg noodles I'll show you a plate like that so I'll use both okay so the beef stew meat is what I'm going to use I'm just going to use a pound a pound of the meat oh you're getting double okay okay okay and for Saturday okay okay okay okay we're gonna have fun thank you all for coming in and joining me today I love each and every one of y'all I thank you for coming in joining me I thank y'all for loving me I can't wait till Saturday because we're gonna have a good time and I'm gonna spend more time with you I'm gonna spend more time with you uh than I did today on Saturday on Saturday we'll we'll chat it up and have a good time for a couple of hours all right you love lavender it's your favorite color lavender is actually a very pretty color mines is blue all colors of blue I love blue I really like cobalt blue oh my goodness I love blue I love every shade of blue purple is yours oh purple love okay I'm gonna do the camping I just don't know when but but we'll do it we'll do it and one day we'll have some good fun all right give me a hug y'all I'm getting ready to get off remember we're gonna have fun on Saturday tomorrow you're gonna see me I'm doing um well you're not gonna see me live but you'll see videos from me I got some great videos planned ahead and I want to surprise you with the videos that I'll be making for this channel tomorrow and I may just put out a video on the healthy Channel as well you're just you'll you'll you'll see all depending on how much energy I have give me a hug yes cat slack give me a big old hug I ain't getting off of here without a big old hug give me a hug y'all I love y'all so much I appreciate each and every one of you all and listen tell your family and friends tell everyone you know about Gina Young what I'm doing in this here Kitchen on a daily basis tell them to come join the live they'll have a lot of fun I'm getting off here I love you I love you these kisses and hugs going out to each and every one of you I'll see you on Saturday God bless and have a great night thank you to my amazing moderators Ron Wilson Sonia hold on what happened and Mildred have a great night everybody I love you I'll see you Saturday
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 11,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Delicious Pepper Steak Recipe Better Than Takeout, How to make Authentic Pepper Steak, Pepper Steak, Pepper Steak Recipe, Pepper Steak Recipes, Gina Young Pepper Steak, How Pepper Steak Is Made, how to make pepper steak, gina young pepper steak, make Authentic Pepper Steak, Authentic Pepper Steak, recipe for steak, How To Cook Pepper steak, pepper steak, pepper steak recipe, Gina Young Style, Gina Young, Gina Young cooking show, Gina Young cooking channel
Id: X2MTm19MwII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 4sec (10504 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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