How To Make Delicious Turkey Salad

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science welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome hello if you're just now coming in welcome if you're a new subscriber welcome hello I'm going to show y'all how to make turkey salad today Ron Wilson welcome Lynette comma welcome absolutely Lynette says give a thumbs up to the live cat lover welcome Christy welcome Jared hello Nettie welcome Andre hello Thomas Smith good afternoon Thomas I made the delicious tuna over on the other channel tuna steaks I made them today and the video has been released check it out Terrell unknown welcome Michael the gamer welcome Ronald t g huge is Moe over there maticia hello Edwin welcome welcome welcome welcome what's your name let's see Kiana blue welcome what's cooking we're gonna be making Mildred welcome Deku hello Leticia Renee Rosie Kate coffee Alyssa hello welcome let's a list oh that's Alice Alice Moore okay welcome Tanya G Rockwell oh no she didn't hello how you doing um so now we are going to be making turkey salad and it's kind of like tuna salad and it's also kind of like um chicken salad but we're not using chicken or or um tuna we're using turkey this recipe is going to be so easy it's going to taste good it's something that you're gonna want to eat this summer welcome Derek eats how you doing how's your mouth doing Edwin hello Cheryl hello Shirley Clark welcome Lynette comma welcome Valencia Raymond Pamela Alice Hello Special K I love you too I love you too you bet I do Shara hello Erica Parks how you doing welcome now bring the Thumbs Up Up let's make sure that the thumbs up is matching with everyone that's in this chat today um so I I can see all 192 of you I can see who's in here but then I can also see that hardly anybody has given the thumbs up we have 56 thumbs up and 179 people in here let's bring that number up Shaquita hello kissy welcome Sierra Wooten welcome Glenn welcome Maggie Cleaves hello how are you oh we're gonna have a good time it's hump day the crispy onions with salad is amazing oh is it that's something I don't I don't believe I've tried that I'll have to try it and then I'll let you know what I think Denise Billups welcome welcome Elizabeth Jason welcome Karen Christy Fowler welcome Maryland hello Kevin Winston Rashida hello Jackie if I didn't say k coffee welcome yay your first live with you I tried a lot of your recipes okay that's great Sierra and I'm so glad um that you were able to make it to the live and speak to me today so welcome in if you are a new subscriber welcome into the chat today we're doing something simple it's gonna be so simple I'm gonna show you how to put this salad together real quick and you know uh tamikia Griffin welcome this salad can be eaten over like a croissant or bread with lettuce turn it into a a turkey salad sandwich or you can just do like I'm gonna do today I'm just gonna take some butter crackers and dip it into my turkey salad and just eat it that way oh he just had a tooth taken out Thomas so simple that let's see that's so simple that if you ever mess it up this is what Raymond says if you miss this recipe up don't ever step in the kitchen again that's what he says I didn't come from my mouth that's what he says in his comment Life of the Party welcome you guys are laughing Kim yeah how you doing hey Mildred how are you gee hugees Derek Nancy Ron Helen hello guys is Sonya in here yes yes Shirley Clark how you doing devetta welcome welcome welcome we're gonna have a good evening good good evening today Eva hello so now let's let's talk about something Sonya King welcome Sarah Morris hello I'm much better thanks to all your comments oh great we are praying okay and you're doing fine Mildred okay that's great that's great so now when making this recipe um like I said in the community post uh uh uh what did I say what did I say in the community post what I said was if you were getting the turkey cutlets that you can purchase like at Walmart there's like three or four and I pack boil them ahead of time you don't have to sear them off or anything or cook them in the oven just boil them with the seasonings that I put in the description after you boil them let it cool down okay easy peasy that's all I wanted you to do before you came to this live today oh there she is there Sonia so um believe it or not I when I did my shopping today my local market where I ordered my food from they didn't have the turkey cutlet so I thought oh no I didn't told everybody that I'm making this turkey salad well problem solved I told them I said if you can find me a turkey breast get me a turkey breast so they found me a turkey breast it was about this big I boiled that baby put some salt pepper garlic and onion powder and just boiled it until it's fully cooked and now it's cooling down on the counter okay so that's the beginning now typically here at the Young's house when we make turkey salad it's like the day after Thanksgiving when you have all this turkey left over like I know that my dad loves turkey salad but he likes his turkey salad with celery seed and not celery pieces in it so uh this can be a recipe you can make around the holidays when you have that leftover turkey welcome Mary Graham hello Eula hello a Barbara Taylor hello how are you so so my turkey is cooling on the counter and I have my favorite mayonnaise I'm going to use some Savory mayonnaise I'm not using a sweet one today I don't feel like the turkey salad should be sweet and what I mean by that is using the Miracle Whip that has that sweet taste that we all love but not for this turkey salad but if you're that person in the background or in the chat and you just absolutely love Miracle Whip the one that's sweeter then you use that so you can enjoy the recipe okay and then we got salt pepper garlic and onion powder and um our crackers onions and celery as much or as least as you would like to put in it if you're that person don't like onions you can just leave it completely out I'm taking notes okay Sonia that's great so I'll get up in about a good five minutes we're gonna put this apron on and get started thank you guys bring the thumbs up up let's make the thumbs up match with the people that's in here during this live I'm here to show you all a good time today hold on y'all I'm looking at a message okay now coming in uh yesterday we went live over on the new channel and we had a lot of fun it was the first live ever for that channel I had a great time and I took some um some ideas of things that you guys wanted me to cook for you so today um one of the requests was for the fresh tuna a tuna steak and I showed you how to make it not only one way but I showed you how to make it two ways I showed you how to make it the medium rare that so many people like right and then I showed you how to make it well done with the lemon butter sauce on it so whichever way you try to make it just make sure you check out the video over on healthy recipes with Gina because the video was so much fun to make and the tuna was delicious Maggie Cleaves welcome Drew Moss welcome back in LJ hello Hellman's is the best okay my grandmom used to love helmets she she liked the helmets that was had the light blue writing on it so I think it was the lighter helmets but it tastes good I'm gonna be using uh Dukes Duke's Mayonnaise is good too if he never tried it just track one time oh okay so you say no onions for you but the onion powder oh that's absolutely fine I agree I agree brown sugar welcome happy happy Wednesday sweet brown sugar purple love you like Duke's Mayonnaise how you doing purple love okay Drew says oh yeah the Duke's Mayonnaise come on with the onion says Denise okay mmm yes an egg salad sandwich is delicious when my dad made it when I was younger my dad would make an egg salad sandwich every once in a blue moon and he would put it on a toast it was the best it was the best so I was happy when I could get a lunch I mean you I got lunch all the time but I was happy when I could get the lunch that I wanted like an egg salad sandwich I always loved the egg salad sandwich I hope everybody's doing okay today I hope you all are having a great day today how about I get up and get started how about I get up and get started is there anybody in this chat that's cooking with me today I'd love to know oh try the salad cubes in the egg if I don't buy let me put it on instacart right now run I have to because I'm excited about the salad cubes let me see and I'm gonna really order them I'm putting them in my cart right now see if the store has them sell it cubes okay so let me see because I want to try it and I'm going to try it in some potato salad okay so listen the thing is does the store have it I hope my holy king is okay I haven't received the email or anything [Music] okay let's see okay so Ron I see relish I see sweet relish let's see guess what they're giving me Ron they're giving me cute uh nut cucumbers they're giving me croutons when I I put solid cubes in okay so the first thing that they gave me was two things of sweet relish all right and then they give me croutons isn't that something I may have to go into the store to find the solid cubes Angelina hello Mount Olive's okay okay okay okay let's see let's put Mount olives Mount olives salad cubes let's try that be a little bit more specific okay so I'm in the pickle genre um I don't I may have to go into the store for it they're just not showing it to me huh this yeah it's a quick meal it's chick I mean it's turkey you missed the lobster tanks at the Walmart oh they it probably got too hard to take care of them you know too hard two men they have so many different things on their plate and then when they have people come in and do inspections and if those Lobster tanks are you know like spot on they can get dinged and get shut down you know so they probably thought taking the lobster tanks out would just do them a whole lot better hello hello my holy king welcome if you're in here there you are Laura hello Drew says we've been looking for you let me get my apron on let's get started Amazon sells the cubes okay Renee that's great to know I am Rosa I'm gonna try it Ron's been talking about it and I'm so interested to try it because what I want to do I want to make a potato salad and I want to put that in my potato salad good evening to all Marcia thank you let's flip this camera around we're gonna get started we're gonna have a fun time here at the Young's house if you have a great topic to talk about uh write it down get a pen and a paper write it down and then after we're done cooking we're sitting down eating and we're chit chatting we can talk about all the fun topics that you want to talk about okay so write down any good ideas I love to keep a good conversation going okay let's flip the camera around welcome in Marcia there we go I'm gonna need some light in my computer all right it's already turned around I can turn it back around this way all right let's get the microphones on there we go [Applause] if at any time the lighting is acting up let me know and we'll be more than glad to fix it for you all right that's perfect and put this on there we go ready to rock and roll thank you Ron says we need 75 more thumbs up thank you Ron Shirley Clark and though hello [Music] okay everybody I'm ready and I hope you all are ready all right so I have some turkey breast here that I cooked probably I don't know maybe two hours ago let me get my hands nice and clean throw that away make sure your hands are impulsive like playing let's get started with this amazing recipe so now this is I think it was Raymond that said in the chat he said this is a very easy recipe and it's true it's so easy but I tell you what you could mess up on it you could you for it I feel like overdressing a salad sometimes can kind of mess people up too much I wouldn't mean by overdressing a salad is putting too much mayonnaise and uh uh not seasoning it properly properly I'm sorry um you gotta have seasoning in your salads you do all right so here I have a gorgeous turkey breast that I had cooked off all right let me pour this juice off right here and then um I have a medium sized Bowl after I turn around and cut this turkey up there you go after I cut the turkey up and then if you if you're tender if your turkey is so tender you really could just shred it apart if you if you need to if it was the holiday and it was a Thanksgiving turkey I'd probably just be shredding it up but what I'm gonna do with this here is I'm gonna cut it down just like so in this manner I tell you what it smells super delicious it really does look how gorgeous look how gorgeous in this color right here this color that I've achieved it's because I seasoned the water all we did was boil it the seasoning in it is going to give us some plain flavor it's not just gonna be Bland you know and you can do the same thing with chicken if you were to make a chicken salad let's get you some chicken and boil it right once it's fully cooked do the same process so let's chop it down in this manner I hope y'all are having a great day welcome in if you're just now coming in welcome if you are a new subscriber and welcome excuse me if you're returning subscriber I love you guys and I truly appreciate you all right so let's get this nice and chopped down and a lot of times like like let me show you how tender can the camera come in just to show them how tender this turkey is look at that if I do you mean if you do like this it's just gonna yes that's tender and you get that from boiling it this is not dry right I could really just do this right absolutely you can so I think that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead grab my Bowl here and just kind of shred it into my bowl little pieces or chop it into cubes whatever you decide oh I don't have you guys's messages up here I'm gonna get your messages on the computer so I can see what everybody's saying to me I'll have my cameraman fix that here in one second but let's get this nice and broken down and then the next thing that we're going to do is we will be uh cutting some celery and onions as much or as least as you would like to have in your salad okay I I need the uh messages onto the computer okay so hold on a second I'll hand it to you huh but they're not there no more what do you mean hold on I don't want to touch it [Music] there you go all right guys remind me to get the celery and onions out I have had an extremely busy day today I'm not tired press hi chat I'm not tired at all but I have been busy busy I have been busy we did a video for this channel earlier and that video was how to make breakfast quesadillas those breakfast quesadillas hands down was so delicious and so easy to make you gotta check the video out you have to and then we were over on the healthy channel here we are today what a busy busy day but I tell you what I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world absolutely all right look at that Tressa Park my goodness it smells so good okay so I'm gonna be serving my turkey salad with crackers like I said if you want to serve yours on a croissant or you know bread with lettuce that's fine as well let me clean this or my cutting board doesn't go slipping and sliding homie it works happy Wednesday to everybody happy hump day is there anybody that's excited that is hump day there we go nice clean cutting board once again okay perfect if anybody has a real serious question put up a red stop sign in the chat I'll see it and then I'll be able to answer you hopefully and then if I miss that uh people in the chat would love to tell me so and so has a question Gina all right so now let's get our celery out our onions I'm gonna wash down my celery and since I don't have too much turkey I really only need one piece of celery but I want to chop it up nice and fine you don't want big huge pieces of celery and onion in this and if you wanted to you can even blend up the celery and onions there's gonna be a lot of people that would appreciate you if you Blended up the onion and celery okay I see my celery you guys are in my refrigerator with me welcome welcome if you're just now coming in I love you guys Happy Wednesday and I need an onion Mariners [Music] okay so let me rinse my celery off nice clean piece here and also you're doing great thank you for accents and knees thank you that's great thank you Christy Fowler I appreciate it yes I do it means a lot to me when you guys give a thumbs up it really does it tells more people to come into the chat it tells more people gina young and slide come on into the chat and join us we want new people coming in right yes we do okay if anyone has a question thank you Mildred foreign knife that wasn't a good knife but now I got a really good one all right let's do it so now I'm one of those people and I'm gonna know if you're one of those people do you like a little boiled egg in your salad I do I like boiled eggs my tuna I like boiled egg in my chicken salad and I would like boiled egg in my turkey salad but I'm not gonna do it today I'm not gonna do it today but I do I do like boiled eggs and salads all right so now let's chop this baby up it has been washed down as fine as I can welcome in if you're just now coming in we're making turkey salad now let's go through it several times with our knife and then we'll run back over it to get it nice and fine and then now I'm not going to overwhelm this salad with too much onion I'm not going to do it I don't want a whole lot of onion but you do want and you know and like I said this one stalk of celery will do the trick for that little bit of Turkey is it anytime I call this tuna or chicken salad please forgive me stay it is such an easy mistake all right and as I go through the celery it's gonna just give me more and more and more as I chop it down beautiful it smells so fresh my dad when he eats turkey salad or tuna salad he likes um the celery seed he doesn't like big pieces of celery all right there we go beautiful if I haven't said I hope you're having a good day today I hope you're having a splendid day all right so let's get our celery into our Bowl here the camera can follow me that would be great get on in there everybody in the bowl and you're gonna see just how little bit of the onion that I will be using is not going to be a lot I I was really gonna take you guys on a roller coaster today because I was gonna do the salad to y'all know today I was gonna do this night where I turn around and put the purple grapes in the walnuts and the apples and The Cranberries I was gonna do it but I said I'm gonna take it easy on them today I'm Gonna Take It Easy Peasy so here I am I'm taking it easy on you but I do love a salad like turkey or chicken or even um tuna salad with the walnuts The Cranberries the apples it is so beautiful the purple grapes and if you've never tried it that way you must try it one time just to say that you've tasted it and you can really say whether you like it or not you know I some people my salad but I feel like give it a try first give it a try first before you knock it you know that's person I am don't you dare you go knocking it before you taste it so I'm really gonna chop this up fine it's not a lot of onion that I'm using we'll give it another chop through hello Pauline Devion Jackson welcome in hello hello welcome everybody turkey salads on the menu let me wash my hands and then we're gonna mix up our ingredients how simple how simple they said how do you make this spicy how do you make what this spicy spicy if you want to make this spicy you can put Cajun seasoning in it whose comment is that um Michael Miller Michael Miller um Cajun seasoning just something let me show you Michael look at this this is just the off brand Michael just the Cajun seasoning it gets great flavor like trust me Michael and it will also uh give you a little bit of spice in the back of the palette now let's just say you don't have this for some reason you can't find it use the red pepper flakes throw in there it's going to give you a nice amount of heat that you're going to love and you can control way you know they said what hot sauce make it soggy hot sauce tells me a great addition to this really it would it wouldn't make it soggy nope then as much or as least as you would like to throw in okay so let's go ahead we got some mayonnaise in there I always I always like to say this when making a salad start off with a little bit of dressing and then you can add two you don't want this to be too wet um and then once you mix it up look at your consistency and decide do I need some more you don't need any more don't worry back right but if it's dry after you mix it then put a little bit more in each time okay so let's give it a nice stir around I know it's one of the most simple you here's the thing it's simple but it tastes so good I love a good recipe like that I was stoked about this recipe so excited to make and here we are all right so if you take a look well you can definitely tell that it's a little dry Gina okay so let's handle that looks like we need some more so we're going to do just that put some more and then we'll see what the consistency is looking like oh this is the perfect consistency see start off with a little and then add two oh I'm so happy about this okay great so now because we seasoned up our turkey when we cooked it you taste it right now see if it needs seasoning right if for some reason uh it don't need seasoning to don't put no seasoning in right that might be the case for you so we're going to taste it and to see how much seasoning we may need and like Ron said go ahead and put the salad cubes in here it would be a great addition I have never experienced the salad Cubes but I must give them a try I will all right so I want to do exactly what I told you I want to taste it I'm gonna taste it I want to taste and see where my seasoning is at um yeah um it's so good um okay this makes me feel like the next day Thanksgiving boy it tastes good but I do need some garlic powder oh it tastes good I'm gonna put some parsley flakes just to make it pretty I'm gonna put some onion powder and some black pepper and surprisingly I'm Gonna Leave This up out I don't need the salt I don't need any salt I'm just going to add some black pepper and voila okay so let me grab my pepper there it is and then we'll taste it again see how happy you are so Michael I think that's your name go ahead and put your Cajun seasoning in or your red pepper flakes and you have something that you and your family can snack on all evening take you some of the work put some crackers everybody's gonna be asking you can I taste some they may even say where'd you get the recipe from be sure to tell them so now we gotta taste this again we have to I like to always put it into a different Bowl since we have mayonnaise all over this bowl right let's put it into a nice clean bowl and we can present it in such a manner where it looks a little bit presentable there we are okay and now for the taste test after we seasoned it let's see what it tastes like oh it's good my goodness okay let me see what Ron is saying oh yes the Sociables and Triscuits perfect you bet it is both of those are perfect I tell you what this is so good I'm gonna give you a bite right now isn't it tastes so good this tastes like the holiday y'all go on in take a bite take a bite let's say a quick prayer heavenly father thank you for this gorgeous salad in Jesus Christ's name we pray amen thank you for everyone that has come into this chat may we have a great time good conversations in Jesus Christ name we pray amen take a bite go on here that's what you want mmm it tastes so good he said this is a beautiful listen if you're a lemon lover like we are here at the Young's house sprinkle you some lemon on there it would be a great addition it just would if you want to I have some off-brand you know butter crackers that's gonna be delicious they're kind of like Ritz crackers taste the same right I'm gonna put this on a plate I'm gonna come around and we're gonna chit chat for a little bit this will be fun man it tastes good don't you say that Ron don't you do that yeah oh this is great okay so look look look yum who loves a good salad like that I know you do if you want to present this in such a way where you're trying to you know kind of fancy somebody out a little bit put some parsley flakes throw some paprika on top cover it with plastic wrap and voila it'll be gorgeous okay Sanja okay so your name is Sanja okay welcome a couple crackers on the side how easy eat on this eat on this for your snack eat on this for lunch this can be dinner yes yes this actually could be breakfast and I'm not even kidding when I tell you that here all right kitty kitty welcome Tina I'm gonna make this uh tomorrow for lunch faces to Angie welcome all right y'all let's see let's get me in here get my face in here a little bit Mama Chihuahua is that your name I'm about to inject your name up welcome okay simple easy and delicious you bet it was yes this is a great meal especially here's the thing when it's hot outside not thank you Sonya when it's hot outside not a lot of people like cooking and I can understand that but you got to put something on the dinner table this is a whole meal in itself right Ron this is a whole meal in itself let's see how I can fix the lighting so y'all can see Miss tress welcome mama says it is yes it is cool and delicious okay so let me show you there we go did you order the salad cubes Drew I couldn't find it on instacart how about it so now let's taste it I think you need help with somebody to help you Chow it down yes all of you guys are gonna help me I'm gonna give you a bite I was bite yo I'll be glad when I get another tripod my whole head is cut off I got another half of my head and you can't see it because I got the I got another tripod this small I'm waiting on the tripod to come in the mail I have to get a crook on my neck while I talk to y'all like this turn that light off and they might be able to see it better go ahead and take a bite y'all tastes good Ron did you cook with one okay okay um can you Uber Eats me some in a bowl um oh yes yes yes you did okay okay um that's a great taste now oh you're welcome it is a thing it is a thing and like I said sometimes when we have leftover turkey when it's the holiday this is what we make and then you can continue to eat that Thanksgiving turkey you know but here's the thing if it's not the turkey and you have leftover baked chicken or just some type of chicken left over pull it apart throw these same ingredients together and you have a meal I mean you could feed your kids to this and this is a you know it's it's good and you can use the healthy crack crackers like Ron is using the Triscuits um I know there's Wheat Thins you know things like that the sociable crackers absolutely or put it on a croissant and go you know wrap that baby up on some plastic wrap and enjoy oh the leftover ham to make a pot pie there you go oh you make leftover you make chicken salad with honey I have never heard of that in my life okay so uh Derek eat says he likes club crackers Derek the club cracker is my favorite cracker but guess what them babies are starting to get expensive so I bought these little cheapos here and they're so good hold on let me put my salad back on there come on take a bite if you want some I'm going in hmm [Music] Gina welcome somebody said Put it on lettuce and serve it hmm yes it does Ron I'm very happy look at this you had a deli Bakery in the chicken salad and the Honey was the best selling item is it right that's interesting I'll have to look into it Lily welcome I make you hungry oh my goodness um you know what's good when when every single bite that you take you kind of like moan a little bit that's when the salad is splendid it was so quick so quick oh okay okay they sell the generic ones okay I'll look into that because that's my favorite cracker you just had a stroke well God bless you um I will be praying for you now you said this is comfort food to you oh my goodness it is this is comfort food to me it doesn't make you it it it it it it it feels like you're getting a big hug right that's what it feels like and that's what it tastes like surprisingly we just have to say surprisingly with this one the onions are not really strong and I love when I can manage how much onions I put into something because sometimes because sometimes I you can put too much onion and it's too that fresh onion let me pray for my holy king heavenly father in The Sweet name of Jesus we pray that you put a strong blessing on my holy king please bless over his life please bless over his household his family friends and loved ones please take care of him in Jesus Christ's name Heavenly Father you know what he needs and where he's hurting where he's in pain and where he's sick father we prayer that we pray that you take care of him and we ask for all sickness to be gone right now in Jesus Christ's name and we thank you Lord ahead of time that you're going to answer this prayer you said father that if we had a little bit of faith and I have more than a little bit and I know that you answer prayers and I'm thanking you right now Lord Heavenly Father put your hands up on him right now in Jesus Christ's name give him a big hug lore and let him know that you are the answer so his healing process and you will answer this prayer in Jesus Christ's Name Lord I love you I believe in you I have faith in you and I thank you for your mercy please take care of my holy king and Jesus Christ's name we pray amen sending prayers your way you will feel better in the sweet name of Jesus you will get better we claim it we receive it we retrieve it and we're thanking God along the way for healing my holy king just just stand strong as you can I hope I hope that you get better you know if you need to see the doctor go see the doctor if it's not where you need to see the doctor just lay down relax maybe lay on your left side they say that your blood flows a little bit better when you lay on your left side get something cold to drink and just take you know take a load off but just believe and receive and retrieve this prayer on today amen absolutely amen mm-hmm Alyssa Wilton welcome purple love says we agree and if two or three of us come together in agreement the Lord tells us I'm right there I am right there within you all and so right now you can trust and believe my holy king that the good Lord Is Right Here hearing and answering this prayer on today because it's more than two of us we got 248 of us and eight is a lucky number there you go Debbie thank you you know I'm not kidding when I tell you this turkey salad is good Sonia you better make yourself um you don't like the way I host the show okay let's get this nut out of here okay let's see let's get this nut full out of here okay let me make sure they're going up out of here get up out of here get up out of here devil marcina what's your name marcina what is your name toulosoma marcina to lusama get gone in the name of Jesus they're gone they're gone they're gone they have no Authority the trolls have no Authority in this chat you hear me thank you Sonya oh you said you are you're gonna you're gonna try it we did rebuke that devil right up out of here you hear me Mr real says devil get gone [Laughter] yes but it's so serious and you yo on a serious note you have to say that all the time I don't care if I have if I have to say that 25 times a day I will devil get up out of here devil you have no Authority my neighbors must think I'm nuts because I squirt I I say that from the top of my lungs you know and I mean it and the devil will flee when he knows he can't mess with you the devil willfully they ain't got nowhere else to go but ain't got nowhere else to go but to tuck their tail and go running but I will block you you know I will block you like that let's have fun still nice when she said that's kind of funny the way you said that Rina you have a great question oh you said now I know what a troll is uh-huh a troll is somebody that tries to come and steal your piece they want us they want to uh talk negative say mean stuff sometimes they give threats they you know they just everything is negative about them and when they come on here doing that we block them and then they can't comment anymore right so that's what that is Serena makes a good question Gina do you make a good jelly guess what Rena [Music] I can make delicious jelly or Jam I'd like to say more Jam I can show you Arena how to make a beautiful Jam that will make you get down and jam on the Dance Floor [Laughter] apricot jam strawberry or Cherry Jam I'd love to make that for you guys and it's so easy to make Janie welcome in good mm-hmm [Music] Debian okay Debbie Young says tomorrow is your birthday well happy happy birthday and you also want to know do you get a birthday cake here's what I'll do Davion on Saturday I'm supposed to be making um a fried chicken dinner and I'm gonna do that but I also have two others that have a birthday this weekend so what I'm going to do for them too is I'm going to be making um I'm gonna be making a peach cobbler and I can make peach cobbler and you can enjoy watching me make that for your birthday happy happy extreme happy birthday to you you'll be able to watch me make the chicken dinner and peach cobbler all in one day and we will say happy birthday to you as long as you remind me that it's your birthday okay foreign that will work for you okay okay it'll be fun it'll be a lot of fun okay mistress says and I'm on Monday or Miss Chris yo funny happy birthday to you on Monday you know I'll be live on Monday happy birthday to you as well mistress what I'll be doing is directing you to Saturday's live where you can watch me make peach cobbler for all the birthdays that we have um all within this week and this weekend and and Monday I love you all I do I do if I can make a cake for every single one of you I would I would yo this is good such a great taste um oh should be 28. and now we got Sonya's birthday is coming up oh of Leo okay yes happy birthday to the people that has their birthday in August happy happy birthday oh oh she said 242 cakes my goodness I couldn't imagine I don't consider myself to be a baker I can do a little bit of bacon have had what before right what is Raymond saying he tasted let's see let's see I'm curious butter pecan cake butter pecan cake with cream cheese icy it sounds lovely oh it sounds lovely oh your sister will be 70 1 hmm can you do a blueberry cobbler oh I will in the future I will I'm so listen this is so good right one million birthday cakes oh you love blueberry cobbler me too um now when he talks about the rhubarb strawberry pie it's the best thing my grandma my dad's mom used to make a rhubarb strawberry I don't know if it was I can't remember so far back if it was a pie a cobbler or a cake it was strawberry rhubarb something and it was the best thing you get that rhubarb that has that little you know kind of get you right here uh in like a little Tang but then you got the sweet strawberries and whether it's crust or cobbler topping on top y'all listen talk about delicious I actually did last year I did a strawberry rhubarb dessert on this channel and hands down it was one of my favorite recipes rhubarb is tartan take but when you mix it yes Jackie when you mix it with strawberries it's it's like the best thing you've ever had in your life and rhubarb is around like in the summertime because it's a seasonal thing you might not be able to find it all year round I think it's the summer when you find it Oh Thomas says rhubarb can be sweet Thomas I've never had a rhubarb that was sweet never you love you're back okay mmm oh coconut is your favorite Shirley Shirley wish you with us when we made the coconut cake oh this is so good my onion my onion in here was so sweet oh Delphine thank you okay Miss fresh let me see him cut up a peach and toss a birthday candle in it and mine on Monday laughs that's so funny it's like the time when um I was eating the seafood boil right and I I mean I was going down on that Seafood boy I'm a slurping and just dipping in my butter sauce and I was eating the corn on the cob and my holy king was watching and he said Gina just throw some sauce or something right at the screen yo I fell out laughing I thought it was the funniest thing ever because it was a serious comment how I was just jamming down on that seafood boil I thought it was funny it was throw some sauce at the screen Gina do something I did I chowed down that day okay I know the jackfruit it's this big but like I said that Jackfruit is good Valencia says that was funny Dirk says it was funny oh Jenny says when I Jenny says when she makes cobblers she pours melted butter on top and that melted butter Susan's cracking up that melted butter will only emphasize how delicious the recipe is for you know your cobbler Christy okay Christy so let me tell you what happened we went to put it on we cut it I did I enjoyed it so we cut the pipe okay and we felt the need to cut the pipe in two areas we tried to put it onto the um onto the metal pieces coming out the wall right it just wouldn't fit there was one point in time where we got it on there and lo and behold that baby came off and when it came off we couldn't get it back on back on so my dad had said get an adapter and I guess an adapter is something that you can put onto the thing that's on the wall right and then you can put your pipe on the adapt in the adapter and then usually it should be easy peasy easy to go so the dryer is not fixed as of now but he he just came back from Lowe's or or one of those Hardware places he should have the adapter with him if he doesn't start to work on it right away I'll show y'all what the adapter is just in case you're curious but my dad said get the adapter it's going to really help you and also and you know how those um dryer uh vent Things Are coily and they're like uh uh uh they're kind of like aluminum foil material very easy to tear he got like an industrial kind where it's not so easy to tear right um so we're gonna try that one to see how it works but in the process we did tear three new ones it's just like as we're trying to put it on they're ripping aluminum yes but we get we get it fixed because by this weekend we gotta wash clothes my goodness now see here's the thing when it comes to those coils that you hook to the dryer to the wall um that the only kind that we could find was four inches like four inches wide like this and our thing that's in the wall is about this big right so we cut it so we could try to fit it on there it's just it just not working and I know it's like you you don't have to be uh what's it called you don't have to be a us what's it called what is it called you don't have to be like a um what is it called y'all somebody finished my sentence somebody finished my sentence right now you don't have to be a something scientist you have to be a scientist to figure it out you would think that you could cut it and put it on it didn't work turkey salad it's made just like chicken salad Sylvia yes right Christy says they don't make things like they used to anymore guess what Christy my dad said the same thing my dad said they used to just slide right on there and then we go to the internet right a rocket science there you go guys we go to the internet and guess what they're saying they're saying everybody for those four inch um dryer hoses take this is the weirdest stuff that they said they said take a uh rolling pin go in the hole and roll it out to make your hole bigger to fit onto the wall my husband tried it he said this ain't working he said I don't know my dad said they should make them not four inches but make them at least five inches five inches and then we could put the clip on to tighten it you know problem be solved but we'll get there we gotta get there by this weekend like I said because I gotta wash clothes I know Thomas it's on Amazon but on Amazon they have a six a 16 inch which we know that's too big that's for industrial they got a four inch Thomas what size do you see on Amazon Gina what about the bees okay so listen I'm doing my makeup this morning also you'd never use cornstarch cornstarch is the best what about the bees so I'm doing my makeup this morning and I'm sitting in my bed and I'm doing my makeup I got a mirror like in front of me and I noticed somebody was in the backyard lo and behold it was the manager again and he was back there where I wanted to be nests was and I told Dakota I said I'm getting dressed I said but go tell the man we appreciate him and how diligent he's working to get rid of these uh Hornets Yellow Jackets whatever they call them and the man uh so he said the one that's on the side of the house he said like 98 all of the Hornets were dead he said I actually pulled the nest out of the hole the hole is this big pulled the nest completely out and put it on the ground he said now there's a few just swarming around he said but the way I treated them there's powder all over it you see any of them that touch it this goes nears it it goes back in that hole they're gonna die he said so in a couple days you can pick it up throw it away and Bam Bam Bam problem solved and I thought okay so uh the one in the front is completely fixed no issues the one in the back back back back back he said guess what and I said what he said a fox done pulled the a fox or a raccoon then pulled up the nest out of the hole that I treated he said it's a completely empty hole he said I did put some more bait or whatever the powder stuff is he said but they pull it up because they want the grubs that's in there and if there's any honey in there and I thought oh my goodness so or or if there's any he didn't say honey because they don't make honey he said the grubs and something else he said but the whole thing is gone I thought okay so now where the sulfit is right where the deck is where we sit at above the roof where I told y'all uh there's still some swarming around but he said give it a few days and if um they're not gone he's gonna do something different with those so I'm excited because basically 98 of the problem is gone right so I'm so so so happy they did a great job and I told my neighbors I said the issue is 98 gone and they said oh great because I don't want them to be out doing yard work and not know that there was a hornet nest 96. okay Thomas says 96 lame three inch width three inch whiff is too small Thomas because we're getting four inches four inch width okay the four inch width is like this and the the hostess what we're saying is the hose that's in the wall that comes out of the wall it is bigger it's this big right the four inch is this big and we can't get it over top of this one so that's where the issue is is falling see I I knew you didn't find one bigger than six inches I mean bigger than four inches the length we don't need a big length because our dryer is close or dryer is close to the wall we need the big whip okay hello Carmen how are you welcome welcome Tommy hello welcome in then there's more the aluminum house yep Thomas you're right Crescent dough what's a turkey set yes what do you say Derek you can bring the dogs out here too they've been laying down for quite a while he is you like you can hear the dishes going he he got the uh I just saw him grab the dogs he got earphones in he can't hear nothing I'm saying he don't even know I'm talking about him like a dog right now he can't hear me Dakota he he doing this he's singing he can't hear nothing he didn't even look in my way what's it called what they said what are you listening to they they want to know what you're listening to [Music] game he's listening to the game and they said what song is that no go get the dogs for me please and let them come out here Hey Ron said hey bro he couldn't hear me if he tried he didn't put them things back in his ears he put the things back in his ears he couldn't hear me he couldn't hear nothing but Ron I tell him and me and me and his dad tell him all the time when you have the earphones on have one in your ear that way if we need to yell or tell you something or tell you something that's going on you'll know what's going on he got two winners here because he's hard-headed and he he don't listen yeah he he don't listen he's smiling he don't even know what I'm talking about right now yeah typical teenager oh I'm gonna get him y'all yes Joyce the club crackers are cheaper yeah than the Ritz I know Ron it would I told him if it was an emergency he can't hear no sometimes I'm like Dakota and he didn't hear nothing and I I just say Okay Lord I say Lord help me with this one because yeah I start praying like Lord please because well you know he hard-headed he only yeah that's how the prayer goes like dear God I give them to you seriously hi Florence how are you welcome in it's Christopher right Thomas he can't he can't hear nothing okay Gina okay let me see Jenny all you have to do is spray WD-40 in the corners where the nest to me so what does that do tell me what it does Jenny give him a buzzer that's shocksy and he said oh you need me oh okay not to kind of buzzer at the restaurant where they just buzz and you can put it in your pocket Kitty I'm kidding relax I'm kidding he I know prepping for school it's time to fill out the papers and I have not yet to do it that was my first email that I woke up to this morning fill out your paperwork make sure you have um the rights um classes that you're taking get your book bag and that really expensive uh calculator and all that other stuff he we need to get him some shoes sweatpants gym clothes all the stuff that he needs we need to start on it right now hi Tracy you're Kannapolis welcome oh he's getting ready for high school okay okay uh Chris Cindy said five thousand back to school clothes shopping wow that's a lot of money for what Well normally normal shopping is we let you go back with you of course you're going back with summer clothes on right and you got summer clothes so um normally we'll send them with uh summer clothes because so hot new pair of shoes new haircut and all that and then once it starts getting a little bit cool then we go out buy your jeans and stuff like that right so that's how we like to do it typically foreign can you give me my drink in there he can't hear me give me my drink in there it's already open you're late but you're here welcome Joyce Joyce H hello it's at the bottom uh-huh Dakota at the bottom at the bottom thank you yes he's busting suds I didn't have to ask him thank the good Lord that my prayers is coming true thank you Lord thank you Lord because you you know how it is trying to get a good dishes sticks sweet but sweet peas and macaroni he did and I loved it yes Miss trust today's recipe great oh it's hard for them to build one because it slides off oh your stepmom's name is Joyce my sister's name is Joyce um but they do call her sugar 's her nickname is sugar sugar is what I call her I mean I grew up calling her sugar but her name is Joyce yep oh you feel like you're behind yeah you need to watch them Derek I'm humping them videos out I am pumping them out listen here a lot of people say Gina don't stop making the videos I'm not y'all I'm I'm just getting started I'm just getting started kiss me I'm taking a microphone off yes you oh thank you Joyce h ittest person ever right who tell me who me thank you that's an OG recipe the peas with the elbow noodles oh yeah ah well thank you oh you like boiled eggs in your salad I I do I like boiled eggs and a lot of my salads and and you don't have to overwhelm the salad with too much boiled eggs but just a little bit goes a long way it makes it taste good it does Christy I'm always cooking on that healthy Channel I cooked on the healthy Channel today today I showed you all how to make healthy delicious fresh tuna steaks I showed you how to make a medium rare one it was all fancy it was so fancy and gorgeous and then I showed you how to make a fully cooked tuna steak with that simple lemon butter sauce using vegan butter yeah both recipes were stunning stunning did anybody see it let me know if you saw it oh that that's the breakfast you're having tomorrow okay okay Jackie you love both channels that's awesome thank you be careful when empty in that water strawberry jam to go with it my goodness oh Jack Jackie let's see Jackie says I gotta get over there with my high cholesterol self oh well be careful watch your cholesterol and then here's the thing your doctor may have something that they'd like for you to take for your cholesterol or they may direct you in the right direction so you can lower your cholesterol but when you talk to your doctor they'll really help you if you got a good doctor they'll really help you to try to get it down good night Jenny thank you for coming in and joining today oh we appreciate you peas and noodles your childhood comfort food oh Corey yes miss Karen thank you thank you it was a lot of fun to do those recipes today and and what I was proud about most proud about today um I was so proud that my timing that like so I woke up at 9 30. I had a cup of coffee outside with my husband by Time by Night Time 9 30 came it felt like it was 90 degrees outside on that back porch so we talked for about a half an hour and I said baby I gotta get dressed I got dressed and then by 11 we did the quesadillas breakfast quesadillas we edited that video and then by two we did the healthy Channel and then six here we are so that's what my day consists of and when I do my makeup y'all it takes about an hour and a half I know it takes about an hour and a half to do my makeup sometimes my husband said I'm doing my makeup for two hours I know I know and I don't think I'm coming over on here without any makeup y'all I need makeup if I don't have makeup on I look like I'm dead they say man what happened Tina uh nothing I feel good I just don't have makeup on oh that's how I feel I feel good Gina but you look dead oh I'm good I just I I'll look a little better once I get my makeup on yes an hour it takes me an hour well here's here's what I like to do welcome Regina uh what I'd like to do is as I'm putting my makeup on sometimes I'm listening to church in the background and I may look up because I put it on my TV I'm sitting in the bed doing my makeup I got a mirror like between my legs and then all my stuff beside me um so I may look up and listen to church but I take my time I don't like to rush through my makeup when I rush through it it's just the worst the whole day goes wrong so I take my time and normally it does take an hour and a half is that nuts thank you Ron now years ago I didn't wear makeup I didn't wear makeup when I met my husband oh I didn't I started wearing makeup uh around 2016 is when I started wearing makeup but the rest of my whole life I didn't wear makeup at all never did never did nothing no lip gloss no eyeliner no nothing I didn't thank you Jackie thank you Gina above okay please says Derek okay Gina above okay okay Derek I'm looking for you if I don't find it cream Peas I make cream Peas I love cream peas ex Uncle Bobo to make you a good sardine sandwich Drew [Laughter] you do Shirley uh I you know used to like um lipstick I would rather use the lip gloss this is the lip gloss that I have here um I like lip gloss I feel like my lips are too wide what I mean by wide like wide this way not wide like this but my mouth is too wide this way when I put lip stick on it it looks like the Joker for me because when I smile when I smile my smile is up here already right so when I put lipstick on it really enhances that so I say no I I'm good on that I'll just use lip gloss thank you Sonya thank you I work real hard on it I work hard on it y'all and guess what if we talk about makeup and I could seriously be honest I don't like wearing makeup I know that's probably nuts Gina you sound nuts and you wear it every day I I wear it every day I know I wear it every day I know I but I don't like wearing it it's just true it's just hands down true and like I told you I'm like I told you all so many people in the chat Tina your skin is so beautiful but I always like to make sure that I tell y'all yo I have problem skiing I don't have bumps on my skin just to be honest right you can see I don't have any well I got one right there right you can see it ah you see that right there right but I have blemishes I have blemishes my skin is not even toned it's it's not it's not even toned and when I don't put the eyeliner on my eyes look much different I I know I know each month for that let's see oh good night I pray in the name of Jesus that your migraine goes away Heavenly Father please take the pressure away from her head in Jesus Christ's name we pray and we're thanking you along the way Lord we know you answer all prayers thank you Jesus you love lip gloss too yep Sonia yep thank you thank you it really took me so let me tell you why I started wearing it on a serious note so I started wearing makeup 2016. the Breakout on my face and the breakout left me with dark marks all over my face and I thought oh what do I do what do I do and my sister had took me to Mac makeup in the mall they made my face up and I was like oh my goodness you have to be kidding me and so they'll they'll do your face for free and let you know like what color you wear and and stuff like that so um I knew what color I wore I purchased it and then next thing since I never wore makeup my whole life I had to start practicing so that's where YouTube came in YouTube I was able to go to video after video after video how to figure out how I wanted to make my eyes look since I have smaller eyes my eyes are small but I'm able to make them look much bigger by the way that I Contour my eyes you know it's different things that you can do uh you know to fix the imperfections in your skin like I have dark marks and stuff uh like for instance I had this can y'all see this so anytime I get a scratch I don't know a mosquito bite or something I get a mark like that can you imagine me having at least four of those on my face then you guys say oh my goodness but here's the thing I had that you just don't see it because there's makeup and I use the color corrector to to fix it you know I I I I don't want to come on here looking like you know who what happened I don't I don't and I won't so that's why I put makeup on so I'm recognizable [Laughter] it's okay to laugh with me I just want to be honest with you guys all day all they thanks drool oh yeah yeah straighten my hair yeah but I don't prefer it that way and the reason why I don't prefer it that way is because it naturally has a curl and it's hard to keep it straight it's hard to keep it straight if you naturally have a curl you naturally have a curl keep it curly you know otherwise that straight hair you're going to constantly be straightened it it's a hassle you know turn that water off y'all he been done with the dishes for the last half an hour I know y'all can't believe that the water's still going we've been done with the dishes for the last half an hour y'all see how I'm looking at him ah I would I would Brew um I do like braids um I do but they just take so stink and long to to put them in two braids uh oh gee you just said the water bill's 200 already he said the water bill is 200 already what you running that water like that you like to see here the sound of water I love to hear the sound of water lasagna's laughing oh it sounds like the kitchen in a restaurant okay okay okay yeah pots and pans he got everything banging the water running it is that loud he said it ain't that loud my question on a dessert dish is not going through YouTube must see it as spam Oh Derek it's right because uh tell me what what what word are you trying to use it could be Derek it could be that they're just totally blocking it out because they think it's some type of space try to word your message in a different way and I promise you I'm looking for your message here okay water is definitely soothing I was telling you guys what are you doing with that now let me have it let me have it uh um I was telling you guys in yesterday's live on the new channel I was telling y'all that I like um to watch people getting their pedicures and put it here and um I I like that to hear the water in the background is so interesting all right let me see hold on y'all I'm looking at some mail here hold on let me make sure I love when we have mail but most of it is spam mail and we can just toss it all out right oh I love that okay hold on there's one that I want to look at let me see you guys hold on okay I don't need that what's this I can look at that don't need that oh I love when I get mail and most of it I can just toss right in the trash that's the kind of meal I like let's see guys that's a billing statement that is a billing statement okay so I'm happy we can throw we can throw this whole there's a stack like this we can throw this whole stack away and I got three bills that I need to look at I like that versus getting this many stacks of bills and you throw one paper away that's the worst right okay yes it could be an indicator Thomas let's see what Thomas is saying oh so let me tell you Thomas I gotta tell you okay Thomas let me tell you about my situation when I went blind that morning I was going to work Thomas you listened to me I was going to work 4 AM and I thought it was just a foggy day I thought it was just a foggy day come to find out when I got in my workplace I couldn't see but let's talk about the night before Thomas listened to me okay the night before I was so thirsty I want it and I didn't want nothing but water but I was so thirsty it was like no matter how much I drunk I couldn't like fulfill my thirst but here's what else happened when I'm drinking water I'm not drinking water with ice in it I'm not drinking the extreme cold water every time I drunk like this right let's just say this is plain water with no ice so do this foreign guess what the water was ice cold it felt like it was dry ice on my tongue that's how cold the water was I had no ice in it it was not super cold right another thing I was up peeing that whole night peeing I go to sleep I'm up peeing again I'm up peeing again I peed all through the night I didn't get no sleep the man told me so serious I promise y'all the doctor told me he because he asked us he said did you have any indications or anything last night I said I couldn't stop peeing I couldn't stop drinking everything that I drunk was super cold like I've never had something so cold he said was there ice in your drink I said no just regular water he said those were your indications to get to us right away and then by time I got to the hospital that morning my sugar was 7 20 and he said if you wouldn't have came in this morning you would have been dead so I'm peeing a lot drinking a lot could definitely be it could also be issues with your kidneys so I would get it checked out Thomas on a serious note on a serious note and like I said what really 7 20 Sonia and on a serious note uh when I tell you um the the drink was so cold it was like somebody putting dry ice you know dry ice is considered like the coldest thing ever just regular water I would drink it and I said I'm yeah right but I kept wanting to drink that's how cold it was I know I know so everybody could have different it is good advice Valencia everybody could have different symptoms but that that was my symptoms in the net morning when I got up I thought it was foggy out but once I walked in that Walmart I thought I can see I know the women's clothes is over there and all I could see was colors like shades of colors but I couldn't actually see anything and I couldn't see nobody's face and it took me about two weeks I don't know if it between it really if it was a week and a half or two weeks to get the vision back yes Derek absolutely you email me and I will um you email me and I'll tell you about the dessert in the meantime I'm gonna scroll back to see if you were able to get your message through Derek okay let's see Derek they have a karaoke music video okay I see you right there Derek okay oh YouTube has the sleeping videos they do with the Thunder and the rain it's so smoothing okay so uh Cindy says Gina if you go to your post office tell them you don't want junk mail delivered oh yeah okay Derek let's see in the meantime between time I'm looking oh I pee a lot too okay Thomas that yeah okay I'm looking for Derek's message uh Valencia there's Thomas I've been trying still not going through okay Derek okay okay yeah just just email me and I'll let me I'll email you back I promise oh okay so Marcia says craving for sweets is a sign see now I didn't know that much I I never heard of that but there could definitely be a sign hold on let me move this so he can wipe the counter down y'all y'all y'all are real close with me right now hold on go ahead and get where I'm at all right go ahead all right um thank you it smells so good smell like lemonade here thank you Dakota Dakota thank you thank you unsweetened cranberry juice thank you Samantha what a great comment um you know there there are a lot of lovely drinks that you can have on this unsweeted unsweetened um that you can have or just some water really drink a nice amount of water not too much though but water will help you oh so Ron says it could be that too a Eula says good job Dakota Tanya I've heard about that I've heard of cranberry pills that they say that they're supposed to be great for you right just bought cranberry juice today what did Thomas say let's see bad enough to be hospitalized in a blood infection oh my goodness Thomas I tell you what we're going to put a strong blessing up on you in Jesus Christ's name that no weapons formed against you shall prosper Heavenly Father please let him find out what's wrong let him have great doctors and good nurse and people that care about him that can help him to figure this all out and help him to be strong during this process in Jesus Christ's name amen yeah go ahead thank you Gina if you're urine smells sweet that's another sign well uh Mary what I've heard of your yarn sounds sweet I know Gigi huge is he cleaning up what he want I don't know what you want but I know what I gotta get him for school so I don't know what he's looking for I don't know he acting like he didn't hear me he heard me he's smiling he must want something um I was getting ready to say something Sonya he said not the prune juice oh I know what I was gonna say um some a doctor had said does your urine have like a sweet smell uh because uh it could be your if somebody has like a urinary tract infection you would look for like a sweet smelling pee like it would be distinguishing you would like be able to smell it you know so um but I never heard if your urine smells sweet then it could be diabetic I've never heard that but that could be interesting foreign those clothes right there that we took out the laundry room because we got the dryer out you want to put them in a basket okay thank you yes I've had my thyroid checked I have had my thyroid checked and everything comes back very well so I'm thankful and so thankful to our good Lord Jesus I when I go and get my checks and things like that that everything's coming back well now uh they always tell me there's just a little that my kidney function level is a tiny bit off and they really emphasize when they say a tiny bit off excuse me they always emphasize they say just a tiny bit off now nothing to freak about they say because you are diabetic I've been diabetic since 2009 or it could be longer but I was diagnosed 2009. they say because you take blood pressure pills and the type of blood pressure pills that I used to take I used to take something called sprendolactone which was a blood pressure pill but I also was take I wasn't taking it for my blood pressure I was taking it for my face because I had cystic acne and they said it can serve the purpose of a blood pressure pill or to fix the cystic acne they said I took it for so long that it affected my kidneys just a little bit but my kidneys are healthy enough for me to get surgery y'all know I had to go through the ring around I mean they took me through the ringer before I could get my mommy makeover so they're making sure all my levels of everything is up you know A1 to par but they always tell me when I get my blood work your kidney function level is just a little teeny off right so they did assure me that and I do know of that issue I I don't see it I don't see a message in here where'd everybody go we're drewgo okay so you said where Drew go Derek yeah if that says yeah mines never sells smell sweet either uh Yvette um Thomas there's so many things on a serious note there's so many things that um somebody with high sugar can do and you can live a healthy lifestyle you know and and be able to control your sugar um with medicines that they give you and just eating right you know making a decision to drink something healthy versus drinking you know something that we'd rather have you know or make a decision to use a whole wheat bread or a whole grain bread versus a white Wonder Bread that we all love right so it it's ways to do good things you know you could have like cauliflower mashed potatoes instead of regular mashed potatoes or you can decide to just do just a little bit of mashed potatoes like this more protein and more vegetables and then you can just taste the potatoes versus I like us having this much potatoes on my on our plate like we really would have you know so there's ways to do it okay so Sonya loves the herb teas so you know what what maybe I'll have some tea tonight it's so long since I've had tea I have a mint tea in my cupboard how I like to have my tea so I'll get the hot water and put my bag in I like milk and sugar in my tea I probably should just have a little bit of milk and no sugar in it but tea is supposed to be relaxing and healthy for you oh okay so Angela you drink it every day is that right oh especially green tea in the back okay lemon and mint and basil every day okay Gina the diabetics running your family uh it is hereditary and diabetics does run in my family my Grandpop had it I never knew what they were saying when they were saying you know Grandpa's got sugar I didn't know what that means as a child and um come to find out when my dad got a certain age he developed diabetes and he um has a hard time to get his sugars under control and I hate that I hate to hear it I hate to hear it when it comes to my dad I hate to hear that he's struggling to keep his numbers under control it's the worst and then so my dad had said that he has neuropathy in his feet and they're going to give him shots and I told him that the shots will eventually hopefully help with the shooting pains that he's having with neuropathy in his feet so here's what I got Sonia I got some green tea oh you're considered borderline diabetic okay Derek yeah and then I get this apple spice y'all it smells so good I wish I could just like fan these it smells so good Sonya you might have me drinking some tea on the back porch tonight oh Mary says do you know I'm a carb girl I love potatoes rice and bread I do too and that's probably why I am type 2 diabetic it's not fun to being diabetic yeah and then I'm on today my A1C at one point I I'd like to say probably about five or six years ago I I'm I'm not even kidding you on this note and the doctor scared the crap out of me she said oh yeah you know your A1C is a 12 and I thought are you okay right she said yeah and you don't want to um get to a place where we start having to chop off your you know your legs and your feet and your arms and stuff and I thought no I don't right and I thought oh my goodness like this is serious and it ain't funny right it is very serious and it ain't funny but I couldn't find the right medicines but now finally finally there is a medicine that works for me to where my A1C is good right my A1C is always like lately it's been like five 5.1 5.0 5.2 right I'm so happy with that right I'm like totally happy but I tell you what the medicine is so expensive it's hard to afford and that part ain't funny that part ain't funny and it's not fair to the world that there's a medicine out there y'all it ain't funny to the world that there's a medicine out there oh it works and when I say it works it works right it lowers your A1c but can the people afford it no they know they afford it and it's a shame I mean it's a crying shame do you hear me oh yeah oh yeah Derek yep Derek it will it will do that um the ozympic uh-huh it will do that it will do that and you use it once a week and Derek it will do that and it will get you to a very healthy level you know where you feel good you got a little bit more energy yeah you know but it's about making a good decision to eat right and a lot of us struggle with that I'm one of those people that struggle with eating right but one day we got to make the decision to say I'm doing it you know and Renee says it's a shame they jack up the medicine it's so sad think about how long I went with my A1c being 12. I mean I was young right like I said five six years ago but at that age ain't no way my A1C should have been 12. 12 I was like dying on a serious note y'all no jokes but then I have this medicine it's so extremely expensive it's it's so expensive but I know I have to buy it I know I have to use it because ain't nothing else that works for me I do I take Victoza I do I do I I know Samantha and it's so sad it ain't even nothing funny about it is it oh my my almost dropped all my makeup out yeah talk about all the crazy things that happen in this world on today and just really sit back and think my goodness you know I'm just wiping my face because my face gets oily but hold on guys yeah I I mean how how nuts how crazy nuts is that y'all fix that lighting Dakota weekend they can't even see me you got me missing in action with the light off there we go now I don't have an oily face [Applause] for some reason y'all okay there we go happy birthday Ethel here's what I was getting ready to say my messages keep disappearing from the screen and I keep having to press like message so I can see them all but they keep disappearing come here come here sweetie what are you doing down there Gina after losing 21 pounds I'm eating healthier and making better decisions on my lifestyle Sonia I commend you how beautiful how lovely to hear that message oh they keep taking yours off um yeah they keep doing same thing with me Ron it is something I I'll met it's okay because I'll message YouTube okay and usually when I message them they do a great job with helping us figure out what's going to happen you know they Market red yeah yeah something's happening so when that happens just know I don't believe it's our fault I think it's something with YouTube and then they wind up finding out and fixing the situation oh you're talking about your A1C I thought you said your messages okay Ron okay your insurance pays for it yeah my insurance don't pay for it my insurance doesn't pay for it we wind up getting for we wind up getting rid of the insurance that we had because the in short let me think of what the name is called we wind up getting rid of them because they wasn't paying for anything so now we self-pay um until we can find the correct insurance for us what's going to fit our family but uh so that's what we're gonna do in this November and we're really excited to find something that's going to fit for us and something that's going to help to pay for that Victoza because of how our income is set up uh our insurance is different than most people's I I don't know if that makes a lot of sense to you all oh they gotta go outside stand right with them you don't want the fox to get them you don't want the fox the snake the Hornets the frogs you know what you want nothing to get them dogs out there have a good evening Miss Karen thank you for coming in and joining yo I'm rubbing my nose because um I had like a little tickle in my nose no Ron I don't understand that Ron if you happen to let me know a good insurance oh I'll look into their company and see if they would be a fit for me but for right now I um we can't figure one that's good for us and for our family plan we have not that so the insurance that we was paying for y'all I'm serious we was paying six hundred and thirty dollars a month for all three of us okay and I believe we paid like seven hundred dollars for two pins a Victoza once a month right and we we wind up telling them what good are we having you as insurance and we're paying this for Victoza they said well in the closet you signed that's what they said look at my mouth and the cloth that you signed it doesn't say that we're going to pay for that type of Med okay well you got to go and so we dropped them dropped them like a hot pancake and this November we're gonna try again and we're trusting in the Lord that we can find a good insurance your message was stuck yeah you saw the toad today scared the hair off your body I know I know I know a toad I haven't heard that word I've heard a frog but I haven't heard I've told in a long time right Jackie absolutely and so when I when we go to the doctor so we go you know somewhere you know Dakota wears braces so I you know where where still paying on his braces and I was just we was just talking about how we're finally down to that last payment on his braces which is like he got 653 dollars left on his braces bill and his braces bill will be done but we've been paying for his braces for a couple years now monthly and so I'm grateful to have that bill out the way but y'all I I'm praying I'm praying that we can find a good insurance they all that y'all used to potty outside you went to the pot pot huh it's time for frog legs no we ate isn't that something wrong and that rhyme it has something it's not fair because some of us work really hard and it's hard to get the right insurance and all you're asking for is hey can you help me with a hospital bill you know can you help me with my medicine you know right Bridget hello oh you are Sonya you're afraid of you befraid over here because they all over the place bees Hornets ground hornets the one man the man the man said oh he said that's nothing he said it's a hornet spider and I thought wait he said he's just looking for spiders and I thought well he looks scary he said he ain't nothing to make no nests and I'm thinking oh okay I'm looking at him like this he said yeah he just looking for spiders laughs I thought he don't look like he looked like he want to sting you thank you baby can you put these both up for me in the refrigerator thank you oh you are too Denise Phillips you're very afraid oh right you are so right Ron absolutely I'll see they do that uh once every three months when it comes to um so we have them treat the pr you're right rod you're right so once every three months they will come out treat for spiders ants and all that good stuff is the dogs barking huh um but like you said shambino spiders so if those are spider Hornets why are they there if they know spiders oh you see that he said it's only good for one month that German chocolate cake looked delicious thank you it was so delicious it was so delicious I want to make another one and I I tell you what it was so excuse me it was so moist it was so moist and I I know that it was that way because we decided to put the chocolate pudding in there it really amped up the flavor of that cake oh is it right rod you said you'll probably never go outside chairs Nate welcome back in how are you oh it would be too strong okay okay okay very interesting right yes they do yes they do yes they do but I tell you what when it comes to the babies we watch them like a hawk when we make sure they ain't looking on nothing you know like since they're such babies you know they're so tiny but we're outside we're watching them and um if we're just sitting on that table out back in the chairs they're in our lap or they'll be sitting like right there with us um and we're watching them you know making sure they ain't licking on any residue or anything like that you know is that right Ron that isn't but they do they they don't come once a month once every three months that's a shame that's a shame yo my nose is itching me I'm not digging in my nose it's just itching I don't I I don't remember the spiders I don't remember the spiders uh G hugees I know Derek I I would I would is that right they have to pay extra wow and like you said it's all about it's like like when you call companies they will charge you an arm and leg people are charging an arm and leg all over the world for everything whether it's you know whatever to come out and look at something you know whatever it is oh let's see I think I got a message hold on from someone I am in do we have a ladder that that works Dakota yes I have a ladder look as we're speaking that somebody asking me do you have a ladder I'm gonna step by and do something for you hold on Dakota said the ladder is kind of shaky I don't care if that ladder's shaking no I do care y'all I ain't gonna be like that scratch what I just said I care I care but the man says in his text I just don't keep a ladder on my truck well if you know you need a letter bring your bring one are you gonna have to get on that ladder that I was wobbling on in the video remember y'all I was in that video and that ladder was going wee wee we just make what Juju just says yes I remember oh my eye is twitching what did y'all tell y'all tell me now last time my eye was switching it's the right eye y'all told me it's good luck okay okay so I'm still waiting I'm waiting Lord and I I thank you I thank you for the eye twitch to give me the indication heavenly father that good luck is coming my way so thank you Lord you can continue to Twitch my eye for the next couple hours if you wanted to Lord don't say that Brian it's nerves don't you say that I don't claim that it's good luck like they told me in the live on Saturday oh Gina if it's your right eye it's good luck oh you love I'm so glad you have fun I am oh absolutely mistress yes there are only five pounds each and we do we watched them so much we I mean like we watch them like right now they're outside with my husband and he's watching them like a hawk I told y'all when the fox we so we were sitting out there and the fox was just look he that fox was Sly he was slick like oil that fox was doing like this he was looking and I'm thinking oh my husband say look my husband said look he went here get out I'm so mad and I looked up at my husband he said that thing was trying to get my babies and he kept looking for him I said he's gone now you don't scared him but he was gorgeous right how did you even find that give me that right oh they grab it fast and run fast oh Lord have mercy so Saturday we are going live and when we go live I'm making a fried chicken dinner I don't know what sides I'm making just yet oh Samantha don't you ruin what I am believing for my eye Samantha says I think it's somebody's talking about you oh well maybe it's the nose remember I said my nose is itching a little okay so somebody's talking about me and good luck is coming from the eye twitch oh Lord Dakota said I thought is when you sneeze now when you sneeze somebody says God bless you he that Thomas that fox was looking like this like oh there go my dinner my husband said look he said get up [Music] get Osmond was nuts and I was thinking oh Lord if the neighbors heard him I'm so embarrassed he said no that thing was trying to kill my babies it's me Gina I'm talking about your food cookie okay okay the ears as if somebody's talking about you okay okay he and that makes sense the ears is if somebody's talking about you oh that's nice thank you uh JC thank you for coming in and joining us today Derek said I'm talking about you Ron if it been rabbit it would have run after Mr Young oh yes for Saturday Gina salad will be nice with fried chicken it really would it really would we can do a salad we sure can we could do um fried chicken and a salad I mean I mean it's the great matchup Fried Chicken in a salad we can do and then if I decide to make like some other sides I'll do that but we could definitely fry chicken in a salad it's beautiful and then I'm making peach cobbler now I know I talked about making the Margaritas for you guys uh I still may do that okay all depends on if I have the energy from the good Lord the good Lord's got to give me his strength and he will um all depends on how the day goes I'll make the Margaritas but if I don't make it that day I'll still get around to it okay I oh no my ears aren't burning not yours aren't burning I know my husband was gonna get that thing he said look and I'm thinking what and then one of the dogs the one that looks like the baby Prince I get him in the house my husband's like get him in right when he seen the fox we getting the dogs in the house princess in the house don't you know Prince kept trying to sneak out the house and I'm thinking what get in there I had to nudge him a little bit with my foot you know I didn't kick him no but I nudged him like get in there you know it's like a fox in the backyard trying to get you laughs I'm not sleepy I'm actually feel great today praise God yes Melissa absolutely I know Ron I don't know what Prince thought he was doing oh Laura I don't know I was like get in there boys should do an ox that thing was beautiful too princess gangster oh my goodness he's something else they are y'all they are so perfect they are just like the best they really are I love them to pieces oh okay uh let me see what am I looking for okay hold on guys okay he was protecting his family oh man Polo is usually the one like if we see a rabbit a bird a squirrel or something Polo's like well I'm on it right and we're like get back here boy you know I mean if it's something like that he's good because we know that he he's not going to get the rabbit he's not gonna get the bird the bird always flies away before he's even close to it right but my husband said he always worries about bolo because he's like that with animals we would hate for him to do that and it was the fox I didn't but I am going to purchase it Sonia because I need it and like you said it'll protect my ears much better than the Q-tip the Q-tip is not safe and like I said Sonia it was one of the worst things that I ever been through not you know not like really but you know I just want to stress that when that cotton was stuck in my ear it wasn't funny like I said they had to go like through my nose or my throat to get it out it was the worst and it hurt I mean I'm talking about my ear hurts so bad the whole side of my face was in pain so I do want to get it I just been so busy that I have not purchased it yet lemon pepper chicken I like your recipe I'm gonna make me some and your homemade fish sticks oh Martha enjoy raw honey it is it is that uh very healthy yeah oh yeah you told me you said you were lucky it ain't funny it's not a good feeling and it's like when you when you have something stuck in your ear it throws your equilibrium off right it's like like you you're just not right until it gets fixed or until the infection is gone out of your ear oh is that right no purple love we was talking about uh getting a Q-tip piece stuck in your ear you know the cotton and we both experienced that and that's why I told her I have to get it because um although even though I'm saying what I'm saying I still use Q-tips and I shouldn't be because they're not healthy for your ears and I don't have the type of ears that has a lot of wax in it you know when I clean my ears out I got a little teeny tiny bit of wax in there but I just like to make it always nice and clean oh he said he'll throw your balance off yep are you kidding me Ron used to make it out of wood I never knew it I never knew it it's so interesting oh tonight is you got to get the trash out you took all the trashes out the little trashes you got recycle and this recycle bin the stuff that was in the hallway okay saw dust in the coffee are you saying they saw Saul dust in the coffee or they saw dust in the coffee I'm trying to understand what you just said okay Sonia they want to know what it's called again [Music] go tell your dad uh that the man is coming by right now to take the color of the paint uh go tell him real quick [Applause] he gonna get the color and then tomorrow he gonna paint it [Music] 'd be here in 15 minutes y'all these people came out they came out and let me see if you can see it let me see if you can see it they came out and painted the ceiling you can't see it you might be able to see it in the corner Ron but anyways they patched something up the wall had just cracked just a little bit well they fixed it they they patched it um and um but they left it white my silly name white is gray and we said get out here and fix it all that money we paid for them to fix it we said get out here and fix it that's why it's nine o'clock at night and he told me can I come fix it now yeah yeah because you know what I told him in the message let me tell you what I told him in the message I said hello I said I need to know when you will be coming to fix the ceiling I look forward to hearing from you ASAP boom Point flake period Cause you will come and fix it you ain't gonna leave the top of my ceiling white in the silly name white is gray thank you these people will try to jump you buddy I'm telling you if you let them do it they'll do it he did yeah he did fix it Ron I'm Mistress don't you do it mistress but seriously if you're just some you know like if you know some people do what they're allowed to do or what other people allowed them to do and then they think they can do it to you but you gotta let them know you can't you can't find Cindy says you can't find good work today you can't you can't I don't know if the people are lazy I don't know what what is it Cindy what is it are they just lazy anymore what is it oh so you say Walgreens okay okay Walgreens because I was gonna get mine off of Amazon you're right you have to interview them before they come right take this take this stuff back so you know where this goes in my sink and you know where this goes on my sink okay you could take this you know where this goes I just don't want this sitting out when the man comes right wrong I know that's right absolutely I love how you said that I know that's right Ron I love how you said that because they do they think that okay so purple love just order hers okay okay this is great oh yeah I believe that too Ron I really do yes I like how he said that take bits it's kind of funny but it's serious though check the references and then talk to their references wow that's nuts yes Samantha too much money it's a clean events 2 000. so Ron tell me is it to clean the air ducts tell me is it to clean the air duct vents is that what it's called way better than a Q-tip yes oh okay Ron give me the vacuum that's what T Rose says tea rose how you doing that is jihood just it's it's it's it's it's ridiculous it's ridiculous it's a great time this evening let me know if you had a great time this evening with Gina Young because I tell you what I can be honest and say I had a great time in good conversation with you all you said Brian I can clean that for you that's great Janie oh Ryan we love you too Renee yes I love you everybody on here I love you so much from the bottom of my heart and I'm so glad that you all are in my family I appreciate you and just as long as you know that I appreciate you I just want you to know that oh love you too Eula I love you guys you had a great time well I'm gonna keep breaking off this man will be here in a few minutes okay Dakota you gotta get the ladder go get the ladder from the basement go grab it because he did he he has like this thing looked like a little flashlight he gonna put it on the ceiling to get the exact color and then he has like a machine that he can call up called the color in the machine will give him a code number and then he can call it into the painting place and they can have paint ready for him when he gets there I guess that's like this new technology stuff if I tell you what he gonna do it all for free because because we already paid you and you left this area white and our ceiling is gray um have a good night give me a big give me a big hug give me a big hug I love you I love you so so so much just never goodbye it's I'm gonna see you on Saturday we're making peach cobbler and fried chicken all right thank you I love you so much oh wish you were my sister I am your sister Yvette I am your sister I'm all of you guys family and I'm so serious about that I'm so serious about that okay I love you from the bottom of my heart I'll see you tomorrow cause I'm making videos you know I'm making videos Saturday we're going live I want to have a good stinking time tell your family and friends all about me Dakota if you don't get up and go get that ladder before the man gets here I'm Gonna Get You I love y'all God bless until tomorrow good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 5,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make Delicious Turkey Salad, How To Make Turkey Salad, amazing Turkey Salad, Turkey Recipe, Turkey, Salad, Delicious Turkey Salad, Flavorful Turkey Salad, Turkey Salad Recipe, Turkey Salad Recipes, Gina Young Turkey Salad Recipe, Gina Young Turkey Salad, In The Kitchen With Gina Young, Gina Young, GIna Young Cooking Channel, Cooking Channel, Gina young cooking show, Delicious Salad, How To Make Delicious Turkey Salad Recipe, Turkey Salad, gina young style
Id: 31AcAIeBkaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 20sec (8900 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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