How to Make the Radioactive Ring - March Subscription Box

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this is the Patrick Air supplies YouTube channel I'm Elliott and today I'm going to show you how to make one of the easiest rings that you can make this is a Tungsten offset Channel inlay ring we're going to put in some neon green opal as well as some neon green glow powder and that's it stick around I'm going to show you how to make it okay this ring design is going to be super simple we have the tungsten offset Channel inlay blank we have our neon green globe powder and our neon green opal those are the only things that are going in this ring um there's not a ton of space in this tiny little channel so we can't fit much anyways it's just going to look cool glowing green and it's going to be easy too because it's a Tungsten blank we're able to sand it down and it's probably not going to get scratched up really if you are a subscriber to our subscription box we also are going to send you some alternative options we've got the yellow neon glow powder as well as our lemon quartz um inlay Stones so you can use those if you want those are real quartz um we also included 10 of these extra mixing bils and 10 of these extra um M material containers so if you are a subscriber you got all of those this month if you're looking to just learn how to make a super easy ring this is a great video for you and this great video for a beginner because this is all that's going in if you're wondering what tools I'm using this is just a one of the cheapest when LS you can get online on Amazon it's a woodworking lathe so it's not going to be able to go through like super heavy materials like metal but it works perfectly for inlay Rings make sure you get the one with the Chuck jaws and I've included a link for that in the description so if you are interested in getting the same thing I have this is like 250 bucks I think all in we love these ring mandels we sell these on our website I'll include a link for these as well below they work perfect perfectly for ring making they're one of the best tools you can have so I have a size 9 I'm going to use my mediumsized um ring mandrel and since it's a Tungsten I'm not worried about scratching it or anything with the stainless steel mandrel so I'm just going to put it on here with no electrical tape or anything going to get it all straightened on there test it out yeah looking good let's get started on the inlay I almost forgot I need to crush up my materials really quick I only have one material of course which is the neon green opal already used some of this opal so there's not really a whole gram in here I'm just going to put it in here inside this tape roll so nothing gets um I don't lose a lot of it and to crush them up have to be pretty small because they need to fit in that tiny inlay Channel there we are let's get you a little closer view of that they're pretty small few of those still won't fit in the channel quite but um it's already getting pretty powdery and I don't want to waste it all let's get back over to the ring okay I'm going to use our super thin glue for my super thin ch Channel I'm just going to sprinkle this in there and pretty much fill it as much as it will fill going to go around the whole length have to Ste some opal back to get it all the way through running low because I already made a ring with this opal okay once you've gone around the whole Channel the next thing I'm going to do is add the glow powder I'm going to be I'm not going to use a ton I want it to Glow nice and bright but I want also want that opal to show through I'm going to stick with the super thin glue I'll just lightly hit got a breeze going through my shop it's helpful I'm trying to get glow powder in I'm not going to get every single spot like soaked in deep I want that opal to be able to shine through pretty well so that's all I'm going to do I'm going to now hit it with the accelerator so that it will dry really quick for me U just a couple squirts of this Astro Tech it's all really need then I'm going to let that dry it's pretty much dry instantly but I'm going to let it dry for four or five minutes just to be safe and then I'll come back okay that's nice and dry I'm going to do this ring a little bit differently I'm not going to like fill everything right up to the channel I'm going to try to have a clear seethrough um like 3d effect so I'm going to build up the whole channel the rest of the way I'm still going to use super thin so that it gets in there nicely and I'm just going to keep it spinning with my hand so it doesn't build up on any certain spot go ahead and hit it with the accelerator I'll keep spinning this for another 10 seconds or so while that accelerator really sets in and then I'm going to do the same thing and wait another four or five minutes and build up the glue one more time okay let's do another layer of the super [Music] thin all right this is solidified and you can see maybe some of that 3d effect I think the light might be hidden this the wrong way but I'll show you later um you definitely have some depth in here because we built it up with the glue next thing I'm going to do is just hit it with a Dremel that's going to be the easiest way to get all this extra Gunk off and we'll get it down to the channel and then we're going to do some sandpaper to smooth it out before we polish you can get these um sanding drums on our website we have the perfect three different grits for um ring making on there and we saw them in bulk packs so that you can run through them as well [Music] okay perfect I'm going to switch over to some [Music] sandpaper it's getting close you can see my sandpaper isn't really doing anything to the tungsten is still nice and shiny I just have a few more spots I'm going to sand down and then I will raise up the grit to get that um Channel at a smoother finish [Applause] [Music] all right I'm going to raise the grip from 120 up to 240 it's looking good all over I'm going to raise the grit again up to 320 and then we'll get into a Polish okay for polishing I'm going to go through the steps of our astrotech um jewelry polish I have just a regular paper towel here I'm going to squirt out a little bit on the paper towel I need a new bottle I'm going to put the lathe on low speed at first so it doesn't fling polish all over the place this will really get that um Channel looking just perfectly smooth like the rest of your tungsten ring I'll do the next step our medium you don't need to wipe it off in between or anything and last but not least the mirror finish polish and I'll link these in the description as well as probably in the video they're the perfect jewelry making Polish and for the upkeep of your ring it's looking shiny now it's done let's pull it off and let's take a look at it all right here it is looks awesome I'm going to clean it up a tiny bit cuz there's still a little bit of glue on it and everything but love how this turned out it's a super simple design but it looks awesome you know it looks like that nuclear like toxic waste and a ring so I love it let's get some glow shots and see how that looks yeah the green looks awesome it glows super bright so you're going to love how this ring looks comment below if you thought this was an easy ring to make I think the combination of the tungsten with the um skinny Channel makes it just about as simple as it can get send this to somebody who you think would like to learn how to make a simple ring thanks for watching
Channel: Patrick Adair Supplies
Views: 1,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ijDA776RJW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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