How to Make the Kaleidoscope Ring - May Subscription Box

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hey guys this is Trevor with Patrick supplies and today we're going to be going over a ring using our hexagon blanks all right so in this box we're going to be including our sky blue opal our black emerald opal our deep space opal our blue glow powder our Green Glow powder our Aqua glow powder and our hexagon ring blank all right so to choose how many rows you want for the hexagon rings I like to count each one of these small little sides and each one corresponds with a row of hexagons so this one specifically has 12 different rows and we're going to be doing two rows with those Opals a piece so it'll be six rows total and we'll switch off with these if you guys have any other in your supply you're welcome to use those but that's what we're going to be doing today all right so to start off we're going to be filling in our first section with the opal I did crush the opal a bit smaller off camera just so it would fit in those hexagons a bit better for the Opals into our section I'm just brushing off any of the excess ones so it's just kind of as flush as I can get it with that hexagon blank um once our section is filled in I'm going to take our glow powder and just sprinkle it into each hexagon um after it is in I am just going to blow a little bit of the excess off so that it is as low to the blank as I can um it also will kind of help it get in between any cracks left by the Opals and then I'm going to take our super thin CA and put just a tiny bit in each one of those hexagons um I'm just doing enough to to get it wet and hold everything in place and what enough so that I can pour this extra opal on top to build it up more once I have poured that extra open on top I'm going to do a small Spritz of the accelerant to cure it and hold everything in place and then take the back of my tweezers and just kind of push everything in further to that hexagon that I can it'll just make it a little bit more Compact and a little bit easier on us in the future when we're trembling now I'm going to repeat these steps for each section there will be six sections on this ring um and we're just alternating between those three opal in glob Putters that we have so once I am finished inlaying this I will be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so once all of our sections are filled in I am going to set our lathe to a slow RPM and just fill it in with our super thin CA I'm going to do two layers of this just to fill in any low spots we might still have with that opal and make everything nice and uniform [Music] all right so once it's cured I am just going to sand everything flush with the Dremel um it is titanium so try not to be too aggressive with the Dremel if you do sand a little bit more than you want it's not a huge deal it'll just take a little bit more sanding in the finishing process um but I just like to take my time and Dremel until the titanium kind of shines uh just so you know that you got that glue layer off and once I am finished trembling once it's flush I'm going to do a pass with 220 grit what sand to clean up any scratches left from the Dremel and expose any imperfections or voids in the ring any holes that I find I'm just going to take the sharp end of a razor and open them up just a B more so that the super thin will have an easier time going into those holes and cleaning up any of those voids and after all those voids have been opened up I'm going to do one more layer of our super thin now instead of finishing the center of our ring I'm going to be moving our blank to the edge of the Dremel um I'm doing this just so that I can sand the edges of this blank since they are flat sometimes they will get scratches um and I'm also trying to get that same kind of brush metal finish all around so I just like to take a strip of the 500 grit and wrap it around one of our vials and push it against that until I'm satisfied with the finish and I'll do that with both sides and once both sides are finished I'm going to go back to the section of the ring and wet sand with 220 grit 500 grit and then 1,000 [Music] grit and once I am done with the Thousand grit I'm going to do a precursory check make sure that there aren't any holes or voids left but since there are a couple I'm just opening them up with the razor plate again and since there were just a couple I'm taking the super thin and just letting a little bit of it flow into those holes so that we don't have to do the whole ring again so once that super thin is cured I'm going to do one more pass with our 1,000 grit wet sand and then I'm going to check the ring one more time to see if there's any holes or voids and if there are I'm just going to keep doing this until there aren't any left but since there aren't any I'm going to take a little bit of our step one polishing paste and add that to a paper towel and just hit the ring with that to give it a nice [Music] shine once that is finished I want the inside of the Ring to match our sides and outside so I'm taking an abrasive polishing pad or an abrasive buff buffing pad and sanding off the inside with a tremel it'll give us a nice brushed metal look and then after that we are [Music] done all right so this is our end result super happy with how the ring turned out I think the glow colors go really well with the opal colors um overall I think you guys should have a nice time making it and we hope to see you on the next one
Channel: Patrick Adair Supplies
Views: 1,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KREcJcPVczg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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