How To Make A Glowing Inlay Ring Without a Lathe or Mandrel

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foreign so we're going to go ahead and start inlaying this ring as you do this you want to rotate the wooden dowel with your one hand while the other is putting the opal inside the inlay Channel then you're going to continue inlaying the ring just as you would any other ring here I'm doing a layering technique with the color pigments and this will better allow you to have multiple colors within your ring then you just simply want to wet it and continue putting in the colors this is a little bit more tricky since you only do have the one hand to do it but it is totally doable then you're just going to spray it with the accelerator now we're just going to let this cure for a bit while we set up our Dremel foreign [Music] has opal so it's fairly easy to dremel down but other hard materials are going to be a little bit well hard and a lot more difficult to dremel down so you want to make sure that you're holding the wooden dowel firmly so it's not moving too much I had it glued down to this other piece of cardboard and it kind of helped a little bit foreign as you go along and slowly tremble down the full circumference of the Ring foreign [Music] now we have the inlay flush with the rain and honestly the process was just about as simple as it would be if you did it on a lathe it's just a little bit more tricky because you do only have one hand and the other while it rotates [Music] but yeah this is looking good next I'm going to take a razor blade onto bevels which I wasn't able to go with the Dremel and the razor blade cuts it off fairly easily [Music] [Music] now I'm just going to fill in a few holes uh that were left over by the drama [Music] I like to run my finger over it to make sure that it is packed down into those holes as well then you can go ahead and fill it in with the CA and Dremel that down again [Music] here I'm using a 600 grit Dremel drum and that way the next handing step isn't as difficult as it would be if you use the more coarse drum [Music] foreign [Music] 's going to rotate it and do one more little check and make sure there's no holes or bubbles or really anything else you need to fix and now we're just going to go ahead and start wet sanding and while I do this you want to make sure you are careful with the water make sure you don't get the cardboard too wet of course foreign [Music] there are a few ways that you can do this but I like to have someone hold the dowel as I put in some work with the Sandpaper [Music] this is going to take quite a bit of time or at least a lot longer than it would with the lathe since you're not able to move at such a high speed as a lathe would but just take your time slowly through the grits and it'll look just as good [Music] foreign [Music] just as you would on a lathe make sure to use plenty of water and just move up through about 220 to a thousand grit sandpaper [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] all that we need to do now is Polish up our ring and to do that I'm going to use our Patrick Adair supplies ring polish step one and two now in this method you can use a Dremel polish wheel and that seems to do the trick really well [Music] foreign it's looking really good actually just as good as it would I think if I did it on a lathe and I'm really impressed with how it turned out
Channel: Patrick Adair Supplies
Views: 2,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2gnmWk6oFXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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