Cheese Soufflé that NEVER Falls! - Chef Jean-Pierre

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so this is the Cheese Souffle I'm going to show you how to make this everybody can make this this is so simple this is a fool proof Cheese Souffle the beautiful thing about it is you can even make it in advance couple days before and reheat them I'm going to show you how making this is a perfect easy brie goat cheese parmigiano-reggiano souffle I'm going to show you how to make it remember if you liked the video subscribe gives us a thumbs up and ring the bell ok let me show you how easy it is to make that Cheese Souffle I got a bunch of cheese and I love cheese cheese and butter so in the Cheese Souffle I'm gonna put some shallots and some sun-dried tomatoes and I'm gonna let those cook for a minute before I get into the actual souffle so I'm gonna let those cook slowly while I'm talking to you I'm gonna let them do their saying okay maybe just a little bit more shots probably and then we're gonna put them in now yeah a classic classical cheese souffle it's not difficult to make it's a mornay sauce which is the bechamel with cheese where you're folding some egg white make it rise and as soon as it's beautiful risen serve it you hope it doesn't fall and and you have a cheese soufflé that is really really not difficult to make when I was in the restaurant business I've been a restaurant business my whole life and when I was in a restaurant business we always had the issue the souffles ready get the waiter to the table immediately before the Supra Falls and in some time the customer was now ready sometimes the table was not clean and mommy we had to go immediately and serve the souffle so it was always this issue about souffle falling so my whole 20 30 years ago mushroom business I would like how do we get the souffle not the phone and I tried everything I tried a bunch of different recipes and thing and it somehow could just never get to the right thing and one day I'm in the shower and I'm thinking what about if I had some bread into the there is souffle cheese souffle are now the bread and it's gonna be there it's gonna be deleted so I said I tried so I tried it but I had left the crust the first time I tried I already see the piece of hostilities afraid I was not good so what I decided to do is I'm gonna take some bread like a a country bread and I'm gonna remove the crust and when I found out is these little different this is more of a custard than we're gonna make instead of a mornay sauce it's got almost the same ingredient except the flour instead of putting it in a form of of Rafah we're putting in a form of bread let me tell you what's fine and fascinating and you're gonna find it fascinating too when you baked that bread without the crust in the custard environment the bread will deconstruct itself back to flour and water and you won't even know then the bread is in there and it will give the souffle structure so the souffle is not it's gonna fall a little bit but we don't care because that's the kind of souffle you can make ahead you can make this souffle the day before your dinner party or do you think of that okay so I'm going to show you how to do it's really really really cool okay first we're getting some bread and we got a country bread we'll remove the cluster and we cut a little cubes and we're gonna fill up each ramekin souffle ramekin are about a third in a bottom with the bread so first what we do is we spray our container with a little nonstick spray it just a little bit you can put batter you can put nonstick spray so what I do is I go and put the parmesan you see look I put the Parmesan cheese right there you know I got room and the Parmesan cheese in there right now I can put my bread thank goodness I caught myself so now I got parmigiano-reggiano I don't need a bread anymore I got my shallots and my sun-dried tomatoes and I cooking I'm gonna let those cook for a little while and now we're gonna make a custard and then a custard is made with egg and cream now the cheese I'm gonna put in here I'm gonna put cheddar parmigiano-reggiano Gruyere and more parmigiano-reggiano I got the parmigiano-reggiano right there oh and goat goat goat goat I'm gonna put some goat cheese in out I love goat cheese you know I put goat cheese and everything put whatever cheese you want in here Oh Oh brie cheese - and you know what I do with the brie I freezed it for a few minutes like a half-hour maybe and then I removed the crust with a vegetable peeler and then I cut it in little cubes so now I got my brie in there you can put the brie in a custard like with the other cheese suit but I wanted to show you what I do with a brief so yeah but right there right you don't have to put brie in a boy whatever cheese you want so now we're gonna make the custard all right so we got our eggs right there and we got a cream now let me tell you this is the kind of recipe you don't need a recipe with for let me explain you why because you're making four of those one two three four one two three four eggs cream the amount of cream is one-third or whatever the container is so if you have a six ounce container it's two under cream it's when you have a five ounce container then you have issue so you know what I do I put our extra cream in there anyway so we have it so the cream is hot so now we're gonna put a little cheese in the cream okay we got Gruyere right there we got cheddar I use a beautiful English cheddar I use this is my three favorite cheese that I use when I cook parmigiano-reggiano then we got a brie in there and then we're gonna put a little bit of goat cheese it's kind of like what I use when I make a potato gratin I use the same deal of cheese same mixture of cheese now we're gonna melt our cheese right we got the heat going where we did have the heat going now we have a back right and then we're gonna do we're gonna let this cook for a minute I'm gonna let the cheese melt that's what we don't wear anything in the cheese melt and we're gonna do the sun-dried tomatoes let me get a spoon or fork enough to do it yes and we're gonna put our shallots then I've been lightly sauteed you can also put some mushroom in there friends you can put some mushrooms spinach scallions yeah but a bunch of vegetables in there but whatever you put in here this make sure it's cooked okay it's so tight anyway just lightly like I just did those right there and if you put some on the side pick it up so you don't look like a slab you know it'd be good also in there friends these chives you could put some chives in there all right to be perfectly fine and give us a nice collar right there right all right so remember what we have in here now we're gonna put that all right let's check our custard make sure custard is ready let me turn the heat off I don't need the hot that they heat anymore we're gonna melt that cheese all right I'm interested in right now is just melting that cheese and then we're gonna break the egg so we're gonna put a little salt and pepper we don't need a lot of salt and pepper because we got the cheese right and then we're gonna do this we're gonna break the egg now all i gotta do is temper my eggs and now the fact that the egg has the white in it is not us you know what I got my emotion blender right there I'm just gonna go with it I'm always got this guy ready because you love tea makes it really easy now I got here a cheese is melting I always got that my immersion blender ready to go let me tell you I always got that ready to go all right always got that ready you see there you go now we're gonna do is we're gonna take that cream and we're gonna pour on top our eggs when you have the white that the egg you know after be that concerned about protecting the yolk the yolks the white protects they're really good so I poured a little bit you can do it slow if you want but it's really not necessary so here we have it right there all I gonna do now is I'm gonna take a ladle so I can wash nice and clean and I'm gonna pour that in here there you go you go I guess I'm gonna make more souffles as soon as I'm done taping this because I got plenty more to go right here folks there we go there you go look at this oh yeah so now let me tell you what I do I do one more thing I make sure that it's filled right and then I take a four and I make sure then my bread is totally submerged totally Samara totally sucked so then it will and I'm telling you when you beat this you won't even know the bread was in there you don't even know it in there it's completely decompose completely deconstruct but here we have it here we have it here we have it right there friends now I go all the way to the top I want to make sure they filled up all the way you may want to wait a little bit a few second to make sure you bread it's totally totally soaked if it's not then do it like this take your time take your time make sure the bread is totally totally submerged okay and filled up all the way to the top make sure your oven is preheated at 375 degrees because if your oven is not preheated you always have to make sure you have a preheated oven that is very important there we go a little bit more if we can I got enough to make another four right yeah boy I'm gonna go in the oven I'm gonna bake in my oven it's already been preheated at 375 degrees I mean work nice and clean you see that already totally totally filled up all the way to the top right there and welcome back in about 25-30 minutes when they're nice and rise and ready to go oh yeah maybe check it out check it out look at these folks look at beautiful there look at those this is an easy foolproof cheese souffle everybody can make this this is fabulous so when they come out of the heat folks eventually they're gonna fall a little bit they're gonna fall right at the rim they're gonna fall just a little bit that is if you make them in advance and you don't want to eat them as soon as they come out of the oven and you can even remove them out of the mold so be careful because they still are hot what I do is I shake him I shake him and look look at beautiful and voila you see now you have right here and light as a feather beautiful brie goat cheese parmigiano-reggiano souffle then you can serve with it with a tomato coulis a bell pepper coulis you could put it in a rucola salad on top and that's how you make them in advance so if you want to make them in advance you can take them all out of the molds but I'm gonna sheet tray and when you're ready to serve it in the next day or the only on your dinner party just put them in a warm oven until the heat and the inside is about 150 160 degree inside temperature and they'll be ready to eat like you just they took them out of the oven really really simple to make this is what they look like say doc it's still shaking a little bit [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 99,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best chef on YouTube, Bon Appetit, Chef JeanPierre, Chef Jean-Pierre, Chef, Chefjeanpierre, Cooking appetizer, Cooking dinner, Cooking food, Cooking show, Cooking video, Cooking, Easy gourmet recipes, Easy recipes, Everyday cooking recipes, French Chef, Gourmet cooking, Gourmet, Onion chef, Onyon chef, Onyon, Romantic dinner Tasty, cheese recipes, Goat cheese, easy appetizer, easy cheese souffle, souffle, brie cheese recipes, Cheese Souffle that Never Falls
Id: yOtyDzUS7ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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