How to make the famous soup crème Agnès Sorel

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welcome back to the channel so this week we are making an historical recipe called la creme aniesorel you may have heard that name anisol she was a courtesan from the uh you know the quarter of france under the french king charles the seventh and she became the king favorite her favorite mistress because she was using food as a medium to please the king she hired lots of cook was standing in the kitchen to make sure he had all these beautiful dishes and unfortunately she never had an actual recipe with her name given but augustus kofi decided later on to recreate the soup this is what we're going to do today and to give it the name the creme any soil so let's discover that recipe together let's go [Music] so let's make that famous creme aniesorel oh what this is in fact is a chicken volute the ingredients you need are not many this is what we're gonna have of course we're gonna have some mushroom a little bit of licks some flour and butter to make a roux some cream and for the garnish we're gonna have a julienne which is a matchstick of poached chicken okay and matchsticks of mushroom cooked in butter what's important here is to have an excellent quality homemade chicken stock when you make a volute the stock is everything if your stock is not up to scratch the soup is not going to be up to scratch okay you'll find all the ingredients listed in the video description now let's start once you measure your ingredients the first thing you have to do is to poach the chicken so instead of using just water whatever the best is to use the chicken stock so this is the one i'm making and that's that's what you can see is nice and clear and i'm just gonna take my my chicken breast here okay and i'm gonna cook it in the stock and it is very fast within 10 minutes our chicken is gonna be cooked so very gentle simmer and i'm gonna leave this to cook you know for a few minutes and we'll see what it's done now the garnish usually the official garnish is composed of three things you've got chicken breasts cut into matchstick or julienne the same for the mushroom and you usually have ox tong i don't have that i'm not going to use it because for i'm not a fan of it it's kind of hard to find but let's start with the mushroom how do you make matchstick out of a mushroom that's always the big question usually you take these white mushrooms very fresh and very white and these kinds of size okay i could not find any white ones so what i'm gonna just demonstration what you can do you can peel first start by peeling off the skin of these mushrooms okay once the mushroom is spilled usually what you what you have to do actually i'm using that kind of knife because you see it's the size of the mushroom and you have to kind of slice just you see the white part of your mushrooms as much as you can so you see i've got an ugly part like that and these these parts here that are pure white this is the kind of stuff that you're gonna use and you're gonna start by making you know you can do it straight away because we're not gonna do something you know michelin star but you can go like this and make your little matchsticks now before you start working with mushrooms and put them in lemon etc etc you're going to have a lot of off cuts when you're making your julienne and you keep these for the volute we're gonna need a good 200 grams of off cut and you can use a full mushroom and cleaning it make sure you don't put the gills you try to keep as much as the white as possible so half cut on one side for the volute and the nice good looking stuff on the other side for the julienne for the lemon that's not rocket science you take a piece of lemon and you know you're just gonna squeeze it over and washing your hand or with your fork we're gonna toss the whole lot as soon as the julienne is done it's best to cook it so medium medium heat medium high we're going to melt the butter first in a small pan my butter is chanting away i know what we're going to do here so you should have more julienne and this is just for the example i actually have two or three times that amount if you make the full recipe okay and we're going to start to cook them a little bit in butter without coloration so moderate heat perfect i'm going to add salt no pepper is gonna color the whole thing and one or two tablespoon or more of water and this is called clear hablo to white cook the mushrooms we're gonna bring that to the boil and then leave it to cook on a simmer for five minutes all done i'm gonna turn my heat off i'm gonna scoop out the julienne and reserve it in a bowl with a bit of stock okay so i've got a bowl here i'm gonna put some of my chicken stock in here you don't need much and i'm going to scoop out the region i am not going to put the juice in there okay because it's full of lemon there's already plenty of lemon in here so here we are that is the julienne of mushroom it's bathing in stock we're not going to touch it we're going to leave it there so it doesn't get dry or anything like this it doesn't get black and we'll use it just for garnish at the end my chicken is now cooked it took me about 12 minutes to poach it and as you can see it's nice and white is what we want this is a white soup so we're going to leave it to cool down totally and we're only going to use it at the end if you want you can put it in the fridge and then we'll do a julienne out of it and now for the most important which is making the volute i'm using a rondo here so you can see what's going on otherwise sometimes it's not going to be obvious so the first thing we're going to do is to put all of the butter and let it melt so while we're waiting for the butter little question what is a volute okay you can use the comment section to answer if you want to do it right now you'll discover as we make it the butter is now melted i'm going to put all of the young licks that i've got on here i'm going to reduce my heat to a simmer because we don't want any coloration and we're gonna sweat this course you know leave these two sweat the vegetables so meaning very low heat so that we don't sear anything and we just want to extract the natural water content into the vegetables okay and here we are after five minutes you can see nothing is burned and you got the aromas of the mushroom the butter the garden leaks there that are coming out which is absolutely beautiful now what we're going to do now is to add flour because we are making actually a roux and the answer to the question volute is simply a room mixed with a stock and the rule we're making here is a special one it's a mushroom and leek flavored roux okay so i'm gonna make sure the heat is on low so you mix everything and like a normal rule you're gonna cook this to a good three minutes after three minutes you turn the heat off and you're gonna put this away from the heat and we're gonna let it cool down totally and now to make the volutes so we have here and now to make the volute so we have here the cold ruins at room temperature it's fine with the mushroom and the leek we've got the boiling stock and we're using a hot stock over a cold roux so what we're gonna do is just bit by bit we're going to pour that in and we're going to start to dilute the roux with some of the chicken stock also you see i'm putting some like this and then with my whisk off the heat i'm gonna start to mix everything together you can also use a wooden spoon and what we want if i show you you see is that the pan all the roux is gone all right so once you're here basically you can add the rest of the stock in all that one it's still off the heater we're gonna add a little pinch of rock salt and while we're waiting for this to boil you need to keep on stirring like this okay to make sure nothing starts to stick because it's gonna thicken as it starts to boil okay so as you can see my volute boils it is extremely important to reach the boiling point and spend a good minute with the boiling like this before we reduce the heat and leave this to simmer for a good 25 to 30 minutes because this preparation is all about flavor we've got a good chicken stock but what's going to make it really special is to concentrate the taste as much as we can my root has been simmering for actually 30 minutes and this is necessary to really kill off that flowery taste so what i'm gonna do now is to do a little taste okay see where we're at you're really concentrating flavor so the mushrooms and the chicken start to really be there but of course from here now we can turn the heat off but it's not finished so anytime you make a volute there's two phases you first make the base soup like this you got the flavor you got the mushroom you got the stock but it is not served with all the things in and this is typical so i'm gonna pass this through a sieve and then we're gonna add the finishing touches so for this technique we pass the soup through a sieve and we're gonna press down to have as much of the juices from the vegetables and everything the mushroom that goes into the liquid so it's all hidden so the whole goal here is to really hide the taste of everything in the soup and so that when you imagine that the king at the time you would get this he we say oh what is that liquid with all these flavors what's the secret recipe you see but in fact all the mushrooms the leeks and stuff so as you can see with this coffee always there's a lot of different steps and this is the base preparation i'm gonna put this back to a high heat and what we're gonna have to do now is to add the cream in and again guess what reduce further so the cream is what makes the whole color of that soup you know that cream more appetizing you see because it's kind of a brownish so you can add up to 100 milliliters of cream okay to get that more kind of whitish color you don't want it too white and here of course we're gonna have to bring this to the boil and reduce again my cream on my volute soup here is boiling and immediately do you see what happened there is skirm or impurities forming a top of foam that we're gonna have to remove we're gonna cook this for another 10 minutes because this coffee is borderline obsessed with reductions that's what it has to concentrate taste all the time reduction reduction reduction and that's it we've got all the little garnish we're finally done i've turned my heat off this is when you're going to adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper to your liking i'm going to keep the last tasting for the reveal and the cream does the consistency what we want is that spoon coating consistency you see how it coats the back of a spoon and you can make a streak like this it's almost a sticky soup you see that's the power of this cream type also but that's it let's finally ditch this and try it out finally the soup is ready sir the king the soup has arrived it took me just about a few hours to make it but we're all good so i use the bowl usually it's a plate but you know what i got the silver spoon on here and i've got a little garnish so this is the creme anesterel usually you have a julienne of oak stone on there what we're going to do that sure is going to sink is to add a few of this little poached mushroom and because of the lemon it's going to add that that little zing to it and of course you're going to have this little piece of chicken the problem is that you don't really see anything you see and this is the way it was done like the garnish you know what would be inside the soup so you've got that concentrate of flavor and then you know a sparkle of of parsley just because uh i love it and then we're ready to to try this out so let's see what the king thinks so things you know so when you serve it like this it's very elegant it's not like big chunks or anything so i'm gonna try to not to make a mess let me just try a little bit like that wow or the first yeah the first word i would say here that's elegance is really the word uh it's a kind of a really silky smooth kind of experience and the taste feels like you've just been hit by um you know a big mushroom punch you in your face and you got a chicken in the back but it's it's really hard to describe you know it's smooth it's silky it's full of flavor you notice the flavor but it's the striking thing is the elegance of this it's like if you're compared to a wine you know like a pinot is kind of nice and light and fruity and very thin this is more like the kind of the full bodied experience and intense flavors like the flavors are crazy but it's wow i think it is a one-of-a-kind experience well you have to say that this was a lot of work but i think the goal of the exercise here is to really showcase how volute-based soups are made and the the creme are a bit different they are not as thick as the pure veloute soup that you can find sometimes so it's a bit long when it is not the kind of recipe of course you're going to make just like this on the whim like oh let me make a soup it's really something to go through if you want to learn the techniques if you have a special occasion or if you really want to impress someone you really love like maybe that's ania sorel with the king and then this is a recipe to try but that's it as always if you have any questions without the video use the comment section if you want to post your picture use instagram cook frenchcook academy and for the rest you can always support us on patreon or join our culinary school to learn all these lovely techniques i'll see you next time for another video take care bye-bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 35,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, the french cooking academy, soups, cream, veloute, agnes sorel, food history, escoffier recipe, creme agnes sorel, mushroom, chicken
Id: -8fNmJc95fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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