How To Make The Best Sandwich I've Ever Had (Epic Steak Sandwich Recipe)

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what's up guys welcome back I don't know about you but my wife has been on a sandwich kick lately and this is one of my favorite Creations that I've made over the last couple weeks I'm going to show you guys how to make the most epic steak sandwich you've ever had in your life it's equipped with roasted red peppers caramelized onions boars and cheese all on a sourdough bread but before we get into the recipe please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure you hit that Bell to enable notifications as well alright guys meet me in the kitchen let's make it happen first things first let's get to work on our steak you can use any steak you got from the store anything that's on sale for us today as filet mignon believe it or not this was the cheapest well I won't say the cheapest but it was the steak that was on sale and that's what we grabbed I've made this with ribeye and New York strip as well we're going down with some pink Himalayan sea salt you can use kosher salt whatever you got we'll get the job done make sure you get some salt on there very important when you're cooking a steak I like to season my steak on a plate that way I can roll it around and make sure that we get you know the edges and everything seasoned properly so we're just going to do that here season both sides with salt and then we're going down with my AP and a little smoked paprika foreign things to add to a steak sandwich is caramelized onions we're going to use one small onion for this we're gonna caramelize it beautifully we're just gonna cut it into strips guys so real thin slices like you see right here get them in a skillet with some butter and let time do its thing if you want to cheat you can add a little brown sugar to the party depending on the flavor you're going for obviously that's gonna add a little sweetness so I'll leave that totally up to you but I'll show you how I like the caramelize mine now for a little extra pop of flavor we have these roasted red peppers here I'm just gonna give them a rough chop you can get these from your store local store near you know like the olive section you know the banana peppers and such but this is going to add a nice you know fire roasted flavor to your steak sandwich nice broth chop you don't have to dice them up too small something that's gonna fit on the sandwich and give you a nice clean bite all right so we got our Skillet heated over medium high got a tablespoon of butter in there we're going in with one small diced onion just kind of break them up so they got some space to caramelize and cook toss them around in that melted butter then we'll start to seize them up a little bit really guys you can caramelize onions they have natural sugar so if you want to invest the time maybe like 20 minutes and just let them really cook down over medium heat maybe medium low you'll get a beautiful caramelized onion but we're not making french onion soup and I'm not too concerned with you know taking that long to make a sandwich so we're going to cheat a little bit by adding a little balsamic glaze you could also add a little brown sugar so as the onions begin to Brown and soften we're gonna start to season a little all-purpose seasoning nothing too crazy a few dashes of worst word in the world sauce to add some umami and it helps speed up the caramelization process and add a little bite we're going in with just about a teaspoon or so of this balsamic glaze which is a reduced balsamic vinegar it's a little sweet got a little bite to it it's going to add some color and it's just going to help speed up the caramelization process with the natural sugars and the onions everybody doesn't have 30 minutes to sit over the stove and wait for some onions to caramelize what you can do though is do it in bulk and keep it in the fridge so if you love caramelized onions like me yeah that's your sandwich all right so for this sandwich we're making what I'm calling a chive aioli so we got half cup of mayonnaise right here we got some beautiful diced chives I'm going in with a tablespoon of good quality Dijon mustard to add a little bite about two tablespoons of ketchup more or less depending on how sweet you want it and how bright you want the color to be we're also going to add about a tablespoon of this balsamic glaze which is also going to add some bite and some sweetness that's kind of the theme here today some AP seasoning our diced Chive and break out the Whisk that's as big as our bowl and mix to combine perfect for a steak sandwich right there nice Bold Flavor all right guys you can't have a steak sandwich without some perfectly cooked steak so we got our Skillet warmed over medium high and with a couple tablespoons of avocado oil I'm gonna let that coat the bottom of our Skillet once the skillet is smoking hot we're gonna take that perfectly seasoned filet mignon place that down in the skillet like so let's get a nice solid sear on there now you guys may have seen my Pro tip for this in the past but if you haven't I like to take a nice heavy object something like a small cast iron skillet and place it right on top that way you're forcing that steak to make maximum surface area contact with that Skillet it's going to ensure you get a nice beautiful dark hard sear on the steak which is going to add texture and flavor to your sandwich doesn't get a lot better than that folks go ahead and flip your steak over once you've got a nice crust at this point we're going to turn the heat down to low add some aromatics things like rosemary thyme garlic we're gonna add in some butter because butter makes everything better we got our oven preheated to 400 degrees at this point we're gonna allow that butter to melt and marry together with the Rosemary and Thyme I want to base these steaks and then finish them in the oven at 400. that's how they reach your desired internal temperature for a steak I like to go about medium I mean for a steak sandwich I like to go about medium typically medium rare if I'm at a steakhouse or making a steak for dinner but I cook it a little bit further for my sandwich I don't know why this is kind of how I do it cook it to whatever your internal doneness is that you like and that my friends is going in the oven all right so today we're using sourdough bread I like that for this sandwich because it just has a lot of flavor to it about the size of my hand is kind of how I measure my my bread for my sandwiches serrated blade right across this shaky cutting board because I don't take my own advice about putting a wet napkin underneath but hey do as I say not as I do and then what your mom used to say got some beautiful sourdough bread right here we're gonna go ahead and pop that in the oven to toast alright folks it's time to build a sandwich and the first thing we got to do is slice into this filet mignon that's cooked beautifully so we're going to cut it into like strips basically about like that thick the thing I like about filet mignon I know some people in the comments gonna say I can't believe you made a sandwich with filet mignon it's so tender and it just you know you get a good bite when you bite into your sandwich if you use a tough cut of meat it's not as good of an experience eating the sandwich so that's why we're going with filet mignon today plus it was on sale so bonus points for that now if you've been watching me longer than a day or two you know that I have a special place in my heart for this boars and garlic and herb cheese we let it get to room temperature that way it's nice and spreadable it makes an amazing spread for a sandwich total flavor bomb I'm gonna go ahead and spread that on the bottom of our sandwich here don't be shy then we're going down with our roasted red peppers add a nice bite then I would perfectly cooked filet mignon let me know in the comments what other sandwiches you guys want to see next or I'll just keep making what my wife tells me to that looks about right right I'm gonna throw one more on there because why the hell not then we're going down with our caramelized onions it's getting good guys a couple pieces of sharp cheddar cheese we're gonna pop this under the broiler that they get nice and melty and finish assembling all right guys so my Broiler was a little hotter than I anticipated but hey I'm not going to cry over melted cheese we're gonna hit this with a little sauce on this side of the bun or bread I should say a little chive aioli this stuff is good and nobody likes a dry sandwich guys so don't be shot a laid on there thick a little extra chive for good measure boom there's our sandwich that my friends is a steak sandwich and this is the part where I say brace yourself for a trademark money shot say it with me guys looking good the only thing left to do is get in here for a taste test but before we do that please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure you hit that Bell to enable notifications as well
Channel: Mr. Make It Happen
Views: 64,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sandwich, steak, steak recipe, steak sandwich, mrmakeithappen, mr make it happen, recipe, recipes, sandwich recipe, sandwich recipes, lunch recipe, dinner idea, dinner ideas, how to make a sandwich, sandwiches
Id: YWg-NqHgFS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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