Home-Made Pizza Recipe (2 Easy Ways) - Gas Cooker Method/Oven Method - ZEELICIOUS FOODS

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hi guys welcome to another episode of the delicious cooking series today i'm going to be showing you how to make something very interesting i'm going to show you two ways to make pizza using the stove method and the oven method are you interested in learning how this is made all right let's go right into the quick in action if you have to subscribe to the channel yet what are you waiting for hit the subscribe button of the video just ran subscribing so you can get insanely notified whenever i upload a new video and of course please like this video if you like what you see after watching it because i always love to see your likes all right now we can go into the quick in action to make the pizza dough add the all-purpose flour into a mixing bowl [Music] followed by the instant yeast some granulated white sugar and some salt give it a good stir to combine [Music] make a hole in the center and add the egg then mix again to combine next up add the warm milk and mix again the full recipe details will be in the description box down below so be sure to check it out okay [Music] the soft butter goes in next it's time we have to get the hands to do the job so go in with your hands and mix all the ingredients together till of dough is formed [Music] when a dough is formed transfer to a flat surface and begin kneading for at least 10 to 12 minutes knitting the dough will help activate the gluten and give you a very soft and stretchy consistency which is exactly what you want [Music] i cannot overemphasize the importance of this part guys it has to be done right it will require some muscle power but it will be worth it in the end alternatively you can use a stand mixer with the kneading iron if you have one at home but ensure you knead for at least 10 to 12 minutes to achieve the right consistency for the [Music] dough [Music] the door should be very soft and should bounce right back up when popped with a finger to activate the yeast place the dough back in the mixing bowl cover with a kitchen napkin and place in a warm place the dough would double in size and become lighter in weight afterwards [Music] while it is rising go ahead and prep the pizza toppings a typical pizza topping is made up of the sauce the vegetables proteins and lots of cheese you can use a store-bought pizza sauce or any tomato-based sauce or you can just make your own pizza sauce at home my homemade pizza sauce is very easy to make and is one short way to pack lots of vegetables into your meal i use a bunch of veggies to create it for this i'm using onions green and red bell peppers some carrots celery tomatoes and scotch butter peppers cut all the vegetables in tiny chunks then add some oil to a pan and heat up on medium heat next add the onions and saute for few seconds then add the carrots and celery saute for another minute before adding the green and red bell peppers and the tomatoes season with some thyme some curry powder seasoning cubes and salt stir to combine [Music] then add 1 cup of water cover the pot and leave to simmer for five minutes after about five minutes the vegetables should have softened up transfer to a blender and blend till completely pureed you should have a creamy consistency afterwards if you want a red sauce avoid adding a lot of carrots to the mix place the sauce in a bowl and set aside or you can store it in the freezer for up to two months till you're ready to use it i always like to make this in a large batch so that i don't have to keep remaking each time i will make a pizza for the proteins i'm using chicken breasts some sausage and bacon pieces you can use whatever proteins you have available season the chicken with some salt and pepper and transfer to an old pan on high heat pansear on one side for three to four minutes or until brown and then flip to the other side to fancier for another three minutes and tear all sides of the bacon and sauteed pieces as well [Music] take off the heat pot in bite-sized pieces place on a plate and set aside [Music] proceed to grate the cheese with a box grater mozzarella cheese is usually the cheese option for making a pizza because of its very stretchy consistency after grating set on a plate and set aside i'm also using some vegetables for my toppings pop the vegetables into strips and set aside [Music] like i said earlier you can either make your pizza sauce at home or use a store-bought pizza sauce or any tomato-based sauce of your choice i'm going to use the both of them all my toppings are prepped and ready to go it's time to assemble the pizza at this time the dough should have doubled in size remove it from the mixing bowl and place on a flat surface you can see how soft it is guys [Music] pot in four equal halves and work with one at a time you can save this dough in the freezer for up to two months and use it whenever you feel like making a pizza when you want to use it just take it out of the freezer place it on the counter top and allow it to thaw and then you can proceed to using it for the stove method take one of the cut doughs and roll out with a rolling pin ensure you trim the edges to make it look pretty okay then place a pan on low heat and generously coat it with some vegetable oil allow the pan to heat up then lift the dough and transfer to the pan allow to cook on one side for about three to four minutes or until lightly browned then flip to the other side and immediately start placing the toppings start by spreading the sauce on the surface followed by the cheese the chopped chicken sausage and bacon pieces the bell peppers and finally more cheese cover the pan immediately and leave to cook for another three to five minutes on very low heat the heat has to be set to the lowest guys this is very important so that your dough doesn't burn the steam released will help melt the cheese and cook the toppings slightly afterwards open up the pan take off the heat and place the pizza on a plate i promise you guys it has so good just as is cut in slices and enjoy [Music] if you prefer to go with the oven method all you have to do is roll out another dough grease or pizza tray with oil or cooking spray if you don't have a pizza tray you can use any oven safe tray lay the dough on the tray and ensure it is perfectly aligned [Music] then cut the top with some pizza sauce followed by the shredded cheese sausage and bacon pieces some more pizza sauce the bell pepper strips and finally loads and loads and loads of cheese be very generous with the cheese guys place in a 350 degrees preheated oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the dough is slightly browned take the pizza out of the oven and cut in slices at this point you will feel so good after a job well done [Music] let me know which of the methods you will be trying out i use book methods interchangeably depending on my mood and the amount of time i have to prepare my pizza but both methods always come out perfect every time so you guys i know that the procedure or the process in making this pizza is a lot but i tell you it's very worth it i think the only thing that's so tedious about it is the waiting time for when you have to wait for the yeast to prove to rise and in that time you can go ahead of course i'm making the pizza sauce or all the proteins that and then cutting the um the toppings that you'll be needing for the for the pizza or you can just do the shorthand method you can buy the pizza dough from the store you can buy the pizza sauce from the store and then you can just buy your um the smoked chicken from the store as well and use it as your topping just do the shortcuts if you don't want to go through this process but i tell you if you go through this process it's actually really worth it because when you're done you literally pat yourself at the back and say well done i did a good job and it tastes really amazing and everyone's gonna love it if you'll be requesting this recipe please kindly stick pictures and upload to your instagram facebook and twitter stories and tag me at delicious foods so that i can post on my stories as well for everyone else to see it alright guys i'll see you next time in another mouthwatching and delicious recipe until then we must very kind to one another love yourselves generously and thank you i can't wait to go and before my pizza bye guys
Channel: Zeelicious Foods
Views: 2,390,912
Rating: 4.8838916 out of 5
Keywords: zeelicious foods, nigerian blogger, nigerian, youtuber, food
Id: XKC62IFnH2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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