How to make The BESt Mexican Chorizo Recipe

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hello and welcome amigos today I'm gonna be showing you how to make a super easy homemade chorizo you guys asked me on that don't buy the chorizo how do you make it I'm going to show you today and I'm gonna give you my tips so I hope you're excited to go over our ingredients you're gonna need your pork and this recipe is good for 1 to 2 pounds of pork anything aside from that you're gonna have to double ok Nick's friends you wonder how I can cook so many amazing meals in the kitchen quickly this is a basic tip that I have here on the channel take about a pound of your wakil Chile's and we're gonna pulverize it just like this if you have a Vitamix or if you have one of those coffee grinders that I recommend that are always sold out everywhere even at Walmart I definitely recommend you getting a hold of it and that's all we're gonna do there is no need to strange soap nothing you guys know how much I hate straining Chile's now let's let's get this going the plus of grinding your um your own chili too is that you get to enjoy the peel you don't have to worry about where do I take it to what happens to it right you get to use the whole cheapest hope for all your cheetahs in here and you want to make sure that they're nice and dry you see how they crumble you see how dry they are that's gonna help you out a whole lot when you're gonna grind them now if they're a little bit um not a little bit if they're fresher you know how soft they are you can put them in your oven for a little bit and I'll leave that suggestion in the description area that's where you guys can find all your information I'm gonna bless this I'm gonna start off at about a 5 and then I'm gonna make sure it gets to a 10 and you'll see that it pulverize and this is how we're making chili powder and it's great for your enchiladas it's great for all your Mexican dishes even when you make your beabea in a crock pot that I showed you guys you guys can use this when you don't always have to order the Chile's that I use so let's split [Music] and in less than a minute you have chili powder you guys want to come and see how powdery it is so chili does storm it smells so good it's not spicy it all depends on what kind of Chili's you are using so shout out tell my friends in New Mexico you guys know how you get down yes Jeremy sometimes I scared my family with your chili now I'm just gonna pour it in here this is how I make my spices alright friends and just like that we're set now we're gonna set this to the side and we're gonna need 1/4 of a cup or 4 tablespoons of this chili powder ok here's our chili powder we just made oil ground clove onion powder Mexican oregano ancho chili powder and that's optional it's not a deal-breaker it's just a personal flavor that I like and I'm using this whole mission chili powder if you guys are interested you can check out our Amazon Starling cloud does a really good job to keep that organized for us and she checks on you guys see how you guys are doing what you need help with so make sure to ask cloud for help we're gonna be using a little bit of time ground cumin onion powder salt apple cider vinegar if you don't have apple cider vinegar that's ok white vinegar is perfect and here we have a ground bay leaf okay if you can't grind your bay leaf just go ahead and put it in the in the mixture that we're gonna make and take it out when you're when you're done with your tody so don't cook it with it just take it out ok now that we have all our ingredients let's get started on adding it to our pork because pork is the key ingredient here right to our pork add your vinegar and bring those hands and incorporate it into the pork okay that way all the seasonings that we add are getting nice and sticky with our pork I don't want you guys to be like this doing it I want you guys to get in there squeeze it massage it that's how I want you to back to me girl you know I have good hands for a great massage next add your salt bay leaves and if you see that there's powder there you're gonna be curious what's sneaky know is just where I was grinding and I try to crank my little leaves and this is what came out of it but it's okay it's just a little extra chili powder thyme thyme won't give me time in timing flavors leg-up time and okay I'm done you guys said for me to move it along I will add your cumin garlic powder onion powder and for your oregano put it in your hand and like really massage it like this break it up and then drop it in there okay you can gauge all your senses that's what I'm saying if you can smell it then it's going well youssef you're gonna add your ground clove ancho powder ancho chili powder I don't want to confuse you guys and we're gonna add our ground wahyu powder oh it smells amazing in here now we're gonna massage okay I'm right I taught you to massage just like this I like using dry spices in the chili so I think it just gives it a better flavor you can even if you're doing the blended one it still works great that's how you usually have it at your got any city AZ or your grocery stores when it's pre-made it's like a blend of paste and I like to leave because you're gonna leave it in the refrigerator minimum 24 hours and that helps it absorb everything together you know if you have barbecue you have dry rub and then you have a wet rub and there's something about a dry rub that just really penetrates deeply into who the fight won't close it really penetrates deeply into the pork or whatever protein you're using and just tastes amazing so I definitely encourage you guys to try the dry version and that's the one that I like making it so when I'm making the the soyrizo which I'll link in the description area for you guys that one doesn't need the moisture it does need the moisture but I showed you guys how to get the moisture in there you see and just give it a good massage should take you about 3 4 minutes engage with your food if you don't want it so dark then you don't use the ancho powder if you just want that bright one just like the stores excuse me then just use the wakil powder now if you guys want to kick I'll leave my recommendation for spice you guys know I'm sure little doubt of lucky she's the penis and your spice blend is gonna be great and this is pretty authentic there you go mean I think the color is perfect I like this color the enchilada gives a good flavor to it yeah for the baby's eye it just depends I change it up all the time so it's not always the exact same kind you guys know I get bored easily and I do have to change it up so once you've massaged all your spices into your chori salt you're gonna add your oil oh I wasn't asked that question look if there was enough fat in the port yeah there's enough fat but we want to keep it nice and moisturize and I think that we all love to see that shiny look on the chorizo okay and you can go with 1 to 2 tablespoons whatever you're comfortable with because I know some of you are watching yourselves and go you don't need to you can drink whole milk right like that Napoleon Dynamite see girl that is not me that's our mother that's our mommy mm-hmm make sure you check on your kids even if they're grown in 40 ok our chorizo is set here now let's let's talk about this okay you can either I'm gonna show you how to wrap it so it's kind of like the tubing one but I like to place it in a glass container I like to place it in here which is how you guys saw it but I'm gonna show you guys another way that you can do it okay so let me go clean myself up whoa just want to lick my hand high five no let your gonna know Bloody Mary no me Harry this is Kerry Stannis she okay when you guys see my hands like this it wasn't the hot cheetos okay I get asked a lot on the channel to use plastic teas microwave you guys know that I I'm limiting my plastic usage and I haven't used my microwave in like a year and a half almost two if not more but I do have plastic wrap I still have a big old Costco roll that I use rarely and on special occasions so today's a special occasion I'm going to bring it out but I'd rather use it in a plastic container or a glass bowl this I already use it in there than to use so much plastic whenever I'm gonna make chili so again do you know what I mean so it's gonna be up to you guys you guys know I'm not perfect but I'm working towards things and that's one of them that I wanted to share before I show you guys how to wrap it up because I'm not gonna begin to tube anything here I don't need to get anything bust for anything unless it's for my tacos okay so let's get let's get rolling yeah what are you gonna show us your that was a three pack I don't know those are I don't get them nice and crispy friends a lot of you know that we have a korean-mexican household so I have one of these sushi rollers and even if you don't that's okay so I'm gonna place my wrap over my Maki roller fusion show diesel gonna bring it on over it does help seal in the flavors when it's all nice and tidy together it really does but one of the things that I really like I to me I just like the the powder form a lot better for a lot of things okay the first roll I'm just gonna make sure to roll it up and I'm gonna twist these ends so that way it doesn't come out when I give it that final little snug you could have done it without this but I'm always finding ways to make it fun in the kitchen you guys think I'd complicate my life but I don't I keep it fun and I don't get bored in my kitchen and that's why you guys always see me happy in here good it makes it easier to tell the kids bring the chorizo for now refrigerator because you know what looks like looks like yes it right you putting your Tupperware Aiko find your mom okay see like yesterday when we did the salad tacos you guys were like you can just pipe it yeah I usually can pipe it but I can't pipe it with grilled chicken when it's soft chicken you can pipe it so I'm having a little bit of a snug time here hold on there we go and there we go Ola my tip to you is make sure you marinate this for 24 hours that's how you're gonna get the best chorizo flavor now if you have it for 48 hours even better so if you make a double batch one for one week and the following week you're gonna see the flavor difference and not to worry the vinegar helps preserve your chubby soul so you guys are safe now friends come back and let me know what you guys thought as always cloud and I are wishing you the best we want to thank you all so much for joining us today and on that one we'll see you guys tomorrow and before I go friends we do have a new upload schedule it's Sunday through Wednesday don't miss out make sure to click the notification that little bell subscribe if you haven't to support our channel and if you're interested we have a lot of social media that you can follow in the description area we have a lot of links for all of our social media so that's all I have to say anything from you Club know if you need my home and let it guys like that you need my help in the comments just follow and I'll help you or one of the views clubs bells will help you and watch out cuz clouds been keepin a drink from you guys she has me hooked on her I don't know I used to be the ayahuasca dice got cream but you're like the drink maker of the house now yeah I'm passing down withdrawal it's not mine anymore guys pirate right
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 169,539
Rating: 4.9359198 out of 5
Id: nfYw4VNBsSw
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Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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