How to Make Homemade Chorizo

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[Music] hey I'm a recipe here welcome back to my kitchen today we are going to make sure a so you guys not gonna believe in how easy it is to make it today we are making a Theresa pour you can do the same thing with pork the step as the same thing so pause time this time you will need two pounds of ground beef 85% lean 15% and you will need 1/3 of a cup apple cider vinegar then sheila's California o pasilla either one works one liter of water you can use more if you need to 2 TSP of Sun 3 tablespoon of paprika 1/2 a tablespoon oregano 40 maintenance 1 TSP of humans by Garlits - very lips 1/3 of a cup of the water you used to cook the stream is the last thing you want to need a sandwich back or clean wrap the first thing that we're gonna start by boiling water and medium heat and waking them cover we're gonna add 1 liter of water if you try this a little bigger you can nominate a little more if you want but I'm just gonna use the 1 liter I'm gonna cover with the lid so that will boil quickly and the reason that we start with a water person because in the main thing that you start bringing the water to boil the meantime you work with your silicon is done so what it should be pretty much too warm and I find out for myself I cease it to use the scissors to prepare sheila's and then put a play so you don't make a big mess that's an easy way so we're gonna do the same thing with every single one if you don't want to spice it this one is not really spicy at all I think I find out that she like California's message spicy and Perseus a little bit more spicy but what I say again you can use either one so you cut the top and then you open in half I'll turn to that when you do that you can just press the beans if you want to just take the sheet and if you wanted a little bit of spicy you can also uh she let the air ball I don't like my spicy so that's why I use this one and we're gonna do the same thing with every single one and usually when you serve all the water it takes between 10 to 15 minutes immature now that I have take the steep side machine I just rinse it up this one are really beautiful that you can see it is really nice and beautiful but something you buy that she listened it comes a little bit dirty inside this one they don't even have a lot of dirt but sometimes they do have Tercel it's important after that so I'm just gonna rinse it out inside my stop by outside first and then inside so now I see I put the leave my water that's already boiled you didn't take very long so from then I'm just gonna put my shoe it and I'm not only gonna leave it for two minutes and I'm gonna just cover leave two minutes and then we're gonna turn it up okay so it's already 2 minutes and this is how it looks so we just do this point we're just gonna turn it up so I'm just gonna call it back again I'm just gonna let it to cool down and I'm gonna remove it from there so they can hold down quickly in this way and then we'll be back I already perfume a pin so I'm gonna just gonna set there a little bit my increment summoner for my oregano my opinion does my humans and my leggings for a very short time we don't need very long maybe like 30 second just after you pin this one make sure you don't leave it too long because you don't want to burn it but your pan needs to be warmed and we're gonna turn enough now I want to let you start smelling the smell of the engrams it's time to turn it up and that's it we're gonna start by preparing our Sheba so I already have my cue Masaaki Imai oregano of my abilities and my for pinions I'm just gonna put it in the oven my render my 5 garlic 3 tablespoon of paprika I'm gonna add a 1/3 a cup of water the one that I used to cook the Sheila's I'm just gonna put in here then I'm gonna use my vinegar very important so we don't forget our vinegar just again that's gonna help it to purser I mean so we're gonna put it right in there you're gonna put it in here two teaspoon of Sun the last thing that we need is our shoeless I'm just gonna take my Sheila's and put it here and we're now that can I use a lot of water because we do not need a lot of water we don't want to make it to water so we want to kind of little paper I'm just gonna put everything there and we can I start bleeding a little slow so it's gonna be too heavy in your blender now that I have my own my English together everything that I need to do is now just blend around - personal I have a very thick taste and that's what I want so let's talk a little bit about the mean I have it here on 85% lean and 16 fat something they have like 95% lean on this one 85% so also they have like 80% I kind of like this one but you can choose whatever you do need a little bit of grease and that's what I went for this one I'm just gonna put it in my bowl or you can come by one 85% lean or and then oh and 80% main you choose you can choose either one so before we do that wanna taste my chili see if it has plenty son and I think has plenty as you can see I have like a paste it's not like water that's what we want and we can adjust take everything that we have here I do recommend you to use it warps because this one is it will stain your hands and the chili needs to be cold will never add anything hard in the meat and you can totally stop them a slower than me and let me poly smell like chorizo see how it looks we're gonna make sure everything is so combined together so the flavors will marry me really well phenomenal and we cannot put it in the refrigerator don't let it marinate for 24 hours you can eat us as it is now but it's better for you to let it marinate in the refrigerator meaning about 24 hours I'm gonna start it over here everything that you need laws because what you see that's why at least one I don't need this I'm just in there pick it up I'm here I'm just gonna call and then put it on the refrigerator and they'll be ready I have no their badges already ready so I can show you stir it so I'm just gonna put this one in the refrigerator so this one is some really marinade as you can see has a little bit of water a little bit of juice numbers but if you do have it you're gonna start it just take that out so we don't need it you see it's not that many so for a year that's the usually you can like pocket cups at Teresa and I'm gonna show you how they store it if you want and again we need more glob so we cannot start by doing that and I'm gonna use 1 cup to make sure so I can story like that so if I only want to make was country so focus on chorizo and I don't use it and only one so you can put in the refrigerator so I'm gonna give you two options then I you can store it I recommend it to stir like in 1 cup and then I have my cup it doesn't have to be excited it's just so that way you're gonna know this one makes like 5 cups but I already use one so I made some nopales con chorizo so that's why I'm missing one if you already have a measure I'm just gonna grab my partner I'm just gonna put it here and I'm gonna connect we sit and sip it and you can probably just put the thing I'm gonna open again so I can take all the air that's one way to storage and then as you needed you can just beam pull pulling it out of the refrigerator and that's be easy and you see his release doesn't take very long to make it it's just more like that the time it takes the chillest to cook so there's one if you want to store a lifetime so what I'm gonna do with all of the ones I'm gonna just put it in here I'm just gonna do these and then I'm gonna just roll it and roll it and roll it and I cut this one big enough so I can tie this you see sometimes when you buy it in the store if you buy it in the store you're fightin in the plastic but if you find in that this alright I'll make some time they put it in the intestine but this one is so of course when you can cook it you're not gonna cook it with them plastic so you're gonna take it so you live in up less space the wrapper so you can tied it up they say nobody here given this question this month you see them and I'm gonna do the same thing I'm just gonna tie it from here and there you can have it [Music] and there you how you Teresa that's that for this video guys as you can see is really easy to make the good thing about this recipe if you make it and you haven't already ready you can keep it in the free set up to two months a story like that and if you think you can use it like a new wig so you don't need to freeze it you can just put it in the refrigerator but I usually something that person I just pull once of the time in the morning one night I'm gonna you said that no on the morning just pull it up online I use it in the morning I use this one a lot the good thing about this is you can make so many things you can make it with beans with Teresa sure you say with potatoes you can do something with no colors you can make tacos or chocolates are really good you can make a burrito with chorizo also you can make it with eggs I made this one a la because that's one of my husband's favorite dish for breakfast I'm gonna teach you guys how to make door technically so that I'm going to be using this for this so stay tuned for them and as I say this many different ways very easy to make so if you guys wanna know how to use other dishes which reason I already have some in my channel so I'll link the video how to make dishes with chorizo so hasta la vista [Music]
Channel: AlmasRecipes
Views: 18,593
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Id: 38CBd1nHCcM
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Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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