How to make the best authentic Ragu' Napoletano pasta

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to this masterclass on authentic Italian cuisine my name is Francesco and I love helping people to cook their favorite meals at home but really for me my passion is only tallien cuisine I've developed a rustic Italian cooking style based on memories from my childhood cooking with Nana working on the farm and fishery grounded in this masterclass I'm going to take you on a journey across all of Italy we are going to experience Italy together we are going to make simple and delicious dishes from the whole of the country starting from my home Sardinia in the south and working our way up to the very north so today Napoli and we're making ragu Napolitano from Naples in the southwest of Italy now Napoli is normally famous for his pizza but today we are making something really special let's get cooking Andiamo this is my girlfriend favorites pasta ever when we first met she said she didn't really like pasta tall so I made this ragu and she became addicted and now I have to make peace at least once a week ragu Napolitano together with a normal gooey Bolognese our symbol of the traditional Italian cuisine and are famous all around the world very similar to each other in the cooking process but with a different taste the ragu Napolitan is made from the whole of cuts of meat meat which are slow-cooked for at least 6 hours so the cut of meat that you want today they are pork ribs plain pork sausage beef short ribs and any type of of meat beef for slow cooking such a sheen or loin so what you need today is a big pot nicely not because we're gonna sear our meat first of all you need a little bit of salt and pepper season it then we're going to go with a good amount of olive oil into your pan beautiful and then we're going to start searing our meat all around now you will have the beef the the bean the the bone on but keep it on because then when it gonna slow-cook is just gonna come out myself go sight and that's the sound you want to hear you know by stealing perfectly all around once you put inside Libya fantastic once you have all the meat inside let it go and now is the moment from the white onions now a normal ragu of Bolognese is made from onions celery and carrot in this ragu Napolitano is only white onion that's the base we are celebrating the flavor of the meat all right so take your onion you want to roughly chop the sternum right so we're going to chop in petals just like that fantastic now let's have a look your meat it should be zero ready from one side beautiful that's the color you want to steal your mate nice and brown stir it on the other side and now's the moment throw the onion in onion goes in play after give it a nice mix all together and let it cook and let it go for a little bit next what you need make sure you have next to you some tomato paste is gonna give a really nice and rich tomato flavor some red wine any red wine will be fine then you need tomato sauce pasta rustic pasta and some water we don't use any vegetable stock again you are celebrating the flavor of the meat all right once you see a little bit of color on the onion then we need to cook off a little bit of the tomato paste go with the tomato paste inside on a side of your pan beautiful let it cook a little bit let it catch into the pan and at this point we are ready to go with some red wine oh yes like that let it cook off the red wine for a little bit you don't want the acidity of the wine you want to smell just the sweetness so let it cook off a little bit once it's completely done and you start to smell the sweetness of red now we are ready for some tomato sauce tomato sauce goes in beautiful just like that give it a nice stir now what we need to do we need to cover the meat completely with some water fantastic now Yahoo is done a simple as it is all you need to do stay at all have a nice day of relax close the pan and ladies slow cook on a very very slow it for at least six seven hours check Yakko every forty minutes give you a nine step and let it go alright so a technique that I like to use and they actually Napoli they use which is called PPR a PPR a means put the pan like this with a wooden spoon in that leave it like this and you need to hear just the bubbles of the ragout coming slowly slowly alright let it go but here on my right I have some ragout already done for us beautiful okay so you can see how the sauce get nice and thick so once is ready you're ready to go just at this point you want to taste your ago we didn't add any salt or pepper to our seasoning to our to our ago the beginning because if you add salt and pepper then he's gonna is gonna slow-cook is gonna reduce even the salt and pepper they're gonna reduced is gonna be too salty alright so you want to season your ragout just at the end just a little bit of salt that will be perfect oh my gosh so good little bit of salt a little bit of pepper if you like and then we'll put the spoon just give it a nice stir beautiful next we're gonna cook some pasta for a boiling water nice dash of salt in that and then here I make some fantastic pappardelle early on but for this type of ragu you want to use nice and thick big pasta okay you can use rigatoni as well Talia tele but that's what I like nice pappardelle constraint inside the pan beautiful even nice and let it cook in that case because he's fresh he's not gonna take long about one minute maximum now the best moment when we plating so we have this beautiful ragu Ania which is true in one right we have the beef it's gonna be served as a main but if you want you can bring everything together on the table right so what you're gonna do and here I have a perfect example how the bone it just comes out when it was slow cooking right so we're gonna serve our beef on a side in there just like that oh my god it's just falling out perfect just like this little bit of bait everyone is gonna love it trust me everyone what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna put it straight into the sauce look at this pasta fantastic straight into the sauce bring with you some of the boiling water the starchy water that is flavoring that starch together with the sauce is fantastic it created really nice cream and rich sauce beautiful give it a nice stir again and then we're ready to plate look at this pappardelle fantastic put it in there beautiful out they are fantastic submit your net the only thing we're missing is a little bit of sauce on the top of this pasta all right and why not a little bit of pecorino created all on the top a little bit of garnish some fresh parsley if you like it go for it be beautiful and there we are Napoli done ragu Napolitano one of my favorite Italian dishes and when it's cooked authentically bellissimo fantastico hope you enjoy ciao [Music]
Channel: Our Cooking Journey
Views: 2,514
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: ragu, napoletano, cookingjourmey, planeteattv, tvgoodenoughtotaste, italiancooking, slowcooking, italianjourney, italy, meatlover, pasta, pappardelle, napoli, bolognese, pizza, traditionalitalian, italiancuisine, cucinaitaliana
Id: 3V7JHX6BtoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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