How To Make Texas Brisket Sausage | Homemade Sausage Recipes | Artisan Charcuterie

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as you can see we got the grinder and the stuffer out that means we're making sausage today on the recipe what i got for you is a fantastic texas brisket sausage now we're going to go 100 beef sausage on here other than that hog casing that it's going in but i tell you what folks uh we're going to be using our new uh meat grinder and stuff we're going to be showing you all those so hey stick around and let's see how we make this fantastic texas brisket sausage [Music] i am chef johnny and this is texas style cuisine appreciate you stopping by very very much and these are the new stuffer and grinder we have this year one and a half horsepower number 32 head this thing is a beast it's gonna we got a 15 pound brisket in here folks and it's gonna grind this thing up in no time just seconds flat two minutes we're gonna have a ground up and a nice 15 pound stuffer let's get to making this brisket sausage we're gonna start cutting up this brisket and i'll tell you what it's closer to 16 pounds 15.95 so we got about 16 pounds of sausage we can make today you want to be in that really that 30 range and this is going to be a little bit leaner because a brisket usually isn't 30 percent but long as you're over 20 25 to 30 is where i like to be you've got a nice knife kit here from hey mercer knives if you've never seen my knife videos i'll put a link below you'll see the knives i use and kind of talk about why i use them and here's our brisket so i'm going to take it and let's just take it out of here this is just a regular packer brisket it's not graded if you were to get a choice or prime you are going to have more fat in there or raise that fat content but uh this one's fairly fat so i'm betting you we're over 20 percent but pull it out of the package if you wanted to you could add a little fat back to this fat back's great to put in on sausage the the pork fat back doesn't have a lot of flavor to it so by using it what happens is is you don't change the flavor of the other meat you might be using you know a brisket's pretty pretty fatty and uh we've got a big hunk of fat here it runs all the way through it so that's where we get a lot of our fat so all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take this brisket come in here and boy i tell you what it's good and cold you always want your meat good and cold and we are gonna sit this back into the uh the freezer so i'll just cut this into strips right so we're going to cut this into strips because it's going to feed into the uh head of our of our grinder but come back no sense of making it work too awful hard so it's stripped and this is a big big heavy grinder if you have a smaller grinder chunk it up or strip it up either way it'll work but this one's going to be fine for what we're doing and see that fat line i was talking about plenty of fat on this brisket and when i cut this on the angle it just it just slims that meat downwards a little more of a strip [Music] as you can see got our brisket all cut up it's either in uh strips not too big or i've got some chunks that it's in those all go through this grinder fine remember if you have a smaller grinder smaller pieces don't overwork that motor it's always better to have it too small than too big guarantee that i don't want to burn anything up but this brisket's ready to go got almost 16 pounds if i was gonna do anything here might add a little fat to it you could add some fat back you could add bacon some people like to add bacon i don't mind gives me good flavor but since i'm going with a beef sausage today we're gonna go just with our brisket and that's it gonna put this over in the freezer let it start firming up a little bit and if you notice heads off the grinder over here that's where it is i have it over in the uh in the freezer cooling down important thing about making sausage keep everything cold all right so we're gonna have a pan of ice our meat's gonna drop into a pan of ice this is going to be firmed up because it's very cold and our head that's going to be grinding it up that's going to be there also so hey let's get this in there and here in a few minutes we'll show you how we get out the grinding head put it on and get the grind in this meat while that meat's cooling down just gonna show you got my pan of ice my catch tray gonna go in it that way my meat stays good and cold but also what i've been doing right now is getting my casings ready these are hog casings i've got them in water here warm water soaking we're going to flush them out now this little package will make 20 25 pounds of sauce we do have a stuffer that'll help you push the meat down in here but i tell you what you really don't want to push the meat in tight you want that auger or that worm gear to pull the meat through so all you want to do is is just really kind of feed it into it if we need this we got it though so let's uh turn it on and i'll tell you what's amazing is if you see my old videos those loud grinders we have this one is not loud how do you like that well it's a lot quieter than the old ones i did put a little oil off camera y'all can see i put a little oil between the uh uh plate and the cutter so it didn't start up with a lot of friction on it what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna start dropping this meat in and if you have it here on the plate it'll drop down so you can you can drop you a bunch up on here and i'll tell you what i can barely keep up with this grinder it is flat throwing out some meat here guys it is grinding it all right if you'll see all i'm doing with this hand is is either dropping it in or just pushing it through pushing it through not even having to use that uh that plunger at all but i use one hand to drop my meat in with and the other hand keeps filling the plate for me so i've always got something to drop in we about have it all ground up the last little bit's coming through the worm gear it's going to leave a little bit in there so what i'm going to do is when this stops take it apart pull that little bit out uh we'll mix it with our seasonings then we're going to go back in again and that'll get ground through the next time i'm just gonna undo this out our worm gear just a little bit see that meat i was telling you about that didn't come through let's make sure it gets through on the next grinding slide it all back up in there next step is going to be is get our meat into our mixer this is a 20 pound mixer meat's in there first thing that's going to go in is kosher salt and i have oh about nine tablespoons of kosher salt i'm gonna spread it around there we go first things in and i'm just going to go around a couple of times and you want to go kind of the same amount one direction that you do the other so if you go 30 seconds one way go 30 seconds the other way or two minutes and two minutes but get it mixed up good all right salt's in next thing i'm going to come in and i have five tablespoons of ground pepper i don't like it too fine of a grind i found out you know the pepper you can buy at uh that's sam's is what they call a table grind and it really works good for me i like it seems to work real well but you can see it's gonna take a little bit to get that pepper up mixed all the way through next ingredient though is three tablespoons of granulated garlic mix it in a little bit this is fairly easy if it's uh if it's hard to turn you can go ahead and add in some of your water at this time last thing i'm going to go in with is i want to make this a little garlicky right so i have my base blends in there so i'm going to add in just this minced garlic and it's probably all about a half a cup get all of it in there because i want to have a nice garlic flavor to this brisket sausage we're making today deviating from the texas style brisket a little bit of having so much garlic but i think it adds great flavor to this sausage we're going to get started we've already got some protein extrusion going on so it's already starting to get a little bit sticky probably have to use our plunger this time to help get it down in there but we're going to turn it on and see if we get this sausage ground up the second time through and again i do not uh i don't like a real fine sausage so this is just gonna be uh two times through the quartz coarse plates but i think it needs another one besides the uh the coarse grind i may run it a third time but i usually don't put regular sausage any of my wild game sausage this brisket sausage my polish any of those i need to need a little more texture to it there you go we got it through the grinder the second time what i fix to do now is is i'm going to make a patty put it on the stove cook it up if the seasonings are ripe it'll go back into the mixer two cups of water mix it up good then we'll stuff it um if i need to adjust the seasonings i will during this mix does not have to be ground again it looks like it's going to have plenty of texture and i don't need to get rid of it i think it's gonna be just right but we're gonna get that done and also this is the stage where i would add my uh insecure pink salt whatever it is you're using if i was gonna take this out and put it in the smoker and smoke this salsa since it's gonna be a fresh sausage doesn't need it so let me cook up that patty then we'll get back with you and let you know what we think about it got them off the stove tasted great seasoning doesn't need anything texture's fine so uh we're gonna go back into the mixer this will be easier mix because we're going to add our water at this time and remember if you were going to smoke these now is when you add in your pink salt if you're going to do some type of binder your milk uh bread crumbs whatever it might be now's the time you do that all of it's in there i've got two cups of cold water uh this was ice that's melted down there's still a few cubes left in it but it's going to go in now let's start mixing this and i'm just gonna add in my two cups of water a little bit shy young seeds a little bit of ice floating in there very very cold we want to keep everything cold meat's been in and out of the freezer keeping it cold but this is going to help us uh mix much easier a lot of people tell you uh that for an ounce of water for every pound of sausage you're making and that's that's probably a pretty good number to figure out get it that way then let's spin it go the other way and we're gonna do this i don't know three four five minutes to start looking like it's really getting sticky and when it's getting really sticky then we're gonna pull it out and stuff it in our cases now we got this mixed up good remember to keep your meat in and out of the freezer keep it cold my pans have had ice and then it's put a pan on top of it so it fell down on a nice cold pan the important thing here making sausages is keep it cold folks this meat stuffer is 15 pounds so we got 16 pounds of meat plus some water may not get it all in there maybe take two times through but we're going to put it in throw it in there hard a lot of times what i do is i make a ball i know guys showing me this that i used to make sausage with he'd take it and said of forced out all the air but you want to get the air out of there because we don't want air in our links uh put the meat back in the freezer for a minute to get it cold again trying to keep it as cold as we can keep it i'm gonna slide this in place now and it's just comes in here and it's got two little ears it fits under so it goes in place just start your plunger down then this is a little airport so as it pushes your meat down and if you look down here we can kind of see where it's starting to come out if you get air pressure in here if you push this button it'll let the air out all right but i wasn't sure about these plastic tubes i usually have stainless steel ones but the nice thing here is you can see where your meat's at in these so i'm going to bring it down back off a little bit it's about ready to go let's get a casing on there now as i was saying i like to buy the the hanks which have the full intestines on them you can tell i don't back off enough i still got a little pressure on it still got some meat coming out but take the pressure off then it doesn't come off so this one we're gonna have to do a bunch of short sausages where normally i'll do one real long ring which is come in here find the end of it getting close to the end now i'm going to take it and so these some of these are slippery and knots will come out so usually what i do is i just pull a loop in it put the tag in back through the loop and it's good slide the rest of the way on grab my sausage brick here and i'll just poke a hole in it that way it'll let any air out that's in this first part out and we can start making sausage now crank it down you're on a slow steady speed you don't want to go too fast so what we're going to do is start cranking down you're going to see the meat starting to come out now if you had a way to clamp this down and be good didn't bring my clamp with me today i have used it here at school before but this is doable by one person but it's a lot easier with two don't want to go too full because remember we ought to twist off links and we're just going to crank this up again want to fill it up most of the way but not so tight that we cannot twist links when you get almost to the end you stop because you've got to save room to tie a knot just pinch it off got our links and i'll just tie a knot in the end of it but that's a nice sausage it's big enough if you look to make two links so i'll cut it bend it in half and then i'm just going to twist it right there and that gives me two links of sausage put another casing on and we're going to do this again and again and again there you have it beautiful tray of uh texas brisket sausage it came out great gonna throw some of this on the uh on the grill let you see how it turns out ah do something with a sample it out but i'll give y'all a picture of how it looks after it comes off this video guys uh give you a look on the pit about ready to come off it's been on there about 30 minutes at 225 degrees get it off here in just a minute hey here you go just pulled a sausage off of the off the grill over there that had the outlaw smoker going through a link on took it up to about 160 degrees it looks like it's going to taste really good it caused some good smoke thank you for stopping by texas style and cuisine really do appreciate it hope you enjoyed that sausage video we loved it uh the taste was very good i think i might have added a little bit of more salt maybe a little pepper to it garlic was just fine but hey give it a try where it is adjust the seasons as you need to but i go down there check out my other playlist got plenty of those for y'all to find out about my sausage making or you know what go check out some of my sausage sandwiches and my sausage dogs got a lot of sausage videos on here so check those out for me tell your friends and family about us and we'll see you down the road on texas style barbecue and cuisine
Channel: Texas Style BBQ and Cuisine
Views: 18,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, recipes, pitmaster, chef johnny, texas style cuisine, texas style bbq and cuisine, brisket sausage, beef sausage, sausage, homemade sausage, artisan sausage, artisan, how to make sausage, texas brisket, meat, sausage making, sausage grinder, sausage stuffer, making sausage, sausage recipe, homemade, how to make sausage at home, sausages, sausage recipes, meat grinder, smoked sausage, make sausage, kielbasa, polish sausage, sausage making equipment, charcuterie, how to make
Id: w8hbdb_8zV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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