How to make Suprise Deviled eggs for Easter

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hi everybody I'm back and today today I'm going to show you all how to make deviled eggs for Easter here's what you will need of course you will need eggs and I have 12 large eggs here that I'm starting to boil okay you will need mayonnaise okay as well as lemon juice I have some apple cider vinegar and I have some sugar if you don't want to use lemon juice feel free to use mustard in replace of the lemon juice okay so first thing that I want to do it you want to get your eggs boil start boiling your eggs and nice cold water alright once these are boiled we're gonna cool them down and I'm going to show you how to make Gena Young's deviled eggs for Easter okay everybody my boiled eggs are done and I'm not gonna make you all watch me peel the eggs so my eggs are sitting in cold water for around about seven minutes and then I'll get them all peeled then I'll come back and I'll show you our next step okay everybody let's go ahead I've got all of my eggs nice and peeled and rinsed off in cold water so now you want to take a knife what okay don't cut them this way only way you will cut them this way if you're making deviled eggs as if you were gonna do the chickens okay and what you would do is cut the top of the head like this in a staggered motion okay or just cut the top off that way and you would feel it with your deviled egg mix and then you would put two black olives right here for the eyes a piece of carrot for the nose and a piece of carrot for the feet that's the only way you would cut it this way for deviled eggs other than that you're going to do it this way okay so just make sure that you cut it even just like this alright and then we're gonna pop the yolks out unto our bowl okay let me take these out for a second and that way we can put our yolks and our mixing bowl okay just like so everything that I make in my kitchen let me pour that extra water out everything that I make in my kitchen is so easy a lot of fun and yet it tastes so good I know I say that a lot but honestly it's true it's true it's so easy so much fun and it tastes so delicious you hear me absolutely so I'm going to continue to slice these just like so and get all of the yolks out and you want to make sure you get all the yolk out just like so okay we're gonna do something special with these because it's Easter time and I'm so excited and when the Easter is near by well let me show you all something real quick and I'll get back to my story see this here we've all had a period where we've opened the egg and this is what happened right so when this happens just Chuck the whole thing in there right it'll get mixed up in your mixture and it'll be just fine it's only one egg don't worry about the white okay no problem there don't don't stress out in the kitchen if you mess one of your eggs up don't worry about it just throw it in the whole mixture because we'll get that white we'll get that white chopped up just like we're gonna do with the yellows but what I was saying was we're gonna do something special to these eggs when I make eggs for Easter and make them special and I make them really beautiful and I'm so excited my family's excited I hope you all are having a great weekend if you all haven't had a chance to look at my video for the artichoke dip or the spinach and artichoke dip check it out because it's awesome and then I did a cook along this morning just a breakfast cook along with me check that video out as well okay I'm going to continue to take all of the yellow yolks out and try my best not to break any of the whites naturally some of the whites will tear but that's okay just try your best not to break them if you can okay I'm gonna do this last one for you and then I'll put the video on pause and I'll take the others out and then I'll be back and I'm gonna show you all how to make one beautiful tasty tasty tasty tasty deviled egg filling that does not have mustard but if you're that person that feels like you have to have mustard in yours then what you'll do is you won't use the lemon juice in yours okay and go ahead and use that mustard okay now if you all say Gina but do you ever make deviled eggs with mustard yes I do yes I do but for this recipe I'm using lemon juice I love to make my deviled eggs with lemon juice I'll be back everybody okay everyone you can see that we have all of our whites and I've rinsed the whites off to get the yellow egg yolk off this one here I'm just gonna go in I'm gonna kind of give it like a pre chop just to help myself so that it's not difficult breaking the whites down okay just like so and we're going to put lemon juice in I will give you all measurements in the description below but I'm just gonna eyeball mines because I know exactly how much of everything I okay I'm gonna put some lemon juice in if you don't have this kind I feel free to use fresh lemon juice but I always keep this around my house okay so I didn't have to actually go out and get any fresh lemon I have apple cider vinegar I'm gonna start off with a little bit until after I taste it okay we're gonna do a little bit of sugar when I see a little bit guys this seriously just a little bit okay and then I have some Duke's mayonnaise it does not have to be Duke's mayonnaise you use whatever type of mayonnaise that you love whatever makes you happy okay I don't suggest using Miracle Whip but if you're that person that is just in love with Miracle Whip then hey that's what you use use what makes you happy okay all right don't forget that whatever any recipes that I make you make it how you like okay yes absolutely because I want you all to enjoy what you like like I said if you're that person that just loves Miracle Whip and that's what you use alright and of course we're going to use some paprika as well okay but I'm gonna need to actually find my paprika altitude of spices thanks to the Washington family they sent me so many spices that I love and now I have a cabinet filled with spices that I have to look through to find my paprika but I will find it absolutely I will but what what we're going to do is I want you all to meet me over at my kitchen table because I'm going to show you exactly how I like to decorate my eggs for Easter I'm going to continue to mix this right now and I want to get a nice smooth texture if you want it to you can use a handheld mixer so that you can be assured that your filling gets nice and smooth you have to have a nice smooth filling okay and it takes a little elbow grease a little bit of mixing and mashing just like so and everything will get nice and mashed up remember all we're dealing with here is just eggs and they mesh up pretty easy so all you really have to do is just have you some patience in this kitchen hey listen here if you can have some patience you're gonna have some good deviled eggs you hear me absolutely and that goes for any dish that you make having patience in the kitchen is the key to successful food absolutely it is I'm gonna give this a taste let me grab a spoon I want to see if I'm happy with the flavor if I'm happy with the flavor we don't have to put any other flavors in oh oh it's beautiful I'm gonna tell you all one thing if you never ever if you never ever had deviled eggs with lemon juice please try it guys trust me I'm putting apple cider vinegar in because I'm trying to thin it out just a little bit and since I'm putting vinegar in I'm going to counteract it with a little bit of sugar and I feel like I need a little bit more mayo okay let me get my mail spoon this right here oh my goodness we're gonna go through this whole thing of deviled eggs tonight oh yes we are the young family is gonna be eatin some boiled eggs tonight we look at this my word it tastes so delicious I wish you all were here with me right now like so serious so you could taste it now it's starting to get nice and smooth that's what I'm looking for but I'm not gonna stop stirring it until it gets nice and smooth now what you all can do when you're piping and put that extra mayonnaise in there so it doesn't get wasted when you're piping your mixture into your egg whites you can use a ziplock bag a freezer bag or you can use a spoon me personally I kind of do it old-school style I just use a spoon and I just put it on like I said feel free to use a piping bag a pastry piping bag freezer bag ziplock bag or you can just use a spoon to dollop it on me personally I always use a spoon and I'm satisfied and they always still look gorgeous you hear me absolutely they do so that's what I'll be using today okay you all are getting ready to follow me over to my table I'm gonna sit down and then you can see how I like to decorate my deviled eggs for Easter be back everybody okay everybody I'm at my table let's get busy okay so here's what I like to do I like to dye the egg whites of my deviled eggs for Easter it's so exciting everybody gets so even the adults they love it they think it's beautiful and amazing it's so simple so much fun and yet you get the taste of the deviled egg it's awesome try it try it guys try it when you have Easter dinner and watch people rant and rave over these so this here I went out and bought this this set has the it has the cups and you know it has the little dye packets you put the dye colors in the cup with a little tiny bit of vinegar but here's the thing since you're not dying this she'll you don't have to use the vinegar okay just use the dye pack and some warm water and it'll dissolve perfectly okay so then I put the little die piece in here with warm water up to the second line until my diet Ablett's have dissolved okay so then you're gonna take your egg whites just like so check me out guys put your egg white down into the dye it's just that simple and here's the thing you can get the kids in the kitchen to do this if you don't feel like it or if you want to give them something fun to do they can do it and they'll love it they'll have so much fun okay this is what I do every year I'm putting one in each color so make sure you try your best to get the egg yolk off of the whites because you don't want to get egg yolk all in your die so this here I just have a little let me show you I just have a baking sheet with lined with a little bit of paper towel because once these are nice and colored what I'm gonna do is set them on this paper towel so that they can get dry but remember we don't want to fill these up with our filling until they're completely dry because we don't want for our what is the filling guys help me out here we don't want for our deviled egg filling to turn colors and the way it would turn colors is if you put the filling in the whites while they were still wet so we're gonna put them on this paper towel let them get nice and dry before we fill them okay that says hey it's that simple it's that simple hey guys I'm sneaking some Reese's peanut butter cups I shouldn't have it but I want them so bad so I'm gonna have some I'm not gonna over indulge but I do want some and I won't eat them you hear me oh that's my happy dance well that's so good so have ice water here we're just gonna check on our beautiful whites see that it's beautiful already but I'd like to let mines get a little darker you can do some light ones you can do some really dark ones it's really up to your discretion okay see that green one and that gonna be beautiful oh yeah I'm so excited guys I get excited from some of the most simple things oh yes beautiful okay and they're almost done I'm getting ready to take them out when I come back I'll be I'm gonna press pause I'm gonna put them on my lined baking sheet on the paper towel I'm gonna put more in and I'll be right back okay everybody let me show you the ones that we've dyed see that it aren't they beautiful like you can't resist it they are so beautiful right it didn't take any time now this video you know this video will be much longer than it actually takes to do this because hey this is a hop skip and a jump you boil these bad boys split them in half diam and you're ready to go you know but the video it takes longer I'm so excited okay so I've put the others in and like I said feel free to do them at different times you can take these out right away so they'll be light and your you can keep them in for a long time and they'll be really deep in color it's up to you okay here's my mix I just want to mix it so that it doesn't dry up I should have put some plastic wrap on it but hey we're okay we're okay in here I got my easter candles going that my husband bought me I love these candles so much they change color alright let's take a peek in at these ones beautiful oh yeah baby beauty I'm gonna take that one out we got a light blue oh yeah look at that green oh yeah baby that yellow is just gorgeous right absolutely it is let's check on that orange oh what a beautiful color see this guy's and then you just arrange it on your platter however you would like to arrange it you know once you get it nice and filled I kind of like to do like a flower situation like a couple in the middle and then some on the outside but I'll show you all of that I was going to go to the store well I did I went to the store and I priced the do you all know that the the tray that holds the deviled eggs i priced one of those at Kroger's guys and it was $15.99 I'm not getting that I'll just shoot I ain't getting that bad boy when I seen that price I said I'm putting two in at a time so I can hurry up with the video I think I'll do another green beautiful I'll do another pink and maybe another yellow so we'll have those sitting and that's it look at these oh so what I was saying was I priced the thing that you put the deviled eggs on 15.99 Kroger's you should be ashamed of yourself I couldn't believe that and then I thought about well I mean I'm sure I can go to the Dollar Tree and pick one up but I didn't feel like you guys it was cold outside this morning I think I might have went to the store probably 9:00 a.m. this morning and I just didn't want to have to get out the car again so the heck with that we're gonna arrange it real nice and pretty on our plate right okay everybody let's go ahead and fill our eggs up you just want to take a little bit don't get crazy with the filling because you have to think of how big your egg whites are they're not big at all okay and they don't require too much filling okay so what I like to do I just like to do like this and you smear it on okay if any gets on the outside you just take it off see that that way it's perfectly feel okay it's not messy just because you're using a spoon it turns out perfect right see that there you go and I did get the pepper to cut out okay and I'm just gonna put just a little bit of paprika because I don't want that deep red color to ruin the color of my you know the color of my eggs because I have pastel colors but I still want to put that paprika on there be just because you're supposed to right so go ahead and be very gentle like I said the little piece that you get on there if you get some on there just take it off with your spoon it should be nice and neat just like that okay I'm gonna do each and every one of these and then I'll be back if you happen to get a little bit of dye on your spoon just because maybe you hit a wet spot just wipe it off just like I did and go back into your egg mixture and finish it up just like so okay just like this and we have a beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful deviled egg not just any deviled egg Gina young style and it's beautiful you hear me look at that hey listen here you trying to impress somebody make some of these you try and impress even those kids make them some of these and see if they don't jump for joy they're gone - trust me when I tell you this I'm gonna do two more in the end I'll put the video on pause and I'll come back after I have completed the rest okay and then I'll show you how I like to rearrange mine on just a simple plate you know honestly you could use here's this one and that beautiful honestly you can put it on this cookie sheet if you want no matter what you rearrange it on it's gonna be beautiful absolutely it will okay let's do one more I will do this beautiful yellow for you all oh yeah baby look at this impressive do something different and remember earlier when I was talking I was telling you all how to do the chickens the chicken Doubleday with the hat to it I had a video that I did last year and it beautiful that I did last year for the chickens I thought I deleted it because some of my chickens turned out kind of funny-looking but maybe y'all do another one if it's deleted I might do another one I had fun making them but it just wasn't my forte so we'll see I just might make another one but maybe I won't maybe I'll do a different Easter Easter thing and then also last year I did the the bird's nest cookies if you haven't seen that video check it out because it's awesome and it's the perfect thing to give to a kid or even an adult for a present or you could even put it in their Easter basket right it's so exciting so much fun to do it's really easy and it looks just like a bird's nest and then you put the Robin eggs in there Oh child please that was a lot of fun I believe that recipe is still up hopefully because I did I did erase some videos that I had last year and I kept some some of my videos that I don't get a lot of views on from last year I'll erase it in that one beautiful okay I'm going to continue to do the rest of these and then I'll be back guys okay everybody so they're all done look at this beautiful Jeana Young's deviled eggs for Easter make you some make you some guys make them for your family if you all enjoyed this video hey give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on a notification bail so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes absolutely why not alright now let's go ahead and try our best to design them since Kroger's had their their little thing that you put the eggs on for $15.99 alone now let's just make our own now let's see what Gina young can come up with okay so as I'm speaking I'm actually making some type of design don't judge me guys I'm just kind of going with the flow and then I will I put the let's go ahead and put our paprika on but just a little bit just a little bit guys don't get crazy with it don't mess up your design just a little is all you need baby okay just a little bit baby oh yeah and then a little goes a long way with this paprika okay so then let's continue with our design that we have here make them nice and beautiful and when your family comes over they will be wowed is that the right word they will be I'm trying to find the right word they will be a static do you say where'd you get this recipe from how much does she do that you're gonna say uh Gina young show me how absolutely because they're gonna ask you oh there you better believe they're gonna ask you where'd you get that recipe from who showed you how to do that Gina gallon did oh yeah baby and it's working I'm making a sort of a like a little flower here I'm going to show you all here in just a second it's turning out just lovely so my husband came out the room for a second and he said he's seen them and he said oh those nasty that means those are like so pretty my thanks thanks a lot do I need an orange one or a pink one let's see let's put a pink one right there beautiful mmm a little bit of egg on my finger Darrin I think I'm gonna put one more in the middle and call it a day is it gonna be blue or green blow it is god bless you all have a great night thank you all for watching look at this god bless can I make you some guys it's so simple so easy and it turned out beautiful with the paprika the paprika gave it that touch that we all are looking for right you all have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow good night look at him one more look oh yeah baby
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 115,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #easteregg #easter #Godisgreat
Id: TtO9_6PET2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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