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hello everyone in this video I'll be showing you how to make steamed vegetables using the blanching method for your vegetables steamed vegetables are a perfect way to infuse vegetables in your diet so I want you guys to sit back relax and enjoy and I would also be explaining what the blanching means in the course of this video so please do not hesitate to watch till the end my name is salami and I'm Diary of a kitchen lover like I said earlier you need to watch this video till the end [Music] and I think to myself now these are the vegetables I'll be using this is called effort in Yoruba most times this is what I call it when I go to the market to buy it and the good thing is that I like to buy my vegetables um like this and um eventually cut it myself I don't like to cut my vegetables in the market so what I'm doing now is to cut off each leaves from the stems of the vegetables some people like to cut off a lot of you know vegetables what do they call it this term or the the thick Parts the thin Parts a lot of people like to add it to dance but I just need I just like to add very very little part of it to my vegetables so I'll just go ahead to do this and then go ahead to chop the vegetables I'll show you how I chop my vegetables also in this video foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you to chop your vegetables you need very very sharp knife so that you can navigate through each leaves properly and you know this is how I cut it sometimes I like the leaves very big while sometimes I just like it moderate like these and sometimes why especially when I want to use vegetables for garnish I like to cut it chop it very very small but this particular chop is like the medium sized chop so I'm going to do this for all of the vegetables and go ahead to blanch it [Music] foreign reasons why I blanch my vegetables is to not lose the flavor of the vegetables so the vegetables Remains the color the exact color so you see this green most times when you don't blanch your vegetables over time the vegetables turns black in fact almost immediately after cooking or even while cooking vegetables turns black so blanching helps you to retain the color retain the vitamins that are contained in the vegetables and also you don't get to lose out on any any vitamins or any nutrients from the vegetables that's what blanching does so and also blanching is an extra way for me to to like wash the vegetables thoroughly so in this case because blanching is used for different types of food you can blanch your vegetables blanch your tomatoes and the legs so what blanching in vegetables means is that you know in a boiling water you transfer your vegetable tools make sure that before you chop your vegetables you wash the leaf properly and then go ahead to chop and then blanch so I'm transferring the chopped vegetables into a boiling water although I've turned up the heat of the boiling water so I'm going to blanch these for about um three to four minutes in the hot water and then run it under very cold or even iced water to stop the cooking process and also to lock in the vitamins to lock in all of the nutrients and also do to lock in the colors of the vegetables I'm blanching also lets the vegetables remain crunchy even till you finish it even if you keep it for one month or for three weeks it will still retain the green color and the and the crunchiness so now I'll go ahead to run this under very cold water this has to be done immediately so you first sieve up quickly sieve off the hot water quickly and then transfer it into a very cold water or an iced water you understand stand then once you're done with this just go ahead to wash and you get your blanched vegetables like I earlier mentioned this is the best way to make any vegetables if you want to make any vegetable soup a furry roll steamed vegetables and all of that and blanching also helps when you want to preserve your vegetables for a very long time so you blanch and then you freeze then you get your green vegetables even after a month so let's go ahead to make the steamed vegetables you heat up very very little oil very very little go in with your onions you can add crayfish giant prawns and add yeah I don't add garlic to my steamed vegetables I'll go in with my pepper mixture so my pepper mixture has a mix of tomatoes um scotch bunny as a mixture of um red chili and red bell peppers I'm just going to be cooking very very little of this and then I'll go in with all of my spices [Music] I'll be spicing the steamed vegetables with some crayfish powder I would also add some Bunga fish powder so this is a Bunga fish powder and then some seasoning local seasoning I'll just give this a good mix and the only thing I'll be adding after this is my giant prunes um you can go ahead to add some mackerel fish Panda fish any type of fish catfish and all of that you can even add some beef to this but I just try I just try to keep this very very simple so you can see that you can't even see any oil at all in this because you don't want any type of oil you know coming out of your vegetables and go ahead to add the blanched vegetables the blunt vegetables looks very very green and it's going to maintain this color for as long as you want so once you add vegetables vegetables naturally produces water so you don't need to produce liquid rather so you don't need to add any form of liquid water meat stock and all of that you don't need to add it to these vegetables you're just going to mix it and make sure that all the spices and seasonings are well distributed and then cover it up and allow it to cook for another five minutes you don't need to overcook your vegetables okay foreign this to cook for like five minutes you have your steamed vegetables already like I earlier mentioned steamed vegetables are perfect to infuse into your diet for example now you feel like eating rice you feel like eating yam feel like it's in pasta and you just have stew and you're looking for how to infuse vegetables in your food just put this on the side of your food and you get all the nutrients from this and it's a perfect way to stay healthy you can even eat it alone with your yam your potatoes and all of that nameless the um sorry the possibilities of steamed vegetables are endless so you can see how the color has not changed normally if you don't blanch the color is going to change after a while and you don't get that greenness from your vegetables you can also apply this method for your kale for your other type of vegetables there's this chocolate the spinach and all of that you can apply this method to and you will get the best results just by blanching and making your steamed vegetables this definitely looks very nice what do you guys think this 50s please if you have watched this video to this point I want you to type steamed vegetables in the comment section you know how we do it and if you definitely learned something or you enjoyed watching this video please let me know and if you haven't already subscribed this is another reading for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel I'll see you guys in my next video bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Diary of a KITCHEN LOVER
Views: 298,253
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Id: RsEwcxz1Ss0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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