Watch me design a Skincare Brand & Packaging

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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel so you guys are in for a real treat today today we are branding a skincare brand coming up with a name coming up with a design coming up with the branding packaging the whole works and i am so excited i have never actually had the chance to work with a skin care company so i thought it'd be a really good opportunity for me to show my process and come up with the branding for a new skincare company that is within my style so if you are new to this channel then hey my name is abby and i am a brand designer with over five years of experience within the industry and i've been creating youtube videos for over a year now and supplying you guys with the goods so if you are ready sit back relax and get ready to see my process of me creating a skincare brand from scratch so welcome to this video of me trying to make a whole skincare brand from scratch and attempting to make it look really really good um so the first thing that i do is come up with a name so i like it to be really original and have a meaning towards the business so i have been writing down loads of ideas come out with names and i finally found one that i thought would work really really nicely so when i researched some skincare brands a lot of skincare companies kept the name really really small so i wanted to do the same so i came up with the name face it so obviously i part of the element of skincare is to do with your face and i thought face it was straight to the point it is what it is and it's very small so i think it would work really nice on packaging and i have loads of ideas in my heads of like the layout of the logo so i'm really excited to dive deeper into this name and hopefully create a skincare company that is recognizable and just stands out from the crowd so we have come up with the name and the second phase of my process is to come up with the mood board and the inspiration and the direction that i want to go towards so i have found a lot of packaging because this video is going to be based around packaging of the skin care products as well as coming up with a brand from scratch so i have got a lot of inspo and a lot of color on here so i am definitely going to go for bold bright colors and something that is completely against the norm so when looking for a lot of skincare products i found a lot of them use like really pastel quite plain colors so i found a lot of inspiration from other companies with their packaging and i just know that i want to take this in a really cool direction and make it stand out so what i'm going to do now is create a mood board in adobe illustrator so i'm going to bring some photos from pinterest pop them in my illustrator document and then i will always have that as reference to make sure that i'm staying on track with the direction that i want to go in for my brand so i have created this mood board in adobe illustrator and i've just used boxes and a clipping mask to put all the images in place and create a really nice looking visual so with the direction that i want to go in i have chosen some really nice images so the things that are attracting me the most about this mood board are the bright colors i definitely want to use some different colors that may be against the norm for skin care because i like going just completely away from what everyone else is doing so i'm really vibing with the loops image i love the purples the yellows the mint greens it honestly looks really really good and i love the black against all of the colors so that might be something that i go down so even though the typography on my mood board looks really premium i'm not actually going for a premium vibe but i still want there to be some sort of edge to the brand so i'm taking this as inspo and i'm going to see exactly what i can come up with so as i mentioned before the name of this skincare brand is faceit and i want to use that name within the brand as well so i want to create like comical puns within the branding so it could be something like let's face it you need this product and just have like a comical feeling within the brand so mood board is done and it is there in my view i am gonna get on with coming up with the primary logo and the secondary logo so the primary logo is the main logo for your brand so this is the one that you will probably end up using the most and then the secondary logo is just basically your main logo but in a completely different layout so if your client ever needs to use the logo in a different situation so for example if your main logo is a stacked logo you will need the secondary logo to be a landscape logo so then your client has the option to use that if they need it in that particular space so first things first is trying to find the typography so i do want to go for the serif type face i feel like it would just work really really nicely and i like the idea of having like different thicknesses to the brand so i'm going to try and find a font that does this and one that i can manipulate too [Music] so i have chosen eight different fonts there's eight one two three no ten i can't even count ten different fonts um and they are all quite similar but if you actually look at each one individually you will notice that there are a lot of differences um and this can be the struggle for any designer trying to choose what font they want because there are similarities within fonts but even the slightest change on each fun can have a massive difference so i'm going to go through each one and pick ones that i want to keep and ones that i am just getting rid of so first one is this one which is tenez if i've pronounced that correctly so it's a little thick for me and it just isn't giving me the vibe that i have in my head even though i don't know what i want to go for yet but it is just not there so we are getting rid of that one next one i kind of like this it's still a little thicker than i wanted but that can still be manipulated so i'm going to keep that for now the next one i love the curvature within this it really does just stand out so i'm going to keep that in for the moment next one i'm i'm gonna just end up keeping them all i always do this so i really like this one and i love the ends on each letters how it gets thicker that is what i want within a font i don't want it all to just be sort of the same size so i'm really liking that once i'm keeping it next one is this and i don't know what drew me to it but i do like how elongated it is but i'm just gonna get rid of it because it's not what i have in my head so that one is gone top one this is really nice i like how even though it has harsh edges it has a really nice soft feel to it but i have other ones that i'm more attracted to at the moment so i'm gonna just get rid of it this one oh my god i am obsessed with this a this one is called baggerish if i've even pronounced that correctly and that a is just so delicious and yeah i'm really liking this whole font so i'm going to keep this one in it's very different and i do want something like quirky to my brand so i'm keeping it next one i am obsessed with this a as well this must be something about a a's are just an elite letter so i'm vibing with this a has a really nice flowy feeling which does remind me of like a skincare brand so keeping that one next is this one it is too thick for my liking so it is going and then this bottom one i was attracted to the a again i love how this top bit just ends up slightly going over and creating a really nice look um i think it may be a little too fancy for what i'm going for so i'm eliminating it it's gone okay so now i have five left now let's break these down even more so this one i am getting rid of this one getting rid of there were three there were three right i'm looking at this one again now and i feel like it may be just not what i'm wanting i don't know something about it is just drawing me away from it so i'm taking that as a sign and deleting it's gone so we are left with two now which is good we have managed to get rid of eight this is what i normally do i only just start them for a while and one of them does normally just like shout at my face so give me a sec i feel like the top one is gonna work i can sort of manipulate that one a little more than the bottom and i'm just seeing a really good vision for this top one so i'm gonna just eliminate the bottom one goodbye and we are just going to go for it we're going to roll with it and see if i can create a skincare brand that looks as awesome as it does in my head so i had an idea to make it like italic but they don't actually have an italic within the spawn so i'm gonna make it and i'm gonna show you how you can do this within adobe illustrator if your text isn't italic and you need a little italic in your life so what i'm gonna do is duplicate this font so then i always have it so i know what the front is because there's nothing worse than outlining your text and then forgetting the name of the font so outline the text by pressing command o and then what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna ungroup it and then group these two together so that is grouped then within adobe illustrator there is actually a really cool tool which is the free transform tool so once you click that this little baby will come up and you get the chance to go through and pick which one you want to choose so for me i'm going with the free distort which allows me to manipulate this text and sort of move it to any position that i want so i want to make this italic just because i feel like at the moment i need there to be a divide between the two words so adding an italic in is really going to make this go from face it to face it if that makes any sense it does in my head so yeah we're going to do this so now i'm just going to manipulate this and i'm going to take each corners so i'm just going to apply this slant to both sides equally and make sure that they look really similar and as if it was an italic to begin with so i'm just going to keep playing until i can get it into a position that i like so it's actually at stage where i just really like it like that i'm really liking the simplicity and i just think it works really nicely with the direction of the a pulling you one way and the italics of the it pulling you another so it kind of just works really nicely in that sense so next is trying to find some color for me so once i've sort of have the main logo done i like to add in some colors and just see exactly how it's going to look and then once that's done i like to move on to the secondary logo so my main logo is a landscape logo at the moment and um it means my secondary logo is gonna either be stacked or in like a different sort of layout than what the main logo is so let's find a color because there are a lot that i could do for this brand i'm gonna try and pull it away from the norm for what you would see for a skincare brand so first i am just gonna choose like a few colors from the mood board and see if any of them give me any inspiration so i really like the peep image on my mood board i love the lilac the yellow and the black that one really works really nicely so i might go for that vibe but then i do also like the bright blue the mint colors so this is gonna be so hard so i'm gonna just go for a few colors see what comes to mind and see which works well i really like the like luminous yellow against the colors it is i'm vibing with it right now so this is what i normally do when trying to find a color i just go and do a load of colors and then i come back sit down and see which one is actually working why do all of these colors look really good it's going to be so hard i want to like nail it down to like three colors that just work really well with each other i definitely want to go for the black and the yellow colors and then it's just finding one that works really nicely see i really like the purple this one is working really nicely i feel like the orange and the yellow may not work for this brand the purple and the yellow will work so nicely so i'm just gonna get rid of it and then the mint as well is gone so the colors have been chosen and i'm really liking the direction that this brand is going in so i'm hoping that it's gonna turn out as well as i think it is next move is to come up with the secondary logos so i'm just going with the flow on this one so within skincare brands you normally get a really nice photography of the moisturizer being pulled out so i thought it'd be really nice to include that within this secondary logo i have no idea if this is going to look good or if it's going to look awful but bear with me as i try and do this so as i said before i want a different sort of thickness so i want some parts to be really thick some parts to be really thin so i'm gonna use the width tool to do this so if you draw a line and then you can go to each point and you can basically like make it bigger make it smaller and just adjust the width in a way that i want so i'm just gonna have a play around and see if i can make this look good [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] oh she is looking fine i have just i'm astonished i'm just i'm i'm feeling just so overwhelmed right now because this is coming together so much better than it was in my head and it is looking incredible so we have done the secondary logo and i did find it hard to create that squiggle i wanted it to be really thick at one end really feel it at the other just to get a really nice like flowy feeling that you would with skincare but it works really nicely and the layout of it just works really well and i even did the icon logo so just like a monogram and then created a really nice pattern for it of the f and the eye together which may work really nicely on the packaging i'm just so excited about this brand and the purple the black and like the neon yellow just is a vibe and i'm not sure if a skincare company have gone with these colors before but if they haven't they need to because this is a brand that is definitely going to stand out against the crowd against any skincare company out there i'm vibing with it let me know if you're vibing with it as much as me there's just something about color that i just get so obsessed with and when you find the perfect color palette as a designer nothing feels better and to see it just work so well so we have the basics of the brands now we've got the colors the typography the logos a little pattern if you've watched my videos you guys know that i love using photography within this and for a skincare brand i can just imagine how sick these photos are going to look with this logo um so what i'm going to do is find some photography on unsplash and pixels which are free websites that you can use for commercial use so if you aren't using them within your projects make sure you go and check these websites out because they really do bring brands to life so i'm gonna find some really nice images that fit really nicely with this brand i really like the idea from my mood board of using fruits and i could even use like lemons within this um because isn't lemon meant to be really good for your face or is that just a myth i don't know let me know but i'm going to find something that works really nicely and see it come together [Music] so [Music] [Music] let's face it this brand looks sick i needed to use that pun in there somewhere so we are good to go and start creating some packaging and i'm gonna mock up some skincare creams some books packages and some other bits that i can find and get my hands on so i'm gonna go to envato elements and find some mock-ups so i have found some mock-ups and i'm gonna start creating some packaging so i found like a tube box i'm gonna package first i've got some other tubes and cosmetic pieces that i will mock up and show you guys [Music] so [Music] i was struggling to know what colors to use but throughout the whole brand i think it'd be really nice to just use different colors on each product so for this one i went for more of the purple and blacks and then within the photography you can include your color palette as well so with the objects i added in that really nice neon yellow i've done some more mock-ups which i will show you now and i am just so over the moon i'm actually impressed with myself for creating this brand and if this was a real skincare company i would honestly just buy it for the packaging i'm the type of person that buys stuff because of the packaging and just keeps it because i'm that type of girl so without further ado let me show you the whole brand [Music] so what do we think of the branding please let me know in the comments your thoughts and if this is your sort of vibe or if you're just not vibing with it i am just all about color and i am obsessed with this color palette it is just everything that a skincare brand needs even if it does go against the norm of using pastel colors i just feel like using something like this is so distinct and will just get you that recognition that you need for a brand i have had so much fun creating this brand and i love coming up with projects that i haven't designed before because it really does just step me out my comfort zone which is what i try and do every single day when designing new things so if you aren't trying to jump out of your comfort zone when designing it please start trying it because that is the way that you will learn if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you want to see some more content just like this
Channel: Abi Connick
Views: 64,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: packaging design, graphic design, branding design, illustrator tutorial, adobe illustrator, logo design, design tutorial, graphic design tutorials for beginners, graphic design career, graphic design tutorials, graphic design for beginners, graphic design software, brand design process, how to make labels for lip gloss, adobe illustrator draw tutorial, mockup design in photoshop, photoshop tutorial 2020, adobe photoshop tutorial for beginners 2020, logo design process
Id: W1e96c4oO9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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