Watch Me Design A Logo From Scratch | Adobe Illustrator

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hey guys welcome to my youtube channel so if some of you follow me on instagram some of you will know that i have finally transitioned from part-time to a full-time so i'm now a full-time a graphic designer working for myself on that hustle on that grind you know how it is i feel like everything is sort of coming into place and i know this year has been awful for some people but for me it has actually changed my life so this video today is a watch me design a logo from scratch so i'm going to be coming up with a whole brand a whole identity i don't know what it is yet but i'm going to wing it and see what i can come up with for you guys so i am at my desk i am ready to go and i'm basically gonna be treating myself like a client so i'm gonna be coming up with the name i'm gonna be doing myself my own mood board i'm gonna be thinking of what sort of things i want the style of it everything like that just like a client would do so it's going to be quite fun because i'm going to be doing it in a style that i have been wanting to design and i haven't had the chance because obviously i've been doing what my clients want so this is a great opportunity for me to sort of do a little passion project and record it for you guys so i'm currently just writing down in my notebook the sorts of things that i want and i think i've come up with the brand that i want to do so i'm going to go and venture off and come up with a fruit tea brand and this is something that i've never done before and i think the packaging will be a really nice thing for this brand i want it to be super colorful super modern with a little bit of a twist and i'm just going to carry on writing down some of the things that i want maybe do a little doodle of the logo design and then i'm going to get straight in to looking into other brands do some market research do my pinterest board and my mood board and then we can start designing okay so i've had a little brainstorming session and i think i've come up with a really cool name so i'm going to name the brand spill the tea which i think is quite cool quite modern quite down with the kids which is what i'm wanting to go for um and it's just such a nice name that fits with the brand and i can make it really cool and make it stand out so i'm excited to get this done but let's go and do our market research and create the mood board so i am just researching some fruit tea brands i'm just gonna see what's sort of out there if there's anything that i sort of like the look of or if i'm just gonna go completely different so i'm noticing that a lot of the brands are really old-fashioned which i really do not like like this one i just don't like that yeah there's very i'm just not liking any of these okay so this is cool because it means i can put a really nice modern twist on it and actually make these tea brands look really cool so i'm wanting to make them really colorful a lot of these are quite colorful because obviously it is fruity and you want that fruity sort of vibe to it but i don't get some of these i guess it's a bit like i don't know strange there's not any that i've seen yet that i sort of like so at least i know what not to do and what i can do i've already sort of come up with a little pinterest board and i'm gonna just carry on doing that so i really like the look of this sort of vibe um it really caught my eye and i feel like sort of nice bright colors are really gonna work oh see this is cool so with pinterest boards i always just create a new board and then pin loads of things that i like the look of to the board oh that's cool and then this will sort of give you a sort of style and an idea of what you're wanting so i'm just going to go back to that first one that i found [Music] and i'm just going to have a look now and show you the board after so i've got my full pinterest board now and i'm really liking the colorful fruity vibe of the board this is exactly what i want the brand to represent and people just sort of feel fruity and happy when they see the branding which is what you should feel and it will make you want to buy the brand so i'm definitely getting that really nice fruit vibe colorful happy and quite out there i like these sort of patterns so i'm definitely gonna be including some of those in with my brand i just like the colorful vibe and i feel like this branding is gonna look and have a really nice feel to it so i'm gonna put some of these in illustrator and then i can get straight on to the design so what i normally do is copy some images from my mood board that stand out to me the most and copy them into illustrator i normally have two boards up in illustrator so i can create my mood board on one and then design on the other so i still have the mood board there so i can always keep going back to it knowing what sort of vibe i'm going for so i'm just gonna do that now for you so i'm really thinking of going for a more scripted font than a bold font as i feel like this is a lot more softer and i feel like the vibe of it is just going to be a lot better and it's going to fit with the brand more so i'm going to get straight into it and obviously i've named the brand spill the tea so what i normally do is just write out the name of it and then find some fonts that i like the look of and then just sort of go from there to be honest so what am i thinking i have a really nice font on here that i've been wanting to use actually so i have to try and remember what that is i think it was this one actually i'm gonna remember that i know i'm gonna change it so they're not underlined um [Music] so you can do this in the glyphs some fonts have um extra glyphs so you can actually amend some of them i love that you can do this with some fonts because it can actually just change the whole look of everything which is really nice and i really like this one already and sometimes you can find your font straight away and sometimes you can literally spend hours doing it so i know the feeling um i'm gonna try and find see if i've got anything else similar to this one um [Music] i don't want it to be too retchery so i don't want like a groovy script i want to keep it nice that's quite cool i like that one and again you've got some really nice glyphs on here so i definitely like this one as well this is going to be so hard oh i love that on the tee um [Music] maybe i will find something a little different just to see if that's the font i want to go down um i mean you could have something like this but this oh i like that i still feel like this is too old-fashioned for what i'm wanting to go with so i'll leave it there um but i definitely like the feel of these two and i feel like i'm gonna have a play around with them and see which one i prefer [Music] [Music] so as you can see i really like the look of these two i really like the feel of them they just feel as if they're gonna go with the brand i love these little lines coming off of the s and i love how it just feels free and i really like it i'm just unsure on which one i kind of like the best i mean this one they are quite similar but they are different if you know i mean this one is a lot more spaced out whereas this second one is a lot more enclosed and i'm not sure but i'm gonna keep having a little play around with it and see if i can add a little more to them and then i'm just gonna pick one and go with it [Music] [Music] okay so i have actually chosen the one i like i did edit it a little bit more just to get the feel of it and added some extra bits i really like the full stop to it so i could spill the tea stop like full stop so i mean if anyone else gets me like spilled that tea so yeah i like this one i think this one looks the best so i'm just gonna go in and i'm gonna put my outlines to strokes because obviously we want that to be a full outline so all you want to do if you have any is go to object path and then outline stroke and it is now a solid object and we can outline everything out so i'm just going to highlight it and then i'm going to press command shift o and this outlines everything and i think i'm going to just make these into one so i'm going to unite them i'm just gonna move this t a little bit oh i forgot about this one i'm just gonna outline that one as well copy it into here and then i'm gonna unite them i'm going to move this one over a little bit because this end of the tea wasn't lined up and it just needs to go in a little bit more i also really like this line underneath as well just like spill the tea i don't know if i'm making any sense here but in my head it works i guess that's all about being creative isn't it and then don't forget my full stop i'm gonna outline that one as well so now everything is outlined and i'm happy now we go into finding the right colors so i really want to get a thick border on this sort of text just to give it that depth and for it to really stand out so this is where i'm going to be adding in colors seeing what works best but first i am going to be adding in that extra border so to do this you want to go to object path and then i'm going to offset the path so this is just offsetting a nice thick path around the actual text so i think i'm going to keep it maybe see what 30 looks like that might be too much yeah i want there to be a gap between that and you can basically change the um roundness of it whether you want it to be straight or round so it is pretty round anyway because my edges of the text are quite round so i'm going to leave it like that and what i'm going to do is copy it and then paste it back into place by pressing command b and then i just group it and then i unite it so it becomes one thing and then this is where i'm just gonna add a color oh see already i am liking that i might just go in and maybe get rid of this and this see what that looks like oh it hasn't picked up my i swear i put that to outline um maybe maybe oh i'm just going to draw a circle and then i was going on there but i'm just going to redo this so that dot gets in there because he was feeling a little left out so let's offset the path again and my full stop is added in which is good and then i'm just going to do exactly the same thing as i did find that yellow again i don't even know if i'm going to use yellow yet but i mean that is looking pretty nice oh i really like that it looks really modern and just yeah i'm liking it that's all i'm gonna say kind of works with the black and the yellow but i'm gonna duplicate that and keep it just in case so i'm gonna be trying out a few different colors and to do this i normally just put them sort of side by side with each other so then i can see what sort of colors work well together and which ones don't so i'm just going to group all the text so it makes it easier for me so let's go in and i think my dog is scratching on my door right now she's trying to get in my youtube video she wants the fame i'm just gonna let her ring i don't think [Music] so great please just ignore my dog if she starts doing anything weird in the background not my responsibility i ain't taking the blame for anything that she does anyway let's get back to this so i'm just gonna find some really nice colors see which ones are gonna work nicely i do want them to be quite bright and in your face so you recognize them um i think that one's way too bright well that's kind of nice um let's have a look i do kind of like that blue with oh i feel like i'm just gonna end up liking all of them all of the colors um and not being able to side so let's see what happens but the good thing about this is maybe we can do a load of colors to match the flavor of the tea so then i can have all of them because then that would work um let's try some more i love i actually love making brands i just like my favorite thing finding what works finding a new sort of style because i haven't done a style like this before with um it's this very different scripted font um and it's like normally i would use like a really nice elegant font but found this one and really really like it so that's good i think that one's too in your face oh i really like that so i can be like strawberry fruity okay what color what color what color we haven't gone like green have we uh didn't mean to do that what color goes with green oh i like them oh i think this one needs to be a bit more red a bit more richer oh yes i like that okay so i feel like these will be really good for the actual packaging so on the different flavors of the tea but we need to get a normal logo so i'm gonna have to decide what colors i might um let's get another artboard and then we can play around and see which one is going to work because i'm going to have to decide i think this is the struggle as a designer picking the actual color color palette oh that one is so nice spill the tea i can i make a new fruit tea brand and just use this because i feel like it's really nice just saying oh i just i think i like that one i don't know i'm gonna have to i did like it in black but um i don't know i don't know my dog is snoring so loud [Music] she is living her best life let me just tell you that oh spill the teeth with the tea smell the tea i feel like that's quite hard to read now um i do like this one i think can you stop snoring please you're so loud so loud trying to ruin my video i do like this one a lot [Music] but i feel like maybe we go for a black and then everything else can be based around the flavors of the tea although i feel like black is a bit too harsh for what i'm wanting spill the tea i just like i feel i feel i think i'm gonna go for yellow yellow and strawberry color it's fresh it's nice it's very in and a bit out there so i think i'm gonna go for this and then i can use other colors for the other flavors cool right so i'm gonna move this up board up here so i still have it and then i'm gonna see what this looks like i'm gonna have a play around so obviously this is the main logo oh that's really nice i like it i want to get some really nice patterns in here or some fruit like on this one they've made them into characters which i think is really cool um on all of the other tea brands they were actual real images of strawberries oranges things like that and it just looks really old-fashioned and i feel like having sort of cartoony fruits in there will make it very modern and very different to the norm so that's what i'm going to do so now what i'm going to do is actually make a sub mark logo of this so an alternative version of it something a little simpler because at the moment it is quite a wordy and long logo so the whole point of the sub mark is to make it a little simpler so if you ever need to put it on packaging and you just want something simpler you can use this as well and maybe we'll make a landscape logo as well just so it is in one um just in case you would ever need it like that so let us go so i normally take um the first letter of everything so for this one it is the s i'm just gonna change it to that color um let me get the font back uh spill the d i might keep it just for us we will see what we want to do oh still the tea i kind of like how that tea goes into that one it's still quite long but might just keep it as the s because it is quite a nice symbol um i'm just gonna have a play around see what looks good see what looks good i think this is like the whole process of these things you have to try things out and realize that some things work and some things don't um that kind of reminds me of like a turtle because of this little back on it so my it's kind of a cool s like this once people know your brand and a sort of symbol for it it's so easy to be recognized especially when it's so different so i do kind of like that you can sort of tell it's an s but and on the other hand you don't know so that's kind of cool i like being different and away from the norm um i'm gonna see something a sack i'll see what this looks like actually oh see i really like that i like it it's nice to have a quirky lego mark i think for any business so this one is really nice so i think i'm gonna keep it as there and then i'm gonna do a landscape one as well [Music] so i'll wear on the other one that i used i don't want that one to this one i used yes spill spill the tea i really like the name i feel like i came up with a pretty cool name so i'd just like to thank myself for coming up with that name gotta be creative when it comes to coming up with new brands and they're like this is a good name if i do say so myself if i do say so myself um still that i kind of like that that one is underlined um she's gonna move some stuff down um just because i kind of feel like it's on a salon that looks better spill the tea spill it spill that tea sister right i don't want these underlined thank you very much so spill the tea see that still looks really really nice i still feel like this is on a bit of a slant so stop moving i'm gonna outline these outline and then i can move them i think it's important to have different variations of your logo as well just in case you ever need them it's always handy to have that extra variation of your logo if there is ever a case that you need it um you still obviously want it to refer to your main logo so i'm going to change these i'm going to add that really nice thick border around [Music] around spill the tea and see what it looks like oh it looks good i like it i get so excited when i create brands i don't know if any other designers like this but i guess it shows you love what you do and you get excited so always a good thing i still don't know on the color so i might switch that up once i've finished doing this but that's a good thing about the process it can always change what you've done so don't feel like you have to stick to stuff because you can always change it um it's just finding that right color for the brand which i don't think this is it at the moment but we will get there we will find it we're gonna have a little play actually with the color and see what i come up with and then i will show you and then we can get into some funky patterns and some packaging and finishing off the brand so i have switched up the colors for a more softer sort of vibe and i feel like this is gonna work really nicely as the main sort of colors for the brand so what they would use on their website social media and everything like that and then the other colors can come in with the packaging and stuff so i'm gonna create some patterns now um i do like this sort of style with the fruit so i'm gonna create my own sort of version um for different flavors so i'm gonna maybe create like a strawberry a lime things like that and then see what it looks like and then hopefully be able to mock it up on some packaging and see it all come together which is always the exciting part seeing the end result when everything comes together so i'm gonna create some new artboards to show the different colors so like the ones i've done up here i'm just gonna take the colors and see what they all look like so i'm definitely wanting a strawberry color because these colors look insane together i definitely want to get like an orange orange and orange and sharp i'm gonna go lighter with this one [Music] this is very colorful and i am living for it i do like a good color in my branding as you can tell from my branding i'm all about the color just something about using color spill the two spill it cool so now i am actually going to make some patterns see what i can do we're going to go in for this was it cranberry beetroot oh a beetroot tea then i bought that right cranberry and raspberry that's a good one because those are those colors so for this one what i am thinking what i'm thinking is having so i quite like this sort of style with the fruit going over the logo um what else i like this one but i won't turn them into characters i don't think so i'm just gonna add these near it so i know what i'm doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so as you can see from that i have created some patterns that look really similar to each other and i'm gonna work really nicely on the packaging and i'm probably gonna do another one um and then i'm gonna start putting it onto packaging seeing how it looks and watching the brand come together [Music] so that is it for the branding i'm just going to put on screen now the whole brand so you can see everything i've just done in a lot more detail and showcase the whole brand so i love this branding and the outcome of the whole brand in general i think it's so nice to be different than what is out there so as we saw from the start it was very old-fashioned and i've definitely managed to bring in a more modern retro sort of feel to the branding and adding that color and sort of vibe it gives you that whole scale and freedom to do whatever you kind of want with the brand so i definitely did enjoy doing this one and let me know if you want to see any more videos like this because these are highly requested so let me know if you liked this branding and if you want to see any more and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and turn notifications on so you know when i'm going to be doing my next videos
Channel: Abi Connick
Views: 188,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Design a logo, logo design, adobe illustrator, design process, logo, branding, watch me design, graphic design, graphic designer, logo process, british designer, how to design a logo, client logo
Id: 7wlmAFDYxHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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