Designing a homeware brand from scratch

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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel so today is a favorite of mine and definitely a favorite of yours where i'll be creating a whole brand from scratch now if you've watched some of my youtube videos before you will know that i am always striving to push myself out my comfort zone when designing and that's exactly what i'm going to do today therefore i'm going to be showing you my whole design process of me creating a furniture and homeware brand from scratch so anything from furniture to beautiful home decor i'll be designing the brand for so if you're ready make sure you hit that subscribe button grab your cup of tea sit back relax and let's get on with the design okay let's dive straight in so normally before i start any designing with clients i will get them to fill out a really in-depth questionnaire talking about their business their brand values their target audience etc so i can get to know them and their brand a little more once this is done i then hop on a call with them so then i can get to know them as a person get to know their business and really talk through some ideas and this just gives me a better idea about their business i would then start putting together a strategy document for their brand which includes the vision of their branding through the mood board now the mood board is a really critical stage for me and the client because it sort of shows the vision where this brand is heading and once they've signed this off it means i can get straight into the design stage so hopefully i can show more of this process in the future but for these videos i like to keep them nice and fun so i do a little bit of strategy beforehand and then show you guys the design so as i said at the start i'm going to be designing a brand for a furniture and homeware business so the target audience that i'm aiming for is around 22 to 45. someone that is sophisticated loves a bit of luxury whilst having a fun side to it so i can see the vision being very modern very stylish but with a little twist as you guys know i love putting twists on brand um and just something that's really enticing and away from the norm so i had a thing about what name i could call this business and i've been wanting to use a fruit for a business name in ages and i thought this was a really good opportunity to do so so i have picked the word plum which is obviously a fruit but i did some research behind the name and it actually symbolizes hope patience and remaining calm and i thought this works so nicely with a homeware brand because you associate your house and your home as your happy and calm place and i thought this would work really nicely with furniture and homeware because you can fill your house with all of these homely stuff and get that feeling through the furniture so let's put a mood board together of the direction of the brand and gather my thoughts and exactly where i'm going to take this brand so to do this i use a mixture of things i like to use pinterest behance paxels and unsplash to find a good source of imagery and see some different styles together so once i've found all of my images and inspirations i save them or i will drag them into adobe illustrator i then use squares and the clipping mask to put my mood ball together and show exactly what direction i want this branding to go in so when putting a mood ball together i like to make sure i use the following things which are photography font styles packaging textures and some sort of color palette within this please excuse my hair if a bit sticks up throughout because i've got one bit of hair that is just in its own little world today anyway let's look at the mood board that i've created i am really liking the vision of this branding already i've obviously included a lot of purples because the word association of plum is a nice plum color i think i want to go for more of like a lilac color and then maybe introduce a darker color to really make the plum stand out and from this i do want to go for a really nice sans serif typeface kind of like the tricker if that's how you pronounce it in my mood board i just really like how modern it looks against the furniture and that's the sort of stylish modern vibe that i want to go for so the next stage is finding the perfect typeface for my brand now once i have an idea from my mood board about the style of font that i want to go for then i can make a decision whether i need to go out looking for fonts or if i have some in my existing fonts that i can choose from so if i go looking for fonts the main ones that i use are envato elements which there is a link in my description if you want to check them out they do fonts mock-ups photography lots of different stuff and to have all of these things in one place is really incredible um i also use google fonts adobe fonts and then creative markets so if i can't find what i'm looking for on envato i will head over to all of these to try and find the perfect front so as i said i definitely want to use a sans-serif typeface so i have picked eight and now we're going to whittle them down okay so let's start off with the first one which is geosans nova i have changed the tracking on this just to see what it would look like so it is currently at 100. i really like the look of this one actually it's i just want it to be nice and simple nice and modern so i can go in and tweak it and make something distinct out of it so that the audience can remember it so i like this one so i'm keeping it in next is skier now this reminds me of like an old-fashioned font so i don't know it reminds me of something old it's a little too i don't know the m looks a little bit weird obviously this can be changed but i'm just not getting the vibe that i want so i'm getting rid of it next is a wonderla bold now i like this one i love this p i feel like i could definitely go in and tweak that to how i want love the thickness of this font um it is just in a bold i can't i think this may be from envato um i always just download stuff when i see it and then forget where i've got it from but i'm pretty sure this one is i really like this so i'm going to keep this one in i feel like the kerning could be a little more wider so i like that next is all round gothic i love using this fun um i love the m on this it does remind me of a nice like plumbed through so i do like that although i don't i don't know if i'm actually liking the m now i quite like the harsh lines on the ones above so let's just get rid of it when i don't get a good vibe i take that as an instinct to remove so go with your instinct guys next is basaro i don't know if i like this one i chose it because i thought it looked quite nice see what this looks like i mean this could work really nicely actually it is quite thick um i'm gonna keep it in just in case next one is this beautiful one which is armada cbc medium and i am all about this one i love the p i feel like these stems on some of these letters could be a little longer i feel like this could definitely come down a bit more i feel like it's a bit squished at the moment um but i'm gonna keep that in because i really really like that one i love the little arch on the p so keep that one in next is josephine sans semi bold i don't like the really straight m's it reminds me of like devil horns and we don't want that vibe on this one i mean it could be amended but i'm taking that as a sign so it is gone and then urban urbane i don't know let's have a look at the tracking for this one um let's change this to 400. i'm just feeling that it's like pretty plain i don't know i'm not feeling it i feel like i've got a good four fonts at the moment so now we're going to go through and eliminate three of them so i can pick my final one first one jill sans looking at them against the other ones i feel like it's not as strong now so i'm i'm getting rid of i'm brutal with these um next is wonderla bold i have an attachment with this one this one and the bottom one i'm having an attachment so i'm taking it as a sign to get rid of this one let me know what decision you would make i feel i really like this bottom one i feel like these two could maybe mix i really love that like little arch on the p i feel like that makes it really really nice creates a really nice soft and calming feeling taking it back to the symbolism of plum um i think i might go with the first one i don't know why i'm getting like this really nice feeling and that i can incorporate the really nice arch onto the p that's missing right now i'm just gonna run with it and see what happens you guys know what i'm like we're here for the process and i'm just going to run with it so i'm going to save the font to the side and always make sure you do this because if you outline your text it can be so hard to actually go back and find the font that you were using so duplicate it before you outline it so next is me turning this into a memorable and distinct brand so i'm gonna go in and make a few changes do some tweaks and hopefully have a logo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so i have just made the tweet to the logo and i am a little bit obsessed with this logo type um i've added in a really nice little wave i feel like i'm addicted to waves and just really nice curves but in this it looks so beautiful and just adding that slight tweak can make all of the difference now doing something minimal may seem really easy but it's actually really hard to do because you have to get it spot on and tweak something so slightly just to make it distinct and stand out now i feel like i have done pretty well with this one and i'm really liking the look of it i feel like this nice little wave or add-on to a letter can be used throughout this whole brand on typography and even in the brand pattern so i'm gonna run with this idea and hopefully it turns out good um so the next stage now for me is gonna be coming up with an alternative logo so maybe this in a different layout and then coming up with the logo mark as well so something that maybe is just the p or the nice wave i'm not sure what yet but we will see [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i'm actually so pleased with these i've created the main logo the secondary logo and then a really nice sort of icon logo which includes the p and it makes a really nice icon and i'm feeling it i'm not gonna lie um i always like to design in black and white first just so i know that my logo is readable scalable and is able to be used in black and white if ever needed in it i'm now gonna move on to adding some color i kind of like this in black so i'm not sure whether it might look nice with the lilac purple with it just like in the floor logo um i do really like that and i'm gonna see how it looks and this is probably my favorite stage when designing the branding i'm finding the perfect color for your logo so when i work with clients i will come up with a mood board and color palette beforehand so in the brand strategy presentation i will give them a few colors that i think will work well for the direction of the branding i do mention to them though that the colors may vary a little from what i've chosen because obviously as you start designing it you might find another color that works so much better than what you've given [Music] them [Music] [Music] so i have added in the most beautiful color palette we've gone for a sort of lilac vibrant purple which suits the word plum really nicely sticking to the maximum of three colors for this brand is gonna work really really nicely it creates a really nice distinct color palette and it is really memorable for that brand so i think these work really nicely and i'm so glad i decided to run with the black against the purple because it looks awesome i've done a little pattern i'm not sure on it because it does look like the letter r um with the piece together so i might have a play around with that but then i do kind of like it it makes it look really like stylish and quite modern so i might just leave it so the next stage now for me if you've watched my videos i go on to pexels and splash and i'm gonna find some really nice imagery to go with the branding so i'm gonna find some nice home decor some nice furniture and just really set the scene for this brand [Music] so [Music] so that's just me taking a second to appreciate the beautiful design that i have just designed i am so proud that i've been able to create this branding and it actually turned out really really well i love the use of the curvature it creates a really nice warm soft calming feeling and then it works really nicely against the quite vibrant purple and i'm all about this color palette by the way i think it works really really nicely sometimes some businesses can go over the top with doing so many different color palettes that it doesn't become distinct to them so i quite like using a minimal color palette so as you can see it is purple's blacks that's what we've gone for and it works and it is memorable next probably what i'm going to do is come up with some visuals for instagram and the socials or what i would normally do is give the client a visual of potentially what their socials could look like with this branding and then i might dive into some stationery so maybe creating a thank you card so once you receive your furniture or homework you'll receive a nice little thank you card and then i'll try and think of something else that would work well with a homework furniture brand stationery wise i'm trying to think what i receive in the post when i receive brands maybe i'll do some research and try and find some really nice mock-ups on envato elements [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay how gorgeous are these mock-ups it honestly blows my mind each time and this is why i love doing passion projects because you're not restricted to bringing brands to life through stationery and products you don't have to actually get stuff printed and then take the photography you literally go into photoshop change the image and you've got your mock-up and the brand looks insane so i am gonna finish this video off by showcasing this whole brand as one so let me introduce you to plum [Music] [Music] so that is the video and design process done i think it would be so cool if i was actually able to create a brand from scratch do all the design for it and then actually bring it to life and it be my own brand because i know that i would just go all out with the branding i thought as well with this brand it'd be really nice to include like a really cute little plum um and that can be like maybe like the mascot for this company and then it can be included within the packaging and the boxes that the customers get just to add another little addition and something that is memorable and then maybe the customers would keep that little plum teddy within the house and be reminded by that constantly little things like that can really help it's not just branding that can help it's obviously everything else that goes involved when you're creating a brand so if you have enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe to this channel give this video a thumbs up and i'll be back with some more design content soon
Channel: Abi Connick
Views: 69,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: small business branding, graphic design course, logo design, graphic design trends 2021, logo design tutorial, logo design photoshop, graphic design logo, graphic design for beginners, personal branding tips, personal branding 101, homeware brand, home decor brand, homeware logo, furniture logo, logo design process, abi design, abi design logo, design a brand, design a logo, homeware haul, graphic design career, logo design software, logo design tips, adobe illustrator
Id: _ssmHtAktEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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