How to Make Snack Sticks! Venison Processing at Home. DIY

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Yeah [Music] we about to get this grinder set up make some deer meat [Music] [Applause] so we about to get started we're gonna grind this up we'll take you along the process here we're gonna get a little deer meat going got some frozen chicken drumsticks get the deer meat out go inside and grind it up [Music] all right we got the meat in got about 18 pounds of deboned deer meat got a little back strap in there we're gonna weigh it out make sure our pork in our deer are good to go I want to make sure when you're putting this grinder together you put a little grape seed or avocado oil high temperature oil keeps everything lubricated and got the I got the spiral in there whatever that's called an auger make sure it's locked in good got the blade it goes in like that you put the big plate hey Morgan how you doing I want someone put this thing on we're gonna make sure everything's nice and tight it's snug put the pan on that's a little difficult with one hand what's up guys some of them do they didn't take the sinew off whenever they put it through the tenderizer you just cut it you got that we got to go through all that all just the packaged ones and these or they're uh that's ours yeah because we do ours right you know [Music] right Crank that baby up uh thing of olives and everything in there hey let's get started grinding [Music] stroller [Music] [Applause] [Music] one time we've got this splash guard It went all over our designer bricks explode I already had to scrub it with a toothbrush all right here's all trusty little scale we're gonna weigh out our deer meat we're trying to get about 50 percent deer we'll see how much pork we have and I always like to have more deer than pork because why because it's healthier red meat good for the soul especially deer red meat it's about three hundred dollars a pound right there y'all know what I'm talking about four pounds [Music] all right reset the scale make sure it's on zero we'll do it again all right so we got a just on the three mole pounds plus that so we'll call it 15 pounds right now so we got to grind some more all right we're getting our pork now got some pork bellies on sale the local grocery we got some pork loin that was on sale that's lean that's why I got the pork belly to go with that loin or some butter two dollars a pound instead 99 Cents I don't know if we're gonna see that again all right we're gonna grind all this pork want to be baking see what's up put that in there good cold pop all right we're gonna grind the pork belly first and we're gonna weigh it out [Music] look at that pork belly oh yeah it's like some vegan yeah Lord don't talk much on camera camera shy trying to get this belly by eating the chicken and broccoli I shouldn't splash [Music] yeah look at that coming out [Music] [Music] yeah you got the trainer trainer right all right we're gonna weigh out the belly fat that was on sale 299 a pound at the local grocery full pounds [Music] mama's taking out the loins now [Music] otherwise the real wife who don't like ham and bacon so we're gonna put the bacon and grind it put it with the belly fat 100 pounds of pork fat too all right guys it's the following day we're about to get started making some venison smoked sticks or deer sticks whatever you want to call it so we have 15 pounds of deer meat 7.3 pounds of pure backstrap ground up 17 and a half pounds of pork loin and nine pounds of belly fat I had to add a little smoked bacon to it to make sure I had enough I wrote it all down the phone what we gotta do we're gonna weigh it out we're gonna do a snack sticks first we're gonna do five pounds of belly fat eight pounds of pork loin 7.3 all the backstrap and five pounds of regular deer meat and two and a half pounds of high temp cheese all right let's get started weigh it out so what I said five pounds of fat [Music] it's a big meat pan all right five pounds even [Music] all right now we gotta do eight pounds of pork loin all right we just added 7.3 pounds of backstrap into the bin we're gonna mix all that up with the seasoning last but not least five pounds of regular deer meat now be close to 25 pounds five pounds that'll give us 25.3 pounds total for snack sticks and you use whatever seasoning you like store-bought homemade that's on you we got all our recipe down pre-made stove bar all right guys I got this big bag of seasoning for the snack sticks I got some of that sure gel already measured out this is for 25 pounds of meat we got 25 points three and we got some of this uh sure gel if you don't have that you could do like some dry milk powder 0.375 pounds of sure gel but 25 pounds of meat this package was for a hundred pounds we're gonna convert that into grams so this cool little app on the phone converts 0.375 pounds into I don't know if you can see that 170 grams that's for the sure gel 25 pounds of meat under 70 grams [Music] there you go it's a little too much let me put a little bit back well there you go I am a trusty Lady it's gonna add the seasoning into the meat oh yeah holy snikies just think of that and do some good meat all right stand by my mixed the sure gel and the water with cure citric acid is going to be in before we stuff it hey guys got my sugar down I'm gonna put that cure in here [Music] soft make sure there's popping in left in there I got three ice cubes and some water I guess about five cups we're gonna dump that in and mix it around so I'm gonna bring that to my trusty leaves and she's gonna finish mixing catching one of these little chutes mix it up foreign baby cold sure Dylan cure is in let me to absorb all that water I got a little bit left leave it there and you just fold it over got a good mix we're gonna throw it back in the grinder and do the Final Mix that way while it goes through the grinder it finish mixing and after that we're gonna mix it in the mixer with the cheese until you get a protein extraction just like the other YouTube videos already showed you so don't get me started yeah [Music] get to work [Music] all right we're about to get started mixing I gotta put the citric acid in because we're going straight on the smoke after we seasoned it you can only fit 12 pounds in the mixer so I'm gonna measure it out for 12.5 or 12.5 for 25 pounds of meat you need four ounces of citric acid so we're doing a half ounce so we're gonna do two ounces of it but you add that in with the cheese at the last step foreign two ounces of citric acid I don't want too much of this this gives it that Twain two ounces and that's it thought about you're not gonna add this because it's gonna be marinating overnight that's it was tacky still mixing yes don't look like potted meat getting the stuff out yeah you could use the spatula or you could buy a special paddle for us they make special paddles so you could buy yeah I know what video I'm talking about we don't need that chat here's a spatula look at that we got a big thing a high temperature Peppa jack cheese sold at the local grocery five dollars a pound a lot cheaper than other places make sure you shop around before you buy it it's all the same Shack so to choose the one pound per 10 so we're gonna do like 1.2 or 1.3 pounds there you go perfect all right so we're gonna mix the cheese and the citric acid we're gonna mix it for a minute all right one minute of mixing all right we're gonna load that stuff up with the meat Laura's gonna get after it get that butcher twine [Music] I gotta cut them long and Casey got tired to the dowel and the smoker [Music] stuff in the stuffer don't leave any air pockets in the stuffer whatsoever make sure you pack it down when you're putting it in the stuffer because whenever you're pushing it through and it has air in the K the tube it makes a big old air pocket in the casing or the collagen all right y'all I'm getting the smoke array for the habanero meat sticks we got some pellets in there I'm gonna add some more that way I ain't got a babysitter I use these metal dolls got them I tried to supply cut them to length to fit like that on my uh my rights I'm hanging up on the top you're gonna see competition blend I mixed in some apple that's what we like mix them both do whatever you want I don't give a shot so the butcher twine works the best the mocha twine does work the best because you can actually squeeze it as tight as you can on the casings because we tried the hog rings and we couldn't get them tight enough around the casing so that's a no-go always go with butcher twine it's easier that way trust me now the stuffer has been stuffed with the habanero snack stick mix now I am only taking a little bit of olive oil and three sticks of tube so the collagen casing will slide on a lot easier I also took all the air out so this the meat's right there now I'm going to tie it off all right patent let's go make sure it's filled before it goes any further because you want the snack stick collagen fields now to the end tie it off again and there we go our first one's done and you try to grease it every time because it does dry out [Music] the future reference put your collagen in the refrigerator so it dries up in the bag open the bag and let it dry out so much easier all right I'm gonna put these on and get them ready load up the stuff over the rest of this match I'm gonna take this down start lining it up [Music] that's how we do it foreign like that we'll finish loading up the rest sometimes it's a little short so that's why we like these long strings because you could tie them to the dowel just put an overhand overhand knot there you go stays above the water pan takes up less room so you can fit more yeah oh man I've been doing this last batch putting it in the all right guys we're gonna put the rest of the meat sticks in to start this process of smoking interacts full this one will be enough for the next one make sure don't hit the back of the smoker against the metal [Music] I'm gonna repeat that process till it's all in there all right guys the meat sticks all in there I'm gonna put it on smoke no water in the pan we're gonna smoke it about an hour then I'm gonna Add Water on smoke about an hour and a half then I'm gonna bump up the temp it's holding the 145 temp we're gonna close the damper close the door all the way and finish cooking after I add water nah I'm sorry all right we're checking on the meat sticks because the timer went off take the thermometer this one and put it in here to make sure that the timber the temperature is reading right all right we'll come back whenever that one reaches 162. all right guys we got the temp up to 169. we're gonna go ahead and pull them out took us a little while to get the temps right [Music] put them in the ice bath now we gotta let them soak for half an hour and then we'll take them out and put them on a cookie tray put them [Music] in the fridge and dry overnight [Music] all right guys got it in the water now I'm about to put some ice [Music] now let it soak for half an hour all right guys the Ice Water Bath's over and I'm gonna take them out put them on that pan right here yeah nice and cool huh [Music] looking good on the tree I'll be all fit all right looking good put this in the fridge uncovered like that over there got some pepper jack cheese in there you know how we do it
Channel: Deer Hunting Cajuns
Views: 30,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deersticks, hunting, snack sticks recipe, venison snack sticks, venison snack sticks recipe, Deer sticks, Snack sticks, Venison snack stick recipe, Snack stick recipe, Deersticks, Snacksticks, how to make snack sticks, smoked snack sticks, how to make beef sticks, homemade snack sticks, snack sticks, how to make homemade beef sticks, how to make venison snack sticks, how to make smoked venison snack sticks, vensison sticks, deerhuntingcajuns, deer sticks, Snacks, sticks in smoker
Id: r5h2w06N3pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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