Venison Snack Stick

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hi guys this is John from meet your six University and this is wild game venison snack sticks well we're here hunting season is finally upon us so we decided to do some stuff with venison today we're gonna be showing you how to make venison snack sticks so the first thing that's important with venison is you want to make sure everything is ultra clean that's why we recommend either spray things down with a maximum let it sit there for 60 seconds and then rub it off or just use these food contacts sanitizing wipes makes everything nice and simple just want to make sure all of your equipment all of your storage bins everything is as clean as you can get them so with venison the easiest way that we find to deal with it is to freeze it waltz in the vacuum bags then take it out let it sit in the fridge overnight now it's not gonna be all the way defrosted after that you're gonna want to get some sort of serrated knife and cut it up into chunks that are small enough to fit down you're grinders head and as we're grinding we're gonna grind it twice we're gonna do it first through a 3/8 plate and then finally through a 1/16 plate I want to show you guys something these are zip ties I have that keeps one plate with one knife that way these are able to wear at the same rate and it extends the life of my plates and knives I also white oil those every time before I use them just keeps the friction down and again extending the life of my knifes now venison's obviously very lean and we need some fat with this so I'm going to be adding 25% of the products weight in pork fat now if you can't get straight pork fat you can use untrimmed pork butts and go to 50/50 ratio so make sure that those butts are untrimmed and they have a nice fat cap on them and then do 50 percent venison and 50 percent of that pork butt so we're gonna grind all the venison first through this 3/8 or a breaker plate basically just everything's frozen so it should grind really nice and quickly we don't have to push down too hard on the stomper and at this point we're not going to mix in our fat yet now that everything's been ground through once we're gonna go ahead and grind everything through the once Kings plate and this is where we're gonna add our pork fat now that all our venison has been ground once through the larger plate we're going to go through the fine 1/16 plate and we're gonna grind the pork fat in here as well now as I'm grinding my pork fat I like to mix it in with the venison that way you don't have a big clump of ground pork fat and a big clump of ground venison it's mixed throughout it makes mixing a lot easier and since this is a snack stick we don't want particle definition on our pork fat that's why we're grinding it through the smaller plate I want it to evenly mix in throughout the entire thing so we have just about 13 pounds of total meat here that's the venison and the pork fat which is about the least amount you can use to run with the Western 44 pound meat mixer and your West and grinder I like doing this just because it saves me from having to turn that crank constantly it does it all for me a problem you might run into is that your meat is going to get pushed to the sides and it's just not going to mix evenly you can get these little soft paddles and push all the meat back in there without stopping it just reach in and push it back to the center and it'll take care of everything so we're gonna put all of our meat in first then we're gonna mix in our seasoning then we're gonna add our binder and we are using sure gel binder here I like to use sure Joe anytime I'm doing wild game it's a little bit more expensive than some of the other other binders but you've already spent all the money on your deer the hunting everything so just spend a couple extra dollars and get the shell binder I'm also gonna be adding the water which I've already mixed the Cure in and since I'm making venison with a taco snack stick seasoning I didn't want the Tang that encapsulated citric acid gives so I have measured out an incredibly small amount of sodium arathor bait if you want to do something like this at home I would suggest that you go with the smoked meat stabilizer instead as it's easier to measure out that amount but if you do have a scale that'll weigh in fractions of grams you can use the sodium arathor bait as well so we're going to go ahead and just keep mixing we want to make sure that everything's nice and sticky that we've got good protein extraction and then during the last 60 seconds or so we're going to add our cheese which has been for a the frozen cheese just helps it retain its form a little bit better alright so now we're on to stuffing we're gonna choose the largest stuffing tube that our casing will go over I'm using 19 millimeter smoked collagen here you can use 19 or 21 I really don't like going much smaller than 19 it puts a lot of pressure on the stuffer and it's really just not necessary a 19 millimeter snack stick still looks great nice and thin even the 21 millimeter I think it looks pretty good I know a lot of people like to look for those little slim-jim tiny things but it does put a lot of wear and tear on your stuffer when it's really just not necessary as we're stuffing this we want to make sure that we're not over or under stuffing our casing what we're looking for here is there is a line that swirls down the entire casing we want to stuff to the point where you can just barely see that line if you can see that line easily your under stuffing if there's no line at all you're over stuffing over stuffing causes a problem when you go to hang it in your smokehouse it's gonna rupture either where you stick in your probe thermometer or at the top or it's hanging over your snack stick we went ahead and started with a 10 minute drying phase and this is a little bit different than what we normally do so we had 120 degrees 10 minutes all vents open and fans on now if you don't have a fan in your smoker just go ahead and open your vents all the way don't add smoke or humidity during this phase or the next phase which is gonna be 30 minutes at a hundred and thirty degrees again with everything wide open no smoke no humidity after that we close the dampers down two-thirds of the way we added smoke and humidity and we went ahead and cooked it for an hour after that we bumped it up to a hundred and fifty degrees for another hour then we put it up to 160 degrees for thirty minutes and finally we put it up to a hundred and eighty degrees until the internal temperature reached a hundred and sixty degrees after that we put it in ice bath for 20 minutes so we're done these came out excellent there's a little worried about a taco seasoning with venison but let me tell you this if this seasoning is that good with venison it is going to be amazing with beef and pork even if you love venison snack steaks you have to admit that generally snack sticks tastes a little better when they're either beef or pork but these are incredible we added the high temp cheddar cheese I mean tacos and cheddar cheese goes together very well absolutely delicious will absolutely be making these again as always remember to Like comment and subscribe and visit Waltons and meet just ticks calm to find everything but the meat thanks for watching i'm john with waltons ENCOM and i'll see you guys next time subscribe to Waltons youtube channel to watch more amazing videos or shop at Waltons to find everything about the meat check out our latest sales and giveaway video here or watch another hand-picked video by clicking here
Channel: Walton's
Views: 80,524
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Keywords:, WaltonsTV
Id: KoRoNP7f5GM
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Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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