How to Make Venison (Deer) Bacon at Home | The Bearded Butchers

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we've got a bundle to tell you about our Sportsman sportswoman bundle as you know we're Avid Hunters outdoorsmen really our foundation is in hunting so we are debuting a bundle which includes a sweatshirt t-shirt limited edition original blend but in camo a koozie and a sticker we feel these are great products for you to put and hunt camp put on your gear wear out maybe it becomes your new lucky shirt while you're out hunting I know I have a lucky hat that I wear so like Scott mentioned camo hunter's orange not only does it have the bearded butcher logo on the front but it has America's butchers on the back available now our Sportsman bundle welcome back to the bearded butcher's YouTube channel today we've got a fun one we're making venison bacon everybody loves bacon we're going to find out just what it's like to make it with venison we have a brand new Maple kit coming out this can be used for brats it can be used for breakfast sausages all kinds of cool stuff you're going to be able to get this on our website we're going to use the maple bacon day today to see the maple seasoning today to season the bacon we're also going to top some of it with our cinnamon swirl and we're going to top some of it with our black seasoning so venison bacon season with Maple topped with cinnamon swirl and black seasoning let's just get started yeah just to make it clear so we're not actually taking like on a pig you have the belly we're not actually taking the rib or belly portion off of a deer to make the bacon um because it would be shoe leather what we're doing and it would be about that thin so with the maple cure or excuse me with the maple seasoning and um the pink cure we essentially are going to have a maple cure which we're going to grind into 50 deer trim and 50 percent pork shoulder now the idea here is that we want a blend that has high fat high moisture super flavorful and at the end of the day we're going to be left with 25 pounds of amazing bacon well in order to form it into something that we can use in slices bacon we're going to use ceramic or excuse me Saran Wrap in the bottom of a cake pan this is a 9x13 cake pan and we're going to flatten these out form a loaf let it refrigerate and then we can go on the smoking step again refrigerate and then we slice so it begins with the grinding and forming that's what we're going to start on right now you get to see it all happen we're going to season we're going to grind we're going to work on protein extraction using the mixer today we're using the made with meat equipment there's a link in our bio we're going to be using the grinder we're going to be using the mixer we're going to be using the vac machine we're going to be using the slicer so fans right home user style meat processing equipment we absolutely love we highly recommend go grab some for this hunting season you'll love it let's get going the trim has been previously weighed out as Scott mentioned we're going 50 50 so we're going to do 12 and a half pounds of venison trim to 12 and a half pounds of pork butt now this was a pork butt that we we simply took a Whole pork butt we boned it out we cubed it up and that's going to be our pork so pretty simple process here we're just going to get our vacuum bags opened up this is all deer trim um Logan shot a doe last year down in Monroe County with his bow so this is all trimmed from last year so keep in mind that this time of year you know hunting season is only a few weeks away or some states may already be open but keep in mind this is a fantastic way to get in your freezer get that trim out from last season or maybe even two seasons ago if it's vacuum sealed you should still be in good shape and make something out of it make something out of it that your family is going to eat you can share with family and friends and something that you can just really enjoy now also keep in mind that you know none of this has been ground yet but if you have product in your freezer that has been previously ground that shouldn't be a problem either just go ahead and use it and just follow the steps we're going with here today just maybe minimize the number of grinds Etc if it's previously ground so this trim is still just partially frozen which is going to make it really nice to go through the grinder it's going to stay nice and chilled shouldn't be a problem there an exact 50 50 blend of Venison and pork so this packet's for 25 pounds so this is a mixture we like to keep our spices all clean so this is just a mixture may pure maple sugar so maple syrup that's been that's been made into a sugar brown sugar sea salt spices and a little bit of rice flour to keep from caking so we have first we have our seasoning and then I'm going to go ahead and put our entire packet of pink cure in here since we have this for 25 pounds effectively making a maple sugar cure so our Maple seasoning I mentioned it earlier this can be used for venison you know a breakfast sausage you can make a bratwurst with this you can add some dried mangoes you can add dried jalapenos you can do all kinds of cool stuff with this so just keep in mind we're making venison bacon but with our Maple seasoning you can also make some fantastic sausages as well that base flavor makes um at least a half a dozen or more products in our butcher shop right now we even use it to make a sweet and smoky smoky which we're gonna have to go through all these recipes and duplicate them and and put them on our Channel but we're really excited about the release of this seasoning and this is the first time we're using it on camera and we feel like it's a good time to do it with making venison bacon I'm going to grind this just twice I'm gonna do a coarse grind through our 10 mil plate and then I'm going to do a fine grind through our four and a half mil a couple of reasons we don't want this to I want some definition in the product I don't want to turn it into a completely emulsified smooth product so I want some definition in it and what's more we're going to use our mixer today because I do want some binding and some protein extraction however I don't want it to be a like a bologna or lunch meat here we didn't run liners last time let me help I can assist as we were mentioning we're going to do coarse grind once fine grind once we don't want to really emulsify this product but we do want protein extraction so we're going to use a mixer that we hook up to the grinder to do that but with all that talking let's finally get some work done Scott's got the foot pedal hooked up to the meat grinder it's a really awesome feature really keeps your hands off that on off switch super handy man if we only had smell-o-vision that maple making my mouth water we're using the number 22 grinder today um a little bit bigger beefier model to help us chew through this 25 pound batch [Music] we just ground 25 pounds of trim through this grinder and what less than five minutes just a little more time and it took the cat to knock the trash can over all right so getting ready to switch from a 10 mil to four and a half mil want a safety reminder Scott's safety tip plug me uh unplug me Seth please this equipment's big enough to take off fingers especially if you have you know people that aren't used around used to being around this equipment so Safety First Take the take the cat that's climbing on the back of the table and put him in the grinder no we want to remind you so the safety the safety tip is that we're running a foot pedal so if you leave this machine plugged into the wall you accidentally step on the foot pedal while you're while you're changing out this grinder plate in the knife there's a real good chance you're going to get your fingers in there so absolutely unplug the machine when you do this part we have a new category which is our DIY and it includes casings powders dried jalapenos dried fruit our base flavors for bratwurst for summer sausage for sticks are maple seasoning which is absolutely amazing and does some of our bratwurst and our breakfast sausages bearded butcher blend and our four main flavors and then high temp cheese what we have in front of us will do a majority of our white feather Meats products and we're opening it up to for DIY because we've spent the last 25 years developing these spices these are the ones that we use in our commercial setting we've also used these in our garage type environment at home whether you're making brats sticks you name it now it's time to take our favorite products get them into your hands so you can enjoy some of these incredible items all right ready for grind number two this is our fine grind foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] two grinds one course one fine now we're gonna hook up our mixer attachment and we're gonna mix this to get some of that um binding action that we want we loan our stuff out a lot um which is fantastic we love doing that but we always have to make adjustments back to where our settings were and some of those people that we loaned out to got around to getting their own made with meat equipment but all right now the grinding's done we're going to go on to the mixing I've taken the foot pedal off because we're going to do eight minutes total and we're gonna do four minutes in forward four minutes in reverse and we do this just to get everything completely Blended get a really nice get some nice binding without really getting the uh product emulsified with the grinding step now I'm just adding a little bit of cold water ice cold water to this about 16 ounces it's just going to help everything bind together this is activate all those seasonings and cures this is Meats 50 pound mixer paired with the one and a half horse grinder oh good point so we switched out our grinder because the one and a half horse is the only grinder that will automatically power the mixture however not to worry you can do it with the old elbow grease were you worried that your biceps weren't big enough to hand crank I was worried I'm going to snap the handle it's always been one of my favorite things ever since we were kids is to stick well stick your nose down by the meat mixer because it's even even just freshly ground Meats it smells so good when they mix but this one having that Maple and that cinnamon smells like a cool fall morning to me we're getting down to the end of this we've been kind of checking just by hand feel Awana batting 32 total ounces of the cold water to a 25 pound batch we feel that's giving us just the right tackiness just the right feel plus when we smoke this we'll have some added humidity with that moisture in there so that this won't dry out we're getting really nice protein extraction go ahead and kick it off there for a second Scott so if you look here you can see we're getting that tackiness it's sticking to the fingers really nice so what that means is when we put this into a cake pan and we form a loaf that's going to bind together really nicely and then when we slice it into a slice for our bacon our slices won't fall apart so we are very close I think it's time to give it that last minute and then clean it out awesome feature with the meat mixer has this little knob right here you just pull it and then you can flip your whole mixer down Scott will flip it on and that meat will just come right out of there go ahead and kick it on if you have a forward there we go still want to keep your hands away from it and then we can shut it off and clean it out the rest of it out by hand but it's pretty uh awesome feature and Scott did in fact unplug the grinder so I don't have to worry about that kicking on we're just going to get in here clean all this meat out and what a nice consistency beautiful blend of Venison and pork that's going to be baking so we're going to work at forming this into our actual bacon slabs if you will and the key the key is just going to be to push them down to try to get all your air bubbles out now we put the Saran fill the the plastic film The Saran Wrap in there so that way when we refrigerate these we can turn them over and pull the Saran Wrap off and we have our essentially our slab to smoke boy I am loving the consistency of this product I think it's going to bind together really nice and form those those slabs like we're looking for that we can smoke and then slice and have a slice that really holds together nicely definitely liking it the butchers on the meatloaf go squish squish squish squish Scott's finishing up the last loaf we're gonna do three of these loaves with our cinnamon swirl this is a fantastic seasoning think about Christmas cookies just everything cinnamon sugar that we love it's in this bottle so I'm gonna do a nice liberal coating and what we're going to do is we're going to season the top and then we're going to let this sit overnight we're going to flip it out of these pans and then we'll season the rest of it so we're gonna do three of them with cinnamon swirl and one of them with black so we're just going to get a nice liberal coding a cinnamon swirl on here because what goes better with bacon than cinnamon and brown sugar so there's one the smell just went up like three notches doesn't that smell good look at that look at look at this trick I've got a piece of plastic to put over top of it just bam stuck it right there in the apron Scott's hot tip came out of nowhere let's go ahead and get one with black black has the Molasses the brown sugar it's just going to create a little bit different flavor on the outside of this but we wanted something with a little bit different flavor this is going to create a really nice kind of a blackened bark on it so we're gonna do comparison between all four well three against one obviously people are making deer six they're making summer sausage they're making hot dogs all those types of things those further processed items out of their venison this is super cool I'm really excited about it because when have you ever had deer bacon um it's going to be a first for us I can't say I've ever had deer bacon growing up um you know we didn't have a lot of money bacon was a luxury so I remember dad getting a 30 pound box of turkey bacon one time and as kids we were over the moon so if you have a freezer full of venison I think your family is going to love having all this bacon to eat we're about to find out these are going in the fridge overnight we're going to get them out of these pans we're going to get them on the gorilla grill smoker we're going to smoke them then we're going to slice them it's smoke day so that means we get to take our bacon slabs out of the fridge see how well they set up get them in the smoker not much to say about this other than if done right we should have these nice rigid slabs these have been in the fridge for what about 24 hours yeah I'll go get my own and they're they've they've firmed up very nice so we're gonna start with just getting these out of the pans I almost couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about deer baking so with the sugar in there I do want to mention if you don't want to put sugar which is in the maple sugar cure that we used if you don't want to put sugar in your um mix we would recommend that you use seven ounces of salt for 25 pounds along with your pink cure the idea with these is that we're just going to flip them out onto our screens here um these screens are what we typically will rack our jerky pieces on to go into our smoker so look at that look at it um How firm is it it's it's nice looks pretty good we knew with the sugar there'd be a little bit of juice leaking out so we put down the um the carnivore butcher paper just to help with cleanup we catch a little bit of flack about our gloves and disposables and things like that I guess some of those are habits from the commercial meat industry where we picked up but whatever works for you so just so you know Scott you have the Black season one there these three are the cinnamon swirl and then that one's the black yes and because we seasoned um we already seasoned here we go we already seasoned what would essentially bend the top which is now the bottom we can go ahead and put we're going to put some topical coating on these just to give them a nice little bit of a bark that's the plan anyway so Seth's going to be doing three of those with the cinnamon swirl and I'm going to be doing this one with black 's got the coffee and the molasses in it cane and brown sugar so it'll have a nice nice bark on it this one's going to be or these three are just going to be your classic maple mapley cinnamon smoke just your classic bacon taste and you can see in here that 50 50 blend of pork and venison just a real nice blend I wonder if those geese will get picked up pick it up on your mic the geese are flying over fall is in the air for sure one entire Shaker six ounce Shaker of cinnamon swirl went on all sides of these um when you go buy some make sure you grab a few one of our favorites left now is the smoker right smokers fired up Scott's got it set at 185 degrees like he said the only thing left is to let's go get get him on this we'll get these on the smoker pellet smoker today we're good we've got the pellet smoker set as low as it'll go we're at uh 180 degrees set for 180. and so the nice thing about these racks is I can just slide them on there so we're going to put them on until we reach an internal temperature of about 150 um that's essentially going to fully get us fully cooked but we will be frying the bacon so it'll be cooked to a safe temperature not that we're going to eat it raw I don't know if I've ever done I don't know if I've ever been so excited about something uh venison product wise because this has got me excited so we're gonna put him to bed 180 the lowest setting that we have we'll keep an eye on them I think we're probably going to be looking at four to six hours I may rotate these slabs whenever you have a pellet grill with a stack generally you're going to have a little hotter spot um near the stack so today on the gorilla Grill this is the silver back we're going to keep an eye on them I'm going to use a handheld thermometer just to check spots around there as we go and we let them do their thing they should get a nice Magic pink red color oh Hickory Hickory Hickory so this is going to be hickory smoked maple sugar cured venison bacon yum are we filming let's check these babies I don't have a mic is that okay that's fine 150 degrees internal temperature we did 200 or excuse me 180 for the first four hours then we stepped it up to 200 and it hit our internal oh my goodness so immediately you can see that's the black right there Seth's calling me hold on yep yep get on it get to work work harder okay bye I want to pull these off there let you look at them a little bit we're actually gonna grab it and go out and look in the sunlight so this is our oh my goodness you need to adjust yeah look at that that is going to be amazing that hold on I'll get the that's the maple sugar make it to Black here oh that black that smell does it match the beard Spencer it's pretty close all right so these are done we're gonna shut it down I'm gonna let them rest for a little while uh maybe about an hour outside of the fridge into the fridge overnight they're gonna set up and we're gonna pull them out we're gonna slice them BLT sandwiches they're going to be amazing so let's get on it finally slicing and eating day so we're going to get these slabs out take a look I've been I I almost can't wait for this the thought of venison bacon I'm gonna go get them out of the fridge so we're gonna slice these up we've got 25 pounds so we're gonna have a lot of work ahead of us but we're gonna get them all sliced we're gonna make some sandwiches we're gonna give them a try so first thing we got to do is take a look at how these slabs set up oh my goodness that is gorgeous these are of course our Maple so nice and firm what we hope for and then we've got our black you want to put the seasoned slab you want that down really nice looking slab so only thing left to do at this point start slicing slicing we're going to slice the maple sugar ones first and then we'll slice the blacks we want to keep the black seasoning off of the maple so I'll set this one aside black one's going away let's get started with the maple we're going to set the meat slicer up for a nice bacon thickness and pretty much just get started slicing let's see what what it looks like [Music] look at that that looks absolutely gorgeous we wanted to have that fat still defined inside that so that way when we fry that up it's going to shrink up a little bit and some of that Fat's gonna render out because we want this to be just like bacon so we also want a nice pliable texture to it so you can see it's it's very it's held together very well it's also very very pliable it doesn't break when you push it like this it doesn't it doesn't snap so it's not too dried out that in my opinion is going to be the perfect piece of venison bacon foreign [Music] we are nearly 50 percent done and I can't keep up with the slicing but because I'm not real good at this job but I just can't get over hear that or your house a little bit too slow how pretty this bacon is I just told Scott how excited I am to have a freezer full of this stuff hmm [Music] Ah that's the three Maple we gotta switch out our tray you need me to help hold it I just took it in the fridge while we do our black this is the Black season you can see it on my fingers there it's a black season venison bacon let's get to slicing [Music] prep work's been done we're gonna get some slices we're headed to the griddle Scott's going to do some cooking cooking can't wait for the sizzle Maple and black season here you go Scott I got a hot griddle all right that smells good yeah it does dang give me those Tong stuff you got it make sure you do oh yeah I give them a practice would be the same without the click she keeps making fun of me because I earlier I said Cookland and I said that somewhere between cooking in a crackling you never heard of Cookland Cookland Cookland [Music] time to try our crispy lovely venison bacon starting with the maple I can honestly say I've never had venison bacon first for me oh man that Maple is the first thing you get right there oh it's not the right texture it's juicy slightly sweet that 50 pork in there too amazing Stars such good flavor oh this one's hot so that was a maple this is the Black season a little bit of a black crust on the outside there oh man wait that's got another dimension something special to that one a little hit right up front of that black family I'm having a hard time deciding which one I like better but I do know that they're both absolutely what I love is the texture just like bacon so the only thing left to do we're gonna fry up some eggs we've got some sliced tomato some lettuce we're gonna have BLTs breakfast sandwiches then we're gonna vacuum seal this so we have 25 pounds preserved we can put it in our freezer fantastic way to take that deer to the absolute top-notch bacon yeah and think about having 25 it probably shrunk it did shrink some in the smoking process but think about having what we started with 25 pounds of this in your freezer between all the families we have here we're going to be able to enjoy this I think you know all winter long so it's a great way to take the products that are in your freezer fabricate them into something that you're going to eat and then venison bacon it's going right to the top of our list Logan come over here once dad's putting you on camera this is Logan he's 12. he shot this deer last year in Monroe County with his bow I want you to be the first kid you should have been the first one to eat it but I want you to have some of your very own deer bacon from the deer you shot what do you think good thanks for the deer Logan yes sir there you have it deer bacon hickory smoked maple flavored deer bacon everything you need is in this video hope you enjoyed watching it we're going to get around to making some sandwiches sealing it up good luck at this hunting season and every hunting season obviously be safe we're thankful for something like this and we hope that it adds value to you this is the ultimate reward spending time with family you saw Logan it's hard to not get emotional during these times because it's like you think about the time spent in the tree stand with your kids taking an animal goes full circle this is why we do it Faith Family Food and until next time see ya look at that bacon cheese egg toasted hmm oh my God a little bit of sweetness wow April we're living our best life bro oh yeah we are insanely delicious [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 521,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Bearded Butchers, Bacon, Deer, Venison
Id: wCGdGIBo3eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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