How to Make Smooth Edges in Photoshop in 5 Minutes

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what is up designers today you will learn how to make edges of a rough object smooth again so let's begin I'm gonna move this to the left and by pressing down alt and shift just drag another version of it we will work on the version on the right and leave this one alone so that we have something to compare it with at the end the first thing you want to do is you want to press down ctrl and click the thumbnail of the object that you want to make smooth that is going to select everything that is within this layer and next you want to go to channels if you don't have channels go to window and press channels that's gonna bring up the window ok once you're there press the little Japanese flag and that's going to create a new channel for your selection press ctrl D to deselect your selection and then go to filter blur Gaussian blur and depending on the type of object you're working with select the radius so that it blurs out all the edges of the rough edges that you want to clean so for me or for this object it's gonna be roughly 4 pixels but usually it's 1 pixel but since this is a an extreme case we're working with I'm gonna go with 4 so press ok and next go to image adjustments levels and you'll see this graph little graph here with input levels and start with dragging the left bar over to the right and then also drag the white bar over to the left and as you can see that makes the image sharper or while retaining the whole smoothness of it so I just this there are no real numbers that you know every every image is different so adjust these as as it fits you and then press ok once you have this control and click the thumbnail once more that is going to make a new selection of often our newly created object which is much smoother now go back to layers and select the original image that you were working on and this time what we want to do is you we want to see how different is our selection from our original image now sometimes it may be that your selection is smaller than your image or in this case it may be larger as you can see we can't really do much with it unless we shrink it so what we want to do is we want to shrink our selection so that it it will delete the unnecessary parts of our object the way we do that is we go to select modify and contract that means that we want to decrease our selection by the amount of pixels that we put in here and I'm gonna put in two pixels press ok and that simply made my selection shrink to compare it this was before and this is after so now as we can see if we delete everything that is outside our selection we will get a very smooth edge so that is what we're going to do and the quick way to do it is simply press W on your keyboard which is short keyboard shortcut for a quick selection tool right-click select inverse that will select everything except what was selected before as you can see and then press Delete now we deleted everything that was outside and as you can see we got a very smooth edge oh not very but it's definitely better than the old one right so thank you for watching and if you enjoy this video click click the like and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Ninja Graphics
Views: 276,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, photoshop tutorial, how to smooth edges in photoshop, adobe photoshop (software), smooth edges, how to, how to smooth selections in photoshop, edges, adobe photoshop, smooth edges in photoshop, how, how to make smooth edges in photoshop, photoshop tutorials, photoshop cc, how to photoshop, smooth selections in photoshop, how to smooth edges of object in photoshop quickly, tutorial, to
Id: uiBxw3bFqSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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