2 Easy Tricks to Remove White Edges or Fringes from Cut-Outs in Photoshop

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hi there this is animation today I'm going to show you a very very essential tip actually I'm going to show you two ways to remove edge fringe in Photoshop so without any further ado let's get started so here we on Photoshop and as you know already if you want to go ahead and download this photo check the link in the description below alright I move the mic which I shouldn't have so the first way of removing edge fringe is first of all we need to make a selection out of it so let's go ahead and make a selection either you use the quick selection tool or the magic wand tool whatever you use you will always wind up with something called fringes as ugly as it sound it is ugly alright I already do have a selection so you don't have to go through the monotonous process so I'll just bring up the selection and there you go now you cannot see any fringes right but as soon as you make a mask out of it let's go ahead and click on the mask button right over there and if you just go ahead and click on it this creates a mask still you cannot see the fringe over there but if you put a black background or a white background you might see it alright let's go ahead and create a solid color adjustment layer click on that judgement layer icon and choose solid color now let's choose something like black so that you can see the fringes hit OK and let's bring it down just like that and there you go now if we zoom in quite a bit have a look at the edge there is this ugly fringe which we need to get rid of so how do we get rid of this so the first way is using something which you might not have used before and that is using the smudge - you heard it right that's using this much - all right so first of all make sure you select the mask ok mask is selected not the image just the mask then select this much - right over there if you're not see it right click and make sure smudge tool is selected once you select this much tool make the brush size big enough okay make it big enough and only have to do just push it in now before we do anything I need you to clear the concept of mask now what is the concept of mask white other areas which show up black other areas which do not show up if you look at the mask by holding the alt or option click on the mask as you can see the statues are painted white which means the statue shows up and the background is black so the background doesn't show up all right hold the alt or option then click on the mask again all right the image appears again so the white thing that you right now saw that was actually the selection let's zoom in quite a bit select this much too okay all right this one make the brush big enough make it soft enough how do we do that by holding the alt or option the right mouse button drag it to the right to make it bigger drag it to the left to make it smaller drag it up to make it soft drag it down to make it hard so make it soft make it big and then simply just push it in nudge it in very very slowly make sure the strength is 50% that's fine very slowly just nudge it and as you can see kaboom you have taken care of it very very easily so depending upon the size of the thing that you want to take in just control the size of the brush so just like that as you can see here there's a little bit left so you can decrease the size of the brush similarly with the birds you can decrease the size of the brush to this size and then take it and slowly now there's one more wave which is which gives you much more sharper edge I'm gonna show you that as well all right now one of the biggest corns with this method is that if you take this in all right this is looking great but it gives these soft edges now you might think animation why don't you just contract it and remove the fringe from all over the image all at once now here's the problem with that there are some places where the selection is all right if you select quickly there will be some places where there is no fringe and there will be places where there is French as you can see in this example in this area there is no fringe in this area there is no fringe and similarly as you can see if I take it down on the right hand side there is no fringe on the left hand side there is fringe so if you try to take away the fringe all at once you might end up erasing these details so you don't want that okay you just want to affect the areas which have the fringe all right so one of the biggest drawbacks of this method is that it gives you soft edges if you try to do it right over here it takes away the fringe yes it does but it gives you very soft ages edges so how do we tackle that very easy way to tackle that let me show you how to tackle that okay all you have to do just make sure the mask is selected okay make sure the mask is selected and then go to image adjustments and then brightness contrast yes brightness contrast make sure you check use legacy and then go ahead and increase the contrast slowly and then when you do that have a look have a look at the edge they become sharp again if you want to see what happens exactly let's go ahead and hit cancel and let me just show the mask again by holding the alt or option clicking on the mask and then if I go to image adjustments and contrast brightness contrast what exactly happens is the wine becomes whiter the black becomes blacker does that make sense no let me show you something it will make sense it will make more sense this is completely white this cannot get any whiter this is completely black this cannot get any blacker but this is gray this can get brighter this is darker gray this can get darker right so when you increase the contrast what happens is see the brighter gray becomes white and the darker gray becomes black and therefore the edges become thinner make sure use legacy is checked and then you do it have a look this thing happens all right so hit OK once you're satisfied with the edge for example I'm satisfied with this one I'll hit OK alt or option hold that down and click on this and there you pretty much go hard edge so that was method number one let me show you method number two and that is really cool as well alrighty so all you have to do hold the ctrl or command bring the selection back by clicking on the mask all right now this brings the selection back now what you can do you can contract the selection which means that you can take the selection inside that will bar the mask from being selected does that make any sense no let me show you something all right all you have to do go to select modify and then contract this will contract the selection by one pixel to pixel whatever value you choose let's start with one okay let's start with one for this image depends upon the resolution hit okay now just as we hit okay as you can see the selection went a little insight if that's not enough if that's not excluding the fringes you might have to again go to select modify and then contract okay again but this time as you can see most of the fringe is covered so we won't go any further we will hit cancel over there and we are pretty much good to go so all you have to do now invert the selection because we want to erase it right we want to erase the fringes right now the statue is selected so we want to invert the selection how do we invert the selection by pressing ctrl shift I command shift I if you using mac or simply go to select and then inverse there you go shift control is the same thing alright so once you hit inverse simply take the brush okay make sure that the foreground color is black and paint outside and that removes the fringe very easy now if you want the marching ants to get out of the way if that's disturbing you you can hide that by pressing ctrl or command H it's for hat okay that's still there it's just hiding okay simply but as you can see there there's still fringe left over there there's still fringe left so remove the areas and the areas which have extra French for example these areas aren't already taken care of they look nice but there will be some areas with extra fringe for example this particular area for those areas you might have to apply that again okay so hold the ctrl or command click on and over there and then simply go to select whoops modify and then contract and one pixel is fine hit ok once you're satisfied and then simply control shift on command shift I if you're using a Mac and then take the brush simply and then just paint with black whoops we have not inverted the selection if that happens let's go back ctrl alt Z ctrl shift I invert the selection and then paint in black just like that make sure the mask is selected not the image the mask okay and that's how you remove the fringe and in your quest okay in your quest to remove the fringes if you find jagged edges you need to soften it how do we soften the jagged edges very simple just enter selected mask okay you can enter selected mask by making sure the mask is selected and inside of the properties panel there will be selected masks if you don't see it you can go to windows and then properties and then you will see selected masks or what you can do you can use choose any selection tool and selected mask will show up over there if you are using an older version of Photoshop you might not see it I'm already warning you you might have to use the refine edge but anything beyond Photoshop CC 2015 point 5 you will see the selected mask just click on the selected mask and simply increase the smoot to somewhere around probably even a value of 4 will do 4 is too much I guess I'll go with 3 as you can see the difference have a look at the difference so this was before the jagged edges if I go even one that makes a ton of difference to that's pretty much fine for me hit OK once you're satisfied all right there you go smooth edge also what you can do if you are confident enough if all of the areas of your image have the fringe you can remove all of the fringe in one sweep here's how you can do it alright let's go ahead and delete the mask you're gonna create the mask again let's delete the mask I have already the selection inside of the channels alright let's create the mask again now simply what you can do you can hold the ctrl or command click on in over there and you could have done that directly as well but let me show you if you have already created the mask select modify contract you can choose a value of 2:1 whatever you like let's choose one first okay let's choose one first and then for manual editing we can choose one again alright let's hit OK and then ctrl shift I invert it and fill it up with black remember the concept of mass what is the concept of mask black other areas which do not show up white other areas which show up so make sure the mask is selected and fill this area with black if we zoom in let me show you the difference so how to fill it with black or backspace option delete if you are using a Mac Alt + backspace everything gone in just one sweep but still and there will be areas which have the fringe for those areas you might have to again contract it and again remove those and you know the whole process so there you go do is to remove edge Fringe hint Photoshop let's do a quick little recap so the first way was removing edge fringe using this much too so how do we do that after you have created the mask only have to do zoom in quite a bit select this much to Dover there simply if you cannot see it right click select this much too and make sure the mask is selected and then simply what you have to do just push it in make sure the brush is big enough soft enough strength is enough and then simply push it in just like that and there you go that's how you can remove that and be careful decrees are increased the size of the brush according to the area that you're painting in right now we did some mistake let's go back ctrl or command Z all right so for example for this area they'll decrease the size push it in like that for this area will increase the size and then push it in just like that okay so that's one of the ways the second way is using contract so how do we use contract let's go back to use the contract all you have to do hold the ctrl or command bring up the selection again by clicking on the mask and then go to select modify and then contract choose the value accordingly and hit OK and then all you have to do press control shift I command shift I invert it and then take the brush make sure the foreground color is white and then paint to remove the fringes if you really want to see what's happening you can always go ahead and press ctrl or command H to hide the marching ants and remove them you can also remove them in one sweep by filling it with black let's bring the marching ants back by holding the control or command and then H alt backspace make sure the foreground color is black make sure it is black make sure the mask is selected and then press alt backspace option delete if you are using a Mac and let's see the magic done removed in one sweep so there you go I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure the ghazal I can also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe for anything the best is that you my friend don't miss a thing I'll see you guys in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 677,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remove white edges in photoshop, edge fringing, fringe, remove halos in photoshop, cut out, white edges in cutouts, select and mask, smudge tool, contract, selection, adobe photoshop cc, photoshop tutorial, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: KYW5PjXzNu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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