Convert a Low Resolution Logo into a High Res Vector Graphic in Photoshop

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Hey what's up you guys and welcome back to GAL in today's tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to turn a low res logo graphic into a high res vector logo that you can use in many different product mock-ups or any sort of print materials that requires a lot of scale so the logo that I'm using is actually Envato and Envato is one of my favorite resources for unlimited assets so it's actually called envato elements and you can get unlimited assets whether it's graphics whether it's audio video it's really cool they have all sorts of really cool graphic templates so if you're looking to create any product mock-ups specifically within Photoshop you can select Photoshop and you can browse and actually place the logo your own fonts into a really realistic mock-up they also have really cool stuff like double exposure add-ons for Photoshop so if you see here you can just take two photos and create an instant double exposure look so it's super cool if you go to you can sign up so just sign up and you can get unlimited downloads you don't have to worry about downloading one asset and having it not work out because you have unlimited that you can use this is just a low res version of the envato logo that i downloaded from google if you zoom in here you can see that it's quite pixelated so the first thing that I like to do is just crop the image so it's just a logo and it doesn't have this excess so I go here into the crop tool and I just crop the area around the logo like so and then hit the checkmark now if we go down here into the dock you can see it says it's just 634 pixels by 168 pixels so that's around 9 inches to 2.3 inches which is not very much and it's only 72 pixels per inch for print stuff you want it to be at least 300 so to fix that we're gonna go to image and go to image size and here I'm going to change this to 2000 but we also remember we have to increase the resolution so what I'm going to do is increase this to 300 and you will see that it scales it up and it's not perfect still we have to blur the edges next so you're going to hit OK and then you can see wow it's a lot bigger so just hit command 0 or you can hit ctrl 0 on a PC and it scales it to frame size so now we need to make this a black and white image and the reason we need to make it black and white is because we're going to be applying a curves adjustment layer later on in the tutorial which will distort the color so we need to make it fully grayscale so then we can reapply the true color of the logo later on before we do that we want to save this color so you can do is you can grab this little dropper tool and select it and then you can see here this is the hex code for that green now that's great but what we want to do is add this to our swatches and we can just call this envato logo and be sure to add it to your current library and hit OK and then you'll see it appears over here underneath your library so now we have that color saved now we're good to make this a black and white logo so we're going to hit command shift you to make it grayscale and the next thing we need to do is make the background white we need it to be a white background in order to apply our blur so you'll see in just a second so I'm going to select the default colors here and make sure it's a white background then I'm going to go up to layer new background from layer and this just applies the white background so the next step is to blur the edges as we zoom in here you can see it's a bit jacket so we want to blur it out until these lines are completely straight so to do that we're going to go up to filter and then convert it to a smart object first for Smart Filters then go up to filter blur Gaussian blur and here is where we can go to an edge and as you reduce the radius you can then slide it over until it gets to the point where you start to see it be a perfect line so around here is good let's say just 10 and hit OK and you can see that the Gaussian blur is applied now the next step this is the cool part so we can zoom out a bit here just like so and then we can select adjustment layers down here and create curves and this is where we can use the curves over here take this white triangle and move it over and basically we're just cutting out that gray area around so it's not fuzzy and you can see it starts to come into focus and it gets rid of that excess gray pixels around the edges if we use the hand tool here we can move over just to be sure everything's good over here so we can make sure that it's fully at its correct size and it looks really good as you zoom in you can see there are pixels but it's way far down and it looks so much better so now let's hit command 0 (ctrl 0) to bring it back into the frame and now the next step is to remove the background and also make this leaf here green again and then save it as a scalable vector graphic that you can use in illustrator or whatever you need it for so what I'm going to do is I'm going to merge these layers so I'm going to hit shift and select both the layers right click and merge the layers the next step is to remove the background so I'm going to select this tool here the magic wand tool and I'm going to select the layer click the background and hit delete and then also click the inside here of this 'a' and 'e' and the 'o' so now it's transparent the next step that we need to do is fill this in with the color from the library so just double click to select that color that I saved before and then we're going to go into the paint bucket tool and here we're just going to fill that in green now as we zoom in a bit you'll see that there is a little area where it's like kind of a grey outline so to get rid of that we just want to select that area until it goes away like so and now let's hit command 0 (ctrl 0) again and what we can do now if we want to make this a vector graphic that we can use inside a Photoshop so we can scale it up further and it won't lose any resolution from what it is now what you do is you hit command and you click on the inside here to select everything you can see that it's now selected and if you're on a PC you would just hit control and select that thumbnail the next thing to do is select this marquee tool and then right click anywhere on the graphic and you're going to make work path set the tolerance at 1 pixel and then you're going to select the direct selection tool and you're going to right click and create vector mask and now it's a vector so you can scale this up and use it as much as you want now let's say you wanted to use this in illustrator you're just going to go up to a file you're going to go to export export as and you're just going to choose CBG for scalable vector graphic and just hit export all and we can save this as envato high-res an alternate way of saving it as a vector image is by going up to file save as and then from format change it to Photoshop EPS hit save hit okay so the top one here this is our newly exported high-res you can see I can zoom in and you don't see any pixelation in this one it's already pixelated at this scale so it's a huge improvement while it's not the original vector that you design an illustrator it's definitely something that you can start using on any print materials so if this video helped you up be sure to give it a thumbs up if it gets to a 1000 likes then I know that you guys like these types of tutorials and I'll be sure to do more of them again be sure to check out envato elements unlimited assets I use it all the time for all of my projects whether it's a video or photo base or even audio and lastly but certainly not least a huge shout out to my newest patrons Elise L. James F. Bob D. Wilson R. and Jerry P. I so much appreciate your guys support for the community if you guys don't know what Patreon is you can head over here pledge a certain amount each month and you guys get freebies like direct message support some templates even maybe a Q&A with me so go check it out once again huge shout out to the new patrons and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Premiere Gal
Views: 864,884
Rating: 4.9174571 out of 5
Keywords: premiere gal, high res vector logo, convert a low res logo, photoshop tutorial, adobe photoshop, low resolution, vector logo tutorial, export svg from photoshop, export .eps, svg, scalable vector graphics (svg), low resolution photo into high resolution in photoshop, tutorial, adobe, logo, convert, turn pixelated image into vector, graphics, design, lowest resolution, photoshop, logo to vector, high resolution graphics, logo in photoshop cc, vector graphic, adobe photoshop cc
Id: zdfj5CtuQ7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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