How to design your own paper on the iPad Pro using procreate

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hi everyone michelle here from the creative code welcome to my channel today i wanted to show you a video on how i create and design my own papers uh on the ipad pro it's called a procreate program it's a great program easy to manipulate uh it takes a little getting used to and i am very new to the program it's a very in-depth details to this program that you you learn something new every time you try it so i'm brand new to it but i've been creating some of my own papers and i love it i like am addicted so i haven't done any housework in like two days so my husband's not so happy he bought me my ipad for christmas but that's okay so in designing some french papers today i wanted to show you how to use some simple tools to create really beautiful themed paper that you can use in your journal what's great about this program is you can design your paper in a way knowing how you're going to use it so a lot of times you'll order paper and it will be beautiful on both sides and you don't know you don't know what side to use so you hesitate even using the paper you bought with this one with this process you can really design the paper knowing how you're going to use it you can design it into sections of four where you know you're going to make book tags with it or divide it into four and make pockets or just fold the paper simply right in half and insert it in the journal and you can print it as many times as you want and you can go back and reproduce that picture and then add even more onto it you can use family photos you can use your own photography anything you can scan into your computer you can use and and you can manipulate even more which is really fun so um for today's purposes i have just downloaded images from the internet so this is just for demo this is not for resale or reprint these images don't belong to me they are just random things i've taken off the internet to demonstrate how to use this program so if you are going to reproduce papers and and try to sell them just make sure you have the rights to the images you use either you've purchased them or you have permission or they are just your images so just a word to the wise there anyways uh let's get started so uh i'm gonna go into my gallery button here and it's going to drop down a menu here where we're going to hit the plus sign and it's going to bring down a paper menu so you can you can size your own paper you can manipulate the pixels so you get a better quality print it gets really it can get really complicated but for today we're just going to take the 11 by 8.5 size paper which is a standard size paper for the printer and i find it prints just fine it's uh it's a good size uh so let's introduce a background so i like to work with uh writing handwriting so i've taken this image here so i go in sorry i go into this little wrench which i'm sure has a technical name but i'm new so i'll call it a wrench i go into insert photo and it will bring up that menu you just saw and then i click on the picture i want we'll repeat that process sorry i'm getting ahead of myself so i'm now going to blow this up oh i've hit it look so i've pressed on it let's start again so i'm going to take this i'm going to hit the undo button and get rid of it go back to the very beginning okay wrench button insert photo i'm gonna click on the writing and i'm gonna blow the writing up so you can see you can manipulate these images any way you can think of so there i'm just going to leave it like that i'm going to hit a deselect button so now i'm going to introduce another image so insert photo again and let's work with these roses here so we're going to do a french theme today now i have the pencil the ipad pencil my husband got it with me uh with the ipad but if you don't you're just going to use your fingers it's fine it works just as well you're going to play with your image any way you want there's all kinds of things you can do that that you know the more you play with this program the more you learn and the more in-depth your images will get but we're going to keep it pretty simple today so i'm going to put the i'm designing this as i go so bear with me so i'm going to put the roses right here i think so i'm going to click off that and i'm going to go into a menu up here so i'll walk you through this really quick so this is the um hopefully i'm in frame here this is the color palette this one these double boxes here are called your layers which we'll touch on a little later this is your eraser tool which we're going to use a lot today this is the blending tool which we won't be using much and actually i don't think we're using that at all and then this is your painting tool and you'll see a big menu come up and we'll touch on that after so right now we've stuck our image down so right now it has that very much cut and paste look which we want to get rid of so i'm going to use my eraser tool and i like the airbrush airbrushing soft brush so you click on airbrush and then you click on this one and that's the style you're going to get so for those if you click on it twice up comes a menu where you can manipulate this look even further which you know the professionals do which i'm nowhere near ready to dive into that yet so i'm just going to keep it simple the only tool i play with is on this side which is the size of the eraser so you can see you can get very small and very big so we're going to keep it about there today and now i just push on where i want to erase and again you can use your finger works just as well and i'm not concerned about keeping a perfect edge on these roses because i want to soften them right into the background so now i've erased all the negative space that i don't want now i'm going to go across real delicate and i'll see if i can blow it up for you really delicate across like this and you can see some of the wordings start to emerge so if i push hard it brings back more and if i stay light it just softens the background in so it's a really great blending tool this eraser there is a blending tool but it's more of a smudging tool when i like to use this soft eraser as a blender and again you're gonna the more you play with it the more tools you're going to find and you'll find the ones that you like the most so i'm going to introduce this element again and i think i'm going to put it over here like this so i don't even use the whole thing and just use parts of it i'm going to design this paper so that it's going to fold right in half and insert into a journal so i know this half i'm going to design and this half i'm going to design so just keep it a little bit simpler today so i'm going to erase i'm just going to repeat the process so i'll do this a little bit faster so my video is not 400 hours long i'm glad you could join me today because i'm new to youtube and i'm really excited about sharing some of these uh ideas and processes with you guys and i'd love your feedback on you know what you would like to see how i can improve it as you can see i have a very primitive setup here with my my iphone um so hopefully that will improve over time as well i'm gonna use that rose one more time and introduce it up here i think there we go and i click on the eraser and i repeat the process and just soften it real soft here there again i'm going to go back into insert images so again i downloaded a lot of these images uh already because i i wanted to be prepared i'm gonna use the eiffel tower who doesn't love this beautiful tower and what i love about this eiffel tower other than seeing it in real life is um the the actual distinct design element it has so i have the softness of the roses i have the softness of the handwriting and now i have a very beautiful hard structure that's really going to kind of pop be a little bit more of the focal point of the paper so i'm going to repeat the process again so i put it where i want it i know i'm folding in half so i can design this half of the page you see it has a little bit more of a yellow background but that will that will fade out as we erase and again we want to soften it in we don't want to cut and paste look we're looking to make it all cohesive so i'm just softening it out okay let me show you when you uh if you make a mistake for example so if i pushed really hard here and i raced part of the eiffel tower and i'm like no there's a really quick shortcut where you use two fingers and you press and it will undo three fingers and press and it redoes there's also an undo button over here and a redo button over here so you can never not fix something it's a really really fun it's very forgiving this uh procreate program all right i think i'm gonna introduce the eiffel tower one more time insert photo go back to my eiffel tower bring it in i'm gonna because i know this is gonna be half i think i'll just make him a little bit smaller in the background here click on the paper uh the eraser sorry and repeat the process again this is really fun i just kind of sit in bed and play with this ipad at night time and come up with different themes and ideas for my travel journal right now this is going using for my travel journal the papers i'm creating plus i have um one where i'm creating like a botanical look so again any theme you want lots of fun very versatile um let's introduce maybe this paris word i like the the writing on this paris and i'm gonna bring i don't like things symmetrical if i can avoid it so i'm gonna put this off center thinking my page will bend about here i don't want to lose any of the word so i'm going to drop it down to about there okay i'm going to hit my eraser tool and i'm going to start erasing now i find this a little bit too busy so i just want to take that part of that picture away and just soften paris just a little bit i want paris to stand out though because that's you know been there and that's what i'm going to be journaling about okay insert photo so we can use that design element again say over here for the other page the other side of the the journal oops the journal that we're going to use so our eraser tool again get rid of that and soften so you can see it's starting to really come together so now you can look at your paper and think do i need more do i need less let's insert one more design element i think we'll use these little postage stamps i love love these i guess they're uh i don't know what they're technically called i guess they're not a stamp but anyways they're on francais which is really nice to use goes with our theme so i'm gonna erase go around and soften all get rid of all the edge bring back my layer and soften so i want to show you quick about these layers because layers they come in really handy let me just add this one more time because i do feel like i need it repeat it even though the page is getting bent in half i still like it to design a full cohesive page so bring back my eiffel tower and just soften it out there we go so let me show you a quick little tool with these layers which is really cool so let's say um i did want to soften paris i didn't like how bright it was i can take i can go and find my paris image which is see all these different layers we've every time we introduce a picture it's a new layer so if i click on the this paris here and i bring it let's say to the bottom it changes see how it's disappear because now it's gone under all those layers or i say oh no i really like the word power so i want to bring it back i'm going to put it right at the top and it sits it right on front again so you can manipulate that way as well uh the possibilities are endless there's a tool over here for example um let me just do a quick photo insert here we'll use this guy so you can see he's very bright dark riding right so without having to use the tool eraser to to erase it and soften it you can also go into this hue saturation and brightness and hit layers and you can play with the brightness over here and soften it so you can see how diluted the the ink gets or how dark it can get so it's a lot of fun no again we're just touching the surface on this program so i want to delete this guy i'm going to i hit the select button because i'm on this layer i hit the select button and then i can just um delete it so if i hit uh actually i don't know where my delete button is oh i know sorry so i hit on the layer i just delete that layer there we go so there's an example of the paper hope you could see what i was doing again my setup's a little primitive but you can see how pretty this paper would be to print um i wanted oh i don't want to show you one more thing here with the the painting tool which i love this feature because i love the look of it and i'll show you a printed piece after but i go into the painting tool and hit spray paint and then hit flicks that's the style i like and then i'm going to go into the color wheel i'm going to hit black and i want to show you here the effect it has so if i touch on touch on it it gives me these little spray paint dots and the more i touch the the more uh thicker thicker they get um so let's just do a little bit around the edge here and you can really zoom in as you can see and get real detail so if you're cutting out a picture of somebody you're using you can get really close to the edge there's a cutting tool for that too so you'll just have to get into it and play with it so now i'm doing it with the white i repeat the process but i went back to the color wheel and hit white because the white it softens it even more so i hit a little bit of this and it softens the edge and what i love about that is when i go to come on when i go to print here's some pieces i've printed on um coffee dyed paper see here i started to cut them up as you can see so you can see the uh effectant has that splotchiness and it makes the paper look even older which i love so here's a japanese style but i did on coffee dyed paper here's a french one that i did uh on white regular white paper so again i can design it so that i can make tags uh here's one that you can see it i did the same print there on coffee dye paper and i started cutting up my paper and using it for tags and things pockets like that and i think i did i put up a video the other day of how i used some of this paper to make bookmarks and things so here's a botanical one on a thicker coffee stock uh coffee dyed paper so again the possibilities are endless i just like i said i'm addicted i love it i'm just constantly designing paper so here's another one i did with a little bicycle and the exact same process i just showed you using the eraser and softening it in and then you can print this and then you can manipulate it even more and it makes your journals all cohesive because you're using the same colors and the same style and repeating several of the same design elements and you're you can create a very specific junk journal or theme journal they make great gifts papers but again there is the copyright issue so you got to be careful with that again this was just demo so i hope uh i hope you enjoyed it today i hope it gave you some ideas and inspiration on using your ipad procreate it's a little intimidating at first but the more you play with it just play with those little features and you'll see it all come together and again it's really fun so if you enjoyed this video please uh feel free to subscribe and like the video and i'll uh post some more if you guys are interested thanks so much have a great day bye guys
Channel: TheCreativeCove
Views: 4,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ojk4QAJ5V-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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