How to Make Sea Glass: DIY Sea Glass Projects

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oh hi he caught me dumpster diving  again let's go make some sea glass bye hi and welcome back my friends i'm marcy today's  video is all about taking ordinary bottles that   would otherwise end up in the landfill and  we're going to be making some beautiful sea   glass sea glass what are you kidding me marcy  no i'm really not kidding you sea glass can be   made into beautiful jewelry pieces as well as  garden ornaments i have some blue bottles and   i am just unboxing my new rock tumbler that  i bought at harbor freight yay it is a dual   drum rotary rock tumbler a three pound capacity  so without further ado let's go have some fun well for sure this tool is really packed well well it comes with extra  bands it looks like it has   one two three maybe four  extra bands five extra bands okay i used my fingernails for it but it  wasn't pretty and then this piece has to also   come off okay all right so i have the two drums  and it's set up like this and i took apart   this top and the top part right here it didn't  come off without a struggle the important thing   i have to remember is the order that they  came off in i've got safety glasses and   gloves a pillow case to put my bottles  my bottle and a hammer let's go to work after smashing the glass i'm  simply going to separate the pieces   all the larger pieces that you see  here and put them into the vessels i've already started filling these up so i'm not  going to fill up too much more you do want them   around this size nothing too small the small  pieces you can just basically discard unless   you have another project for them  this is the ring around the bottle but a lot of these are fairly usable and i have  to keep in mind also for what i'm using it for   i am doing a garden project so it's not  necessary that i have them so tiny because   my garden project is going to be something like  this where i have a bridge it's a dry riverbed   where there's usually river rocks underneath  here but i decided i thought i might want to do   some mixtures of rock as well as sea glass  probably more sea glass than not and that's   out in my garden so that's my project that i'm  working on but if you want pendants and that   kind of thing you could also snip it to more your  size and then you put them into the vessels here so according to the directions the  glass gets filled up about halfway   you put in water to cover it and then  you add the grit which is number one   i'm gonna add about four tablespoons one two three  four okay and then we add a little bit of pellets to fill up the space a little bit that also helps aggravate the wash my jars are  filled up a little bit more than halfway it's   about it's about halfway i'd say with the glass as  well as uh the the little pellets that we're using   these pellets and we have the water all right  then we put uh this on and then this and this voila all right do the other one and make this make sure it's  secure so that it doesn't leak   it doesn't seem to leak in there  put this one here like this success so now it's gonna be like six hours later   no i don't know i don't know how long it's gonna  take to smooth these out i was told that it might   take several days but you keep it on basically  24 hours and you let it run for a couple days   this one it's only it's glass i'm just  trying to smooth down the sides and frost   basically it we're doing it so we can make it  look like sea glass is what we're trying to do   and this is a really nice use in the gardens  for garden pathways it's a great upcycling and   it's a great upcycling idea  and i'm really excited i am   really so excited like goosebumps green  glass burgundy glass okay and we're off i am so stoked look at this beautiful glass   it looks like it's been ebbing and flowing in  some stream or nearby ocean completely without   edges it's all been burnished look at that  nice this is the before and this is the after keep in mind i'm using this for my garden project  with the bridge and it's a dry bread normally with   river rock underneath and i'm using the sea glass  mixed with the river rock it will be a pretty look   i will make an addendum to this video at some  point when i'm finished with the project so   you can see what it looks like but right now  i am happy that i'm saving all this beautiful   glass from the landfills it's a green way of doing  things yes my friends it's very easy to make sea   glass in a rock tumbler all you need is a lot of  bottles a lot of time and a lot of patience thank   you so much for joining me today if you'd like  to see more creative lifestyle videos please be   sure to like and subscribe if you enjoy yourself  thank you so much and have a beautiful day you
Channel: Marcie Ziv
Views: 31,066
Rating: 4.7594404 out of 5
Keywords: how to make sea glass, diy faux sea glass, make sea glass in a rock tumbler, diy sea glass projects, can you make sea glass in a rock tumbler, diy sea glass, how rock tumblers work, how to make sea glass in a rock tumbler, fake sea glass with colored bottles, vaso de roca de playa, caza de vidrio de mar, proyectos de bricolaje de vidrios, sea glass, sea glass beach, beach rock tumbler, vidrio del mar de bricolaje, glass hunting, arte en vidrio, marcie ziv, Harbor Freight
Id: Yu02fQsoPvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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