I Left 5 Things In Rock Tumblers For 30 Days...

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alright guys so the last time I did anything with a rock tumbler you guys were so butthurt that I didn't use any type of aggregate or sand or anything like that because I left pennies in the rock tumbler for 30 days but it was just pennies so what we're gonna do is we're gonna redo that experiment except now I bought two two barrel rock tumblers so now I have five barrels so usually we leave things in jars for 30 days so today we're gonna leave five things in a rock tumbler for 30 days our first barrel our first item of course we're gonna redo the pennies there we go one escaped and yes this time I do have a grits I think it's poured I think I have four stages yeah there's four stages one for each week so it's gonna be thought to be 30 days the second thing we're gonna leave inside of the rock tumbler something we're gonna get really crazy and we're gonna leave rocks inside the rock tumbler so this these are actually the rocks that came with that came with this rock tumbler cuz I need to tell these are kind of different these go to the two barrel rock tumbler and these are obviously bigger I don't know anything about rocks so it looks like we got some good ones here some greens and some alright our third item and one that that I personally am really excited for dice I'm really curious to see what's gonna happen to the dice oh these come with a little bag that I'm going to assume that they're gonna turn around hopefully that's what I'm hoping that'd be really really cool really sets up with all these different colors and everything's and I purposely got the ones with different colors hopefully [Applause] hopefully later it into something cool [Applause] now our fourth an item and something else that I'm really curious to see there's marbles what this thing had big marbles in it I thought it was just all awful old ones but anyway I want to do marbles because I'm curious to see since usually with a rock down where usually you take something really rough and make it smooth I'm kind of curious to see what happens if you take something that's already smooth and put it the rock tumbler we're definitely going through this big one here there's two big ones just or both of the big ones in here alright and now for the fifth and final item no it's not plastic I'm going to sacrifice two mason jars a bunch of broken glass actual probably do one at a time we're gonna put a bunch of broken glass in there and see what happens to broken glass inside of a rock tumbler so I got my survival cane if you saw that video three two one two break it up into smaller pieces all right I think actually one jar is probably gonna do it so all that broken glass that everywhere that'll be fun for somebody to pick up it's not gonna be me all right now let's start filling all these up with the grit there are four different types of grape that come with this pack there's a coarse a medium a pre polish a final polish so I will be doing all the steps I'm gonna let each one run for a week I don't know what it is exactly but kind of just feel like sand honestly two scoops for each barrel to view two for you two for you next thing we're gonna do that it says in the instructions is to fill them up fill each barrel up to the water is just even with it says rocks but obviously whatever is in there I hope these other ones are watertight cuz I don't I didn't read the instructions nothing's leaking out I like this Barrett there's a barrel that's the pin I'm putting the pennies in this rock tumbler I like this barrel a lot more you can see how how squishy it is these barrels like they still squish but like they're not immediately as Platteville's this one I really I like this one better I wish this came in these sizes all right I think you I think you guys get the idea I'm just gonna put the lids on all right so we've got everything loaded up these are the two new tumblers the two double barrel tumblers you see they just sit side by side then of course this is the scene where tumbler that I had in the last video so I was gonna turn these on so you can see how loud it's gonna be with all of them ranked at the same time but extension cords to run them all over here all right so it has been one week that all of our items have been the tumblers like I said in the beginning each stage there's four stages of grit so I'm gonna be done for these updates although since this stage the very first one is the most aggressive grit I can only assume this is gonna be where we're going to see the most changes and then because there's a very I forget what the word the very aggressive grit then there's a medium and then there's a pre polished and a polish so the pre polish and the polish will pry out guys see much but these next two stages should new organist the most changes so the first thing we have is we have our pennies and before we start looking at the pennies as you saw well whenever I put them in the that shorter barrel the a barrel that I had been in originally I don't know what it is and it even did it because I'll get to it here in a second but I put them in that barrel put the grit and everything in there and then little run and within if I wasn't like six hours that barrel had built up so much pressure that the lid had blown off of it and it the lid and hit the wall of the garage and then all the grit and water and paintings were just laying all over the garage floor so I thought that's kind of weird so I figured maybe it was just like I don't know what it was maybe it was just like the initial like coating or something being rubbed off of him that was like causing it to build up pressure build up foam or you know whatever was happening so I put all the pennies back in there and then it ran for probably about 24 hours or so blew the lid off again and I started looking at the tumblers the smaller tumbler spins faster than the two double barrel tumblers so I thought okay I'll put switch them to the double barrel tomboys where they spin slower so that way maybe where they would just spin it so fast it's causing it to build up pressure so I switched this I switched the top lers and then within like two days maybe a day and a half it blew off would on those on that tumbler so what I had to do was I had to put on all the pennies dry them and then the last how many days was left three or four or whatever I took out all the water drawn off all the pennies and then the paintings have just been spinning just just dry without any they with the aggregate bowed out any water so I think that's how I'm just gonna have to keep the pennies going for the rest of the times without water because it's just gonna keep the lid off of the barrel for whatever reason so whenever we look at these pennies obviously this isn't all of them but they all look pretty much exactly the same whatever you look at them I don't know how much you can see on camera but I can see in person that they just look kind of smooth there's not really a whole lot going on and I'm that but that is because somebody left a comment of this and I haven't double checked it somewhere like 1983-84 74-64 something somewhere around that time frame they quit using all couple of pennies and then ever since then I think they have I think it's made of like zinc with a copper coating so I would say that the reason that these are all so dark and don't have any copper left on any of them and I even took them all out and took like a tooth brush and like tried to scrub them down cuz I figured that maybe they were just like stained from the aggregate or whatever but as far as I can tell it's just the copper coating has just been completely gone and this is just whatever is underneath that coating sink or whatever and our second item is all rocks and I'm honestly pretty impressed all the rocks are completely smooth no sharp edges especially this one this one just looks like a like a perfect little square all the corners are rounded off it's doing its job then this next one is one that I am really impressed with and I do I had no idea that this will happen or not no idea but I'm really surprised that that's working out this way that is our broken glass this is just this obviously this isn't all of it this is just some of the bigger pieces that I think are looking really good every single edge of this glass is completely round now and everything is smooth and round I mean I get it that's kind of that's kind of you know what of what it rock told was gonna do but I wouldn't have thought that it would have done this with with glass like this piece looks just like a knife and it's something that you know just just to think that this is something that a week ago you could have just sliced yourself open with it and now it's just so round and so filed down so that it's completely smooth I'm really I'm actually I'm pretty excited to see how this stuff is gonna come out whenever it's all nice and polished if it's gonna look like just as clear as like right glass does and next up we have our dice not this these are really I mean I'm kind of impressed because the dice apparently are made of something very hard like I said in the beginning I was hoping that these were kind of like be really rounded and you know like almost mmm like be made into like a marble shape it looks like virtually nothing has happened to these dice the only thing that looks different is that they look kind of frosted from where the finish has been taken off but virtually nothing that's happened to these dice so yeah last but not least is the marbles and I know I said in the beginning that I you know didn't know you know what to expect or anything with these marbles obviously these books you know frosted too just because the coatings been taken off but what I've noticed is especially with this one you can tell you tell by the way it rolls but it has a big has a big flat spot on it right here so you can't tell how it just whatever like this one it just to me it just looks smaller then it than some of the other ones this one has a flat spot at two you can tell by the way it rolls I guess somehow one of these could get like lodged and just like I don't know maybe get stuck somehow so it gets a flat spot I'm not entirely sure anyway that's what's happening so we have everything back into their barrels then just like the first time we're gonna add two spoonfuls of grip to each one this is a medium grit 180 to 220 silicon carbides if you can put two scoops in each one really two heaping scoops and then these four we're gonna get water and then like I said before the paintings are just gonna be dry all right now I'll put the tops on them and give them back on the tumblers and I'll see you in a week all right guys this is our second update on our rock tumblers this is now they have been running for two weeks one week with V whatever they would the aggressive grip was and then this past week with the slightly less aggressive grit whatever it is first thing there's really not really a whole lot has changed just to be honest it's just some very slight changes but I did dig out the marbles and whenever you look at the marbles you can look these marbles and you can see in this hand you can see that ones that haven't been in a rock tumbler and you can see though and this one the ones that have you can see just how much these marbles have shrunk I would say a less than half the size easily so that's the biggest that's really the biggest change that I've noticed and really any of these but that's pretty crazy so by the end these are gonna be like who knows the size of like a little BB or something by the end but it sounds pretty interesting let's move on to our rocks or rocks let's see I think maybe this one maybe this one too I feel like these three and maybe this one I feel like these have gotten significantly smaller I almost wish that I had the original wants to compare them to but I feel like especially this one it's like this little square one I feel like this one has gotten away smaller of course I don't really have a true way to test that but still even with the rocks not a whole Lots changed next up let's take a look at our dice which as you can see have absolutely not changed one bit they still have they still have all of the paint maybe under like maybe a microscope you could tell maybe the corners have been rounded like a little bit but I really don't think so I think they are the exact same the only difference being that the finish is less shiny now let's take a look at our glass pieces just a little bit more rounded nothing really crazy I mean here's our little little like knife like piece from last time this uh obviously still very dull there's not really a whole lot to say all this stuff it's just more just more rounded more sanded down and now we move on to the pennies which in my opinion I think are virtually a lost cause at this point because like I said in the beginning the copper coding or whatever has just been completely taken off and the zinc is what I'm almost positive now is under there that's all that's left I've scrubbed these this Loxley isn't all the pennies but these are the ones that I have like scrubbed and tried to clean as much up as possible you can still I don't know if you can see it on camera where it's so dark but in person I can see that you can still see all the markings you can see that still says once and you can see Abe Lincoln but everything is just very smooth and very faded like this one some of these are so so bad that you can't even tell what it is it's just flat but this week we start the polishing process this is the for the next week that we'll be running a 500 grit silicon carbide pre polish so of course we wouldn't notice any difference with the pennies but I'm interested in the interested in the glass and these marbles because obviously both of these started off the glass obviously started off completely clear and the marbles were pretty much clear and now they're very cloudy so now that the pre polish I'm pre I'm curious to see how how much shinier it's gonna get just with a pre polish and then of course the polish and just like before everything is gonna get two scoops kind of thing I forgot to mention it was I believe I told you in the on the first time that whenever I had the water in the pennies that was building up pressure and kept blowing the lid off and I came over which one it was it might have been it was either the marbles or the glass the second time around started doing that although it never got to the point of boiling the lid off because I kept catching it in time but it got to the point to where I don't have both both barrels in the tumbler and the bottoms would bow out so much they would roll out of the tumbler because they didn't have and they didn't have any more room to expand so I don't know what that was about because they didn't do it in the beginning and they just did it with that medium grit or whatever and two for you and now all of them will get water except for the pennies so we know what kind of results that causes all right I'll see you in a week all right this is week number three we're gonna make this one cat fast because not all the one has changed the rocks they still look exactly the same you can tell that maybe they're a little bit polished a tiny bit but really not much they pretty much look exactly the same the pennies as you would expect pretty much exactly the same you can see if you can see it here where they're so dark they they kind of look like they're yeah they're smoothed out a little bit maybe they're polished a little bit but in reality not much has changed let's move on to the marbles marbles same thing basically no change and especially where these are glass you can kind of tell I don't I mean maybe you do they're a little bit polished I can kind of tell a little bit that they're starting to maybe get where they need to be but I mean in reality not much the only thing that I did notice and I don't remember where it is there's this marble right here that for some reason has got a dimple on it now and like it I'm assuming maybe it got like like caught against something and then it like ended in the tumbler it was just like rolling against it and that's how it got this dimple but it's the only one like that other than that virtually no change the dice absolutely no change whatsoever they're not I don't I wouldn't even say that they're really polished maybe a tiny bit the paint's still there everything still looks pretty much exactly the same it is as it was before so whatever kind of epoxy or whatever these dice are made out of it's extremely hard and now for the one that I believe is becoming my favorite is the glass the glass it still looks pretty much the same there was I believe it was this piece or maybe this one that I not only did I Oh scrub off all of the all of the aggregate I took some Windex and like I actually scrubbed it down thinking that maybe like maybe the haze was just like part of where the aggregate was like drying on the glass or something because it doesn't it just it doesn't even look like anything happened even after a week of being and I pre polished it looks basically exactly the same maybe the the final polish will make it clear again I have no idea let's get these into back into the barrels with our final polish and now for the polish which if you are wondering is a twelve hundred grit fine aluminum oxide that doesn t publish it looks like milk in there alright that's good to me I'll get these things back from the tumblers I'll see you in a week alright guys well our 30-day Rock doubling extravaganza has come to an end and before we look at this stuff I just gave ahead and tell you that the results aren't really super impressive at least I'm not really impressed with home the that really nothing really looks too much different than it did last week maybe my expectations were a little bit too high I really know but nonetheless let's take a look at this stuff obviously here we're gonna start off first with the rocks and like I said they don't really look a whole lot different than they did last week there's something I'm going to show you here a second with these I mean obviously they look way better than they did you know from the very beginning compared to now there's a big difference but from the pre polish to the polish I mean I don't notice her I don't know any difference at all maybe just so lightly but whenever you get these rocks was wet only getting wet this is what I expected whenever you look at them wet you can see you see how much different how much shiner they are and they just look way better this is like this is the look that I expected whenever they get down with the Polish now like I said maybe my expectations were a little bit too high maybe to get this type of a shine on these rocks maybe that's like a whole nother series of steps or maybe that you just need way finer polish or whatever I don't really know I really have any experience with rock tumbling so I think the results are kind of yeah I think they could have been better but that's it for the rocks now let's just get it out of the way get the pennies out of the way you can see that they obviously look exactly the same they're just pretty much solid black now and you can't really say any other just kind of faded obviously this isn't all of them these are just the ones that I've really scrubbed hard and rented gives me much off of them as I could basically no difference between now and after the first week like I've said throughout this entire video I'm pretty sure that it just took good you know the outside copper coating off and then we're left with the zinc so nothing exciting here now let's move on to the glass it's still like frosted and it's still pretty much looks let's say there's a little knife piece that we've been looking at throughout this entire video it still looks I mean I would argue that this almost looks pretty much the same as it did after the second week I was really really hoping that with that polish that the obviously since this is what it started off as if this like say this little knife piece if this to get back to being clear and like almost perfect like this I think that would look really awesome and especially like pieces just odd pieces like this if you get them back to be you know really clear and perfect again I'm not perfect but you know I'm saying you can see through them really clearly I would actually probably Tobal glass in my free time just because it looks cool but like I said before if whenever you take into consider in that like say this piece is something that in the beginning like after it first got broke would would have been like you know just sliced your hand open and then you know how it's been warm down and rounded that is still pretty cool but I just wish it was clear and not frosted like this like I said pretty much looks the same is it last week moving on to the marbles and probably some of the ones something that has had the biggest change if you don't count these big ones right here if you take these big ones that the equation which like I said in the beginning I wish I would have left one of these out and kept one of these in so we can see how much it shrunk this is what they did look like particularly this these two right here these pie yeah I'm sure started off exactly the same and you can see obviously the before and the after they've shrunk I would say I mean what would you say that is probably a fourth of the size that it was if these could be polished back to be just as clear as they originally were but be this small I think that'd be kind of unique and kind of cool the one before that had like a little Dibble in it I still don't think I mean obviously it's just polished up a little bit and it's a little bit shinier than it was to begin with but I think that I actually think that dimple has got got bigger from last week anyway that's the marbles from which all they did was drink and get frosty alright so now that we're done looking at all of the results and everything I'm just gonna quickly tell you about the equipment that I used you know the rock tumbler is that I used just in case you're thinking about getting into Rock tumbling because that's the things that I learned and there's some things that you need to know this tumbler this is the one that I used in the original video where I just did the pennies in a rock tumbler that was this tumbler a dr. cool hobby tumbler I'm sure you could probably search that on Amazon that's where I got it this time I absolutely love this tumbler this thing is great I've had zero problems out of this tumbler and I've used it twice as much as these tumblers because obviously I used in the original video that's thirty days and this it was 30 days I haven't had to change a belt nothing and as you can see it's all dirty and stuff because like I explained the pennies kept blowing the lid off the tumbler and then all the water and great wood just leaked all over this thing and even the belt was wet and it kept spinning no problems of this tumbler whatsoever even there was even one day that whenever the split blew off the whole lid blew off so this whole thing you know all the great and everything if the belt was wet and that all the pennies the tumbler the barrel itself was still sitting here rolling with the lid off of it and it was still going just fine so this tumbler is great both of these sparks are Chicago electric that I got from Harbor Freight and obviously as you can tell this one as the as the screws and stuff taken off of it because these are hit or miss is what I'm assuming because obviously I only have experience with two of them but what I can tell you from from these two is that this one perfect no problems not even not even a minute's trouble out of this one I haven't had to do anything haven't had to touch anything nothing this one has been a complete nightmare and I don't know why like I've taken both of these apart and just like compare them whenever you get these the drive belts obviously they turn the rollers that spin the barrels it comes with it comes with it comes with a belt on it and then it comes with five spare belts this tumbler it broke the it broke eight belts it broke the belt that it came with it broke all five spare belts two belts that came out of this one so it's on its ninth belt and I don't know why the only thing that other than they're just being like a quality control issue you're supposed to in the instructions with these you're supposed to lube the rollers once a week this one I haven't lubed it since I got whatsoever not even once this one I was looping it like once after it broke the first two belts I figured okay it's by I went through the instructions I figured okay you know part needs Lube that's why watch breaking belts I started looming it like every every other day and some times multiple days in a row for the rest of this entire video and it still just continually broke belts this kind of tumbler great these are hit or miss so if you're gonna get into rock tumbling I would have I would recommend a single barrel tumbler not a double barrel tumbler unless it's like a high quality one but these ones from Harbor Freight you could you just pretty much just playing the lottery whether you're gonna get a good one our battle thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed the video if there's anything that you want to see me leave in a rock tumbler again for a long period of time put it in a comment down below I'll see you the next one [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TylerTube
Views: 2,694,836
Rating: 4.7666311 out of 5
Keywords: tyler tube, tylertube, experiment, testing, rock tumblers, leaving things in rock tumblers, leaving things for 30 days
Id: -8fWqjMAE6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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