Polishing Gemstones with Thumler's 15 Pound Tumbler

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hey folks it's 1881 MF and Little Debbie dozen the life doesn't show we got stoned we've been Amazon priming we've been doing all kinds of stuff and finding all kinds of cool gems finding gems in the mountains gold panning doing all kinds of stuff so naturally we had to buy a rock polisher so I did I went out the Amazon I'll put the link if you want to see it and I bought this Hummers what does that say so this is a tumbler and it is capable of tumbling up to ten pounds of rocks so it's a 15 pounder I don't know a whole lot about it you're gonna go through this with us do and basically it's a four-step process so we're gonna put all these rocks in here and then for a week we're gonna run it with this really coarse sandy type stuff and some water and then we're gonna rinse it and then for a week we're going to go step two and then the next week we're going to go step three and the next week we're going to go step four to polishing so we're gonna take these ugly crunchy rocks down there's a real pretty smooth one so I don't know I'm gonna hand the camera back to mark and Debbie's gonna unload these rocks in here so let's see what we got okay there have been I guess you gotta move those first good luck with that this is gonna be humorous so while she's doing that there's my gold cube I've been running some pay dirt that we've got recently so check those videos out if you haven't seen him so she's gonna load them in there these gems look at that just show a few pieces before I have a video that if it's not out there I'll get it out there real soon showing you where we ordered a bunch of these I think I spent $50 for the bag a gym line in North Georgia sent them to me we got 12 or 15 different kinds of gym we're gonna try to tumble all right boy I'm in there Davy this isn't wrong show and tell people want to know what's going in there you want to see that rough crap you're gonna break them all their silly some of those are very fragile they're all about seven six point five to seven point five on that hard scale but some of them were fragile they'll still break and chip we have four or five different kinds of Jasper in here amethyst Ruby I'm showing yeah you're right rose quartz smoky quartz obsidian there we go pretty blue stuff all kinds of different stuff in here so petrified wood from Arizona there's some of that in there that we actually dug so she said there's some hopeful in there and then for this powder stuff this is the wrong step but for this powder stuff you're supposed to use two teaspoons for every pound of rock we have ten pounds of rock so we're gonna put 20 teaspoons in there which i think is gonna be the whole bag and then we're gonna fill the water up to just barely above the rocks and run it for a week [Applause] so she's got the rocks in and just for good measures I'm gonna put a handful of these rubies that we found in North Carolina I don't know hopefully it doesn't ruin it and then here's my 20 teaspoons of step 1 grit and then I'm gonna fill that up just over the rocks you know why is there even a lip on that bowl what what what's the lid for it didn't do a very good job that's for sure well I'm gonna need to get some more water but yes here's them on the floor oh look what a lovely recipe stone soup [Music] okay so that's just barely gonna kind of cover those rocks and then we got this fancy piece of rubber that lays on there hmm and then this heavy-duty piece of metal that goes on there and then we have these little flutterby clips that go on each one of these so I'll tighten all that love so we got all this tightened now we're gonna take this now we're gonna sit it with these wing nuts out because you don't want the wing nuts hitting your Bell right here see the way that belt is we don't want those rubbing if you had it on that way it's gonna rub on those and you're gonna have lumps so now we just set it on here like so well yeah we're just gonna let it do that for a week so stay tuned I think you're supposed to burp it every day it's probably gonna open it look at out of curiosity but we'll video if it's important anyways the rocks and exciting okay so it's been in the tumbler for a week we actually did one day more than a week because I didn't put enough of that source stuff in there I needed to put the whole bag in there so we started it really Tuesday a week ago so today's Tuesday so work on over there and check it out okay this is in the coarse grind we put about ten pounds of rocks in here speaking of rock where do those fun designs on top that's because we didn't get the lid on tight you kind of opened it up to just make sure it looked okay and then to tighten it back up all right here we go folks so we're gonna take it out of here we're gonna rinse it now everyone everybody talks about this stuff is like concrete you know oh look at that slurry so this is like concrete so we want to make sure that this stuff doesn't end up in your drain because when it dries it ruined your drain and then it's been a bunch of money so anyways I will just grab a handful shall we Oh looky there you got it [Music] let's just do this how do we just reveal yes just each for you oh really rounded look that's the garnet it just makes it smooth they look good just like that without doing more processes yeah this is just first step so I'm gonna go ahead and dump all this in there that's gonna neat and you want to really check and rinse everything before you get on to the next step all right here's the reveal look at that baby oh that's my favorite big yellow check it out look that's a piece we found up there buck Creek that's kind of gosh I'm telling you I think they're done oh that now when these dry they won't be this strain so they're not done that's fun that's ready to perjury right there I think that's garnet in corundum maybe so yeah garnets they even got smaller I don't know if those will shine up for what fun time all right now we're gonna get on to step two shadows there see which one's your working thank every week analog and get rid did you show him our art oh yeah check this out people that's the great stuff did you spray for filling in your crack so when it's in the doorways or what and the nozzle came off then it just started going yard art okay here we go this stuff's like cement again as i repeat myself don't we get in you're gonna get in your dream [Applause] look how these garnets haven't or rubies no now they really haven't cleaned up much but this is not the shining stage babe I think it's amazing how they were before I'm so glad we have pictures of him ruff and you know earlier in the video it would that's just incredible I'm trying to hold the camera and look over it it's very people okay you like this temple itself I think we're done with stage two that's it running on stage three it's pretty quiet I have a fan running in here also so [Applause] okay we rant for a week in stage 3 which is kind of like a pre polish so we're gonna check that real quick and then go to the Polish stage you have not look at this oh I see toy babies on the back side of that always thinking that's quite a situation see that those are my filler babies right there you can save those and reuse those so that's what we're gonna do and again they say don't with the stick it down your drain so we're gonna go right here [Music] [Music] okay so we've done a week on stage one a week on States - a week on stage three and we added this plastic filler beads with stage three now you could reuse these filler beads just keep them with the same grain like keep it up with the same grain 500 500 and then we did a week in stage 4 which is polish which is where we are right now we're gonna go check that after stage floor we're gonna put it back in for three days with some ivory soap so we can burnish it but right now let's check stage four again as I've said three maybe four maybe eleventeen times don't let this stuff go down your drain and take this lid off first here look out new bird you know there now so with this stage I also added a clean batch of those little babies and because you're supposed to have this 2/3 to 3/4 full I also added some sawdust that I had from previous projects so I leave it very smooth I knew it and its rings now these with this stage they should be shiny when dry you know so pretty [Music] you see you're just on that in there a green blue just look at that right there really nice and smooth use these purple ones that I love alright so we've done our polish for about a week and they're pretty shiny that's all dry but now we're gonna see if we can burnish it a little bit better we're gonna add some detergent this is just ivory soap that Debbie took to the blender okay processor and we want to have as much cushion in there as possible as you see it's not very full so I have all this saw this we saved this one I clean yeah buddy that's pretty fun you know I sniff that I'm gonna stuff all this in here and then I'm gonna fill that up with water you know I probably should have filled it up with water before it put this fine in there but now we're just gonna run this overnight and then we'll see them in the morning to see what they look like okay so we've been going for four or five weeks maybe I don't know you you've just watched the video so hopefully you remember this is the last batch where we put the soap in it and we went overnight with it so this should be the final Wow look at their weird I don't need put that sawdust in their net Ivory soap really good okay we're gonna dump it in here like I'd be soaked so here we go folks it's about a month a little over a month worth of tumbling and the thumb blurs big tumbler this is a 15 pounder they can tumble ten pounds I'll put the link out there in my description but as you can see we went from very rough rocks to really nice smooth shiny looking beautiful gemstones thanks for watching 1881 and MF and Little Debbie Does on the life busting channel we're raw counting it this summer folks check this stuff out it's so cool if you're gonna get into Rock County just remember it takes time that's if you're gonna get into tumbling it takes it takes a month people and you got to be patient and runs 24/7 so if you think you're buying this for your kid and they're gonna do it over the weekend it's it's kind of a long-term thing so know what you're getting into but you can see what we're getting out of it and we're not patient so if we can do it you can do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: LifeBuzzN
Views: 641,997
Rating: 4.83254 out of 5
Keywords: Gemstone, Gemstone Tumbling, Gemstone Polishing, Rock Polishing, Rock Tumbler, Thumler's Tumbler, 15 lb Heavy Duty Tumbler, Rock Hound
Id: 2dfc-IJRi0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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