How to make Hebrew National all beef franks at home

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have you ever wanted to make your own hotdogs or at least know how hot dogs are made well in today's video we're gonna be making our version of Hebrew Nationals all beef franks from scratch I'm gonna take you through the whole process let's get started the first thing we want to do is get some beef and some beef fat you can use any cut of beef when you make hot dogs and because the beef that I'm using is relatively lean I'm gonna be adding fat to it I don't want my fat content in this particular project to exceed about 20% this is what our processed beef is gonna look like and I'm basically just getting this ready for the grinder the first thing I want to do is make sure that my meat is completely chilled so into the freezer it goes and we're gonna leave it in there for about 45 minutes this is gonna bring the temperature down to below 35 degrees and that's what we're looking for we want to keep it partially frozen below 35 degrees that's absolutely perfect let's go ahead and grind it now if you've ever tried to grind a beef fat it's relatively hard fat so we're gonna start with a 10 millimeter plate and between each grind I'm gonna go ahead and partially freeze my meat I'm gonna grind it again on a four and a half millimeter plate and then we're gonna give it a third grind on a three millimeter plate and if it's partially frozen each time your grind is gonna come out clean your fats not gonna be smeared each one of those strains of meat is gonna be independent like spaghetti see that that's exactly what we're looking for and just so you're aware you can follow these exact same techniques if you're doing a pork or pork and beef combination hotdog this just happens to be all beef let's look at our spices I'll have the recipe a link in the description box below but we got mustard powder mace coriander smoked paprika we got all kinds of really great stuff we want to have ice-cold water available now technically a hot dog is an emulsified sausage and in order to make an emulsified sausage you really need to have a sharp blade on your food processor most people don't have that so you end up with your meat too much air goes into it so I'm gonna show you how to make a semi emulsified hot dog with your KitchenAid stand mixer and trust me you're never gonna know the difference it's gonna be amazing so we're gonna add our seasonings to our triple browned meat and we're gonna begin to slowly add that ice-cold water that I just waters gonna do a couple things it's gonna keep the temperature of the meat low and it's gonna help act as a binder for our sausage what about a medium or medium high I'm gonna go ahead and mix that farce until it's well mixed it's gonna be really sticky it's gonna look mostly homogeneous you are gonna see some white specks of beef fat and that's totally okay we're gonna move on to the next step as we prepare to stuff our hotdogs stuffing the farce into the casing is relatively straightforward we want to slam our meat into the hopper of our sausage stuffer ensuring there's no air pockets and then we're gonna go ahead and get our casings ready in this particular case we're gonna be using cellulose casings these particular casings aren't edible and they're designed for skinless sausages so you'll end up removing them after you've cooked your hotdogs this particular pack will do something like 35 pounds and they're super easy to use you don't need to soak them or do anything to prepare them you just go ahead and place them onto your funnel and you're ready to go so we're gonna go ahead and get our sausage stuffer ready we're using an electric sausage stuffer from the sausage maker this thing's amazing I'm turning the speed down to something like a three or two because I'm using such a small stuffing tube but as soon as that meat starts coming through we're just going to apply a little bit of pressure with our thumbs and allow our hot dogs to fill that casing very naturally I'm not squeezing it too too tight now that our meat has been stuffed let's go ahead and form our hotdogs in this particular case I'm gonna make them about a medium size and all we want to do is twist the first hotdog away from us and then the second hotdog we're going to mark it and then twist your hotdog towards you and you're gonna alternate the way that you twist your hotdog until you're completely finished so one will go away from you the other will go towards you and when you're done you're gonna have beautiful symmetrical hotdogs all held together by these wonderful twists and let's go ahead and cook I want to sous-vide these particular hotdogs now you can technically take these and stick them in some simmering water for about 15 minutes or so until the internal temperature reaches 135 or 140 for beef or 150 to 155 for pork but I like the control and the precision that I get from sous-vide cooking so I'm gonna place these in a vacuum sealed bag and allow them to Suvi at 135 degrees for roughly an hour and a half to two hours I like this method because it ensures that I don't overcook my Franks keeping them nice and juicy the entire time this is what our hotdogs are gonna look like after about 2 hours of Suvi cooking I'm gonna cool them down very very quickly in some ice water and our hotdogs are officially finished we could take these remove the wrapper freeze them for later use or better yet cook some up and enjoy the fruits of our labor [Music] you're not only gonna be blown away at the freshness and the flavors that come along with making your own hot dog but the peace of mind of knowing what's in it amazing thank you for watching this video and if you have any questions leave them in the comment section below if you're new we'd like to say welcome don't forget to subscribe like comment and share this video so other people can make hot dogs we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: 2 Guys & A Cooler
Views: 81,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kosher hot dogs, how to make Hebrew national all beef hot dogs, how to make hot dogs, Beef franks, Easy way to make hot dogs, emulsified sausage, party food, easy way to make sausage
Id: hGajUYayw14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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