How to make Red Pork Tamales

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to my kitchen today we're going to be making tamales i know there's a lot of different ways that people make them but today i'm going to show you the way that i make them and the way that i was taught by my mom so why don't we gather up our ingredients and let's get started let's get our meat cooking first because that's what takes the longest come join me and let's start this journey of making tamales we're going to start out by filling up a large stock boat with water this is about a 15 quart stock pot and we're going to fill it up a little bit more than halfway we want to make sure we have enough of the broth at the end to prepare the masa once we get the desired amount of water that we need we're going to place it on the burner we're going to turn it on high heat and while the water is heating up we're going to prepare the meat boil the meat we're gonna need the following ingredients we're gonna need four to five peppercorns four bay leaves one head of garlic and one onion cut in half i'm gonna be using about seven pounds of pork butt but you can also use chicken turkey or beef when selecting my meat i like to pick one that has bone in because it gives it so much more flavor now we're just gonna peel off the bag i'm to place it in a small stock pot and we're going to give it a good rinse before we start to cut it [Music] you can boil the meat whole but i like to cut mine because it makes the cooking process a lot faster if you select a piece with the bone in do your best to cut around the bone if it's a big piece like this one it's okay because once we're done cooking the meat the meat is just going to fall off the bone now we're going to add the meat into the pot along with the onion the garlic 4 bay leaves and the peppercorn we're also going to add 2 to 3 tablespoons of salt or you can also use chicken bouillon for more flavor set the temperature at high heat until it reaches the boiling point in a separate tank board stock pot i'm going to fill it up about 3 4 of the way with water i'm going to place it on the burner and before it reaches the boiling point i'm going to remove it from the burner set the stock pot on a wood cutting board so we don't damage the counter we're going to use this water to soak the corn husks the hot water is going to help the corn husk soften up and we're going to do this step ahead of time that way when we're ready to make the tamales the meat's ready and the masa is ready our cornhusks will be nice and soft and ready as well you can also soak your corn house in the sink use a sink stopper or a plug arrange your corn husks and pour the hot water that works great if you're making a large amount of tamales as i'm adding the corn house i'm also going to be removing visible big pieces of corn hair or any small corn huts that are not usable if you miss any of the corn hairs don't worry too much about that because we will be rinsing them off before we start to use them once we have the corn house in the stockpot place a heavy object over the corn husks using a plate a glass bowl or any heavy object to hold them down below the water level they should soak for at least 30 minutes but 2-3 hours is ideal if you're planning to make a large amount of tamales i would soak them overnight there's no heavier object than this mold i had this so i'm just going to set it on top for a few seconds just to get them down below water level i'm going to rearrange them to where they're all below the water level and once they're ready we're just going to set them aside until we're ready to use them when boiling your meat you're going to see a lot of this float to the top this is just protein from the meat that is the salt when you're boiling it this normally happens at the beginning when you first place the meat into the pot but you can just skim it off with a small spoon i'm gonna be making red tamales so for the sauce we're gonna be using three chile ancho's or also known as dry poblano peppers and i'm going to be using the new mexico chili peppers you can also use chili wajillo they tend to be a little bit more spicy than these but if you prefer your tamales a little bit spicy i will go with the wahiyo and if you want it really spicy you can also throw in a few chiles the edible as well first we're going to remove the seeds and the vines from both peppers i'm going to start out with the chile anchos these are a little bit more tough to remove the seeds because they tend to be a little bit more sticky but we're going to try to remove as much as we can and whatever we can we're going to rinse it off when we rinse them now we're going to move on to the new mexico chilies i'm going to use about 12 to 15 of these [Music] once we have all the seeds removed we're going to give them a good rinse i'm going to drain out the water and then fill it up with clean water preview we're going to add just enough water to cover the peppers and if you see any of the seeds flow to the top you can just remove them place it on the burner on high heat and before it reaches the boiling point remove it from the burner and let them soak for about 30 minutes [Music] once your meat reaches the boiling point we're going to turn it down to low medium heat then we're going to cover it and we're going to cook for another two hours then we'll come back and check on it you can also cook your meat in a slow cooker overnight if you want to have it ready for the morning [Music] it's been about two and a half hours now so now we're gonna check on our meat the way i check to see if my meat is ready i'm gonna take a fork then i'm going to take one of the pieces of meat and just gently press on it to see if it falls apart if it falls apart easily then that means your meat is ready [Music] and now that our meat is ready we're gonna move on to prepare the sauce our peppers have been soaking for a little bit over half an hour now they're nice and cool and they're nice and soft so we're gonna transfer everything into the blender along with the peppers i'm also gonna add a tablespoon of oregano four garlic cloves and a tablespoon of cumin to help blend the sauce we're gonna remove two cups of the broth from the pot and we're gonna add it to the blender then we're gonna blend until it's nice and smooth [Music] into the masa i'm gonna use three cups of the broth and i'm gonna add it directly into the blender that way we can get the remainder of the sauce that's still in there and now we're just gonna add that directly into the mixer with two tablespoons of baking powder one tablespoon of salt we don't want to add too much salt to the masa because we also added salt and chicken bouillon to the broth we're going to start out with a small amount of salt and if we need more at the end then we can always add more same thing with the broth we're going to start out with three cups and then we're going to mix it and see where we're at but i'm pretty sure we're going to need more of the broth since we're using 8 cups of masa when adding your broth make sure it's nice and warm we don't want it to be too hot when you're adding it and we're going to keep adding broth a little bit at a time as we need it we want a masa to be nice and soft we don't want it to be too firm because then it makes it hard to spread on the ojas we ended up using a total of six cups of the broth and we're just going to keep mixing it for a good 10 minutes with the mixer on medium speed until it's done i'm going to show you a trick on how you can check to see if your masa is ready you're going to need a small glass and you're going to fill it up with a little bit of water i'm going to take a small amount of masa in my hand and i'm going to roll it into a nice small ball of masa and i'm going to drop it into the glass after a few more minutes of mixing we're going to check the masa and see if it's ready i'm going to take a small amount and we're going to drop it into the glass and if it floats all the way to the bottom then we need to continue mixing but if it flows to the top then that means it's ready there's the one on the bottom from earlier and now this one is floating to the top so now it's ready and now we can continue to prepare the tamales before we begin we're going to rinse our ojas we're going to rinse them with clean water we're just going to remove any type of corn hair or any type of debris that may be stuck on the husk that way they can be nice and clean before we start if you come across small ojas set them aside that way we can use them to line the bottom of the stockpot and we're also going to be using them to cover the tamales at the end once we're all done once our husks are nice and clean we're going to proceed to fill the stock pot we're going to be using our musa tamalera and we're going to fill it up with water all the way to the rim of the lid make sure not to go past the rim using the small husk that we set aside we're going to line the bottom of the tamalera this will help hold in the moisture when we're cooking our tamales now that we have everything ready the masa is ready the meat's ready the opens are clean now it's time to make tamales when wrapping your tamales you want to pick a good oha that's nice and big like this one now we're going to take a good spoonful of the masa and add it right in the middle of the corn husk and we're going to spread it out like this with our spatula you want to make sure to cover most of the bottom of the oja just like this don't cover the tip at the end we're just going to do the middle portion like this and once we have the amount of masa that we want on there we're going to take a good spoonful of the meat and add it right in the middle of the corn burner and cook them on low medium heat for a good hour and a half to two hours it's been about two hours now so now we're going to check on the tamales and see if they're done when removing the lid be very careful because a lot of the steam comes out very hot and it can burn you make sure you use a mitt or something to remove the lid with i'm gonna move the ojas out of the way so we can pull out one of the tamales we can check it make sure to let it cool down for a little bit before you open it this is still a little bit hot but i'm going to go ahead and open it i can't wait any longer this has been way too much torture for me so i'm just going to open oh my gosh this smells so delicious i wish you could smell this these turned out amazing i guess i am going to have to wait a little bit because this is still way too hot but just by the smell of it i know it's going to be so delicious i can't wait to try it and if you give this recipe a try let me know how you like it in the comments share with your friends and family and let them in on some of these delicious recipes and if you haven't subscribed to my channel hit that subscribe button and don't forget to hit the little bell so you can get notifications every time i upload a new video and like always thank you so much for stopping by and i'll see you on another day with another recipe thank you so much for watching preview [Music] preview [Music]
Channel: Salty Cocina
Views: 134,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, #imusamoments, #imusa, #tamales, #authentic, #mexicanfood
Id: hWQrUlvufWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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