How to make Green Chile Verde Chicken Tamales Easy Recipe They're so moist!

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for those of you that don't like pork tamales today I'm making tamales veres de poo chicken tamales are so delicious and you're going to love this recipe cheers we're going to start off by cooking our chicken but first i'm going to be blending eight garlic cloves in one cup of water and we're going to add this mixture when we cook the chicken this is what my mom taught me so that your chicken flavor is not too strong but if you don't mind that you can always just skip the step I've set my pot on high heat with six quarts of water as you can see the water is now boiling I'm going to add the mixture now I'm going to add in the chicken I'm using a total of 6 lb and it's a mixture of breath with bone and thighs and I'm also going to add one whole onion one garlic head two bay leaves 1 teaspoon of whole black pepper and 1 tbsp of salt mix and wait for it to boil it's been 5 minutes if you see any foam forming on top just remove it then we lower the heat to medium cover it up and cook for 35 minutes while the chicken is cooking we're going to fire roast three Anaheim peppers and two poano Peppers once roasted on all sides we're going to add them to a bag so they can sweat now we're going to work on our salsa I set my pot with some water and I'm going to boil 12 tomatillos along with one jalapeno and two Sano Peppers we boil for about 5 minutes okay it's been 5 minutes they're ready I'm going to transfer them into the blender and I'm also going to add three garlic cloves half of a small white onion the poblano peppers and the Anaheim Peppers I've already removed all the seeds some cilantro here I have half a teaspoon of cumin half a teaspoon of oregano and half a teaspoon of black pepper 1 tbspoon of chicken buan and last half a cup of the water from where we boiled the tomatillos now we blend it's been an hour our chicken is now ready I'm going to remove it from the pot wait for it to cool down so we can shred it I like to shred the chicken with the fork because it's still warm that way I don't burn my fingers make sure that you remove all the little bones cuz there's some little bones in there and I also like to remove all the skin now let's start preparing our chicken filling I Set My Pan on medium heat and I'm going to add some oil oil is now hot I'm going to add half of a small white onion and we fry for about a minute next we add the chicken mix after about a minute we add in the salsa once it's all mixed this is a perfect time to check if you need more chicken boyya my needs a little bit more so I'll be adding two additional teaspoons mix it in lower the heat let it Timmer for about 3 minutes then we turn it off and set it to the side now here comes the fun part making the masa for my Masa I'm going to be using my stand mixer but you can use a handheld mixer or just mix it by hand I'm going to start by adding 1 and 1/2 cups of lard we set the speed to medium and beat for 5 minutes after 5 minutes I'm going to decrease the speed to the lowest setting and add 5 tpoon of baking powder and 1 teaspoon of salt now we can start adding the Masa I'm going to be using a total of six cups of Masa four cups of broth and two 2 three cups of water we're going to be adding them slowly one by one we add one cup of Masa and one cup of broth slowly so we add Masa broth once we run out of the broth we start adding the warm water so we add one cup of Masa and one cup of water remember your water and your broth need to be warm once all the ingredients are in we're going to increase the speed to medium and mix for 15 minutes it's it's actually been 20 minutes our Masa is ready this is how it should look now we're going to cover it up set it to the side and let it rest for 15 minutes I've left my hus soaking in water for a couple of hours and now all I'm doing is patting them dry to get rid of any excess water and once they're ready we can start making our tamales we're going to be adding the Masa on the soft side not on the Rough Side okay we add the Masa and we spread it I don't like the males that have thick Masa so I just spread a thin layer and then we add the chicken you can add as much as you'd like once we add the chicken we fold one side and then the other one and then the tail we just flip it up just like that and we keep doing the same for the rest of the tamales we add the Masa the chicken and we close it just like that with this amount of chicken made about 30 tamales okay now we're going to add the tamales into the pot but first I'm going to put in the steamer so then we add water just below the steamer because we don't want the water to cover the steamer so that should be enough next we add some of the remaining husks and we're adding these so that it can hold the tamales and they don't fall into the water we place them and make sure they're standing and then we do it all around the pot once they're all in we add more husk on top place them just like that last I'm going to place a rag close it up and this is just so that the steam doesn't come out we set the heat to medium and cook for 2 hours it's been 2 hours and our tamales are now ready okay let me just grab some this part be very careful because they're extremely hot after we let them cool off for a couple of minutes we're going to open one up and they should slide off the husk these look perfect okay let's open another one so we can try them and like I said when your tamales are ready they need to fall off the husk just like that they smell delicious guys if you could smell it here I have some Salita ver all right guys Moment of Truth I've been waiting for this moment cuz I'm so hungry so cheers they're so delicious these are as good as por tamales if you guys don't like pork tamales try these you won't be disappointed and and with this Salita they're even better you can also Adda Mexicana queso but for me this is just perfect and there you have it Delicious Tamales veres [Music] poo
Channel: Love Kari Cooking
Views: 15,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy tamales recipe, tamal, tamale, chicken tamales, mexican food, homemade tamales, green chile tamales, tamales, cooking, food trends, viral recipe, tamale recipe, green chicken tamales, tamales verdes, tamales verdes de pollo, chicken tamales recipe easy, green tamales, tamal verde, chicken tamales recipe authentic, chile verde, authentic mexican tamales, como hacer tamales, tamales receta facil, tamales receta, tamal recipe, recipe for tamales
Id: TSnF7u34AUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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