Step by Step Tamale Recipe Prepared in the Crockpot & Instant Pot

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hello everyone and welcome back to our kitchen today we're gonna prepare tamales whenever you hear the words let's make tamales you know it's gonna take all day but today we're gonna break it up into two days we're gonna start by preparing the meat the night before and for that we're gonna prepare it in the crock pot we're gonna be making beef tamales but keep in mind that you can prepare this recipe with pork or chicken and for this we're going to use various kinds of chiles so we're going to use about 13 to 16 chile guajillos i'm using quite a bit because these are fairly small between 13 and 15 give or take and the best way to tell if the chiles are fresh is that they're nice and pliable like this if they're crunchy and hard that means they're quite old so you want to get the ones that are still nice and pliable and uh two chile anchors the chile guajillo and the chile anchors are not spicy but both of them add a lot of color and flavor to the dish and they look like prunes and they're quite hard they smell like prunes we rinse these prior to uh putting them on the plate so so we can just remove the seeds once we're we're done the same with the chili and just a little you know just a nice little cleaning because they do go through a whole process when they're shipped to the store when they get to the store and when they get to your hands and last would be i would say like a bunch of chile but these are super spicy a little trick when you're buying chiles when you purchase them they have bags that don't have the stem and then they also have bags with the peppers that still have the stem if you want them extra spicy pick the ones that still have the stem on just a little trick if you want it super spicy all right so now we're going to get started by cleaning the peppers and then we're going to lightly toast them i like to use a paper towel so we can place all the seeds and the stems no you go ahead i can do it by hand my hands are used to spicy but these we're not gonna take out the seeds we're just gonna remove the stems and these are pretty much pretty easy if you have some kitchen scissors that you use only for the kitchen that's the ones that you use for you know your cheetos you cut the stem off you just slice it down the middle and you can do this by hand too but i kind of like do it because it's a little bit faster you empty out those little seeds seeds just fall right off so you i have to just kind of pull them up there you go that's it right there and we'll just continue with the rest these are very tricky to remove because these are very hard so you definitely want to use the scissors for these i'm just going to remove the stem and kind of open it and just take out the seeds okay i'm going to cut these into small pieces when we take them over to the stove to toast them they're going to toast a lot faster and more evenly to about one inch pieces and i'm going to do the same with this one the chilis that are we're going to leave just as they are and it's always so much easier when you have somebody to help you make them on this when i make tamales i usually just um break it break it up into sessions like we're doing today because it makes it so much easier and a lot less stressful you prepare the meat ahead of time and then the rest is just easy peasy because now yeah all you have to do is prepare the the masa and then the tamales and to cook the tamales we're going to cook them in a instant pot so this is what we have so far and it may seem like a lot but it's really going to add a lot of flavor to them to that dish now when we uh toast these we're also gonna toast along with the peppers we're also gonna toast the garlic which i have about one head of garlic right here um this is about half a head of the garlic because these are super big look how big these are so we're just going to remove the husk and we're going to add them in with the peppers so this is the mandica that we rendered from the chicharrones that we made on the previous video so if you haven't seen it and want to know how to make the manteca or little art just go to the previous video subscribe you got to subscribe to get these videos up but it's on the previous video that way you can kind of see how we made the large because this is going to be the flavor for your tamales this is the key to making the the best tasting tamales it's not the beef it's not the masa it's not the chile all right so we're gonna melt about a tablespoon of manteca and we're gonna wait maybe even less we don't need that much roasting the peppers and the onion and the garlic is just gonna add more flavor to the sauce because it's gonna bring out the flavor when i make them the traditional way i add the peppers into the pot so some of that flavor can stay in the broth because i use the broth later on to prepare the masa but since we won't have a whole lot of broth i'm going to show you a trick on how you can make the masa come out a little bit red and it has a little bit of color to it so now that this is melted we're going to turn it down a little bit you don't want it to be too hot because then your peppers will burn so we're going to start by adding the onion first because that's what's going to take a little bit longer to toast because this is so big i'm going to use half an onion i'm gonna add a little bit just to see how hot it is perfect all right let's add the onion we're gonna wait a few seconds and then we're gonna add in the peppers and last we're going to add the garlic because these take less time to fry now to fry the peppers you can also use vegetable oil of course but samanthaka adds more flavor to this so you have the manteca so now i'm gonna add in the peppers and once you add in the peppers you want to frequently move it because you don't want these peppers to burn if they do burn you're going to end up with the bitter sauce and the leafy you don't want that this is just going to bring out the flavor of the peppers and it's going to make your sauce a lot tastier and as you can see it's already starting to release some of the color and that flavor now we're going to add in the garlic add in the garlic just gonna saute these for about 30 more seconds we're gonna add about four cups of water or enough water to where all the peppers are completely submerged in the water then we're going to bring to a simmer so this is starting to reach a light simmer so now we're just going to turn it off and while this is cooling down we're going to prepare the meat for the tamales all right so we're going to go ahead and cut our meat for our tamales and there's no right or wrong way to cut the meat i mean you can cut it in chunks you can cut it into pieces it's gonna get shredded so like i said there's no right or wrong way to cut this so you can't go wrong we're gonna use between six to seven pounds of chuck roast we purchased this particular meat at food city and it was labeled tamale meat but you can also use chicken pork or turkey and we're gonna use about six pounds of beef which i'm hoping everything fits in the crock pot we don't get stingy with the meat on the tamales and we like a lot of meat on that thermometer sauce we're also gonna need chicken bouillon this one is optional you can substitute it with beef bouillon tomato bouillon or salt and this is to your liking and we're also gonna need one tablespoon of cumin about eight peppercorns but before we begin to prepare the sauce i'm gonna grind the peppercorns smells good okay that should be enough just like that all right so now we're gonna add everything into the blender now these are not completely cooled down but we're gonna add them to the blender and as we're blending them we're gonna remove the top so it can breathe and we don't have any accidents [Music] [Music] so now we're gonna add the chicken bouillon which is about three to four tablespoons and the peppercorns and the cumin okay so now we're gonna place it on the blender and we're gonna blend we're gonna slightly remove this just so we don't have any accidents now it's gonna get really loud [Laughter] [Music] all right so the sauce is done okay the sauce turned out a little bit spicy but that's okay because that's how we that's how we want it okay is that good enough yeah that's good that's good i'm gonna put a layer of it's all going to fit this is a six quart right yes six and we're making what six pounds yes [Music] i'm gonna reserve a little bit of the sauce in a container so we can use it to prepare the masala tomorrow and then we're gonna add about three faves so let's get this covered seal it in because we don't want anybody opening it up but it's nice and sealed in we're gonna put it at high high and then once we go to bed we're gonna put it on low and we're gonna leave it on all night the meat has been cooking for about 13 to 14 hours before going to bed we completely forgot to turn it down to low but as you can see the meat is perfectly fine and it's cooked to perfection this is one of the reasons why i love to use crock pots because you can completely forget about it and it will still be fine now if they can only make one that it's twice the size of this one using two thongs or two forks shred the meat turn it down to warm and keep it covered while we prepare the ojas and the masa to soak the ojas i'm gonna use my sink you can also use a large bowl or a large pot fill the sink with enough water to where all the ojas are completely submerged in the water once you're done separating them place a heavy object over the ojas to ensure that they're completely submerged in the water i'm gonna use a liner for the sink but you can also use a heavy pot or anything that has a little bit of weight to it we're gonna let these soak for about 30 minutes in the hot water and right before we begin to prepare the tamales we're going to place them in a strainer to drain out the excess this is about a quart of manteca which is about four cups of manteca and this is the one that we rendered from the chicharrones so we're going to start by adding the lard to the bowl and this may seem like a lot of mandica but it's really going to add a lot of flavor to the tamales and you can measure it out or you can just add it to the bowl and we're gonna mix it until it's nice and fluffy to mix it since we made the meat in the crock pot we don't have the broth from the pot so we're gonna use store-bought broth i have six fourteen ounce cans in here and before we begin to prepare the masa i'm going to heat up four cups in the microwave so the broth is nice and hot and since we still have a little bit of the mandica in the jar i am going to add a little bit of the broth in here [Music] all right so now we're going to add this to the bowl and we're going to add about three to four tablespoons of baking powder two three four we are making 15 cups so make sure you add plenty since the broth i'm using already has salt i'm only going to add two tablespoons of salt and if we need more we can always add more but start out with a little bit don't start out with too much salt because then you can't take it away once it's in there so now we're going to add in the masa these are this is 15 cups of masa [Applause] we're gonna go big i'm going to use the spatula because it has a lot of thick on it so we're going to mix this first and then that's going to determine how much broth we need to add we started out with um one cup so far for the jar and we're gonna mix this first until it has a crumbly texture we're gonna use a heavy duty wooden spoon because it makes it easier to stir i'm going to add the sauce that i set aside yesterday and we're going to add the water as well okay so far we've used two cups two cups and we're gonna mix there's two more do i need two more cups yeah we're going to need four more i'm gonna warm it if you want to want the froth here comes the broth two cups there we go okay i'll mix nine cups of broth for 15 cups of masa this masa is ready and we're going to start by filling up this attachment steamer for the instant pot because we're going to cook a few in the instant pot pick out an oha here okay and when you add the masa to the oha you want to add it to the smoother side of the oja the rougher part is going to go on the outer part so i'm going to start by taking about a fourth of a cup of masa and just spreading it out over the the ohana see how nice and smooth that goes on and just spreading it out towards the bottom part of the oja you don't want to get it on this part because that's the part that we're going to fold and if you need more you can always add more of course just as long as the bottom part is completely covered we're just going to add meat to the middle you can make them as meaty as you'd like and just kind of seal the top and then we're going to place it and the little attachment standing up this way with this part facing the the wall and look at the size of this oha when they're this size i like to make twins let me show you how i do that and rub it on one side spread the masa on the bottom portion because it's so big seems like just a waste of oja just to make one tamale so we make twin tamales that's what i call them at least two tamales in one okay everything's covered okay knead to one side here and then we fold it over and then go to the other side and add me on this side and fold it over and now we meet at the middle fold it over and now you have two tamales in one twinsies stand it up right there and then we're just going to continue until we fill that one up this muscle smells really good all right let me get the insta pot ready all right so i'm just gonna make this last one right yeah i think that's that way they're not all bunched up how many is in there like a dozen maybe like a dozen yeah about seven it works great when you're making sweet tamales when i make sweet tamales i don't make a whole lot because not everybody likes the sweet ones they like the savory ones i add about a cup of water to the instant pot and then we're going to add in the steamer insert with the tamales i'm going to fold it over right there so we can get the lid on this should be good and then we're gonna close it there we go back here manual for 16 we're going to do 60 minutes [Music] the timer will begin once the instant pot builds enough pressure it should take an equal from 15 to 20 minutes once the cooking process is done you can allow the ends to pot to do a natural release but if you can't wait to have these delicious tamales move the little nozzle on the top to release the steam before removing the lid remove the tamales from the instant pot and place them on a plate and allow them to cool down for about 10 minutes before removing the husk the one cup of water we used was the perfect amount of water to steam the tamales but since we're making quite a bit we're going to steam the remainder of the tamales in the regular steamer you can also freeze some of the uncooked tamales and use them at a later time i usually wrap them in aluminum foil but you can also use a freezer safe bag and when you're ready to use them you can use the instant pot to steam them and have them ready within 30 minutes to an hour by freezing them uncooked you will not lose any of the flavor of the tamales and they will taste just like if you had just prepared them that day i hope you enjoyed watching this video and found it useful and if you did give us a big thumbs up thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in our next video with a different recipe [Music] you
Channel: Salty Cocina
Views: 39,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E4vfA6MZWr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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