How To Make PROFESSIONAL T-Shirt Mockups For Your Clothing Brand Or Print Shop

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[Music] today we're talking about how to make killer realistic mock-ups making high-quality mock-ups is super important whether you're a clothing brand or a print shop and it's not something that you want to cut corners with if you're a clothing brand it kind of lets you test and tune your designs and ideas before sending them off to your print shop and of course for your print shop it allows you to send off a mock-up to your client beforehand so that they can check it out sign off on it that way they know exactly what they're gonna get and you and your crew know exactly what you're gonna make and because these type of mockups are so high quality and so close to the real thing they can have a whole bunch of other valuable uses too like using them as social media posts to kind of gauge interest in a design before actually making it you can use them as product photos on your website in a pinch it's crazy how many uses these things actually have so without any more delay let's get into it so the first thing you want to do is go to a website called and i've also linked all the stuff we're using today in the description below to just make it way easier for you but if you're not using my link and go in there the long way then just go up to the top search bar and type t-shirt you'll see t-shirt mock-up design t-shirt mock-up bundle all kinds of stuff pop up right away and now you can see we've got all kinds of different t-shirt mock-ups to choose from and yes this does require a little bit of an upfront investment but it is very cheap very worth it it will pay for itself within the first hour that you own it i will guarantee you that i've been doing this for a very long time and i'm going to tell you right now that trying to make these type of templates on your own it just isn't worth it man i know how to make these things very well and it takes a lot of time a lot of effort and a lot of photoshop knowledge to be able to get them at a high level like these are and the cost versus time thing it just doesn't add up you could spend multiple hours even an entire day creating just one of these mock-up templates i'm not kidding it takes that long or you could spend a little tiny bit of money and get to work right away and the return on your investment is going to come back almost immediately so it's a much smarter move anyway so we've typed in t-shirt mock-up and you can see there's all kinds of stuff to choose from here now if you're looking to only spend a little bit of money i'm gonna go ahead and direct you towards this one for 15 bucks i've used this one before it works fantastic and i've linked it down in the description below for you if you're looking to spend a little bit more this is what i use in my shop now it's this one right here for 70 bucks the amount of value you get out of this thing for 70 bucks is absolutely insane like the people who are selling this for only that much money gotta be out of their minds because they're seriously like seven eight thousand dollars worth of mock-ups in this bundle and i'm not you it's crazy there are thousands of them inside of this package and i know how this is already coming across no i'm not sponsored by these people i honestly have zero idea who they are but i bought this kit a long time ago when i was kind of struggling coming up and dude the return on my investment was crazy i've made so much money off of owning this kit now that just trust me if you can hack it this is the way to go i mean you can see this thing's got a ton of different mockups in it but the coolest thing about this pack is these mock-up templates are made with the actual shirts that you would buy like look at this list anvil a.s color bella canvas all the stuff it's all the actual shirts the actual models that you would use for your clothing brand or sell to your customers so you can make your mock-ups to the exact spec that you would see in real life later on down the road each different shirt hoodie jacket whatever you're using has front and back views and there's also three or four different angles of each of those views as well in there which makes this thing extremely versatile and they also update it very regularly it seems like every couple weeks or once a month they're adding a bunch of new stuff to it and you don't have to pay for it you buy this thing once and all the updates come for free forever so i bought this thing four years ago for 70 bucks and i've probably gotten like two or three hundred new mock-ups since then so again if you can add this one to your collection don't hesitate just do it i've linked it in the description below for you it's amazing all right so we got photoshop open now and we've got one of these templates opened up this is a template for a bella canvas 3001 t-shirt this is the t-shirt that i use for my clothing brand probably 90 of the time so we're gonna get a pretty accurate representation of what the real life thing is going to be so let's run through the basics really quick it doesn't matter if you're using this exact template or if you're using a different one that you got they're all going to be very similar the layout is going to be the same and the same steps are going to apply so we've got our design layer here on top that's pretty self-explanatory we've got a layer for our tag so we can get rid of that thing if we want to there's also a layer for a custom tag we're going to come back and mess with that later for sure um we've got a folder here containing all of our textures or highlights or shadows there's also another artwork layer which is just linked to the original artwork layer but we're gonna come back and mess with that too the highlights layer definitely we're messing with um the fabrics click on that you can see here we can change the shirt color to whatever we want really really quickly really really easily and the cool thing again about this template pack is it actually comes with the legit shirt colors for that brand so if we're going to use say a bella in canvas whatever color they have that season it's gonna be in there and you're gonna be able to match it exactly so that's pretty cool or you can just freestyle it using the color picker like so and then the last couple layers here is just the shadows there's like a shadow you can see you can hardly see it there's a shadow kind of a drop shadow behind the t-shirt and then there is the background layer the same thing you can double click on that thing and we can change the background color to whatever we want we're going to leave it white because i generally don't use the background layer at all later on down the road and you'll see why all right so let's start making a shirt here the first thing we're going to do is we're going to double click the design layer this brings us into a smart object so that means it just opens up a different window you can see there's the stock design here's a little placement guide this is a really cool thing about this pack so it makes this a whole lot easier um we're going to delete the stock design because that thing sucks and we're going to open up adobe illustrator here and i'm just going to copy and paste a design over into photoshop boom and i'm gonna scale this thing accordingly and kind of just gotta do a little bit of guesswork here some eyeballing work so this looks about right for a chest print we're gonna do a left chest print and a back print on this shirt design so yeah that looks about right i'm gonna kind of shift this thing around using the arrow keys to get the placement exactly where i want it and i think that's looking pretty good right there um so that's pretty much it we just gotta make sure we hide the placement guide now and the way smart objects work is you have to save it for it to show back up in the other window so i'm just going to hit command and s and that will save it real quick we can close this thing out now and boom there we go there's our front design laid out on the shirt so from this distance you can't really tell what's actually going on with this thing it probably just looks like i placed a design on top of a photo of a shirt and you're thinking why the hell would i pay any money for that but when we zoom in on this thing really really tight you can see now there is shirt texture in our design you can see it's blending in with the shirt this looks like it was screen printed now it looks like a discharge print to me and that's what those added layers are doing the highlights layer the shadows layer the displacement maps behind the scenes they're giving it that realism these type of flat lay photos aren't the best representation of this because there's really no dimension in these things so i actually made another mock-up using one of their hanging templates here and this is where you can see the realism you can see this thing's got wrinkles in it right and if we zoom in on it you can see this design these leaves aren't curled in in the design these things are flat and straight they're now curling up and around those wrinkles of the shirt giving you that realistic look let's continue onward here i'm going to go back to my original shirt we're working on and we're going to do some tweaking we're going to open up that textures folder like i said earlier and we're going to mess with the highlights this is something that basically every mock-up in existence has in common is that the highlights layer is always overpowering it's always way too crazy i don't know it's just it's just the way they're made i've made a bunch myself and they turned out the same way i'm not sure exactly what the phenomenon is called but for some reason the highlights layer always blows out dark colors it's always just way too much this shirt you know it's black it doesn't really look black to me this shirt looks like well it's black but it looks like it's been washed about 4 000 times so we're just going to go and click that highlights layer and go up to our opacity little slider here we're just going to turn that down a little bit just to kind of give this some more of a new shirt look i think i'm going to turn it down to like 70 and that looks a lot better maybe we can go down let's go to like 68. cool now that looks a lot more like a new shirt to me that's much much nicer and you see too when we zoom back in we still have all of our texture and stuff in the design it doesn't really mess with that too much almost there we just got a couple more things to do when you get rid of this bella canvas tag because we're making pro shirts and pro shirts don't have manufacturer tags we want our own tag in there so i'm going to turn on the custom tag layer and i'm going to click and open that folder and double click this one here that says custom tag design this is going to open up another smart object window kind of like the main design thing did earlier and i'm gonna copy and paste my tag design into here boom and we're gonna get rid of the design that came in there and we're definitely gonna have to do some tweaking to this because it's covering like every bit of real estate inside this window and i know that's going to cause problems because of the way the original tag looked so i'm actually going to save this and let's go back and look at it and see what we got to do so yeah you can see we got most of the top side of the design is getting cut off by the color here and it's just way too big yeah this is this is wrong in pretty much every way so let's go back into that layer and i'm going to hit command t to resize it and i'm going to hold the option key here and i'm just going to drag it down that's going to like scale it down to the center and probably like there i would imagine is pretty good i'm going to bring it down all the way to the bottom as well just because this tag covers a ton of vertical real estate so we don't want to go back into that caller again so that looks pretty good let's command s and save it go back in there and yeah that looks really good we can actually let's scale it back up a little bit because i feel like in real life it's going to definitely be a little bit bigger than that we got a little bit extra room to play with so let's put it like there and that should probably be good yeah there we go that's perfect now so that's it that's the front side of our shirt done dialed it's looking good we're gonna do the back side of the shirt now which is basically the same process over again but if you're a brand new total beginner to photoshop and maybe i'm moving a little bit too fast for you then now would be a good time to mention our video sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community filled with thousands of killer classes to help you learn all kinds of creative skills obviously we're working in photoshop here today and they happen to have an insane amount of classes covering pretty much every possible topic you could want to know in photoshop ranging from the total beginner to the experienced pro if you're beginner to intermediate level at photoshop then i highly recommend this course by daniel scott i took this thing a very long time ago and it really helped me hit the ground running when it came time to do this as a business and since they're sponsoring today's video skillshare is giving away a free trial membership to the first 1000 of you guys who join up using the link down in the description below so make sure to check that out i can't recommend it enough it has helped me greatly in this business all right sponsorship stuff's out of the way let's continue on we're here so let's open up the back view of our shirt and we're basically going to repeat the process over again but i'm going to move a little bit faster this time because we already kind of did it so we're going to open up our design layer double click that thing to open the smart object let's delete that stock design out of there and turn our placement guide on and i'm going to go into adobe illustrator here and copy my design so command c and we're going to paste it in there with command v let's scale it down now this design is probably the worst possible color for this placement guide because i can't see right now so i'm just going to use the outer box to kind of figure out where i'm at so that looks pretty good on width typically like a design like this would be anywhere between 12 to 14 inches wide on an adult sized shirt so i typically run like 12 13 range so that looks about right to me and it would normally be about four inches down from the collar so i think we're a little bit high here i'm gonna pull it down to like there and i'm gonna center it up that looks pretty good to me so let's turn off our placement guide command s to save close that window boom there it is nailed it on the first shot that looks really good um and again we got to turn down that highlight layer so click on that and turn it down to i think we did 68 on the front view so yeah yeah that looks good and that's it that's the back of our shirt done so from here you have two options the first is you could be done you could export this as a jpeg and start laying out your clothing brand collection or send this off to a client whatever or you could go one step further and make like a nice backdrop to put these things on something branded something it's gonna be like a nice presentation to your client or just to yourself and that's the way we do things around here because you know we are who we are so we're gonna make one of those real quick okay so i've got a new window opened up in photoshop this is actually a template that i made a little while back just to speed this process up a little bit we've got different layers for stuff we've got a layer with the text we've got a layer with the shapes which are just these little lines right here and we've got a layer with the background so that we can quickly change the text if we have to quickly change the colors of stuff all that and we'll get to that in a minute but we want to start off by going over to the front side of our shirt here and we want to create a new merged layer the reason why we want to create a new merged layer here is because we've got 10 plus layers of stuff going on in here and if we try to move all this over to that background the way that it is that stuff is not going to stay lined up and it's also going to be a massive pain in the ass to try and resize things move them around all that how to do that is uh well first we're going to turn off the background layers real quick because we don't want to bring those over there so let's turn that off let's turn off that shadows layer and we want to bring over just this image of the shirt so we're going to go up to the very top layer here the design layer and we're going to go down to the very bottom which is the last available layer is the shirt color layer hold shift and click and that selects all the available layers that we have here and you're going to hit option command and e i believe it's alt control e on a pc and uh yeah so that creates a new layer over top of everything with everything all flattened out into one image which is going to make our lives much easier to deal with and we're just going to drag this straight over into our template right now and obviously it's way too huge so let's bring that down to like now 5.5 inches tall for now yeah good enough so we're going to do the same thing of the back image of our shirt let's turn off these background layers turn off the shadows grab our bottom layer grab our top layer hold shift option command e boom and let's drag that over to our backdrop cool same thing it's way too huge and let's just kind of position these things half-assed for now because we're going to add some more stuff into here so i'm going to go back over to illustrator real quick and grab my little little template here for the swatches this is something that we add into all of our presentations whether it's logo presentation mock-ups whatever to show the pantones that this thing is made of to the client so i pre-set this thing up for for this use today we've got our two pantone colors in there and the shirt color at the very end so i'm gonna grab that copy that over let's get that kind of sized accordingly which probably right around there looks pretty good to me let's find the center oh right there perfect sweet let's start dialing in this text because yeah that's looking gross so let's start off with the shape layer this these little lines i think those should be the gold color of the shirt so let's go in our color libraries make sure it's the same pantone probably the eyedropper i'll grab it yep 7562 right on the money and we'll do the same with the text and get this kind of cream stone-ish color we got going on here well that eyedropper is just nailing it today so that already looks a lot better i still have to position and scale these shirts around a bit but i want to deal with the background first so yeah we need to fill that up with something that's boring back there so i'm going to grab the grab just the rogue logo and put it back there really huge i think let's go ahead and paste that into our background layer let's blow that up massive like right around there because i don't want to interfere with those little golden lines so that's cool and let's turn the opacity way down like 13 13 right on the money that looks great um so yeah that's pretty good just got to get these shirts sized and positioned right and we're done so i think they're a little bit small right now so i'm just going to go and change those to six inches tall rather than five and a half and let's get them kind of centered up between all this stuff so right there looks really good to me let's actually bring this out a little bit and right around there yeah i'm good with that so that's it we created a super clean professional level mock-up here of course we went a few steps further and created our own little backdrop to put it onto just in case we're going to send this out to a client for approval and really want to impress them and actually this is what i would send to a client if we were doing a one design type of shirt like this and there's really not a whole lot involved it would be visually pretty much the same thing the only things i would add in there is usually the shirt model that we're going to use and the size breakdown just so that they sign off on everything and everyone's on the same page but otherwise this is most of the way there if i was printing a whole collection for somebody however then that's a whole other thing it's way crazier much more pro looking maybe i'll show you guys that thing one day maybe not maybe i want to keep some stuff to myself i can tell you it's really badass though but as for making the actual mock-ups as you saw it's incredibly easy to do and it doesn't matter whether you're making a t-shirt mock-up you're making a hoodie mock-up a hat or a freaking beer bottle it really doesn't matter these skills that you learned here today will carry forward with you that's it you guys please if you learned something here today hit the thumbs up button for me it really helps get these things out to more people if you have any questions drop a comment for me down below i'll be answering all those as per usual subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you again in the next one [Music]
Channel: Lee Stuart
Views: 30,457
Rating: 4.9360223 out of 5
Keywords: lee stuart, leestuart38, shirt mockup, shirt mockup tutorial, t-shirt mockup, t-shirt mockup photoshop tutorial, how to t shirt mockup, professional mockup, clothing brand, mockup, mockup photoshop tutorial, screen printing, t shirt printing, how to create t-shirt mockup in photoshop, realistic t shirt mockup photoshop, realistic mockup photoshop, how to create product mockups, easy mockup photoshop, beginner photoshop tutorials, mockup design
Id: Al9dG7pRNXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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